Ibiki had just announced the end of the first exam, and Mitarashi Anko couldn't wait any longer, and broke into the room handsomely through the window.

She tied the curtain to the shuriken and shot it at the ceiling, the wall, and the ground.

The curtain was supported by the shuriken, blocking the blackboard and Ibiki.

Mitarashi Anko shouted with blood boiling;"Now is not the time to be happy, I am the examiner of the second exam, Mitarashi Anko."

He stood in front of the curtain, which at this time also served as the background wall of Anko, and it was written on it;"Second examiner, Mitarashi Anko is here!"

Sakura was speechless and complained;"What a passionate guy, exactly like Naruto."

At this time, Mitarashi Anko had a small and delicate face, a hot body, and was wearing fishnet stockings. She was also a beautiful woman with a unique personality.

Remember the current Anko, in a few decades, she will be fat, who made him love sweets so much.

Red Bean shouted loudly,"Next, let's go, next game, follow! Me! Come!"

She clenched her fists and waved them at the ceiling with great momentum and passion.

Ibiki came out from behind the curtain, revealing only half of her face,"Hey, look at the atmosphere."

Instantly, Mitarashi Red Bean's face turned red with shame, and there was a hint of embarrassment in the quiet classroom.

Even Naruto, who was also a hot-blooded guy, stared at Red Bean blankly this time.

At the door, a domineering white-haired man was watching the scene in front of him expressionlessly.

Mitarashi Red Bean noticed the man's gaze and instantly said weakly,"Second... Second-generation master."

Senju Tobirama said lightly,"It's nothing, it's okay to be a little hot-blooded, as long as you have a clear mind." Tobirama was referring to his eldest brother Hashirama, who was also a fool, always liked to act on impulse and get hot-blooded.

But his elder brother was not as ashamed as Anko. He shouted such a childish thing. Just looking at Tobirama made him feel ashamed, but he had great self-control and still maintained a blank expression.

Mitarashi Anko asked carefully,"Second-Daime-sama, why are you here?"

Tobirama said calmly,"I am very interested in the new young reserve of Konoha. Naturally, I have to pay attention to their growth. I am not interested in the first written test. There will be a battle in the next one. I will supervise and protect them."

Hearing this, Mitarashi Anko said a little embarrassedly,"No... No need. Although my little strength is nothing in front of the Second-Daime-sama, it is enough to protect the students."

If Tobirama was there, he would not be able to let go, as if he was being watched by a leader, so that he could not show off in front of the Genin.

Tobirama did not give Anko a chance to refuse,"I have decided to be the invigilator."

Mitarashi Anko was extremely frustrated, but could only force a smile,"Okay then."

The second exam was changed to an outdoor venue. A forest was surrounded by barbed wire with a sign saying"No entry".

All previous Chunin Exams were held here. Ordinary people would not enter, and no one would be stupid enough to cross the wire fence to enter.

Although it was a place where Genin had fought, there were also many traps set up, which is why this place was listed as a restricted area.

Those traps set up by the ninjas that were not discovered are naturally very dangerous for ordinary people.

Mitarashi Anko pointed behind her and said,"This is the venue for the second exam. The 44th training ground is also known as the Death Forest. You will be able to experience it yourself soon."

Naruto pouted and looked at Mitarashi Anko in dissatisfaction. Then he pouted his butt, twisted around, pinched his voice, and imitated what Mitarashi Anko had just said in a weird tone;"This is called the Death Forest, you will be able to experience it yourself soon."

This look really deserves a beating, and the twisting little butt is simply ironic.

But what Naruto really wanted to express was;"No matter how you scare me, I'm fine, I'm not afraid at all."

The veins on Mitarashi's forehead bulged, but she smiled;"Really, you're so energetic."

The next moment, he took out a kunai and shot it at Naruto, piercing Naruto's cheek. Originally, this kunai would have cut Naruto's cheek and shed a small stream of blood as a warning. But

Bai appeared beside Naruto in an instant and caught the kunai. The speed was jaw-dropping.

The other Genin were stunned;"So... so fast, I can't see how he moved at all. Is this... is this the Bai I saw in the main god space?

He is really strong. With this kind of strength, combined with the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, he must have reached the level of Jonin a long time ago."

He wanted to warn Naruto, but he kicked the iron plate. The veins on Mitarashi's forehead popped up again [Damn kid! 】

Bai smiled and handed the kunai back to Hongdou;"Examiner, please take it."

Looking at Bai's sweet smile, Hongdou lost her mood and took it expressionlessly.

Behind Naruto, there was a strange-looking woman who was staring at Mitarashi Hongdou. She was Orochimaru.

That's right, Hongdou was his first disciple. Although he was not very satisfied with this disciple, he still had some feelings for her.

Hongdou only learned a little bit of his skills in using snakes, but had no interest in scientific research.

Then, Mitarashi Anko took out a stack of consent forms from her bosom;"Well, I'll give this to you before we officially start."

Naruto asked curiously;"What is it?"

Anko said lightly;"Someone may die in the subsequent exams, and you are from various ninja villages. In order to avoid future disputes, you must obtain prior consent and sign this life and death agreement."

Mitarashi Anko smiled heartlessly;"Otherwise, it will become my responsibility, and it will even rise to the responsibility between ninja villages."

Then Anko took out the map of the 44th theater and explained;"This training ground is a circle surrounded by 44 locked entrances, and there is a river and a tower in the middle of the forest.

In this limited area In the domain, the content of your exam is everything that can happen, the battle for the scrolls."

Then Mitarashi Anko took out the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth and showed them to everyone;"The battle for the scrolls is centered around the two scrolls. Of the 26 teams that passed the first exam, half will get the Book of Heaven and the other half will get the Book of Earth. A team will go to the middle tower to advance."

Mitarashi Anko looked at Bai alone;"And you, I must warn you, if you come into contact with Kakashi's Team 7, you are not allowed to give any help except fighting, otherwise you will fail directly."

This was designed specifically for Bai, and all the Genin had no doubts, because they knew Bai's strength, and the relationship between Bai and Xiao Naruto was also well known.

If he was not warned, Bai would definitely hunt down multiple teams and then give the scrolls to Xiao Naruto.

But although Bai was warned not to help him, Xiao Naruto didn't care at all.

He also wanted to rely on his own strength to pass the exam, and there was no way in the first round.

But this game tests the combat level and overall ability of each team. It would be a bit unreasonable to cheat in such a game.

Bai looked at Naruto worriedly, and seeing that Naruto looked confident, he nodded and agreed without saying anything more.

He chose to believe in Naruto. Even without his help, Naruto should be able to pass the second test today easily.

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