Naruto would never admit that who wins the fight and who is stronger can determine the status of his wife.

His love for everyone is the same, and there is no more saying about who gets more love.

By the way, this kind of thinking is simply a scumbag Naruto.

After the war, Naruto took everyone to the meeting room. At this time, the soldiers of the Demon Country saluted respectfully after seeing Naruto;"Hello, Lord Prince Consort."

Naruto couldn't help but shrink his neck, feeling not good.

Sure enough, Reina, Shiro, and Hinata all changed their expressions.

Only Sarah was still unconscious, otherwise she would definitely tear on the spot.

As more and more soldiers were met on the road, more and more people called Lord Prince Consort. He even met some subjects and greeted them enthusiastically;"Oh, it's Prince Consort Uzumaki, have you been having a good time with our miko and have a little miko recently?"

"Come on, I am looking forward to seeing the birth of the little witch."

"This is the inheritance of our Demon Country and the Shrine Maiden Village. It is extremely important and we must not slack off."

Naruto's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Fortunately, Haku, Hinata, and Reina were all softer than each other.

So they were just unhappy in their hearts, but did not show it.

Reina's daughter looked at her scumbag father with eyes full of grievances.

Finally, everyone came to the meeting room, and Naruto was relieved. Now no one should call him the Prince Consort.

When he first lived in the Demon Country, he felt uncomfortable when others called him Sir, and he was in ecstasy and enjoyed it.

But now, retribution has come so quickly"803".

Reina just sat down and started to make trouble;"Dad, the people of the Demon Country seem to respect you very much."

Naruto didn't know how to refute;"Hahaha...ah this, this……"

Reina said again;"Isn't it, Reina is going to be a big sister soon?"

If Sarah was pregnant and she was going to be a big sister, Reina's expression would not be like this now.

She said that she was going to be a big sister, but she was not happy at all in her heart.

Boruto and Himawari are also her brothers and sisters, but Reina does not hate them.

After all, they are the daughters of the Seventh Hokage and Hinata. If Naruto and the Seventh Hokage are counted separately, Reina will not be jealous.

But if it was Naruto, and some other woman had a child, causing Reina to be forced to be a big sister, she would really not be happy in her heart.

When Reina said that, her expressionless face was really scary.

Naruto broke out in a cold sweat, using the kindest words to stab the hardest knife.

After hearing this, little Hinata's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Naruto-kun is not like that. How could Naruto-kun be such a philandering person?"

Naruto was stunned when he saw Hinata's heartbroken look."I'm sorry, Hinata!"

Bai gritted her teeth secretly, expressionless, sitting upright. She had no right to say anything, but she felt uncomfortable.

Shion looked at Naruto worriedly, not knowing how Naruto was going to deal with it.

If Naruto dared to propose that he would be with someone on Monday and another person on Tuesday.

Shion would just beat this guy to death on the spot. When Shion met Naruto, she didn't know that there were so many girls who liked him.

At this time, Sara also woke up slowly, looking at Naruto and Shion, she was furious.

Seeing Reina, she remembered the happy smile on her face.

So... when did happiness disappear?

It seems that since she learned about her father's true face, Reina has no longer been happy.

Looking at Reina like this, Sara felt very distressed.

So she pointed at Naruto angrily."Naruto, you have let us down, mother and daughter.……"

Naruto was sweating profusely, but he could no longer retreat and had to step up to solve the problem.

So Naruto said with a serious expression,"Because of the existence of the Lord God, the current timeline must be different from that of the Seventh Generation. It is precisely because of the confusion of the timeline that we are gathered together and have a bond."

Sarah said coldly,"So, is this the reason why you are fickle and change your mind?"

Naruto still said expressionlessly,"If the Lord God did not participate in this world, I would follow the original timeline, and there is a high probability that I would only have one wife, and she is Hinata."

Hinata heard this and immediately lowered her head shyly, forgetting the sadness in her heart just now.

Hinata responded weakly in a low voice,"Naruto... Naruto-kun."

Naruto said again,"So, is this the ending you want? Except for Hinata, others... I'm afraid they will be very regretful."

Hearing this, Sarah and Shion were speechless.

That's right, they really can't compare with the original wives. If it weren't for the current Naruto who values feelings and doesn't want to disappoint the girls, do they really have a chance?

But Shion still refused to accept it;"So, we should thank you for your fickleness in return, right?"

Naruto laughed dryly;"Haha, of course not, but now, I have no choice. What about you? What would you do? Do you want me to follow the original route and marry Hinata? Or is it better now?"

If it really follows the original history, only Hinata will become Naruto's wife, and all the others will fail and die alone. How can such a thing be accepted?

So, it's really better now.

Although they didn't say it, they really thought so in their hearts.

It's just that for Hinata, the original main line is the happiest thing for her.

So the person these girls feel the most sorry for is actually Hinata.

In other words, they stole Hinata's husband.

Although Shion has never met the seventh generation, she acquiesced after Sarah didn't say anything.

Gentle Hinata said weakly,"I... I'm fine. I don't want to embarrass Naruto-kun, so... can we live together in the future?"

Naruto smiled,"As expected, Hinata is the best. As expected, you are my favorite person, Hinata."

Hearing this, Sarah and Shion said dissatisfiedly,"What are you talking about."

Naruto said embarrassedly,"Haha, of course I like you too."

But it is true that when they are really together in the future, they really need to discuss how to live.

So Naruto said,"Why not do this, use a method similar to shadow clones, and each person has a shadow clone."

Sarah said angrily,"You want us to treat the shadow clones as you. How can we accept such a thing?"

