Kakashi hesitated."Business... is booming?"

Kakashi was really a little scared. His intuition told him that Haku would redefine what a booming business is.

Kakashi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. [I hope my intuition is wrong. Haku is so cute and beautiful. The injured ninjas in Konoha will definitely seek him out for treatment.]】

"Therefore, Haku should really be doing a prosperous business and making a lot of money just like what Naruto said."

Kakashi smiled. As a major shareholder, wouldn't it be normal for Kakashi to share some of the dividends with him?

Maybe this is a very good investment, and by then his wife will be settled.

Ugh, he once made an agreement with Obito that whoever marries a wife will be a dog.

The seventh generation hidden in Naruto's ninja tool bag showed a relieved smile. Although the ending of Haku and Zabuza was not what he imagined, joining Konoha together.

However, he was also very relieved about such an ending, or rather, it was more perfect.

Haku doesn't have to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. He will open a herbal medicine shop in Konoha to help injured ninjas or civilians heal their diseases.

Haku is definitely capable of doing it, because Haku is an outstanding ninja and he has learned a lot of things, including various kinds of treatments.

And these are all taught to her by Zabuza, but it's a pity that Zabuza chose to leave alone.

But this seems to be in line with Zabuza's character. It is impossible for him to lose face and hide in Konoha.

"Then, the shadow clone is removed."

Somewhere far away from Konoha, the Seventh Hokage was looking for Orochimaru in each laboratory according to the address given by Aunt Snake. The shadow clone shared his memory with the Seventh Hokage;"Is that so? That's great. I will definitely invest in Bai's herbal medicine shop when the time comes."

"However, all the savings he had accumulated as Hokage were managed by Hinata. How could he ask for it back?"

"Don't worry about it for now, I'll go check it out after I return to the village. Now that the mission in Wave Country is over, the Chunin Exam will start soon, and we must find Orochimaru as soon as possible." On the other side, Kakashi's Team 7 brought Bai back to Konoha, and Bai followed Naruto quietly along the way.

This undoubtedly doubled the sense of security for Team 7. Bai, who was gifted by the Lord God, his combat ability is definitely the best in Konoha at present.

Konoha Hokage Building;"Third-generation Grandpa, we are back."

Kakashi delivered the task, and the Third-generation Hokage smiled kindly;"This must be Bai, I know everything in the Lord God space, so Bai, Konoha welcomes you to join."

If it were anyone else, it would be extremely difficult to leave their own ninja village and join another ninja village, but Bai is different. There is no need to test his character.

There is no need to send Anbu to track and monitor him. Bai is definitely an extremely kind child.

And even if the Anbu were sent to monitor, if Bai really wanted to hurt Konoha, no one in Konoha would be able to stop him. The

Susanoo he mastered is absolutely invincible at this point in time. Only three years later, Naruto will grow up to become the hero of Konoha in Shippuden, and then Bai will be surpassed.

The Sandaime left Kakashi behind, and he had something to ask Kakashi.

Kakashi also knew why he was left behind;"Third-generation, is it because of Bai?"

The Sandaime nodded slightly;"The ability of the Lord God is obvious to all, and Zabuza of the Hidden Mist Village made that kind of wish.

I believe Bai is also devoted to little Naruto, and I don't doubt whether he will hurt Konoha.

To be precise, as long as Naruto doesn't want to hurt, Bai is safe.

If Naruto wants to protect Konoha, Bai will be a great helper."

Kakashi asked;"Since the Third-generation Lord sees so clearly, why did you keep me here?"

The Third-generation Lord said in distress;"I am thinking, what kind of identity should be given to Bai, so that he can stay in Konoha and integrate into Konoha, and at the same time let the villagers of Konoha recognize this child."

Kakashi's eyes were bright;"Third-generation Lord, Bai has the knowledge to identify herbs, why not let him open a herbal medicine shop, and he can also help people see a doctor and treat injuries."

Hearing this, the Third-generation Lord was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth;"Great, let's do this, I will also sponsor some."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed with a smile;"Third-generation Lord, I believe that with Bai's gentle and kind character, he will definitely attract a large number of customers, and he will definitely have a prosperous business and make a lot of money." The

Third-generation Lord was moved;"Don't say anything, you need the geographical location of the herbal medicine shop, and I will find a way."

Originally, they just wanted to do good deeds, but after discovering the business opportunities, Kakashi and the Sandaime

, who had always been very poor, were tempted. The jonin Kakashi and the Hokage Sandaime were actually quite poor. Kakashi spent all his money on ninja tools.

The Sandaime was a poor Hokage, and his hobbies were just to peek into the women's bathhouse with a crystal ball and smoke. How much money could he spend?

Finally, they were about to seize an opportunity to get rich overnight and reach the pinnacle of life.

The Sandaime was old, but he had to work for the wood. He was thinking about Ye Wan.

Although Kakashi didn't care about money, if he had money, he would treat Naruto to ramen every day.

This is Minato's child, and he wanted to take good care of him.

Bai and little Naruto were walking on the way home, and passers-by cast friendly glances at Bai.

Bai, with a blank expression and empty eyes, didn't look like a smart kid who could make money.

Little Naruto laughed very heartily;"That's great, Bai, Kakashi will sponsor you to open a medicine shop, so I will lend you the few savings in my wallet."

Bai smiled and shook his head gently;"No need, Naruto-kun."

Little Naruto said with a smile;"It's okay, Brother Bai, just pay me back when you make money, and treat me to ramen."

"Open a herbal medicine shop to treat people's illnesses?"

Bai's pupils showed a yearning look, and then nodded vigorously;"Okay���Naruto-kun, I'll treat you to ramen every day after I make money."

Hearing this, little Naruto couldn't stop laughing;"Don't let me down, Haku, hahaha...

eat ramen every day...

ah hahahaha.

" ps;"Before creating, I referred to many Naruto settings.

In addition, the author's memory was fuzzy due to the long time, so he mixed up the ages.

At this time, Naruto should be 12 years old, and Haku is 15 years old, three years older than Naruto.

But when reviewing the anime, Kakashi said that Haku is younger than Naruto.

I always thought that Naruto was 15 years old and Shippuden was 17 years old, but in fact, Shippuden was only 15 years old, and Shippuden was three years later.

I can't just make a mistake.

The later plots will be changed back, and the previous ones will also be changed.


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