Kushina looked helpless, she knew Naruto might not be able to accept it.

Kushina sighed and asked,"Do you know about the duel between the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, and Uchiha Madara?"

Naruto nodded slightly,"Yeah."

This is something written in the textbooks of Konoha School. Even if Naruto's academic performance is poor, he knows it.

Kushina threw out a shocking news,"My previous Jinchūriki was the wife of the first Hokage, her name is Uzumaki Mito"

"In that battle, in order to help the first generation of Hashirama who got the Nine-Tails,"

"Mito-sama used the sealing technique to seal the Nine-Tails into his own body and became the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki."

"From then on, the Nine-Tails belonged to Konoha."

"But when Mito-sama was old and weak and dying, I was brought here to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

These are the biggest secrets of Konoha, and only the top leaders of Konoha know them.

Ordinary villagers absolutely cannot know them, and they don't know that Mito-sama is actually the first Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

They are even more���We all know that those who become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki have made sacrifices for Konoha.

Yet they still created darkness in little Naruto's childhood. If it weren't for the appearance of Iruka, Naruto would have turned evil, and he wouldn't have been able to hold on until he met Jiraiya.

Naruto has the most reason to turn evil and destroy Konoha!

Compared to Naruto, Sasuke has to stand aside. Naruto's family has made sacrifices for Konoha, so how do the villagers of Konoha treat their family?

They are the ones who have been blinded by the fear of the Nine-Tails.

After hearing about his mother's past, Naruto's eyes dimmed, and then he said angrily,"This is treating people as tools!"

And this person is his mother. For the first time, Naruto hated the Konoha high-level officials a little bit.

Kushina comforted him,"When I was brought here, I didn't actually know."

"I admit, I was devastated when I learned the truth."

"This matter was kept as a secret, and only a few high-ranking officials including the Third Hokage knew about it. Even the backbone of Konoha such as Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru did not know about it."

"The pressure and loneliness of becoming a Jinchūriki almost overwhelmed me, but the former Mito-sama invited me."

At that time, Mito-sama was already an old grandmother. She said softly in a gentle tone;"Come closer!" The young Kushina obediently walked forward, Mito gently held Kushina's hand, and then let Kushina lie in her arms, gently stroking her head.

During that time, it was like a grandmother and granddaughter.

"You and I came here to become the container of the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"You must have been shocked when you found out?"

"It must be very sad and painful!"

"It's okay, you can tell me the truth."

Kushina's eyes were full of sadness, and she said softly;"Yes!"

Mito said;"Listen carefully, we are indeed the container of the Nine-Tails"

"However, even if we live as Jinchūriki, we can still find ways to make ourselves happy."

"First, let the container……"

In the spiritual world, Kushina recalled with a nostalgic look;"Let the container be filled with love"

"In that case, even if I live as the Nine-Tails' Jinchūriki, I can still be happy."

In her memory, Kushina remembered the happy days when she and Minato became Genin together and stayed together every day.

"Mito-sama, that's what I was taught."

Naruto asked;"So mom, are you happy as a Jinchūriki?"

Kushina nodded without hesitation;"Yes……"

With a blush on her face, her smile was particularly sweet, and it was not fake at all, because she was really happy to have Minato accompany her.

Even as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it did not affect their love at all.

Hearing this, Naruto was so moved that he cried, and he was really happy for his mother.

Kushina said helplessly;"Really, Naruto, why are you crying!"

Naruto wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, but two rows of white teeth were revealed at the corners of his mouth, and he grinned.

Then Naruto realized something was wrong;"Oh, sixteen years ago, the Nine-Tails attacked Konoha, my father said that it was the masked man who did it."

"Then, why do you still hold the Nine-Tails, mom?"

Kushina said calmly;"It seems that your father didn't tell you in detail!"

"That's right. At that time, Minato gave me most of his time, so he had very little time left."

