After explaining the rules of the exam, Mitarashi Anko said loudly,"Finally, there is one more thing to note. You are prohibited from peeking at the contents of the scrolls while they are being transported."

"This is to confirm that you are trustworthy when transporting confidential documents."

"Then, the place to pick up the scroll is in the small shed at the entrance"

"Finally, you can choose an entrance to enter. Teams of three will set out together, but no two teams can choose the same entrance."

This exam is like a battle royale in the form of teams. In the eyes of all the candidates, the most dangerous person in this exam should be Bai.

Although Bai is alone and looks weak and easy to bully, who knows how terrifying her strength will be after activating the Sharingan?

"Damn it, if I meet that super cute and harmless guy in this exam, I must run away quickly to prevent him from snatching the scroll away."

Before entering the venue, Gaara found little Naruto because of the influence of the Seventh Hokage;"Hey, your name is Naruto, right? I am looking forward to your performance, don't let me down."

Naruto said enthusiastically;"Do you want to be my opponent? Then you have to work hard too."

Little Naruto was so happy. It has always been others who talked to Sasuke, and this time it was finally his turn to be talked to. He was so happy.

Gaara snorted coldly;"Boring."

Then he took the lead to take Kankuro and Temari to choose an entrance gate, patiently waiting for the moment to enter.

Temari smiled and said when she passed by little Naruto;"Little ghost, I tell you secretly, Gaara is looking forward to contacting you."

Little Naruto touched his head in confusion;"What a strange guy, he was so arrogant when he first came to the village."

Tobirama stood in front of the entrance with a calm face, just like an ordinary invigilator.

At this time, he saw a blond middle-aged man walking slowly towards him and said,"The future Seventh Hokage, you are here too." The

Seventh Hokage smiled and said,"Hello, Second Hokage."

Tobirama looked at little Naruto,"So, this kid is you as a child?"

It seems that Tobirama is indeed a smart man. He figured it out even though he was not told."Yes!" Tobirama stared for a long time and said lightly,"Your taste in clothes is not good. You should change into a new set, such as black."

The Seventh Hokage stared blankly at the black tights worn by Tobirama under the blue light armor, and the Seventh Hokage laughed dryly,"Ahaha, Lord Tobirama, you don't want to give me a set, do you?" Tobirama was silent for a moment,"I just resurrected, I have no property, I can't give it to you. If you want, you can buy a set yourself, but that store seems to have closed."

Tobirama said a little too much, that's because someone actually appreciated his taste in clothes, which made him inexplicably a little happy.

It's just a pity that the Seventh Hokage can't wear the same clothes as himself and his eldest brother. He, Hashirama and Uchiha Madara all wore black tights underneath.

There weren't so many fancy clothes back then. Basically all were black. White was too conspicuous and colorful was too rare.

The Seventh Hokage was full of black lines on his head;"It's so ugly, how can a man wear tights, like a pervert, it's not as good-looking as my yellow."

In another place, Naruto met Hinata by chance and greeted her;"Hey, Hinata, what are you doing here"

"Ah, Naruto-kun, that...that……"

Hinata blushed instantly, and little Naruto once again thought of the gentle and virtuous beauty beside the Seventh Hokage:"Is this really the same person?】

【As expected, Hinata is really a weird guy.

After each team was equipped, they entered the examination venue one by one. Kiba said confidently,"Haha, when it comes to survival in the wild, Hinata's white eyes, my nose, and Shino's bugs are simply our strengths."

Then Kiba reminded Hinata,"Don't show weakness, you have to be fierce."

Hinata said weakly,"Yeah." Shikamaru was still listless,"Are you risking your life?"

"It's boring, but it's the only way to do it"

"Then, just aim at the scroll on Naruto, it should be much easier."

But Choji was still checking the food in the package;"Potato chips, snacks, and desserts, great, they are all brought."

Ino looked helpless;"I'm talking to you."

Naruto from Kakashi's class shouted;"Great, I won't lose."

He did what looked like quite standard boxing moves, left hook, right hook, uppercut;"I will take care of those who dare to approach us one by one."

Gaara's team, Kankuro looked at Gaara in fear;"I will have to stay with this guy for the next five days, it's scary to think about it."

Xiao Li's eyes burned with two flames, and his fighting spirit was high;"Teacher Kai, we will work hard and we will definitely win this exam."

Then the second Chunin exam finally began. With the order of Mitarashi Anko, the doors of each entrance were opened, and all the Genin rushed into the venue, every second counted.

Orochimaru, disguised as a female ninja, said;"Go search for that group of Genin."

His teammates understood;"Is it the kid in yellow clothes and his teammates!"

Ya said with a smile after entering this place;"Hinata, it's up to you!"

Then the perspective plug-in was turned on, searching for the tower in the middle, which was the final destination of the mission.

But they were discovered by another team of ninjas;"Huh, a bunch of little kids, standing in such a conspicuous place to discuss countermeasures, are you afraid that others can't see them?"

"Although they seem to have detected our presence, they seem to have not yet confirmed our location.

Suddenly, their teammates showed signs of abnormality."What's wrong? You look so pale!"

Something seemed to be wriggling under the team member's clothes. It was a huge leech sucking his blood.

Then a large number of leeches fell from the tree and surrounded the three���

When the three jumped down from the tree to avoid the leeches, they found that traps had been set up on the ground.

Hinata and the other two were all ninjas with the tracking attribute maxed out. How could someone approach them silently without being discovered?

The three were killed instantly. Kiba said confidently,"Hehe, we won the game smoothly."

Sakura heard the screams and said fearfully,"I feel like the atmosphere is getting tense."

Naruto was also sweating profusely. He had only been here for less than five minutes."No, it's nothing, Sakura."

"I... I need to pee."

Then Naruto turned around and took off his pants. It turned out that the reason he was sweating was because he was holding his pee.

Sakura was furious and punched him."You idiot, what are you doing in front of a lady!"

Sakura pointed at the bushes."Go to the bushes and solve it!"

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