When little Naruto brought Bai back home, he felt a terrible smell of gunpowder.

The two women did not interfere with each other, but the atmosphere was extremely terrible.

It is conceivable that Sarah was thrown into Konoha by the Lord God and had no source of income, but she was unwilling to eat the food cooked by Hinata.

Fortunately, the third generation was very decisive and paid a fixed salary every month, even if she did nothing.

If nothing else, it was to help the Lord God wipe his ass. This was a person arranged by the Lord God. He couldn't starve to death after coming to Konoha.

Hinata resisted the sourness in her heart;"Naruto, you are back, how are you going to deal with this woman."

Little Naruto was surprised;"It's Sister Sarah, we have met several times in the Lord God space."

Sarah smiled happily;"Little Naruto, you are back."

Little Naruto said strangely;"Then Sister Sarah, why did you appear in my house."

Sarah blushed immediately. It was true that she lived in someone else's house. As a queen, she couldn't raise her head.

But then Sarah said arrogantly and confidently,"It was arranged by the Lord God. He said that Naruto and I have a destiny, so he arranged me in Naruto's family. If you have any objections, go and ask the Lord God."

It was like a huge mountain pressing down on her, and Hinata didn't dare to drive Sarah away because of this.

Little Naruto waved his hands repeatedly;"Of course I don't want to drive Sister Sarah away. I'll be very happy if there is one more companion at home."

Hinata said coldly;"This woman doesn't want to be your companion, she wants to be your wife."

Hearing this, little Naruto's face turned red;"What...what...what, wife?"

Sarah also blushed and retorted arrogantly;"No, Naruto has done me a favor, I just want to repay Naruto, washing clothes and cooking for Naruto is no problem."

Bai shook his head seriously;"No, I should be the one who cooks for Naruto. I am Naruto's tool. In addition to being his weapon, of course it also includes washing clothes and cooking and all other housework."

Sarah and Hinata said in unison;"Why are you, a man, butting in?"

Bai, who has red lips and white teeth and looks more beautiful than the two of them, was speechless...

There is no doubt that Hinata's appearance is definitely at the forefront among Naruto, especially when the Fourth Ninja World War just ended. At that time, Hinata simply killed all the female Naruto and was so beautiful.

But in Boruto, Hinata's looks plummeted. Although she is still very beautiful, she no longer has the stunning feeling when she first fell in love with Naruto.

She is already a mother of two children, and even Naruto has become an uncle.

Looking at the young and beautiful Sarah, Hinata actually doesn't want to compete with Sarah at all. Sarah is still just a child in Hinata's eyes.

However, Hinata is worried that she will not be able to compete with Sarah at this stage.

After all, whether it is the Hinata in the third generation or the Hinata in Shippuden, she is ordinary and has no shining points. She has a bad personality and is timid. Can she really attract Naruto's attention?

She is already a wife, at least the seventh generation is hers, and no one else can take him away.

Hinata calmed down and said to Sarah;"Even if you have had an unforgettable experience with him, I have experienced much more with the seventh generation than you."

"Because of the Lord God and because of little Naruto, I can allow you to live in our house, but you have to figure out who is the mistress of this house."

Hinata at this time was extremely strong, worthy of being the mistress of this house, and she could also control the Seventh Generation.

Sarah also understood and began to give in;"Okay, of course the mistress is you, I'm not interested in uncles."

Sarah looked at Naruto who was still blushing, and Sarah was a little embarrassed.

Hinata was so bad that she actually revealed her ultimate goal in one sentence.

But Naruto is still a twelve-year-old child now. It's so shameful to think about being a wife to such a young child.

So Sarah coughed;"Little Naruto, don't get me wrong, I'm temporarily living here because of the Lord God's arrangement, and you can treat me as your sister in the future."

Sarah smiled very gently;"I will take good care of you like a sister."

Hinata was full of black lines. She seduced my husband in front of me.

But her husband was not Naruto, but the Seventh Hokage. Although they were essentially the same person in different periods.

But now that the Lord God is involved, history will inevitably change, and they can no longer be regarded as the same person.

Because they are the same person with different experiences, are they still the same person they know?

And Hinata also knew that she only needed to cherish the present and the Seventh Hokage.

As for what would happen to Naruto, whether he would really become a scumbag and start a harem, although she was very angry, Hinata had no choice..

The only thing she could do was to go to the Hyuga family and train little Hinata very strictly and harshly.

She not only had to teach little Hinata all the ninjutsu she knew, but also had to dress her up.

Let little Hinata grow her hair long so that she could show her charm as soon as possible and firmly grasp the heart of little Naruto.

Sarah also knew that if she really wanted to marry little Naruto or something, she could not offend Hinata.

Hinata was still very important in the heart of little Naruto, and he and the Seventh Hokage were like family in the heart of little Naruto.

So Sarah flattered;"The Seventh Hokage will always be yours, and no one can take it away, so... can little Naruto... can you……"

Sara's face flushed, Hinata snorted coldly;"I can't control little Naruto, you can decide what you want to think of him."

It seemed that Hinata acquiesced, but then Hinata's face became serious;"But, I was also in Konoha Village when I was a child. I will not let her lose to you. She will definitely win the heart of little Naruto."

The two have already shown that they are in a competitive relationship, but Hinata plays a role similar to that of a mother. She wants to urge her daughter to defeat her competitors.

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