The Seventh Generation felt that he had educated Gaara and his group.

He let them know that there are always people who are stronger than them. There are many people in the ninja world who are stronger than them.

So the Seventh Generation didn't want to fight anymore, because there was no suspense, and he couldn't kill them, and he was always showing mercy. He was even very careful about bruises, but Gaara was already angry at this time, and it wasn't that the Seventh Generation said he wouldn't fight.

The sand rushed in like a tsunami and submerged the place. Fortunately, the Seventh Generation found a remote place far away from the residential area of Konoha.

But even so, it was a bit exaggerated to release such a large-scale ninjutsu with the power of a Genin.

The Seventh Generation even felt that when he fought Gaara when he was a child, he couldn't use the power of the Nine-Tail because Orochimaru reinforced a seal on the Nine-Tail.

It was incredible that he could defeat Gaara even with the help of the Toad Boss when he was facing Gaara with the plug-in blocked.

Even if the One-Tail Shukaku was temporarily banned, Gaara himself was very powerful.

In fact, three years later in Shippuden, Gaara was captured for some reason. If Gaara had not protected the Sand Village, he would not have been captured by Deidara.

The battlefield was the Sand Village and Gaara could not let go. The Seventh Generation really admired Gaara's talent and strength.

But the game should be over. If the fight continued, a large group of jonin would be watching. It would be hard to explain why the Seventh Generation bullied a child.

The Seventh Generation rushed towards Gaara quickly, so fast that he could not be seen at all, and the sand could not keep up.

He said lightly;"Frog Kumite" is one of the few skills that the Seventh Generation is good at, except for Rasengan and Shadow Clone.

Because the Sage State is a technique that combines powerful perception of danger and range attack.

The natural energy around the operator also attacks as part of his body, and can effectively hit the opponent even if he does not touch the opponent, and there is no defense.

Gaara was defeated without suspense. Before falling to the ground, he thought;"Why... why, he... is so strong."

The Seventh Generation went forward to check, but he was only temporarily unconscious and would wake up soon.

Then the Seventh Hokage carried Gaara and smiled while holding Temari's hand. Kankuro said,"Let's go. I'll treat you to ramen."

Temari and Kankuro watched a monster-level battle. No, the blond middle-aged man in front of him didn't look serious at all.

No one would believe that he was a Genin at this time. He was obviously stronger than their father Kazekage.

Temari asked suspiciously,"Are you really a Genin?"

The Seventh Hokage said awkwardly,"Yes, I went out of the village to gain experience when I was young, and when I came back, all my classmates became Jonin."

"Are there any other Genin as strong as you?"

The Seventh Hokage thought of someone;"There is one more, that guy is only slightly worse than me."

The future Nine-Tails complained;"You should be talking about Sasuke, that guy is on par with you anyway." The

Seventh Hokage was not embarrassed and said confidently;"I have a golf ball, does he have it?"

The Nine-Tails also said;"He has the six-magatama Samsara Eye, you don't"

"But I have you, and he doesn't have a tailed beast in his body."

But the Seventh Hokage also admitted that if he didn't have the Nine-Tails, the gap between him and Sasuke would become bigger.

The same is true in reverse. If Sasuke didn't have the Sharingan, he wouldn't be able to reach that height.

Arriving at Ichiraku Ramen, the Seventh Hokage ordered four bowls of his favorite char siu ramen.

Temari exclaimed;"I remembered that the answer to the first quiz game in the main god space seemed to be Ichiraku Ramen, so I'd like to try it."

Temari and Kankuro are essentially kind, and they let go immediately after getting a little familiar.

Gaara woke up slowly, and he said coldly;"Temari, Kankuro, what are you doing."

Instantly, Temari and Kankuro both broke out in cold sweats. They were actually very afraid of this younger brother. Gaara had been leading the group along the way, but now they were eating ramen with the enemy they had just fought with. One can imagine how Gaara felt.

The Seventh Hokage, however, hugged Gaara in a familiar manner and said,"Hey, don't always have a stern face. How about I introduce you to a friend?" The

Seventh Hokage was naturally referring to little Naruto. The battle between little Naruto and Gaara during the Chunin Exam was extremely exciting.

But if possible, there was no need to fight to the death, although that battle had changed Gaara's character.

But the real friendship was formed in the battle with Deidara.

Seeing that Gaara was just sitting there but not moving his chopsticks, the Seventh Hokage said calmly,"You are also eager for friends, right?"

Hearing Temari, Kankuro almost laughed out loud, what a joke, that terrible Gaara actually longs for friends.

But Gaara just remained silent.

The Seventh Hokage said again;"Uncle, I can make the thing in your body calm down. If he dares to show up, I will beat it for you until it calms down."

Shukaku shouted;"What are you talking about, bastard, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Future Nine-Tails said coldly;"Shut up, I'm going to beat you if you yell again."

Shukaku was quiet immediately...

Future Nine-Tails said again;"Don't disturb him at night in the future, look at the kid's dark circles, you've tormented him into nothing."

Because Shukaku threatened Gaara, and when he was asleep, Shukaku would come out to kill people.

And Gaara also said in the Chunin Exam that as a Jinchūriki, once he fell asleep, he would be eroded by Shukaku of the Sand, so he needed to stay asleep to fight against it mentally.

Maybe Naruto's seal is more advanced, so he doesn't have to worry about the Nine-Tails coming out to mess up when he sleeps.

Not only Temari, Kankuro, but even Gaara were shocked by the Seventh Hokage's appearance of knowing everything and understanding everything.

"Don't feel strange, because Konoha also has a Jinchūriki, who is hated by the villagers just like you. You have seen this person, the one in the orange suit." ps;"Please give me flowers, it's almost 100,000 words, but there are still only three-digit flowers, I have no confidence."

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