"Yes, it was indeed the masked man who controlled the Kyubi attack sixteen years ago."

"But before that, the Nine-Tails had been sealed in me."

Naruto was even more confused;"Then, why is this!"

Kushina said lightly;"The masked man, I don't know why he knew"

"What did you know?"

"The only chance for the Jinchūriki to seal the tailed beasts to their weakest state"

"He took that opportunity to snatch away the Nine-Tails."

Naruto was shocked, he had never heard of such a thing;"The only opportunity when the seal weakened?"

"When is that?"

Kushina's expression was serious;"During childbirth, you don't need to worry anyway."

However, Naruto was still stunned, when her mother gave birth to her, was that the time when her mother died?

"During the ten months from pregnancy to childbirth, the female Jinchūriki will transfer the energy used for sealing to the child in her belly, and the seal on the tailed beast will be weakened."

"That is to say?"

Kushina lowered her head and slowly said the date of Naruto's birth;"October 10th, sixteen years ago."

The scene returned to Konoha Village more than ten years ago, and Kushina sat obediently in the hospital.

The female doctor said;"Congratulations."

Kushina said cutely;"Hey, what?"

"The due date is October 10th."

Upon hearing this, Kushina's face was all smiles, and under her excitement, she spoke in a strange way;"Are you pregnant?"

The next moment, Kushina returned home and told the good news to Minato Namikaze.

Minato Namikaze had a dazed look on his face, holding a bowl in his hand, and was cooking;"Hey, are you pregnant?"

Kushina touched her belly and said excitedly;"I'm going to be a mother!"

Minato Namikaze had a dazed look on his face;"I... am going to be a father?"

Kushina became even more excited;"I'm going to be a mother." Minato

Namikaze took a step forward and looked at Kushina in surprise;"I'm going to be a father."

The next moment Kushina shouted;"I'm going to be a mother."

Then she rushed to Minato Namikaze, and Minato Namikaze's face flushed with excitement;"In this way, I will become a father too."

Kushina exclaimed and hugged Minato's neck. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The two laughed loudly. Although the belly was not very big, Minato Namikaze leaned over to listen to what was going on.

The scene was particularly warm. Naruto in the video was just listening to Kushina's memories. There were no actual pictures, and the pictures were all made up by his own imagination.

Naruto and the Seventh Hokage outside the video also saw their parents before they were born for the first time, and they were so loving.

The Seventh Hokage, like Naruto, couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

The Seventh Hokage's concentration was a little better, and Naruto was already sobbing and crying.[]

As the day approached, the Sandaime came to Minato Namikaze's house;"Kushina is about to give birth, there are some things I must tell you clearly, the previous Mito-sama was also the same, when she gave birth, she almost unsealed the Nine-Tails."

""In order to be on the safe side, I'm sorry that you have to give birth in a barrier a little far from the village."

Namikaze Minato said gently,"It's related to the seal, I will stay by your side during the birth."

Kushina looked at Minato with trust.

The Sandaime said,"Minato, the female ninjas of the Anbu, and my wife will be with you, and all this must be done in secret."

Kushina nodded in agreement, after all, it was for the safety of Konoha.

"Of course, my direct Anbu will also be responsible for guarding outside the house."

Namikaze Minato's eyes were full of love, and he held Kushina's hand;"I will go and prepare in advance."

Kushina looked at Namikaze Minato with eyes full of love, and nodded gently;"Yeah."

Then Namikaze Minato left, he wanted to prepare now.

The third generation Hokage's wife said to Kushina;"I will be responsible for taking you there."

However, Kushina pretended not to hear, and kept staring at Namikaze Minato, the love in her eyes was so strong that it could not be dissolved.

The Hokage's wife said loudly;"Kushina, are you listening to me."

Hearing this, Kushina's face was embarrassed and her face blushed.

"Thank you very much."

Kushina followed the Third Hokage's wife on the streets of Konoha;"It's almost time to move."


