Orochimaru looked at Bai, who was silently protecting little Naruto with a smile on his face, and said to the Seventh Hokage,"Is that you as a child?"

The Seventh Hokage did not hide it,"Ah, it seems you have guessed it."

Seeing that Bai and little Naruto seemed to stick together every day, Orochimaru said again,"Will you be distressed after history changes?" The

Seventh Hokage did not understand,"You mean……"

"Zabuza transferred Haku's feelings for him to your childhood self."

"Isn't it good? Although I think Zabuza's sacrifice is a bit big, he did it to make Haku happy."

Orochimaru said calmly;"But he is a man."

At this time, the Seventh Hokage finally understood;"So what you mean by this……"

Orochimaru smiled strangely."How about I do you a favor?"

The Seventh Hokage hesitated."Uh, this... depends on whether Haku himself agrees."

Orochimaru said confidently."Leave him to me for a while. To be honest, I am quite interested in him. When I return him to you, I promise that he will become even better."

The Seventh Hokage understood."You mean, he will change his personality and return to little Naruto?"

"No, changing his personality is just a gift. I can make him stronger and unleash his potential. He can't even use the Mangekyō Sharingan skillfully now." The

Seventh Hokage shook his head;"Forget it, he won't go with you, and you also know that his Sharingan is bound to him and cannot be taken away by others."

"Well, Seventh Hokage, I'm leaving first."

Seventh Hokage warned,"Don't cause any trouble. If you get beaten up in Konoha, I won't save you."

Snake also understood and nodded,"Don't worry, I don't need you to save me."

He has many ways to escape, and indeed no one can kill him easily.

Since he has been warned, Seventh Hokage doesn't take it to heart.

The next moment Seventh Hokage appeared in front of Gaara in an instant,"Hey, I have a deep connection with your Sand Village. Since you are in Konoha, uncle, let me treat you to Ichiraku Ramen!"

Temari and Kankuro shook their heads and refused. What a joke, Sand Village and Konoha have always been in a hostile relationship.

What he said about having a deep connection with Sand Village, I'm afraid it's not a bad fate like hatred.

Temari and Kankuro are very wary of Seventh Hokage. Back then, Konoha's White Fang Hatake Sakumo killed people in Sand Village.

Seventh Hokage was a little embarrassed,"Oh, since you have come to Konoha, you won't be afraid of being assassinated by Konoha's Jonin."

Temari's soul asked back;"So you are Konoha's Jonin?"

Suddenly the face of the Seventh Hokage turned red and white, white and red, and he whispered;"I... I'm just a Genin."

Kankuro was not interested;"Tsk, you're still a Genin in your thirties, you're living a dog's life."

Upon hearing this, the Seventh Hokage was furious;"Boy, don't look down on us, or the three of you try to fight with me, I won't use any ninjutsu."

This time it was Kankuro's turn to be angry;"You want to beat the three of us without using ninjutsu, what a joke, you are the one who looks down on people."

At this time, the One-Tail Shukaku in Gaara's body said irritably;"Don't fight this guy, he is the Jinchuriki of Kurama, although I also find it strange."

In fact, in the early stage, Gaara and Shukaku's relationship was actually very bad, but this did not prevent it from warning Gaara that there was danger.

The future Nine-Tailed Fox said;"Oh, it's Shukaku, long time no see"

"You stinky fox, I don't want to talk to you, get out, get out, get out!"

The Nine-Tails' eyes condensed;"It's been so many years, you are still so annoying!"

The Nine-Tails said lightly;"Naruto, it seems we have to teach it a lesson." The

Seventh Hokage was speechless;"Don't, if you two fight, Konoha will be in danger."

The future Nine-Tails has always been very calm, but it happens that the relationship between these two is the worst among the tailed beasts.

Shukaku hates the Nine-Tails, and the Nine-Tails is also annoyed by Shukaku.

It was only in Shippuden, and even in Boruto, because Naruto and Gaara became friends, that they restrained themselves a little and were able to get along normally. The

Seventh Hokage waved to the three Genin of the Sand Village;"Come on, I won't use any ninjutsu to beat the three of you."

Kankurō was furious, and he immediately released his puppets to prepare for a good fight with the Seventh Hokage.

The noise here attracted Kakashi, who saw that it was the Seventh Hokage who was training three Genin. He shook his head helplessly and retreated.

The speed of the puppetry was indeed too slow to hit the Seventh Hokage at all, and Kankurō was kicked several times.

In the end, Temari also joined the battlefield, using wind ninjutsu to assist, but she couldn't move the Seventh Hokage at all.

Gaara didn't want to participate in order to truly show Temari what it meant to be as immovable as a mountain. He was not interested in such a childish battle at all.

But the confident look of the Seventh Hokage made him very unhappy, and he released sand to sweep towards the Seventh Hokage. However, the speed of the Seventh Hokage was faster than that of Rock Lee who opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, and Gaara's sand could n't catch up with the Seventh Hokage at all.

At this speed, he also entered the Sage Mode. He had to enter the Sage Mode to fight three kids.

But there was no other way. Relying solely on physical skills without any ninjutsu, the Seventh Hokage had his limits no matter how strong he was. The Sage Mode only strengthened his physical skills.

Only in this way can he fight against Gaara's sand, otherwise his sand would still be very tricky.

There is no doubt that Gaara was almost the most unsolvable existence in the early stage. When fighting against Kimimaro, the overwhelming sand did not look like a battle of Genin at all. I am afraid that many Jonin are not Gaara's opponents. Soon Gaara was injured. He was extremely angry and his emotions were out of control.

Seeing this, Temari Kankuro retreated and looked at Gaara worriedly.

The Nine-Tails roared;"Shukaku, if you dare to come out to make trouble, I will come out today to beat you to death." Gaara, who turned into a tailed beast in an instant, stopped abruptly, and he continued���The Seventh Hokage was beaten by him.

The Seventh Hokage said with a smile,"How about it, now you know how powerful Konoha's Genin is, let's go, no more fighting, I'll treat you to ramen."

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