Fuuka Koyuki couldn't keep Naruto because she knew that his goal was to become the Hokage and the most powerful ninja in the village.

How could she keep a man with dreams and ideals? She just hoped that he would come to find her in three years and visit the Snow Country. By then, the Snow Country might become the Spring Country.

Fuuka Koyuki was flirting with little Naruto. Bai saw it and was very anxious.

Although little Naruto was dazed and didn't seem to notice Fuuka Koyuki's strange feelings for him.

But even so, Bai was still very anxious.

Only she was a man before, so she couldn't express her admiration for Naruto.

Even though she has become a girl now, but... it's still so strange.

She was really embarrassed to take the initiative to kiss Naruto like Fuuka Koyuki did.

Unless Naruto took the initiative to tease her, it would be difficult for Bai to take the initiative. But how could a 20-year-old idiot like Naruto tease her?


After the incident in the Snow Country was over, the four of them planned to sink the ship and return to Konoha.

At this time, the Santa Lady presented Naruto with a gift from the Snow Country, some valuable gold and silver. Although it was not much, it was able to express the Snow Country's feelings.

The Santa Lady smiled and said,"Naruto-kun, the Snow Country would like to invite you to be the consort. Although the princess, no, now the queen, I can see the feelings of Her Majesty the Queen for Naruto-kun, so I took the initiative to send a deposit on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen."

As for what kind of deposit it was, of course it was the dowry.

Little Naruto said blankly,"What is a consort?"

Sakura was already blushing at this time,"Fool, Naruto, a consort is... is……"

Naruto interrupted with a smile, as if he knew a lot,"He is a very powerful official, sure. Although I can't stay in the Snow Country forever, I can still come and see him occasionally to show off my power."

A majestic scene of himself appeared in his mind, and Naruto was so happy that he flew up."Hahaha, power, being an official, hahaha!" The third wife was stunned, and nodded reluctantly."It can be considered an official, second only to one person and above ten thousand people."

Bai was dumbfounded. [I was still hesitating, and the Queen of the Snow Country attacked Naruto? ]

Bai couldn't help but grab Naruto's arm, but couldn't say a word because he had no position.

Naruto looked at Bai strangely, and then said without hesitation,"Okay, I will be the prince consort, so I will accept the deposit for being an official without hesitation."

Although there was not much gold and silver, there were 20,000 taels, equivalent to 1 million RMB.

This money was indeed far from Asuma's head, 35 million taels.

But this is only a partial deposit. When little Naruto completes the three-year agreement, the entire Snow Country can be his.

The next generation of the Queen and little Naruto must be the future monarch of the Snow Country.

Seeing that little Naruto accepted it, the Santaifu left with satisfaction. He wanted to tell Fenghua Xiaoxue the good news.

In the palace, Fenghua Xiaoxue blushed and couldn't speak after hearing this.

Even though he hinted to little Naruto that he would come to the Snow Country to see her in three years, he also left him an ambiguous photo as a signature.

But he never thought of telling her so bluntly that this queen likes you!

How embarrassed is Fenghua Xiaoxue to express her love to a child who is three years younger than her [Ahhh, the old cow eats tender grass, I'm so shy!

Fenghua Xiaoxue said with a trembling face,"You...how could you do this? You made such a promise without permission...I...I never said I would let her be my consort." But Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't hide the joy on her face...

San Taifu apologized without hesitation,"It's all my fault. I will take back the deposit immediately." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fenghua Xiaoxue hurriedly stopped San Taifu,"Ah...this...let it go."

So, Naruto became the nominal consort of the Snow Country.

Sakura finally told Naruto the meaning of consort with a blushing face.

Naruto widened his eyes in surprise,"What...what?"

"That is to say… that is to say, I want to be Fuuka Koyuki's husband in the future?"

Sakura looked at Naruto like he was a fool;"Yes, you have already accepted the deposit, do you want to break your promise?" Naruto was stunned, but deep down, he was a little happy, after all, Fuuka Koyuki was her favorite female star.

Bai made up his mind;"Three years later, I... I must get it over with before Fuuka Koyuki."

Although Bai didn't quite understand the meaning of"hard work", this was almost what she meant.

On the way back to Konoha, Bai clung to Naruto more than before.

It also made Naruto remember the sweet smell on Bai's body. Originally, he only remembered the scent of Fuuka Koyuki.

This time, Bai always got too close, so he remembered it too.

Although it was very faint, it was very fresh and smelled good.

At this time, Naruto still had a long way to go before he could become the Hokage and the strongest ninja.

But he was already the strongest ninja in the Snow Country. He was also Her Majesty the Queen, personally acknowledged, the strongest ninja.

The satisfaction brought by this 203 honor blessing from Her Majesty the Queen seems to be no less than becoming a Hokage.

Little Naruto returned home, and the Yondaime also returned. His face turned pale, and he thought of the delicacies of Myoboku Mountain.

He missed his family's cooking very much these days and wanted to eat some normal food.

But after eating, he had to go back to Myoboku Mountain to strengthen his fairy skills.

Soon Namikaze Minato noticed the gold and silver in little Naruto's hands.

Kushina also saw it and exclaimed;"Naruto, where did these come from?"

��Naruto was embarrassed and hesitated to tell his experience in the Snow Country.

He was afraid that his parents would be angry if he became the prince consort of the Snow Country without permission.

However, Namikaze Minato and Kushina were not angry. Instead, they asked again and again with a look of surprise,"What, the princess of the Snow Country, what does she look like? Is she pretty?"

Little Naruto was a little impatient with the questioning,"Oh, it's Princess Fengyun, the actress who played Princess Fengyun. Let me tell you, I didn't expect that she is also a real princess in reality, and now she has been crowned as the queen."

In an instant, Kushina fainted with joy.

Namikaze Minato also jumped up and down like a child,"Hahaha, I'm going to be a father-in-law, I'm going to be a father-in-law"

I just wanted to say:

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