At this time, Minato Namikaze came to Konoha with Flying Thunder God, and his face was full of joy when he saw Sarah;"My daughter-in-law."

But then Minato Namikaze remembered the engagement of Fenghua Xiaoxue, and Hyuga Hiashi came to his house to get engaged. Minato really couldn't refuse, so he also got engaged.

And Jiraiya teacher also mentioned that when he was young, he got engaged to his apprentice, and at that time he had not accepted Naruto as an apprentice.

And now this engagement has automatically run to Naruto.

There is another person, that is Bai. Although Bai has no engagement, Minato Namikaze can see that Bai seems to like his son.

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze suddenly couldn't laugh.

If these daughters-in-law gather together in the future and blame Naruto, then he also has a share of responsibility.

Thinking of these, Minato Namikaze is very embarrassed, but there are so many good girls, Minato Namikaze can't refuse any of them.

Then I have to hide it temporarily. No matter how wrong it is, it is Naruto's fault, and it has nothing to do with me, Minato Namikaze.

Although Naruto and Jiraiya rushed back to Konoha without stopping, they did not arrive until the evening.

When Naruto finally saw Sarah, she could no longer hold back and threw herself into his arms. She had really been waiting for Naruto for many years, at least four years.

Three years of waiting for little Naruto to grow up, and a year of having a child. Until now, the Naruto he had been waiting for finally came back.

Naruto blamed himself,"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

Sarah was not immersed in the joy of reuniting with her husband. She thought of her daughter Uzumaki Rena and said,"I want to go find my daughter."

Naruto nodded,"Okay, I've seen her. She's doing well. The fat boy back then has told me the address."

Sarah's expression was firm,"Naruto, take me there."

"Ah~ Are we going now?"

Sara nodded seriously;"Yes, let's go now, right now."

Naruto agreed reluctantly;"Okay, hold me tight."

This sentence is just like the past. For Sara, it was like a newlywed couple meeting again after four years.

Sara blushed as she hugged Naruto, and then Naruto rushed to the former location of Loulan Kingdom overnight. Naruto felt that his legs were going to break from running. Obviously, in order to see Sara as soon as possible, he tried his best to rush to Konoha.

Now that he arrived in Konoha, he just wanted to have a good rest, but there was no way. Sara had spoken, and it was to see her daughter earlier. As a father and a husband, Naruto could not refuse such a request.

"Sarah, you are so heavy.……"

Sarah was immediately ashamed and angry. Only someone with low emotional intelligence like Naruto could say such a thing.


After a slap, Naruto finally calmed down and stopped complaining.

In fact, he felt heavy only because he had been running for so long. Even Xiao Li couldn't hold on. If only he could use Flying Thunder God at this time...

At about eight o'clock in the morning, Naruto finally sent Sarah safely to the camp of the Loulan people.

And Naruto himself didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not. He immediately sat down to rest, panting like a dead dog.

But Sarah looked at the Loulan camp in shock. She was almost the same as her past self without any change.

Even though four years have passed, Sarah hasn't changed much, because her time was suspended for three years while waiting for little Naruto, and it didn't start flowing until Naruto appeared.

The same is true for the seventh and Hinata. They will not grow old in this world. The seventh and Hinata will be in Bo People in Loulan will only slowly grow old in the world line of human legend.

At this time, the people of Loulan only live in tents one after another, probably hundreds of tents, and the number of people is not small.

It is hard to believe that they lived in a huge and beautiful city decades ago. Obviously, Loulan has fallen into decline. (To read the violent novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She, the former queen, felt guilty and self-blame. A certain grandmother in her fifties looked incredulous when she saw Sarah. People in their fifties look older in the ninja world, and their hair is already white. Obviously, the living conditions here are not very good.

Although the appearance of this old lady has changed greatly, Sarah can tell at a glance that this is Sister Masako.

The average life expectancy in the ninja world is only sixty or seventy years old, which means that Sister Masako is really old.

"Your Majesty, are you really Your Majesty?"[]

0 Asking for flowers

Sarah also shed tears of sadness;"Sister Masako……"

The old lady ran forward excitedly. Although she was in her fifties, she didn't need a cane or a hunched back.

The two hugged each other tightly, and Sarah said gratefully,"Thank you for taking care of my daughter all these years."

At this time, Uzumaki Reina also heard the noise outside and ran out to check the situation.

She also saw Sarah, a woman who looked almost exactly like her.

His hair was red, while hers was pink.

The two of them looked so much alike that Reina didn't need anyone to introduce who this person was. She already had the answer in her heart. She immediately left tears of joy and ran forward excitedly.

The moment Sarah saw Reina, she covered her mouth in surprise, then burst into tears and hugged her excitedly.

The mother and daughter were reunited, and Uzumaki Naruto on the side was also very excited.

But Reina's address was speechless,"Sister, you must be my sister. I didn't expect that I have a twin sister. I'm so happy. I finally have relatives."

Sarah was stunned for a moment, and her tears stopped abruptly. She didn't even know how to explain it.

When he left a message for Reina, he didn't mention a word about the fact that her father came from the future and that he might also travel to the future.

Because this is too incredible, people who have not experienced it may find it difficult to believe and understand.

Sarah was dumbfounded, and Naruto was also dumbfounded. They didn't know how to explain it.

Even Masako opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain this incredible thing.

Although incredible things like the main god space have appeared, the main god space has not been paid attention to by ordinary people like Reina.

They, the people of Loulan, will gather together to chat, discuss tomorrow's actions, where to find resources, and share information.

So they don't know little Naruto who participated in the quiz.

Then Reina looked at Uzumaki Naruto;"Sister, why are you bringing such a rude guy, he actually said he is my father, how is this possible"

I'm a sabmado

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