Pein turned his back, as if ready to leave.

He felt that he should be absolutely calm and would not have any personal feelings towards Konoha.

His target was the Nine-Tails, and since the Nine-Tails was not in Konoha Village, he naturally had no reason to stay.

However, the fact that his parents died at the hands of Konoha ninjas made Pein talk too much;"Finally... can I ask a question?"

No one answered Pein, and he spoke to himself.

"In the face of overwhelming force, everything is meaningless."

"This has been proven by your great country."

"You still fantasize that you are the protagonist of this world, and naively believe that you are still far away from death."

"Such a superficial indulgence in peace, the killer will eventually be killed, hatred will connect the two together."

Tsunade's expression became gloomy;"Nonsense."

Obviously she didn't understand what would happen next. Pein was venting his emotions. It should be that Nagato used Pein's mouth to pave the way for the anger in his heart.

"War is a companion���The casualties and pain on both sides."

Tsunade pointed at Pein angrily;"Our big country has suffered the same pain."

Tsunade waved her hand;"Don't make excuses and continue to do this kind of thing."

At this moment, Pein's eyes were full of murderous intent. If Tsunade was willing to talk nicely at this time, or apologize to the small country, Pein might not do it.

Because this woman was with Teacher Jiraiya and was his companion.

In their timeline, although Jiraiya had been killed, it was also a helpless act, because Jiraiya would not stand on his side.

After looking at Tsunade with cold eyes, Pein slowly turned his head, still with his back to Tsunade;"Ridiculous"

"Feel the pain"

"Consider the pain."

At this time, Pein's feet left the ground and slowly flew towards the sky of Konoha;"Accept the pain, understand the pain."

Tsunade didn't know what he was going to do, but she already felt the danger;"Wait, Pein"

"Is there anything else he's going to do?"

"Those who do not know pain cannot understand true peace."

At this time, Pein looked up at him against the sun's rays. Under his paleness were a pair of circular eyes, just like a god.

Tsunade jumped onto the roof and chased after him,"Pein, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Konan shouted,"No, that technique will shorten your life." As soon as Konan finished speaking, all five paths of Saitama fell down, and the power of the six paths gathered on Pein alone.

Konan sighed,"With the power of six people, are you going to do it no matter what, Nagato?"

Jiraiya was already nervous, gritting his teeth in pain,"Damn, they really are Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan!"

"But why is this happening? After I left them, what on earth did they go through to become like this?"

Jiraiya could see that they had a plan for finding the Nine-Tails, and they were not simply looking for revenge on Konoha.

However, the death of Nagato's parents was caused by the Konoha ninja.

Jiraiya soon remembered that in the main god space quiz game three years ago, Konan's capture and Yahiko's death had been revealed.

At this time, in the picture, the scene flying high in the sky of Konoha said lightly;"I will not forget Yahiko's pain"

"Every grain has mud on it. Who likes your bag of rice?"

"From now on, let the world feel pain"

""Shinra Tensei!"

The next moment, with the center of Konoha as the origin, destruction spread to all around Konoha.

The entire Konoha village, all buildings and trees were wiped off the surface of the earth by the tyrannical force.

This scene was so horrifying.

All the ninjas in Konoha who didn't know about it, including Jiraiya and Tsunade, opened their mouths wide and couldn't say a word.

Seeing the village where they grew up being wiped out and uprooted, the ninjas were heartbroken.

They couldn't believe that Konoha Village was really gone in the blink of an eye.

Even if it was just a video, even if the real Konoha didn't encounter such a situation, Seeing the tragic scene, they couldn't help crying out loud.

The other four countries were also shocked. They couldn't believe that a powerful country like Konoha was destroyed in an instant.

In the face of such a powerful force, how can the ninja survive.

This is the Akatsuki organization, this is Pain, is this the power of the Samsara Eye?