Kushina's belly was already very big, but she met Uchiha Mikoto on the way.

She first bowed respectfully to the wife of the Sandaime Hokage, and then looked at Kushina.

Kushina also saw little Sasuke in Uchiha Mikoto's arms;"Wow... is it a girl?"

Seeing Kushina noticed him, a certain hedgehog-headed rebellious boy blushed involuntarily, and his face suddenly turned black when he heard the second half of the sentence.

Naruto laughed;"Hahaha, a girl, is Sasuke a girl?"

Uchiha Mikoto said;"It's a boy."

Kushina praised;"So cute."

The hedgehog-headed boy's face turned even darker

"What's his name?"

Mikoto said softly;"Sasuke."

At this time, she found that Kushina didn't catch up, and the wife of the Sandaime Hokage also came over and exclaimed;"Oh, he has the same name as the third generation's father."

Uchiha Mikoto said;"Yes, I hope he can become an outstanding and powerful ninja."

"Kushina's baby will be born soon, so it's better to choose a name first."

"It's already been named. It's Naruto. You will be Sasuke's classmate, so you should get along well with him."

Kushina rubbed Sasuke's face, then frowned and leaned close to Uchiha Mikoto's ear and said carefully,"By the way, it really hurts, doesn't it?"

Uchiha Mikoto was stunned,"Hey, Kushina is also afraid of something, how surprising."

Then Kushina was pulled away by the wife of the Sandaime Hokage,"Okay, I have to go, Kushina."

Kushina said helplessly,"Okay, see you next time."

The wife of the Sandaime Hokage reminded,"Your delivery is confidential, and try to avoid acquaintances if you meet them during the transfer."

Kushina scratched the back of her head embarrassedly, and her behavior in embarrassing moments was exactly the same as Naruto's,"Okay, sorry."

"Also, although it is far from the village, it is confidential, so don't scream too loudly when you have contractions."

""Okay, okay."

The scene changed, and Kushina completely forgot what she had agreed to do.

She screamed heartbreakingly;"Ah, it hurts so much!"

Namikaze Minato said awkwardly;"Well, this is the first time I see Kushina screaming in pain so loudly, are you really okay?"

The Hokage's wife said;"It's okay, your first priority is to keep an eye on the seal of the Nine-Tails."

Namikaze Minato was sweating profusely with nervousness, but he couldn't help;"But, this!"

The Hokage's wife said dissatisfiedly;"As the fourth generation Hokage, don't be so flustered"

"Men may have died of pain a long time ago, but women are very strong."

The Nine-Tails was struggling frantically at this time, and it was very difficult for Minato Namikaze to maintain the seal;"It's so strong, the Nine-Tails is struggling to get out."

Minato Namikaze looked at Kushina worriedly;"Come on, Kushina, come on, Naruto!"

Watching the video and his soon-to-be-born Naruto, the Seventh Hokage was sweating profusely.

At this time, the direct subordinate of the Third Hokage, the Anbu, was assassinated.

The evil man, the masked man, Obito, did show up.

Looking at his former self, Obito gritted his teeth, feeling extremely heartbroken. He really hoped to change history. He regretted it.���No matter what, he shouldn't destroy the happiness of his teacher and Kushina, especially when Obito and Rin were in love, he understood the feeling of losing a loved one.

Minato Namikaze's forehead was sweating nervously;"Please, come out quickly, Naruto, and don't let the Nine-Tails come out."

The doctor who delivered the baby was also encouraging;"Come on, Kushina."

Finally, with the cry of a baby, Minato Namikaze was overjoyed;"Finally, I'm going to be a father."

The Hokage's wife hugged little Naruto;"He is a very energetic boy."

Minato Namikaze said excitedly;"That's more!" The Hokage's wife took a step back;"Don't come to hold him , anyway, let him see his mother first!"

Minato Namikaze looked disappointed, watching the Hokage's wife bring little Naruto to Kushina.

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