That night, the main god space descended again. Three years later, the main god space had more quiz games each time.

At the same time, the time of the main god space's descending has also changed. It is no longer once a day.

Instead, it appears randomly...

Before the people in the main god space can greet each other and chat, because they are used to it.

In the past, the main god space did not have quiz games at all times, but it would descend every night.

They like to chat and fish in this space.

But this time, as soon as they entered, seven figures appeared in the sky above the main god space.

It should be said that it was a video, in which seven members with black background and red cloud patterns appeared.

Jiraiya of Konoha Village narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he was not in Konoha Village, but went out of the village to investigate the Akatsuki organization. He has been paying attention to this Akatsuki organization for many years.

Has the Akatsuki organization in the picture begun to attack Konoha? Although there are no buildings in Konoha yet, Jiraiya is very familiar with the woods outside Konoha Village. He liked to play there when he was a child.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth secretly, damn it, it seems that I must speed up the investigation.

The Seventh Hokage was also very familiar with this scene, but he had never seen these scenes before, because he returned to Konoha Village from Myoboku Mountain after the Shinra Conquest.

The Lord God said indifferently,"The quiz game begins. Can these seven people destroy Konoha? The one who answers correctly will revive the strongest ninja in their village."

Hearing this reward, Uchiha Madara came to the past ninja camp, found Hashirama, and sneered,"Hehe, if your Konoha Village ninja answers correctly, you will be resurrected." If the strongest person among the dead ninjas in Konoha was not Hashirama, Madara would be the first to stand up and oppose it.

Except for Uchiha Madara and the Seventh Hokage, the rest of the ninja world was in an uproar,"How is this possible? Seven people want to destroy the strongest ninja village?"

The Land of Fire is recognized as the strongest ninja village. Since the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, people have had such a consensus.

The 15th Hokage of the Fourth Hokage, one person showed off Killer Bee and Raikage Ai, and even the Hokage of their village is the strongest.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade are the worst Hokage in Konoha. They are also the Hokage who have been in office for a long time.

The powerful Hokage of Konoha often die quickly.

The Raikage of Kumogakure also admitted that Konoha is so powerful that it is impossible for seven people to destroy it.

You have to know that Jiraiya of Konoha is still there. Although Orochimaru is a genius, Jiraiya is the strongest among the three ninjas.

Similarly, because those who answer incorrectly will die, no one dares to answer rashly.

Even if there are only two options, they cherish their lives very much.

Unknowingly, the quiz game has become a game for those who know the answer.

And others also think it’s okay. Even if they can’t participate, it’s not bad to know the major secrets of the ninja world, and they can also expose the secrets of major events in the ninja world.

At this time, Jiraiya’s expression showed a struggle. Since the Akatsuki organization has come to the outside of Konoha Village, he must have sacrificed himself.

If he is still alive, he can only take the initiative to attack, and it is impossible to fight outside his own village, so that the aftermath of the battle will affect the ordinary people of Konoha Village.

Then even Jiraiya is dead, who in Konoha can surpass him?

Naruto? But does the Naruto in the original timeline really know Sage Mode?

In fact, in this timeline, if it weren't for Minato Namikaze helping to train Naruto, he would not have taught Naruto Sage Mode in advance.

Because the training process of Sage Mode is really very dangerous, it is difficult for immature ninjas to learn it.

In the timeline of the video, there is definitely no Minato Namikaze and no Seventh Hokage, so Jiraiya is pessimistic.

He gritted his teeth and finally said;"Let me answer, they have the ability to destroy Konoha."

In an instant, the Konoha ninjas exclaimed;"What...what, this is absolutely impossible, who said that, who the hell is this……"

After seeing Jiraiya,"It's Jiraiya-sama, it's all right."

But then someone was still shocked and said,"Jiraiya-sama, why is this? If you answer wrong, you will die. How sure are you?"

Jiraiya said calmly,"One hundred percent."

