The moment he saw Pein, Danzo exclaimed in disbelief;"You... You are the leader of Akatsuki, Yahiko, you should be dead."

Danzo narrowed his eyes;"It's a ninja tool, who transformed Yahiko's body into a ninja tool, the remnant of Akatsuki?"

Pein widened his eyes, and stared at Danzo with cold eyes.

Obito decided to slip away;"Then, I'll leave this place to you, I'll leave first."

Pein is not an opponent that Obito can defeat. Although Obito is also one of the masterminds behind the scenes, Pein's eyes belong to Uchiha Madara.

On the surface, Obito obeys Pein, but secretly he is in the same group with Black Zetsu and White Zetsu.

Even if Obito can't beat Pein, if Pein doesn't act according to the plan, Obito has the help of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu and is capable of taking away his Samsara Eye. Nagato is nothing without the Samsara Eye, that is just the power of Uchiha Madara.

In fact, if the Samsara Eye is given to Obito, he can play the power of this pair of eyes more perfectly.

But Obito was unwilling. The harm of the Samsara Eye to people was too great, and Obito did not want to be a tool of Uchiha Madara.

It was just that their goals were temporarily the same, and they worked together for the Moon Eye Project, but he was unwilling to use the Samsara Eye's Samsara Natural Technique to personally revive Uchiha Madara.

So let Nagato be the tool who sacrificed himself to revive Uchiha Madara.

At present, Obito was just a higher-level tool in Uchiha Madara's heart, and he didn't even have to be a tool. As long as the goals were the same, Uchiha Madara was happy to help Obito.

Nagato, Pein and the others were different. They were purely pawns to be used. Even the establishment of the Akatsuki organization was in Uchiha Madara's plan.

This organization could be called anything, but its final responsibility must be to collect S-level rebel ninjas in the world and finally capture the tailed beasts for the Moon Eye Project.

And now it seems that Danzo is involved in Yahiko's death, and Nagato must be unable to tolerate it.

Obito did not want to stay and watch the show, lest it affect himself.

Danzo thought that he was at a disadvantage because he didn't understand the ability of the masked man. When he came to his senses, he found that he had moved to another place.

But he didn't think that he had no strength to fight. He was also a well-deserved Kage-level strength.

The chakra nature he was best at was the wind attribute, and wind was the most powerful of all chakra properties.

And Danzo's understanding of wind escape was beyond ordinary people's imagination. The attack power of his wind escape vacuum bullet was really amazing.

The air blown out of his mouth was like a bullet, and it could even split the rock.

Put the shuriken on the fingertips and blow it with your mouth, and it will immediately form a wind blade outside.

Although the destructive power is far weaker than the wind escape shuriken, his ninjutsu consumption is extremely low. As long as there are shurikens, as many as he can blow out.

And his trump card Four Symbols Seal, a ninjutsu launched at the cost of sacrificing himself, has a destructive power of the level of destroying the world.

Danzo's strength is really good. With the many trump cards he hides and doesn't use easily, he has surpassed the third generation Hokage.

Even now that he seems to have entered the enemy's base camp, he still doesn't take Pein seriously.

"Humph, remnants of the Akatsuki organization, I knew that you would threaten Konoha one day.

Pein said without any emotion;"So, what role do you play in this?"

"Old man, why should I tell you."

Pain had no expression on his face;"Forget it, the truth doesn't matter anymore, Ten Thousand Things Attracted by Heaven."

Danzo was immediately attracted by a strong gravitational force and couldn't break free, but he was worthy of the Kage-level strength and began to form seals in mid-air.

""Wind Style: Vacuum Wave" A devastating air wave flew towards Pein.

Pein absorbed it instantly, and then Danzo had no chance to release the next ninjutsu, he was sucked in front of Pein.

One hand firmly clamped Danzo's neck, and the other hand stabbed a chakra black stick.

This black stick can disrupt the chakra in the body, and no ninjutsu can be released, or even unable to move.

No matter what role he played in Yahiko's death, he will now become the backup eye bank of the Akatsuki organization. He will be raised by the Akatsuki organization like a pig until all his Sharingan are taken away. , then he would have lost the value of existence.

Danzo was killed instantly, and the result was obvious. It was impossible for him to be hit by Pein's ninjutsu, Tensei, and immediately choose to sacrifice a Sharingan to use Izanagi.

But Pein's black stick has an extremely powerful confinement effect. Once hit, the battle is over.

This was due to Danzo's carelessness and lack of intelligence, but more of it was because he was too weak.

There is no doubt that Danzo is a very powerful Kage-level strongman, but in front of the Rinnegan, even a Kage-level will be killed instantly.

There were four murderers who killed Yahiko back then, and Nagato only knew... He will never know about Hanzo and the other three. Danzo seems to be involved as well, but no matter what role he plays, Nagato doesn't want to ask anymore.

Because even he doesn't have the ability to make people tell the truth.

And Danzo doesn't look like the kind of person who would make the bad things he has done public.

Therefore, it's not that Nagato doesn't want to know, he just doesn't want to waste his breath. Anyway, Danzo will definitely die if he stays in Akatsuki.

Outside the house, Uchiha Obito looked at the sky of the Hidden Rain Village that has been gloomy for many years. All his actions are only to create a world with Rin.

In the world of the Moon Eye, Rin, Kakashi, Minato, and Kushina will all exist.

For this reason, no matter how many people he has to kill along the way, even if he kills his own acquaintances, he will not have any psychological burden.

Because in the world of the Moon Eye, they are all still alive.

The main god space once made him feel strange. What would happen if he answered the question correctly and let the main god resurrect Lin?

But he quickly abandoned this idea. Even if Lin could be resurrected, she still could not stop the hatred and war among the countries in the ninja world.

Besides, he also wanted to let Minato and Kushina, who were killed by him, be reborn in another world and let them live a happy life.

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