The shadow clone of the Seventh Hokage said embarrassedly,"I'm really sorry, Boss. My real body is still taking care of the kids and I really don't have time to come."

Pain said coldly,"With your strength, would you be willing to call me Boss?"

After just a few fights, Pain had already felt the man's incredible strength, although both of them held back.

But even if he tried his best, this person could still pose a great threat to him.

Only when the Six Paths of Pain showed up at the same time would Nagato have a chance of winning.

It would be difficult to deal with this person with only the Path of Heaven, not to mention that he only came with a shadow clone. The

Seventh Hokage said seriously,"Our goal is peace in the ninja world, so why can't we join forces? I want to join the Akatsuki organization just to have world peace and no more wars."

Pain said with interest,"Oh, really, but our methods are a bit extreme."

"Our Akatsuki organization's peace will inevitably require the use of violent means. We will declare war on the five major countries at the same time, and defeat them one by one. The Akatsuki organization will lead the five major countries. Are you willing?"

The seventh generation nodded without hesitation. Anyway, the Akatsuki organization will not really take action until three years later, when little Naruto grows up.

During this period, the seventh generation has a hunch that the ninja world will usher in huge changes.

He himself is a huge variable, and there is also an unpredictable and omnipotent Lord God.

Payne finally nodded and agreed;"Okay, from now on you are a peripheral member of the Akatsuki organization." The seventh generation's face twitched when he heard this;"What, how can I be a peripheral member with my strength?"

Payne sighed;"Then Konan, give him your ring, anyway, you don't need to fight."

Hearing this, Xiaonan also sighed and slowly took off his ring.

He walked slowly towards the direction of the Seventh Generation with an expressionless face, giving people the feeling that Xiaonan would take action at any time.

Cracks appeared on Xiaonan's face, as if pieces of paper, and finally all the pieces of paper gathered in Xiaonan's hands.

The Seventh Generation looked nervous and couldn't help but take a step back.

As a result, when she walked in front of the Seventh Generation, a bouquet of flowers made of paper was handed to the Seventh Generation.

"Akatsuki, welcome to join us!"

The Seventh Hokage heaved a sigh of relief, which had made him extremely nervous.

Then the Seventh Hokage looked at Pein again;"Does she send flowers every time?"

Pein nodded slowly;"Yes, Akatsuki was originally an organization that was united and friendly for the same dream. Everyone lived together, just like brothers and sisters."The

Seventh Hokage certainly understood what this meant, which meant that the current Akatsuki had changed.

It was no longer the united and friendly Akatsuki of the past, and only Konan was still persisting.

Pein also just wanted to keep the members from fighting or infighting, and he no longer cared about other things.

The Seventh Hokage took the paper flowers handed over by Konan, as well as Konan's White Tiger Ring.

His eyes were extremely serious and firm, as if the promises he made would never lie.

"Sister Konan, I will definitely go all out to end the war in the ninja world and bring peace to the ninja world."

For some reason, when seeing the blond man in front of her, Konan always thinks of Yahiko and teacher Jiraiya.

Perhaps, the three of them are the same kind of people.

Konan encouraged,"Do your best, I'm looking forward to your performance."

The seventh generation grinned, and his smile was particularly sunny.

Even Pein on the side was stunned. Some features of the seventh generation were really very similar to Yahiko.

In fact, there is another person who looks very similar to them, the first generation Hokage Hashirama.

Then Konan said calmly,"Come with me, I'll get you the clothes of the Akatsuki organization."

The seventh generation smiled and said,"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Sister Konan."

Konan said dissatisfiedly,"You look older than me, and you will call me old." The seventh generation was embarrassed. He was already a greasy middle-aged man. Calling a beautiful girl sister, the other party might really be angry.

"Well then, I will call you Junior Sister Konan from now on."

Upon hearing this, Konan, as well as Pein, looked at each other at the same time;"What do you mean?"

The Seventh Hokage scratched his head;"Why are you looking at me like that, I have been instructed by Master Jiraiya, and you are also his disciples, aren't we senior brothers and sisters?"

Konan and Pein were silent for a long time;"I see, no wonder you know us."

Pein also said with relief;"Then, your real strength may be above mine."

In the previous battle, Nagato had discovered that a single Ten Path was probably no match for the blond middle-aged man.

But if the Six Paths of Pain came together, Nagato would still have a good chance of winning.

But now, if this person is Jiraiya's disciple, judging from his age, he should have stayed with Jiraiya to learn for a long time. Moreover, he is still in his prime middle-aged period, and ninjas in this period are generally the strongest. With rich practical experience, having seen and learned all kinds of ninjutsu, the seventh generation is about the same age as Uchiha Madara in his prime.

Similarly, the seventh generation is also in such a peak period.

The seventh generation did not pretend anymore, and said,"That's right, even if you summon the Six Paths of Pain, you are not my opponent, Junior Brother Nagato."

Originally, Nagato and Konan were the senior brothers and sisters of the seventh generation, but due to their current age, they had to call them junior brothers and sisters.

The seventh generation revealed Pain's true identity in one sentence, and Nagato and Konan were greatly shocked.

But then Nagato controlled Pain and said in a low voice,"Is your personality the same as that of Teacher Jiraiya??"

"If we follow our plan, we will definitely be in opposition to Master Jiraiya."

The Seventh Hokage thought for a moment and then shook his head firmly;"I am different from him, at least I never want to be your enemy."

"On the contrary, no matter what you do, even if you stand against me, I will do my best to bring you back on track."

Just like Naruto chased Sasuke, the seventh generation will also chase Nagato and Konan.

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