That night, a special welcome party was held inside the Akatsuki organization. Only Pein, Konan, and the Seventh Hokage were present.

There was no big fish or meat. The three of them gathered together to grill fish and sweet potatoes without any seasoning.

Konan said expressionlessly,"I'm sorry, Brother Menma. We are orphans of the war and have always been used to eating these."

The Seventh Hokage smiled and said,"Who isn't? When I was young, I was even more miserable than you."

"At least you have companions, the three of you depend on each other, but I am alone, despised by the whole ninja village, without family or friends." The

Seventh Hokage thought of Shikamaru and Choji;"Well, I still have two friends, but they only took me to play with them because they felt sorry for me and had their own ideas. They would not follow the adults' ideas."

"Later, I became a ninja, met many companions, and also met Jiraiya, the teacher. For the first time, I felt the warmth of family from him."

Konan smiled;"Same, we also felt the warmth of family from Jiraiya." The seventh generation who called himself Uzumaki Menma smiled happily;"Well, this fish is grilled well, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and it's not burnt, Xiaonan, you have great cooking skills"

"By the way, where's Nagato? Why doesn't he come along?"

Pein said expressionlessly,"My legs are injured and I can't move." The

Seventh Generation remembered Pein's leg injury, which was caused by Hanzo.

Back then, Hanzo took Konan as a hostage and threw a kunai, asking Nagato to pick it up and kill Yahiko. In the end, when Nagato picked up the kunai with a look of despair and fear, Yahiko bumped into it himself.

Hanzo even burned Nagato's legs, turning him into a disabled person.

Konan recalled the past with a gloomy expression. Pein had always been expressionless because he was already a dead man. The

Seventh Generation patted his chest and comforted him,"Don't worry, Junior Brother Nagato, wait until I learn Yin-Yang Dun, I will help you heal your legs immediately."

Pein said,"Legend has it that that is the power that the Six Paths Sage can use."

Upon hearing this, the Seventh Generation condensed the chakra black stick in his hand and handed it to Pein,"Feel it carefully, but don't touch it. This is called the Ball Ball and it is also the power of the Six Paths Sage."

Pein felt it carefully for a moment, then said in disbelief,"This is similar to my chakra black stick."

The Seventh Hokage nodded,"That's right, but you lack the Yin attribute in your body. Even if you have the Rinnegan, you can't condense the ball."

At this time, Orochimaru's shadow clone had long been dissolved, and Afei was also driven away by Nagato.

The three brothers and sisters were chatting happily. Pein had fewer and fewer topics, while the Seventh Hokage and Konan were chatting enthusiastically. Konan was often amused and chuckled.

Pein was like a long, long time ago, sitting around the campfire, quietly watching Yahiko and Konan.

It was as if he had returned to the past, and Senior Brother Menma replaced Yahiko's role, and Konan actually had the same feeling.

But both of them knew in their hearts that Uzumaki Menma could not replace Yahiko, and Yahiko was dead.

They... would make the world pay the price, and then exchange peace by deterring the five major countries.

They are not the children of prophecy, so they can only end the war in their own way. In fact, their way is really It can be achieved.

Using a method similar to nuclear weapons to deter the ninja world, although it is ironic, it can really bring peace.

Yahiko's method is naive but not wrong, and Nagato's method is extreme but more feasible.

The seventh generation recalled how he ended the war that year. I am afraid that he used both Yahiko and Nagato's methods at the same time.

On the one hand, the seventh generation connected the entire ninja world with friendship bonds, and on the other hand, he used his strength to defeat the powerful enemies along the way.

Yahiko was not wrong, but his mistake was that he did not have strong strength. Nagato had strong strength but no bonds, and the two were destined to fail.

At midnight, the seventh generation said calmly;"It's almost time to enter the main god space, so I want to remind you one last thing, be careful of the masked man."

Payne and Konan said at the same time;"Don't worry, I never really trusted him."

The seventh generation seemed to want to say a few more words, but in the end he was hesitant;"Okay, if he wants to hurt you, I will help you beat him."

As strong as Pein was, he actually felt a warm sense of being protected. The same was true for Konan. The sudden appearance of a senior brother made them feel very close.

Since he had saved Pein and Konan, wouldn't the masked man Obito go to save them?

The Seventh Hokage wanted to save them, but he couldn't.

Obito was dead at heart.

The only reason he was still alive was because of the Moon Eye Project.

He wanted to create a world where everyone was alive, and everyone naturally referred to the Namikaze Minato team.

Obito was too difficult to save. It should be said that Kakashi was the only one who could get Obito back on track.

The Seventh Hokage's bond with Obito was not enough, and he had no position to persuade Obito to turn back.

And the masked man was the murderer who killed the Seventh Hokage's parents. Did he hate him?

It can be said that the Seventh Hokage hated him with gnashing teeth, but he hated Obito's stupidity for listening to the thief Uchiha Madara.

However Uchiha Madara is also a pitiful man, and the real mastermind behind the scenes is Black Zetsu.

Tracing back to the source, everything was caused by Black Zetsu.

Let Pain be wary of Obito, then let Obito be wary of Uchiha Madara, and then let Uchiha Madara be wary of Black Zetsu.

Haha, it's really one thing after another, and the Seventh Generation just feels a headache.

Let's take it one step at a time. For the time being, he just wants to get Nagato and Konan back on track.

At least he can't let them go on the path of killing their master, and even win over Nagato and Konan to become his own people.

In the past timeline, the Seventh Generation has already done this, convinced Nagato, and even used the reincarnation technique to resurrect the fallen ninjas of Konoha.

But after persuasion, everything was too late. Pain had been defeated, Nagato had sacrificed, and Konan had already lost heart.

Now everything is still in time, and everything can still be changed.

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