The scene changed, and Sakura was spit out by the slug. Fortunately, only a large number of buildings in Konoha were destroyed, and civilians were killed, but the key figures were still alive.

Sakura was covered in dust. She looked at Konoha Village in disbelief, her eyes flickering;"What... is this?.~!"

The Konoha ninjas and the people in the ninja world who were watching the video had the same thoughts as Sakura, and their mood at the moment was just like Sakura in the picture.

The rebellious Sasuke also watched the video in disbelief. How could such a thing happen when he was not in Konoha?

"Why... just like that... the village is gone."

Tears flowed from Sakura's eyes;"Then Rudo, come quickly!"

Sakura's voice was choked with sobs. In the critical moment, the first person Sakura thought of was Naruto.

This made the rebellious Sasuke very unhappy, and he didn't know why he felt unhappy. It might be that he was not as good as Naruto in Sakura's heart.

Sakura was heartbroken, looking at the ruins of Konoha, and knelt on the ground;"Please, Naruto!"

Just as the voice fell, with a bang, the strongest Naruto summoner successfully cast the spell.

The same style as Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze.

Summoned a huge toad, stood on it handsomely, with a large scroll on his back.

The orange eye shadow represented that he had entered the sage mode.

At this moment, Naruto, the fox boy in the hearts of the people of Konoha, was so handsome. Naruto stood on the head of Gamakichi, Gamakichi stood on the head of Gamabunta, and there were two huge toads of the same size on the left and right.

This is already the top combat power of Myoboku Mountain.

However, the picture stopped abruptly, because the Lord God had proved that Pain did have the strength to destroy Konoha, and he had already done it.

It was like a critical moment, there was no follow-up, and a"To be continued" was written.

Everyone in the ninja world was in an uproar;"Please, Lord Lord, continue playing, let us finish watching it."

Obviously the Lord God would not pay attention to people's requests, and continued;"Now distribute the rewards, Konoha's strongest deceased ninja, Senju Hashirama, is resurrected."

The next moment, the resurrected Senju Hashirama was still standing beside Uchiha Madara. Seeing the resurrected Hashirama, Uchiha Madara was shocked;"You……"

Hashirama scratched his head embarrassedly;"Hehe……"

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes;"Yes……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Senju Hashirama actually made himself younger, back to the days of a handsome young man in his twenties.

That’s right, people who are resurrected by the Lord God can change some of their physical characteristics in order to better adapt to the current ninja world.

For example, raising the age is the most common, and that’s what Rin did, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to stay with Obito and Kakashi because she was just a child.

But I didn’t expect that Senju Hashirama was so shameless, he even wanted to become younger and go out and have fun.

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly;"Hashirama, you are really shameless!"[]

Hashirama scratched his head;"Hehehe, little Banban, are you jealous?"

Uchiha Madara's forehead veins bulged, and he forced his hands across his chest, closed his eyes, and endured it.

Fighting is prohibited in the main god space. If he quarrels with Hashirama here, it is not in line with his cold personality. Then go out and fight, and beat him up in the prison of the graveyard.

Then the main god asked the next question;"After Konoha was destroyed, which ninja stood up to protect Konoha besides Naruto? This question can be answered later."

Hearing this question, it is easy to think that Naruto failed, so other ninjas need to come out to save the situation.

Then this ninja must be stronger than Naruto, and it must be Lord Jiraiya.

So far, Jiraiya has not appeared yet.

But this is just a gap in information. Jiraiya himself can analyze that he is probably dead.

Since this question can be answered later, watch the video first, then no one will have any objections.

After releasing the Shinra Tensei, Pain fell from a height and stood on an open space in the center of Konoha.

This used to be the most prosperous place in Konoha, but now it is a ruin, and the place is full of smoke.

Naruto asked curiously,"Where is this place!"

Gamabunta said,"Where is the enemy?""

"What's going on, kid?"

"Why don't you send us to Konoha Village?"

