Hearing Sakura's thanks, Xiao Li couldn't help but shed two lines of tears excitedly;"Success, I succeeded, Teacher Kai."

Then one of the Sound Ninjas attacked Xiao Li, with a strange honeycomb-shaped device on his arm. It was very disadvantageous to Xiao Li's physical skills, and simple defense could not prevent it.

However, Xiao Li inserted his hand into the ground and pulled up the roots of the tree on the ground. The huge roots blocked the attack of the Sound Ninja.

Sakura couldn't help but admire [This person is so strong! ]

Xiao Li looked serious;"I have seen your attack method before, and you can't avoid it by simply dodging, but it is not good for me to fight one against three. I can only take a gamble and defeat you one by one."

On the other side, the stupid trio led by Shikamaru have also arrived nearby.

Ino complained;"Ahhh, they look weak, there is no one weaker than us!"

Shikamaru crossed his arms;"The only ones weaker than us are probably Naruto's team in Team 7."

Ino scolded;"Are you an idiot?"

Shikamaru stared at Ino with dead fish eyes;"What!"

Ino scolded;"Although Naruto and Sakura are indeed useless, Sasuke is very strong. He is the number one rookie this year."

Shikamaru analyzed calmly;"Even if he has good grades in the ninja school, it doesn't mean that he will perform well in actual combat."

"Who knows, his performance in actual combat might be unexpectedly weak!"

To some extent, Shikamaru really guessed it right. Sasuke's cowardly and incompetent performance against Orochimaru almost made Naruto and Sakura dumbfounded.

But fortunately, he finally came to his senses and displayed superb combat power.

Although they still failed to beat Orochimaru, for the Genin, they were already very good. Ino, however, was unhappy because Shikamaru said Sasuke was not good enough.

Sasuke is the object of Ino's current affection. Sasuke's charm is indeed one of the best, and even Tenten has a good impression of him.

But she just thinks Sasuke is very cute, and it's the kind of feeling that a senior sister looks at a junior brother.

Shikamaru was full of black lines on his head [What a troublesome guy, as soon as he says something bad about Sasuke, she will be unhappy immediately.]

Ino had a proud face;"Huh, Sasuke will not be knocked down, but Sakura is another matter."

At this time, Choji, who was sitting on the tree, said lightly;"Sasuke was knocked down, so Sakura is fighting."

Ino Shikamaru was shocked;"What's the matter?"

After saying that, the two of them jumped onto the tree branch and happened to see Sakura and the others who were fighting.

On the other side, Hyuga Neji and Tenten had arrived at the meeting place, but found that Rock Lee had not arrived yet.

Tenten complained;"Roll Lee is so slow, he is always very punctual!"

"Did he meet an enemy?"

Tenten suddenly thought of something and exclaimed,"Did he use that trick?"

Neji said indifferently,"This, shouldn't be the case."

Then Neji gritted his teeth, he remembered how hard Lee worked when they were training together, there were some things that even he couldn't learn, but Lee learned, such as Renge. The

Hyuga family are all geniuses who are good at physical skills, but Lee caught up with him with hard work and diligence.

How could such a Lee be defeated so easily!

Neji remembered what Teacher Kai once said,"Now the Renge trick is listed as a forbidden technique by me, because this physical technique will cause a huge burden on muscle cells."

"Generally speaking, people can only use about 20% of the original strength of their muscles. Did you hear that? Only 20%."

"If you use nearly 100% of your strength, your muscles will be damaged, so your brain will suppress this strength. However, this move uses chakra to forcibly release the brain's control and exert a series of high-speed combos." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"In other words, it is a very dangerous physical technique that uses the human body's strength to its limit."

"Therefore, when you can use this taijutsu, you must meet one condition, that is, to protect an important companion."

At this time, Xiao Li untied the bandage on his hand just as Ningci had guessed every day.

"Teacher Kai, I can now use that move without distraction, because now is the time for me to protect the most important person."

The Otonin didn't know that Xiao Li was about to use a big move, so he sped up and rushed towards Xiao Li.[]

The next moment, Xiao Li leaned down and kicked the Otoshi ninja in the chin, sending him flying high into the air.

Xiao Li followed closely and jumped high up;"It's not over yet."

After saying that, he untied the bandage and wrapped it around him, restraining all his movements, and then spun at high speed and fell to the ground.

If someone took Xiao Li's move, few people would be able to stand up.

Another Otoshi ninja with three death words written on his clothes, who could release air waves from his palms, said coldly;"Oh no, he is tied up like this and can't make an effective defense at all. If he takes it hard, it will be bad!"

Then he stuck his hand into the ground and used air waves on the ground to soften the ground soil and make it like a sponge. The hedgehog

-headed ninja who took Xiao Li's lotus flower cried out in pain, but stood up safely;"This move is really terrible. Even if I fell on the ground like a sponge, I was seriously injured."

Then the hedgehog-headed ninja attacked Xiao Li. Although his fist didn't hit, Xiao Li was already seriously injured.

"Your speed is very fast, but no, our attack is faster than your speed of sound."

"My attack is sound. Even if you dodge my fist, the sound will still hit you."

Xiao Li was in a very bad situation. The reason why he did not open the Eight Gates was that he did not want to be exposed in the second exam.

Unexpectedly, Lianhua did not kill the opponent instantly, but made his muscles sore. Even if he continued to use the Eight Gates, it would not be very effective.

Soon Xiao Li was seriously injured and fell to the ground. It was Sakura's turn to face the three Sound Ninjas alone. Shikamaru and the other two were hiding in the bushes. Choji said nervously,"Run, that guy is very dangerous!"

Shikamaru said,"Naruto and Sasuke just looked like they fainted. Even Xiao Li was beaten so badly. Now only Sakura is left."


What are you going to do, Ino!".

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