Ino looked like she was struggling."You ask me what to do?"

Shikamaru said impatiently."Sakura is alone now, it doesn't look good, do you mind?"

"Weren't you good friends before?"

Yes, they were good friends before, but they started to quarrel after they both fell in love with the same person, Sasuke.

Ino said helplessly,"I know she is in danger now, but I can't do anything about it, and I can't just rush out."

Ino knew that he couldn't just sit there and watch, but his legs were shaking.

Just like a newborn deer, shivering, he could hardly stand.

Among the new female ninjas, almost none of them could fight, and it was impossible to tell how strong their fighting power was.

"If I go out now, I will definitely be killed. They are not kind people."

It was Sakura's turn to fight alone. She did not retreat, because behind her were Sasuke, Naruto and Xiao Li.

They fought bravely and fell down exhausted. How could she retreat?

Sakura took out���The sword was accurately shot at the three people. This was probably the only thing Sakura could do. However, it was deflected by the person with the hole in his palm.

The next moment, the female ninja from the Sound Ninja instantly appeared behind Sakura and grabbed Sakura's long hair.

The female ninja sneered,"Your hair is much more shiny than mine. If you have so much time to take care of your hair, you should train more!"

The female ninja said disdainfully,"Sack, go to 650 and catch the man named Sasuke in front of her and kill him!""

""Oh, sure, that's a great idea!"

Sakura gritted her teeth;"I won't let you do whatever you want."

But she couldn't move her body, she clenched her fists unwillingly, and tears fell again.

【I...once again, will only get in the way and become a burden to others. 】

She thought of Sasuke and Naruto; [Whether it was Zabuza that time or Orochimaru this time, I was protected by you. 】

Tears continued to flow unwillingly; [I thought that this time, I must, must protect you】

"Hey, do it!"

Then the ninja with the hole in his palm walked towards Sasuke, and Shikamaru exclaimed;"Hey, Naruto and Sasuke are in danger now."

Finally, Sakura pulled out the kunai, and the female ninja said disdainfully;"Give up, this kind of thing is useless."

But Sakura said lightly;"Is it really useless?"

Then, her kunai cut towards her long hair.

In order to regain her freedom and protect Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura cut off her hair.

This scene shocked Ino, because they had heard that Sasuke liked girls with long hair, so they...

But Sakura, actually cut off her hair, is this her determination?

【I always feel like I'm a ninja on my own.】

【He always says that he likes Sasuke and always lectures Naruto in a great manner.】

【I can only look at the backs of those two people.

If Naruto and Sasuke could wake up, how could they let others bully Sakura like this?

But now it is Sakura's turn to protect them.

【And Xiao Li, you said you loved me, turned your back on me, and fought hard】

【I seem to have learned something from you...】

【I also want to become like you.

After cutting off her long hair, Sakura's forehead protector fell to the ground. Her short hair fluttered and her eyes became unusually firm.

Looking at Sakura like this, Ino seemed to have forgotten her.

What on earth did Team 7 go through? Why did they change so much when they were still standing on the same spot?

Sakura made a seal and the female ninja attacked."Is this a substitute technique?"

The ninja with a hole in his palm said disdainfully."The right side? Are you looking down on me? You actually used this basic ninjutsu on me."

The next moment, Sakura rushed out from the corner, with six shurikens in her left and right hands, shooting at him.

He could deflect this kind of thing with an air wave, but when he made the starting posture of the air wave, Sakura began to make a seal again. Although the speed was very slow, it was also very standard. The deflected kunai flew towards Sakura, but it was just a substitute. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ino's eyes widened in disbelief;"When did Sakura, a crybaby, grow up to be so outstanding."

This time Sakura appeared on top, holding a kunai in her hand and stabbed towards Sakura.

【Tsk, is this another stand?】

Then a shuriken shot towards Sakura, but Sakura looked determined and let the kunai pierce her arm.

Then Sakura's attack arrived, and she stabbed the kunai into Sakura's arm expressionlessly, biting his other arm with her mouth.[]

This was the limit of what she could do. Sakura felt the pain and used his other arm, which was still pierced with a kunai, to punch Sakura on the head.

Blood started to flow from her forehead and the corners of her mouth, but Sakura closed her eyes and bit her mouth tightly, refusing to open her mouth.

Because if she opened her mouth, Sasuke and Naruto would be in danger.

【I'm sorry, Sasuke, and Naruto, I can only protect you in this most stupid way, even if I will be beaten to death! 】

In the end, Sakura kicked Sakura away, distanced himself, and pointed his two open palms at Sakura with great anger.

He wanted to kill this little devil completely!

Sakura was not afraid, and stared at him fiercely.

Sasuke still looked painful, and the power of the curse was eroding his body.

Shikamaru exclaimed;"Not good."

Ino thought of the crybaby Sakura in the past, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Then her eyes became firm. She was obviously scared to death, but for some reason, looking at Sakura like this, she was no longer afraid.

She pulled Shikamaru and Choji together to stand in front of Sakura. Sakura asked in surprise,"Ino?"

Ino showed a confident expression,"Sakura, didn't we agree that I won't lose to you."

Choji began to cry,"Ahhh, let go of my scarf, I don't want it, I don't want to die yet."

Shikamaru said angrily,"Don't move, be quiet." Sack sneered,"Humph, if you want to escape, then go quickly, you fat pig."

Hearing this, Shikamaru let go of Choji in shock, and Choji had a blank expression,"You... who are you saying is a fat pig."

Sack roared,"I told you to get out of the way if you are scared, you pig."

Choji was instantly furious and full of fighting spirit.

Ino smiled,"Great, he lost control, so lucky."

An out-of-control Choji is still very powerful.

One of Sakura's eyes was swollen, and she stared at Ino with half-open eyes.

Ino said handsomely without turning her head,"The two behind me are up to you"

"Then, Ino's team, Pig, Deer, and Butterfly are going to go out."

Ino ordered;"Please, Choji"

"OK."Multiplication Technique, next, Konoha Fluid Technique, Meat Bomb Chariot!"

Then a huge meat ball rushed towards Zack.

Zack roared;"Air Cutting Wave!"

The powerful air wave blocked Choji's attack and trapped him in place, unable to move forward.

The next moment Choji jumped high and smashed down at Zack.

Seeing this, the hedgehog head rushed over instantly. If no one assisted him, Sack would break his bones if he took this move.

Shikamaru said coldly;"I won't let you succeed, Shadow Imitation Technique."

And Ino also said to the remaining female ninja;"Ninja method, Heart Turn Technique"

I'm a sabmado

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