Naruto felt the endless tenderness of his mother Kushina in the spiritual world, and he slowly woke up in reality.

Thinking of Kushina's words;"I love you"

"It's really funny!"

Then Naruto roared, his blue chakra burst out, devouring the original red tailed beast chakra. He regained his sanity and eliminated the blackened state.

Captain Yamato was shocked;"This, what is this?" Killer Bee rapped excitedly;"Yo yo, not bad, keep monitoring."

Then Naruto closed his eyes in the spiritual world, Kushina said seriously;"The chakra I used to suppress the Nine-Tails can't hold on." Then

Kushina smiled and raised her fist with full energy;"Let's make a break now!"

Naruto's eyes were extremely serious, and he shouted with all his strength;"Oh!"

For some reason, seeing such a scene, the mother and son fighting together, is really super touching.

Even Naruto himself in the main god space felt envious.

It may be because his mother Kushina has been resurrected and accompanied him a long time ago. He is a little used to it and the sense of surprise is not that great.

But the self in the video is seeing his mother Kushina for the first time. He is moved and cherishes every minute with his mother.

Naruto in the video returns to the Nine-Tails space. Kushina's chains still bind the Nine-Tails, making it unable to move.

Naruto seals;"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique."

The Nine-Tails roared;"Kid!"

Then he grabbed the chain on his chest and broke it.

Naruto roared;"It's coming!"

The shadow clones are ready, Kushina feels the chain being torn off;"It's really powerful!"

The shadow clones formed a group of two, one running in front, and the other chasing behind, helping the one in front to condense the Rasengan.

Such a bizarre way of fighting is rare. Naruto in the main god space was quite speechless after seeing it. He could already condense the Rasengan with one hand.

It seems that he is stronger than himself in the video. He certainly understands the reason. There are too many masters around him who are willing to teach him.

Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya, the Seventh Hokage, including Sasuke, and even Kaguya have been his sparring partners.

Although the reverse harem technique with Kaguya was quite embarrassing.

Soon, Naruto in the video completed the condensation of the Rasengan,"Watch this!"

Naruto with the Rasengan in his hand jumped up almost at the same time, and the other shadow clones turned into smoke and dissipated.

Naruto shouted the name of this move;"Spiral, super multi-shot!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up;"This name is good, did Naruto think of it himself?"

"Follow me on this one!"

""Puchi!" Kushina beside him laughed out loud;"Well, great name."

To be honest, if possible, the two of them really want to accompany Naruto in the video.

He is much more pitiful than Naruto in this world.

However, the Naruto in the video is actually the younger Naruto of the Seventh Hokage, but the Seventh Hokage said lightly;"Dad, Mom, you don't have to be sad. The Naruto in the video is me. I have a family and a career, and I live a happy life. I have let go of my parents' longing, not to mention that you are by my side now."

Namikaze Minato and Kushina smiled slightly;"That's true."

Then, the Seventh Hokage and Kushina looked at each other and smiled.

Even the uncle version of the Seventh Hokage is still very sunny when he smiles.

In the video, the Nine-Tails looked at the many clones of Naruto and roared;"Don't be too arrogant!"

In the spiritual world, Kushina closed her eyes;"You can continue!"

Then the chains wrapped around the Nine-Tails' feet tightened instantly, and its huge body lost its balance and fell backwards.

The Nine-Tails' huge eyes were full of disbelief and shock.

The cooperation between mother and son was simply perfect, but this was their last joint operation.

In the spiritual world, Kushina gently looked at Naruto, who was fighting in the Nine-Tails' space with his eyes closed. He seized the opportunity created by Kushina for him and whispered,"Take advantage of now~."

The next moment, orange eye shadow appeared on Naruto's eyelids, and he entered the Sage Mode. The ordinary Rasengan in his hand instantly turned into a large Rasengan.

Countless large Rasengan floated in the air and smashed towards the Nine-Tails, dazzling and magnificent.

