After dealing with Shimura Danzo, Payne came to the rooftop. The masked man was soaked in the rain and his back was indescribably lonely.

"Madara, I want you to bring another person with you."

The masked man turned back and scratched his head embarrassedly;"Oh, boss, I don't have any special ability."

Pein was stunned for a moment before he reacted;"You are...A Fei?"

A Fei said in a lively tone;"Madara is really unmotivated, he went to rest"

"So, so, what task does the boss want to assign to me?"

Payne hesitated;"Nothing.……"

Ah Fei wailed;"Don't be like this, at least when I'm about to be attacked, that guy will use ninjutsu to protect me. Although I'm a rookie, I'm also invincible."

Payne said expressionlessly;"Let him come out and talk to me."

The next moment, the masked man's voice became extremely low;"You want to see the blond middle-aged uncle who answered the question correctly in the main god space, right?"

"In fact, I also want to meet him. He is one of the few people in the world who possesses all seven chakras."

"Unfortunately, I don't know where he is, so Pein, you arrange for intelligence personnel to investigate."

Suddenly Pein paused;"Orochimaru, what is he doing in the Hidden Rain Village, hasn't that guy already quit the Akatsuki organization!"

The masked man immediately became interested when he heard it;"That venomous snake actually dared to show up in front of the Akatsuki organization, is he tired of living?"

When the Seventh Hokage found Orochimaru, he thought that Orochimaru had not yet joined the Akatsuki organization.

As long as he waited, Orochimaru would definitely contact the Akatsuki organization.

But he was actually wrong. Orochimaru had been a member of the Akatsuki organization a long, long time ago, when Uchiha Itachi's partner was still Biwa Juzo.

It was just that later... he withdrew. From the beginning to the end of Naruto, Orochimaru had never joined the Akatsuki organization.

He joined the Akatsuki organization earlier.

Then Obito hid behind the scenes again and handed over the control of his body to White Zetsu, also known as Afei.

Many people mistakenly believe that Uchiha Madara is Obito, who likes to act crazy and stupid and is very naughty.

In fact, since Rin's death, Obito has always had a low voice, never laughed, and never been lively.

The person with a lively and lively personality has always been the White Zetsu who coexists with Obito. The

White Zetsu in Obito, also known as Afei, has always been like this. He likes to call Deidara" Senior, the one who always likes to make Deidara angry is this White Zetsu Afei.

In fact, Deidara and Afei have a good relationship.

However, Obito, the real owner of this body, has never had any intersection with Deidara, and has never even spoken to him.

The person who picked up the Jade Maiden Ring of the Red Sand Scorpion and wanted to join the Akatsuki organization was also Afei.

Since then, Afei has become an official member of the Akatsuki organization...

But now Afei is only a trainee of the Akatsuki organization. The members all know him, but now that the Akatsuki organization is full, Afei has not been allowed to join.

Only the leader Pein and Konan know that there is another person in Afei's body who is called Uchiha Madara.

He is not pretending to be crazy or stupid, nor does he have a dual personality, but Obito's body is shared by two people.

Obito disguised himself as Uchiha Madara, and White Zetsu played Afei.

The next moment Pein and Afei appeared in front of Orochimaru and blocked his way.

Pein said expressionlessly;"Orochimaru, traitor of the Akatsuki organization, what is your intention in coming here."

Orochimaru said innocently;"Hey, hey, I haven't done anything to hurt Akatsuki."

Pein said dissatisfiedly;"You attacked Uchiha Itachi, and Akatsuki prohibits internal fighting. Besides, leaving without my permission is a betrayal." After feeling it carefully for a moment, Pein said coldly;"It's a shadow clone. Do you think you will be safe by sending a shadow clone?"

Orochimaru immediately softened;"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry, if I want to rejoin Akatsuki, will you agree?"

Pein said coldly;"Akatsuki is already full."

Orochimaru said regretfully;"But they haven't grown up yet, and haven't become independent ninjas. Even Uchiha Itachi and Deidara are still minors."

Pein was silent. What Orochimaru said was true.

It was too early for Akatsuki to capture the tailed beasts. The members were not strong enough. They had to continue to train and gain experience and collect information about the Jinchūriki.

But then Pein shook his head firmly,"But I don't trust you. You must have other purposes. Last time it was Itachi's Sharingan, what about this time?"

In fact, it was quite casual for Pein to recruit people to join Akatsuki. Even after the death of Scorpion, even people like Afei could join Akatsuki. Basically, as long as you have the strength and are willing to join Akatsuki, anyone who is clean and does not belong to other villages can join. If you are not strong enough, you will be an extra staff member of Akatsuki, and those with strong strength will be given a ring to become a formal member.

After applying to join Akatsuki and being rejected repeatedly, Orochimaru said helplessly,"In fact, I came here this time to bring some information to Akatsuki."

Pein said with interest,"Tell me about it."

Orochimaru said grimly,"In the main god space, there is a middle-aged uncle with seven chakra properties. I know where he is."

Nagato was very interested in this person, so he asked again;"I am more and more confused about what your intention is!"

"Let us join Xiao"

"Moreover, the Sharingan was provided for me to study. The Akatsuki organization must be able to get it, such as Danzo Shimura."

Pain and Afei looked at each other, and Afei said in an exaggerated tone;"Ahaha, hahahaha, you are talking about Danzo, he was just locked up by our boss."

Pain said expressionlessly;"Shut up Afei."

Afei immediately covered his mouth carefully. Orochimaru pretended to be calm, but he was shocked in his heart. He found that he seemed to have underestimated the strength of the Akatsuki organization before.

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