Because those people's eyes are Samsara eyes.

The Lord God said slowly,"The answer is correct."

Then the video began to play.

The forest outside Konoha Village.

The leader, Pain, had a blank expression on his face and said calmly,"Konoha has opened a spherical barrier under and above the village."

That was the scene seen through Pain's Samsara eyes.

Konan began to add,"For those who break in without permission, it can be detected immediately. This is the mechanism, right?"

The moment he saw Konan, Jiraiya exclaimed,"How is it possible? That person must be Konan. If so, the guy with circle eyes looks so similar to Yahiko, he should be Yahiko, but why does Yahiko have the Samsara Eye, and there are so many Samsara Eyes."

Pein said lightly,"According to the plan, throw the Animal Path from the sky above Konoha to make the enemy misjudge the number of our troops and disrupt them."

"Then wait for the animal realm's summoning technique.

"Itachi and Kisame seemed to enter easily."

"Itachi was once a member of Konoha's Anbu, so it's not surprising that he knows the code to pass through the barrier, but I have my own way."

At this time, Pein's expression froze;"We must let Konoha know the consequences of selling us fakes."

"Every grain of rice has mud on it, who would like your bag of rice?"

Everyone in the ninja world was shocked;"What's going on? That person clearly said that he would make the world feel pain from now on, so why did the subtitles say that he was selling rice?"

"Yes, can someone tell me what is going on!"However, it is not important, the picture is still going on, anyway, they all understand Japanese, it's just that the amount of information heard by the ears is different from that seen by the eyes.

But it does not prevent them from watching the video, the lines of buying rice should just be wrong.

That's right, even the Lord God may make mistakes sometimes.

The next moment, the Animal Path was thrown into the sky, fell from the sky, and entered the Konoha Village.

At the same time, the moment the Animal Path hit the barrier, the Konoha sensor ninja had already discovered that there was an intruder invading, and he also knew the approximate direction.

"It's an invader, the target is one person, the location is point B at the west exit."

Hearing this, the other ninja villages were shocked;"Konoha's defense is like this, doesn't that mean they want to launch a surprise attack on Konoha, or maybe an outsider has sneaked into Konoha Village and will be discovered in an instant,"

Konoha's secret was exposed to other ninjas, Tsunade was angry;"Damn it, it's known by others, but it's good, it can also deter others, it's not a big problem."

At this time, at point B at the west exit of Konoha, a little girl and her grandmother were walking leisurely in Konoha Village, and the little girl said innocently;"Grandma, hurry up, walk faster."

This scene seemed to foreshadow how peaceful Konoha is now, but it will soon be destroyed. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The next scene jumped, and Pain came into contact with Tsunade.

Konoha was stunned. It was the first time she appeared in the video of the main god space.

And she found that she was very photogenic and looked very beautiful. Tsunade felt embarrassed. Was she going to become a big star like Bai?

In the picture, Tsunade looked at Pain;"You... are really the kid at that time?"

Pain said lightly;"It seems that you seem to remember"[]

The ANBU ninja asked;"Do you know him?"

"I have a slight impression of him."

The ANBU ninja Uzuki Yugao asked,"Who is he then?"

Pein introduced himself,"He is the god of order."

The ANBU ninja sneered,"Humph, it seems he is not a normal person."

Pein did not care,"Uzumaki Naruto, where is the Nine-Tails?"

Tsunade said calmly,"Who knows?"

"The Jinchūriki have been captured, and the balance of power between the ninja villages, which was maintained by the tailed beasts, can no longer be maintained."

"It's meaningless to protect the Nine-Tails now."

Tsunade said coldly,"As expected, is your target Naruto?"

"Soon there will be strife and the flames of war will spread everywhere."

"Then we will control these wars. If you help us, we can let you go."

In the distance is the ruined Konoha Village, which is very appropriate with what Pain said.

"In this situation, you should also be very clear about our strength."

