"Let's go back to Konoha. I'm a little worried about Sarah."

Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded;"Yes."

At this time, a girl who looked younger than Sarah, with pinker hair and tenderer skin, walked slowly towards them.

"Excuse me, has anything happened here? I felt the fluctuation of the dragon vein, so I came to take a look."

The girl in front of him, except that her hair is pink and her skin is whiter, looks exactly like Sarah.

In an instant, Minato Namikaze and Naruto Uzumaki guessed who this person is.

Naruto Uzumaki was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He pointed at himself and then at the girl.

Minato Namikaze did the same;"Ahhh, this……"

Then the two of them spoke almost at the same time;"I am your father, I am your grandfather."

Hearing this, the pink-haired girl's face suddenly turned black, as if she was offended.

Seeing that the girl was about to leave angrily, Naruto hurriedly stepped forward to block the girl's way and said;"I really am your father."

Namikaze Minato was also excited and dancing;"I really am your grandfather."

The two strange guys danced and blocked her way in a panic.

The girl closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists;"You two...250... are really rude people, get out of my way."

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was moved to tears;"Listen to me, listen to me, I really am your father."

Namikaze Minato scratched his ears and cheeks;"I really am your grandfather."

The girl couldn't bear it anymore, but her voice was gentle, but she scolded;"You two, that's enough."

In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto and Namikaze Minato were like children who had made mistakes, and they stood there awkwardly.

The pink-haired girl Reina said calmly,"Even if you two are older than me, you are only a few years older, so how can you be my father and grandfather?"

"My mother left me when I was just born. She probably died. My father also died. So I am an orphan. I have people to accompany me, so I am not alone. You two, take care of yourselves."

After saying that, he walked towards the convoy in front. Naruto looked embarrassed."What should I do? She doesn't know me at all. Maybe she doesn't even know her mother Sarah."

Since Sarah left her when she was just born, she couldn't remember things at that time. Now she has grown up so much, I am afraid that she has no impression of her parents in her mind.

The fat uncle in the convoy asked Reina,"What's wrong?"

Reina, who has always been gentle and well-behaved, said angrily at this time,"I just met two rude people."

Hearing this, the fat uncle looked at the ruins of Loulan and saw two familiar figures.

His eyes suddenly condensed [Is that Naruto?] Then the fat uncle hurriedly stopped the convoy and rode a horse towards Naruto."Brother Naruto, is that you, is it really you?"

Naruto looked for a long time but couldn't recognize who the other person was, and asked in confusion,"Who are you?"

The fat uncle said in surprise,"It's me, it's me, the fat boy with Sister Masako."

Hearing this, Naruto was also surprised,"Oh, it's you, you've grown so big, you're even older than me."

""Where's Masako?" the fat uncle said with a smile,"Masako is now an old lady. She lives in the camp and doesn't go out normally."

"So that's it!"

Then Naruto couldn't help but look in the direction of Rena, the fat uncle said;"Rena, yes, she is the child of you and Her Majesty the Queen, I wonder how Her Majesty the Queen is doing now, she should be with you."

Naruto said in a cold sweat;"Oh, I just traveled back from the wedding, as for Sarah, she is still in Konoha, I will go find her."

Then the fat uncle said sympathetically;"How about it, Naruto, do you want to go and meet Rena?" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing this, Naruto looked at Rena, who was getting along well with the people and had a smile on her face, and finally shook his head;"Forget it, let's come over later, and I will bring Sarah to visit later. Don't tell her now, she won't be able to accept it."

Originally, Naruto didn't feel much guilt towards Sarah, because he knew that Sarah would appear in Konoha waiting for him.

It wouldn't be long before they would be able to meet each other, so he naturally didn't need to feel guilty.

But now his daughter is so old, she is already fourteen years old, only one year younger than himself.

How did she survive so many years without parents? Naruto was an orphan without a father or mother when he was a child, so he naturally didn't want his child to be without a father or a mother as well.

At this moment, Naruto was really full of guilt towards Rena.

Fortunately, Rena had a group of kind Loulan people to accompany her since she was a child, so her childhood should have been happy.

Namikaze Minato patted Naruto on the shoulder;"Then, I'll go back to Konoha first."

Naruto was shocked;"Hey, Dad, you are so cunning."

Namikaze Minato smiled;"I want to go see Sarah, our family forgot her in your home when she was a child for three years, I feel very guilty, and I believe Kushina feels the same."

As soon as the voice fell, Minato Namikaze used Flying Thunder God and went to Konoha first.

Naruto followed closely and rushed towards Konoha. Jiraiya said speechlessly;"Hey, wait for me!"

In fact, Minato Namikaze could have taken Naruto with him, but if he brought someone with him, his speed would be slower.

He was also eager to see Sarah. At this time in Konoha Village, Kushina found the extra memories in her mind and immediately went to Naruto's original residence to find Sarah. Kushina knocked on Sarah's door excitedly. After a while, the door opened and it was Sarah with tears streaming down her face.[]

Sara just felt that she was sorry for her daughter. It was as if she had lived her life all over again, with a brand new memory flooding into her mind.

This feeling was like suddenly remembering something that had been forgotten. Kushina hugged Sara,"I'm sorry for making you suffer, my child."

Kushina also wanted to accompany Sara back then, but she and Minato Namikaze were both dead.

The other people in Konoha didn't know her, didn't know about their feelings, and didn't give any help.

As a result, the beautiful country of Loulan disappeared, and the few remaining people lived a relatively poor life.

Sara shook her head and said,"It doesn't matter, I'm not suffering, it's my child who is suffering."

Kushina also suddenly remembered Sara's child,"What should we do, she is my granddaughter, we have to take her back quickly"

I'm a sabmado

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