The first thing the Seventh Generation did when he returned to reality was to run to his yard and study the newly acquired Yin attribute chakra.

The Six Paths Sage gave Naruto and Sasuke the power of Yin and Yang. That power was very powerful but it was also consumable and could not be regenerated.

During this period, the Seventh Generation entered the Six Paths Sage Mode without the Samsara Eye. Those floating and seeking truth jades were things that the Seventh Generation had long been familiar with.

Once a person learns something, it is difficult to forget it. The Seventh Generation has always been unable to synthesize new ball path jades due to the lack of Yin attribute chakra. It is also impossible to enter the Six Paths Sage Mode and can only enter the weakened version of the Six Paths Mode.

Although Yin attribute chakra has been obtained now, there is still a long way to go before the understanding of Yin and Yang escape.

Among them, Yin escape represents the power of the spirit, and Yang escape represents the power of the body.

The combination of the two is Yin and Yang escape, which can create everything from nothing and give life. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ultimate ninjutsu.

Since ancient times, the Senju clan has inherited Yang escape and has powerful physical energy.

The Uchiha clan inherited Yin escape and has powerful spiritual energy.

This can be said to be the most core worldview in the ninja world.

The Yin-Yang Dun used by Nagato, Six Paths Obito, Six Paths Madara, Black Zetsu, and Kaguya Otsutsuki were all incomplete.

Later, Naruto obtained the power of the Six Paths from the Six Paths Sage. Although it was something that could not be regenerated and would disappear after use, it was orthodox.

And Naruto also obtained the ultimate ninjutsu of Yin-Yang Dun. He used the Yang Dun technique to give life and save the dying Kai. He also created an eye for Kakashi.

But the Yin-Yang Dun at that time was not realized by Naruto himself, but the Six Paths Sage transmitted this power to him, and it would disappear after use.

It can be said that Yin-Yang Dun is the strongest power of the entire Naruto. His power is even above Kaguya Otsutsuki, because Yin-Yang Dun can seal Kaguya Otsutsuki.

At this time, the seventh generation easily synthesized the ballway jade. There is no technical content. As long as there are seven attributes of the ballway jade, it can be synthesized casually.

In the final battle, after Obito left the Six Paths Sage mode, his ballway jade disappeared.

But he was able to penetrate Uchiha Madara's body and draw power from him to re-condense the ballway jade.

The Seventh Generation condensed a black jade stick for seeking the truth, which made him love it so much that he couldn't let it go. This might be the strongest weapon.

Ordinary ninjas, even elite jonins, would die if they were touched by his black jade stick for seeking the truth.

The Seventh Generation felt that there was little hope for him to learn Yin Yang Dun, but just by condensing the jade for seeking the truth, his main god reward was far better than Bai's eternal mangekyō.

Only those who don't know the goods would think that the main god's reward was just a change in the nature of chakra, which was too bad.

But the Seventh Generation could be said to be ecstatic, which was almost what he wanted most.

Of course, the future Sasuke's Samsara Eye was also very enviable. However, he now had something that the future Sasuke didn't have, the ball jade, which made the Seventh Generation extremely proud.

Hinata made breakfast and whispered;"Husband, come and eat."

After saying that, Hinata blushed. They almost never called each other in this way.

It was still like when they were children, calling each other by name.

But now, in the era of the Third Generation, they didn't want to have unnecessary explanations because of the name issue.

At the dinner table, the Seventh Hokage asked,"By the way, Naruto, the Chunin Exam is about to begin, right?"

Naruto nodded vigorously,"Brother, I want to be a big star in the Chunin Exam and crush Sasuke. Can you give me special training?"

When he heard about crushing Sasuke, even the Seventh Hokage couldn't help but be moved.

But in the end he shook his head, because his mentor was about to appear.

It was during the Chunin Exam that Jiraiya returned to Konoha and taught Naruto summoning.

Then he challenged Gaara, paving the way for the deep friendship in the future.

These histories, about the growth of Naruto and the growth of his friends, the Seventh Hokage didn't want to change.

Seeing that the Seventh Hokage shook his head and was unwilling to give him special training, Naruto pouted angrily.

Bai smiled sweetly and said,"Naruto-kun, how about I give you special training."

Hearing this, Naruto instantly became energetic. In Naruto's heart, Bai was more powerful than the Seventh Hokage.

After all, the Seventh Hokage had never taken action in front of him, but he had a deep understanding of Bai's strength.


In the dark of Konoha, Shimura Danzo was restless.

The root ninjas were collectively guarding Shimura Danzo. They were a group of dead servants who were brainwashed by him. They were not loyal to Konoha, but loyal to Danzo himself.

If Danzo was dealt with rashly, Konoha would suffer heavy losses.

It must be admitted that Konoha's position as the leader of the five major countries is inseparable from the root power of Shimura Danzo.

For these reasons, even if it was discovered that Shimura Danzo had a big problem, the third generation did not intend to deal with him.

He just pretended that the incident in the main god space had never happened, and Danzo knew this very well.

The third generation would not settle accounts with him because of a family that had long been extinct, and cut off one of his arms to cause Konoha to lose a powerful force. What

Shimura Danzo was really worried about was the revenge of the remnants of the Uchiha clan, that is, Uchiha Itachi.

A spiral ripple emerged from behind Danzo, and a man wearing a vortex mask appeared at the opening of the mask with a scarlet Sharingan.

However, this person was not Uchiha Itachi, whom Danzo feared the most;"You... who are you?"

"I, Uchiha Madara, have come to reclaim the eyes of the Uchiha clan. You are not worthy of possessing the eyes of our clan."

Danzo was extremely shocked;"Impossible... Uchiha Madara has been dead for a long time."

The whirlpool began to expand and absorbed Danzo Shimura's entire body. When he opened his eyes again, a strange man with circle-shaped eyes stared at him expressionlessly. The masked man said in a low voice;"Pein, this man is difficult for me to deal with. He can use Izanagi. Please seal him with the black stick.……"

"He will be the backup eye bank of our Akatsuki organization in the future."

Payne said expressionlessly;"Well, thank you for bringing him to me, A Fei." ps;"Please give me flowers... The flower data is terrible, woo woo woo……"

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