Tsunade roared;"Don't underestimate the Five Kage."

"You terrorists want to completely destroy the peaceful life that our ancestors have pursued for generations and tried their best to maintain.

No matter what you say, it's useless." Upon hearing this, Hashirama in the main god space said happily,"Oh, I didn't expect that Tsuna is so reliable after becoming Hokage."

At the same time, Deidara, a member of the Akatsuki organization, exclaimed,"Wow, are we finally seeing the leader take action?"

"He looks so strong."

Pain's bootlicker Kakuzu snorted coldly;"Of course, the leader is a powerful man who even I can't beat."

Although Kakuzu joined Akatsuki in a somewhat humiliating way, he joined Akatsuki on his knees, while the other members at least stood.

Because this was his fate for challenging Pain without knowing his own limitations, but excluding Uchiha Itachi, the traitor of Akatsuki.

His combat power is indeed at the top of the pyramid in Akatsuki.

At the same time, the two Yukitos, who had just been crushed by the Seventh Hokage and were like a bullied young wife, were shocked to see that the guy with the circle eyes was so powerful.

Obviously, the circle eyes were quite well-behaved in front of the Seventh Hokage and the Rinnegan Sasuke, and they didn't dare to speak loudly.

But unexpectedly, he was in Konoha... In front of the Hokage of the village, she dared to be so arrogant, simply lawless, and did not take the Five Kage seriously at all. In fact, when the guy with the circle eyes extracted half of the tailed beast chakra in her body, he was quite gentle and asked her if it hurt.

Because the Seventh Hokage said that Yukito was her comrade-in-arms and had to be sent back to the Hidden Cloud Village safely.

The same was true for Killer Bee, who also received Pein's care.

When extracting the tailed beasts in their bodies, he was very careful and tried not to hurt them.

At this time, Pein slowly opened his eyes, revealing his scary circle eyes, and he said angrily;"Don't be so arrogant."

The eyes released a powerful momentum, blowing the Anbu ninja a little unstable, but Tsunade still stood in front of Pein.

The Anbu ninja exclaimed;"What a powerful chakra!"

Uzuki Yugao also said;"Is this the power of the Samsara Eye? It is different from any enemy so far. I have a bad feeling."

At this time, Payne's eyes widened, and the camera panned down to give Payne's entire face a close-up. His eyes were so terrifying.

"Your peace is violence against us"

"Indeed, Konoha's past actions were not entirely correct, but I will never forgive you for doing so."

Pein narrowed his eyes;"Be careful what you say, this is God's final warning to you."

"Tell me where Naruto is."

Tsunade had a blank expression on her face and said nothing.

Pein said impatiently;"Tell me!"

"We will gather all the strength we have to defeat you, that's all."

"And you are terribly wrong about one thing. The things you want most will never fall into your hands."

"If you think that the Konoha ninja can protect Naruto forever, that is……"

Before she could say it was impossible, Tsunade interrupted,"No!"

At this time, Tsunade smiled and gave her red lips a close-up, which was an expression of great trust;"Naruto is very strong."

The breeze blew Tsunade's hair, and the sun shone on her face. She was not afraid of the strong enemy. Such a Tsunade attracted praise from many people in the main god space.

Pein had already felt Tsunade's determination, and he didn't want to talk anymore.

In addition, the other six paths had learned about Naruto from Shizune's memory by searching the soul.

"In Myoboku Mountain? It seems like it's a waste of effort here!"

The Anbu was shocked;"Damn, how did this guy know."

Tsunade gritted her teeth;"You bastard."

At this time, Pein turned around and planned to retreat. His goal was the Nine-Tails, not to destroy Konoha.

Mao Yue Xi Yan said;"Tsunade-sama, let these guys retreat now. It's better to strengthen the defense of the village during this period." Tsunade gritted her teeth. Although she wanted to keep Pein and make him pay the price, she also knew in her heart that Mao Yue Xi Yan was right..

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