"This is Konoha Village"

"What the hell is going on, Granny Sesame."

Naruto was shocked, then he looked around and saw what he least wanted to see, the Hokage Rock.

Now only the Hokage Rock was intact, which also confirmed that this was the Konoha Village. Granny

Sesame said lightly;"It's obvious who did this, it's exactly the same feeling as standing on the shoulders of Jiraiya."

They have already felt the breath of Pein, and the murderer is really the one who killed Jiraiya.

Tsunade, who was protected by the Anbu in the ruins, walked out of the ruins;".Master Hand, are you okay?"


Then Tsunade saw the ruins of Konoha Village, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

At this time, Konoha Village was in ruins, with countless casualties;"What...what? This is……"

Tsunade gritted her teeth, hatred naturally revealed in her eyes;"I can't forgive you, I can never forgive you, Pein."

But this hatred, isn't it exactly what Pein said, the hatred that will arise after being hurt by a force stronger than oneself.

This cursed ninja world is connected by countless hatreds.

Now, what connects the ninja world is not love or ties, but hatred, and there is hatred between major countries.

Uzuki Yugao's boyfriend, Gekko Hayate, was killed by Maki of the Sand Village, but Konoha has already allied with the Sand Village. Even if she wants revenge, she can only let go of her hatred.

Konoha will not help her get revenge, and if she takes revenge by herself, it will be a betrayal of Konoha, how sad.

Then the Anbu looked at Tsunade in disbelief;"The mark on the forehead is gone."

"I have already released the Creation Regeneration Technique and transferred all my chakra to Slug-sama."

Below Konoha;"I'm sorry, it's already a struggle just to cover everyone."

Iruka panted;"This is not Slug-sama's fault"

"I hope everyone is safe and sound."

All the major ninjas survived in their own ways, and the injured ninjas were treated by the slug's countless clones.

Shizune is dead, and Kakashi has also sacrificed himself.

Seeing Kakashi's sacrifice, Naruto, Sakura, and the rebellious Sasuke, the grief in their hearts was even more painful than the cleansing of Konoha Village.

The Lord God also deliberately gave a shot to Kakashi's body, and Choji next to him was crying.

Before he died, he used his ability, Kamui, to protect Choji (okay).

At that time, Choji was crying while guarding his unconscious father Akimichi Choza;"Wow, Dad died to protect me……"

Kakashi's weak and calm voice came;"Wait until later if you want to cry, Choji."

At this time, Choji also noticed Kakashi. He was trapped in the pile of rocks and could not move. Only his head could move. The only ninjutsu he could use was Kamui.

"If you can still move, go and tell Lady Tsunade about Pain's ability so that she can immediately designate a battle strategy."

And now Kakashi has also bet his hopes on Choji, but he died.

Choji looked at Kakashi with tears in his eyes;"This is the last mission that Teacher Kakashi gave me, I... I'm fine... I completed the mission, Teacher!"

On the other side, Hinata knelt on one knee. She also survived. Looking at the ruins around her, with her as the center, it should be that the Kaiten was used under the Shinra Tensei.

A senior ninja of the Hyuga family slowly approached Hinata. He covered his injured arm and said with concern;"Are you okay, Lady Hinata."

Hinata nodded;"Well, don't worry about me for now, how is your injury?"

The senior ninja gently pushed Hinata's hand away;"If something happens to Lady Hinata when Lord Hiashi and Hanabi are not around, it will be a shame of my life. Please don't worry about me." Hinata said seriously.���;"I feel even more guilty when you say that. Now that the main family is not here, if everyone is covered in wounds, I will definitely be scolded."

Hinata then took out a bandage from her ninja tool bag and bandaged the wound of the branch family's senior ninja.

The senior ninja was moved and said,"Lady Hinata."

Hinata then looked towards the center of Konoha, and the white mist caused by the summoning technique had not yet dissipated.

"That being said, this attack is too strong."

I'm a sabmado

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