The Nine-Tails, who fell to the ground, looked up with a look of shock in his eyes.

Naruto said coldly,"Sage method, super large Rasengan."

Namikaze Minato gave a thumbs up again,"This name is not bad either."

All the people in the ninja world have long been impressed by Naruto's strength. At this time, Naruto is even stronger than when he fought against Pain.

Countless super-large jade Rasengan of the magic technique smashed into the Nine-Tails, knocking him several meters away. There was water on the ground in the Nine-Tails' space.

The Nine-Tails' huge body fell over, and water splashed.

Naruto would not miss this opportunity. Almost when the water splashed to the top and was about to fall down, Naruto rushed towards the Nine-Tails with a magic Rasenshuriken.

With a series of attacks, the combat experience can be said to be extremely rich, and the people who watched it were very excited.

Even Jiraiya was also amazed;"Naruto, this guy, has really grown a lot. His practical experience is even better than Naruto at this time."

Naruto also found that his actual combat experience was not as good as Naruto in the video, and he felt a little unconvinced, even though he could condense a Rasengan with one hand.

Maybe Naruto was too happy during this period of time, and his overall combat power might not be as high as Naruto in the video.

Even if he could condense a Rasengan with one hand, his ability was a little stronger than Naruto in the video.

Naruto roared,"One more hit!"

The powerful Wind Style Rasenshuriken hit the Nine-Tails, and the huge shock wave caused the water surface to roll.

The Nine-Tails' cheek was hit by the Rasenshuriken, and it was surprised and said,"What's going on with this power?"

Even a powerful beast like the Nine-Tails couldn't bear it, and Naruto roared,"Get out of the way."

The Nine-Tails' body was knocked away, but its chakra was pulled out.

Kushina was surprised and said,"Great, the Nine-Tails' chakra was pulled out."

The next moment, the Nine-Tails���The chakra of the chakra merged into Naruto's body, and a golden light emanated from his body. Wonderful patterns also appeared on his clothes.

There was a whirlpool on his stomach, and three magatama on each shoulder, for a total of six magatama. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Naruto looked so handsome.

Naruto exclaimed,"Is this what I saw on the Seventh Hokage?"

The Seventh Hokage said lightly,"Yes, that is the Sage Fox Mode, which is more powerful than the Sage Mode."

Naruto in the video was also amazed at his own changes,"This... is the Nine-Tails'……"

At this time, the Nine-Tails' eyes were full of bloodshot;"Naruto, you... you completely pissed me off!"[]

It should be said that it is worthy of being the Nine-Tailed Fox, as it actually used the Rasenshuriken and was still safe and sound.

The next moment, the Nine-Tailed Fox looked up at the sky, and a huge black ball was condensing in the air. It was unprecedentedly huge, and it was a size that the Eight-Tailed Gyu-ki could not condense no matter what.

The other tailed beasts in the main god space were shocked;"It is worthy of being the Nine-Tailed Fox, its power is indeed the strongest, the old man Six Paths is really biased."

Naruto in the video also sighed;"What a... such a powerful power."

"You are really powerful."

This black energy ball was so huge that Naruto looked like an ant when he stood in front of it. Its size was comparable to Uchiha Madara's meteor.

The next moment, Naruto twisted his stomach and reopened the seal. One by one, wooden stakes bound the nine tails of the Nine-Tails.

The last two larger wooden stakes hit the waist and head of the Nine-Tails, forcing it to lie on the ground.

The huge black ball that was half condensed in the air was shattered.

The Nine-Tails was shocked and said,"This... This is the power of the Six Paths."

The Nine-Tails was sealed in the cage again. It slowly closed its eyes, its eyes full of hatred."Remember this, Naruto!"

""I'm sorry, Nine-Tails, I won't do anything to you, just be quiet and wait for me for a while."

Then, Naruto's consciousness re-entered the consciousness space and saw his mother for the last time. He and his mother still had many things to say.

When Naruto opened his eyes in the consciousness space, his mother Kushina was holding his hand with a smile on her face;"That's great, Naruto!"