Naruto said,"It is said to be a method similar to shadow clones. If I get a reward from the main god next time, I will ask for some clones, clones that have no intention of being with the original body and share memories."

"And even if you fail to get the Lord God's reward, this wish can be realized in other ways."

"That is the new Moon Eye Project, which can change reality, make people happy, and resolve all tragedies. I believe that after the Moon Eye Project succeeds, we can all get a solution."

"The most likely solution is that everyone can have an exclusive clone, and the clone's memory is shared, which has nothing to do with me."Although this kind of thing sounds strange, there is no other way, they can only accept it.

Compared with this, they don't want Naruto to take turns to accompany someone across so many countries. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Land of Demons, the Land of Snow, and the Land of Vegetables, each separation takes several months, and the reunion is only a few days.

That way is too hard. If Naruto can really create a clone that is not intentional to the original body, it would be too happy to have a Naruto accompany her all day and night.

Sarah has been waiting for Naruto for so many years, she really knows the hardship of waiting.

So Sarah also accepted this proposal, and so did Shion.

Shion's request is very simple, Naruto stays in the Land of Demons, and develops this country with her, and strives to become one of the six major countries.[]

As long as it can be achieved, then Shion doesn't care about other things.

At this time, Bai's expression was very strange, and her pretty face was all blushed.

Her eyebrows blinked slightly, and her emotions fell into shock.

But Bai is so strong, what can make her so nervous, so Naruto looked at Bai curiously.

Bai clenched her fists, and her chest rose and fell with her breathing.

She opened her mouth and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito;"Also, please give me a clone of Naruto... Naruto."

Hearing this, Naruto opened his mouth in disbelief.

Bai's face was already flushed with shame. Bai, who was older than everyone present and was already a mature big sister, was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

She covered her red cheeks and waited for Naruto's answer......

After Naruto was shocked, he agreed immediately."Okay, of course no problem."

Shion looked at Naruto blankly. This was already a disguised courtship. Did this idiot know that he agreed so readily?

Hinata also looked at Shiro in surprise. It must be very difficult for Shiro to say such words on his own initiative.���

Bai's personality is actually similar to Hinata's, and she is not even as proactive as Hinata.

She has always regarded herself as a tool, but now she is so proactive in pursuing her own happiness, which is really rare.

Because Bai heard that everyone has a clone to accompany her, but she doesn't, she is still very unwilling.

So in this atmosphere of jealousy, she finally asked for a clone.

As for what to do after having a clone, of course, she will start a family.

Thinking that she can actually have a family, and that she can form a family with Naruto, Bai smiled immediately.

The smile was more beautiful than ever before. She... Although she is not good at it, she will give birth to a little Naruto to repay Naruto's kindness.

Naruto was stunned. Since Naruto was a child, she thought Sister Bai was very beautiful.

Now seeing her smile so happily and joyfully, and because of herself, Naruto only felt warm in his heart.

There was a throbbing in his heart.

Naruto smiled and said,"In this case, the Moon Eye Plan is inevitable.】

【This plan is very important to me and the entire ninja world. 】

Then Naruto discussed business;"Grandma Tsunade asked you to take me back, right? Please tell him that I am now eliminating the evil thoughts in the Nine-Tails. I need to stay here for a while to become stronger through practice."

Upon hearing this, Shion proudly raised her beautiful neck;"Yes, it was this miko who helped Naruto eliminate the evil thoughts."

The implication was that she was the best and could help Naruto in his career.

Naruto broke out in a cold sweat again [Why are you making trouble at this time? It was not easy to appease these girls. 】

As expected, Sarah was angered again, but she didn't say anything. Anyway, it was impossible for her to get along with Shion.

This miko was simply arrogant and willful, and she liked to anger people.

Sarah said lightly;"Okay, then we will go back first, Naruto, when you eliminate the evil thoughts of the Nine-Tails, return to the village immediately, and there must be no delay."

Sarah didn't want Naruto to stay with Shion after eliminating the evil thoughts of the Nine-Tails.

Now it can be said that it is for work, but if Naruto eliminates the evil thoughts and still wants to accompany Shion, then it is unacceptable.

Then the group went back home, and they got the answer they wanted.

Sarah comforted Rena helplessly;"I'm sorry, Sarah, your dad may not belong to you alone in the future." Rena said obediently and sensibly;"It doesn't matter, if mom doesn't suggest it, I have no objection."

Rena's feelings for Naruto are limited, and even if Naruto is not with her, Rena will not feel anything.

She just hopes that Naruto will be nicer to her mother and can always accompany her mother, then Rena will be happy.

Rena is actually closer to Grandma Masako and the former people of Loulan.

Although there is no blood relationship with them, the grace of raising them is above all else.

This is the consequence of not bringing up a child after giving birth and letting others bring it up. Emotionally, Rena is still closer to Grandma Masako.

Of course, this does not mean that Rena doesn't care about Naruto and���Yes, she cares about him too.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be sad because of Naruto's fickleness.

Since he has decided to go all out to complete the Moon Eye Project, becoming stronger is also a top priority.

Naruto now has learned the Sage Mode and the Wind Style Rasenshuriken. He only needs the Nine-Tails Mode and the more advanced Sage Fox Mode to be comparable to Naruto during the Fourth Ninja World War.

Of course, he will need to hone his skills in several battles during this period, but for Naruto, with so many strong people around him, it will be quick for him to gain combat experience.

So Naruto said,"Then Shion, you will have to work hard in the future. Let's continue to eliminate the evil thoughts of the Nine-Tails."

Seeing Naruto's anxious look, Shion said without hesitation,"No problem"

I'm a sabmado

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