Naruto whispered;"Yeah."

Then with an unhappy expression on his face, he held Kushina's hand instead;"Mom, now……"

Kushina smiled gently,"I can go to Minato with peace of mind."

Hearing this, Naruto lowered his head in disappointment. How happy Naruto was just now, how disappointed he was now.

This was the last time they would see each other in this life.

Even the people in the main god space were sighing for Naruto.

Kushina's smile disappeared,"Before you leave, there is something I need to make clear to you."

Naruto looked up in astonishment, and Kushina continued,"Naruto, that happened sixteen years ago when you were born."

Hearing this, Obito in the main god space trembled all over, holding his head in fear, he was afraid that the secret would be known.

Even Namikaze Minato, Kushina had forgiven and accepted him.

But Naruto didn't know, and the other people in Konoha didn't know, that it was him who caused everything back then.

Even the destruction of Uchiha was caused by him. It was because the Nine-Tails was controlled by the Sharingan that it destroyed Konoha, went crazy in Konoha, and caused great destruction, leading to the sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage.

Obito didn't think it was a big deal before, but now, he finally returned to Konoha, and Rin was by his side. Is it true that this sin can never disappear?

At this moment, whether it was Kakashi or Rin, they gently squatted down and patted Obito on the back;"What does it matter? Isn't the Moon Eye Project your ideal? It will be completed soon, don't worry."

After the Moon Eye Project is completed, Obito will also complete his atonement, and the Uchiha clan members will be able to come back. So what if the world doesn't understand? He will eventually do everything he can and try his best.

Hearing this, Obito regained his composure, stood up, looked at the video expressionlessly, and waited for the public execution.

In the video, Kushina said;"Now, I want to tell you the truth of the year."

Naruto looked puzzled;"The truth of sixteen years ago?"

Kushina said calmly;"I am the former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, let's start from here."

"That's right, to let you know what happened sixteen years ago, I have to let you know my background first."

"I was chosen as the second Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. To be honest, I was brought to Konoha from the Land of Whirlpools so that I could become the Nine-Tails' helper."

Naruto didn't understand and was even angry."Why? Why must a foreign mother become a Jinchūriki?"

Kushina looked calm."Indeed, although I am a foreigner, the Land of Fire and the Land of Whirlpools, the Konoha Ninja Village (good one) and the Uzushio Ninja Village have a very deep connection."

"The Senju clan of Konoha and the Uzumaki clan of Uzushio are actually close relatives with blood relations. Because the clan members have a long life span, Uzushio Village is also known as the Longevity Village."

"Our clan is good at sealing techniques, and we all have hot tempers. The Four Symbols Seal on your abdomen also originated from the ninjutsu of our village."

"I was also the one who taught your father many sealing techniques."

"Naruto, the symbol behind you is the symbol of our Uzushio Ninja Village"

"As a symbol of friendship in Konoha, every jonin has such a whirlpool symbol behind him, and it is still used today."

Naruto said blankly;"Then what about the Uzushio Village?"

Kushina lowered her head and said lostly;"It has disappeared now."

"In the war-torn era, the power of the seal was feared, the village was attacked, and eventually the classics were destroyed."

"Those who survived also hid their identities and scattered around the ninja world."

At this time, Nagato was also in disbelief, including Uzumaki Karin. They were all members of the Uzumaki clan, and Karin was also particularly good at sealing techniques. It was also the first time for them to know the history of their clan. Their elders had never told them these things.

Karin was okay, at least she learned the sealing technique, but Nagato didn't understand it at all.

Naruto roared;"Even so, why did Mom want to……"

Naruto recalled his miserable childhood, when he was despised by the villagers of Konoha. He stood up for his mother and felt angry.

Kushina said,"In Uzushio Village, I seem to have been born with the powerful chakra that can seal the Nine-Tails." Naruto gritted his teeth, looking unwilling. The identity of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was something that they and their son did not want..

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