Kushina accidentally noticed Bai's chest and quickly covered it with both hands.

In an instant, Bai's face turned red;"Ku... Sister Kushina, what... what are you doing."

Kushina complained;"How can you not wear a bra, it will be exposed, cover it up quickly, and go buy a bra when you return to reality."

Bai's face became even redder when he heard it.

Kushina reminded her like she was reminding her son, ah, daughter;"Being a girl has a lot of things to pay attention to, such as the bathroom, and all kinds of things must be prepared. Anyway, come to my house first after the main god space is over, and I will buy it for you."

Bai said embarrassedly;"Why... why are you nice to me."

Bai actually felt the motherly love from Kushina, which made Bai feel complicated. He didn't know if he was moved or what, but he just felt warm in his heart. Kushina said loudly;"Hey, of course you have to be nice to your daughter-in-law!"

Inadvertently exposing his true thoughts, Minato said speechlessly;"Kushina, don't match people up randomly, you let Hinata fall in love���"It's embarrassing."

Kushina said as a matter of course;"Hinata will also be married, this is called rain and dew are evenly distributed." Minato was even more speechless. He dared to bet that if he looked at other women on the road for even one more time, his legs would be broken.

But his son...

Of course, Minato was not envious at all. After all, he was a good man and really liked Kushina.

It's just that this really makes people speechless.

Bai blushed to the point of being embarrassed when he heard Kushina's real purpose.

She would not go to her house after the main god space ended like Kushina said. He was even a little afraid to get close to Naruto's house.

You know, he was a man before, how could he do this, the main god is the same, and Kushina is the same.

Although he didn't hate Naruto, but liked him very much, but there are many forms of love. Why did it become like this now?

"The second place goes to Gaara."

Upon hearing this, Temari and Kankuro were instantly excited;"It is finally our turn of the Sand Village, and our Sand Village has also received a reward from the Lord God."

"Gaara, you long to be loved. I grant you the chance to be resurrected. The object of resurrection is your mother."

Upon hearing this, Gaara widened his eyes and said proudly,"Humph, I am not worthy of being loved, not to mention that woman doesn't love me either."

Temari and Kankuro were very excited. That was not only Gaara's mother, but also their mother.

Karura had actually met the Fourth Kazekage in the past ninja area.

And Karura had resolved the Fourth Kazekage's hatred for Gaara. The Fourth Kazekage actually loved his wife Karura very much.

But Gaara's birth killed Karura, so the Fourth Kazekage Rasa hated Gaara.

Now Rasa's heart knot has been untied, and he feels guilty for what he did.

He said to his wife Karura,"Go, explain it clearly to Gaara, and love him well."

Karura smiled and nodded,"Of course, I will."

The Lord's inventory was not over yet;"Third place, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke's screen began to play, whether it was the battle against Orochimaru, the awakening of the power of the curse seal, or the battle against the three Sound Ninjas. Although he was very timid in the early stage against Orochimaru, he relied entirely on Naruto's output.

But after waking up, his performance was still extremely outstanding. The awakening of the curse seal against the three Sound Ninjas was a one-sided slaughter.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I give you……"

After thinking of what Bai had been given, Sasuke's face turned green all of a sudden. I hope it's not a reward for sex change. If it is, I, Uchiha Sasuke, will commit suicide on the spot.

Sakura was also horrified. What would she do if Sasuke turned into a girl!

The Lord said calmly;"Uchiha Sasuke, you long for family affection, so I will give you, Uchiha Sarada." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the future ninja area, Sarada was stunned for a moment [Hey, is it your father when you were a child? ]

Sarada looked at Sasuke with the Rinnegan and said;"Dad, what should we do now!"

Sasuke with the Rinnegan said lightly;"There's no way, you should be like the seventh generation, you can come back at any time, and you can't go back after you come back, just treat it as a trip."

Then Sarada, who was the same age as Sasuke, appeared beside Sasuke. She looked embarrassed, but she couldn't say the word dad for a long time.

Sasuke was shocked;"Who are you, I have never seen you in the former Uchiha....."[]

Sarada was extremely embarrassed;"I... I'm from the future."

Finally, Sarada stomped her feet and shouted shamefully;"You are my dad."

Sarada felt so ashamed to call a guy of her age"Dad". Sasuke was stunned

, and Sakura was also stunned.

Sakura's inner personality began to roar;"Who did Sasuke and this girl give birth to!"

However, Sarada stepped forward and took Sakura's hand with a sweet smile on her face;"And you, you are my mother."

Hearing this, Sakura's face instantly turned red and she was panicked;"Ah, hahaha, you...what are you talking about, hahahaha~~"

Ino clenched her fists in anger."Damn it! Sakura is smiling. She must be so happy right now."

The Lord God began to count the fourth person."Hyuga Neji."

Hyuga Neji's fighting power was so strong that he also crushed Sasuke without any suspense. However, since Sasuke encountered a stronger opponent, he was ranked fourth.

"Hyuga Neji, you are very concerned about your father's death, so I will revive your father."

Hearing this, Hyuga Neji was shocked for a moment, and then excited.

Hearing that the top three have been selected, Naruto was so anxious;"What about me, what about me, I, Uzumaki Naruto, how can I not be on the list!"

"Fifth place, Uzumaki Naruto……"

Naruto performed very well in the battle with Orochimaru 1.0, and even overshadowed Sasuke in the early stage.

However, after Orochimaru sealed the Nine-Tails and then fell into a coma, Sasuke stole the limelight.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you are best at the technique of multiple shadow clones, so I will strengthen your shadow clones. Each of your shadow clones can withstand up to two attacks."

Don't���Look at this small enhancement. In the past, the shadow clones were destroyed by one attack, but now they can withstand one attack and will be removed by the second attack.

And no matter how many shadow clones Naruto creates, this amplification effect is still effective. It is simply a big enhancement of the shadow clone technique.

Finally, it will not appear again. In the Fourth Shinobi World War, the shadow clone went to save the scene, but was slashed by the teammates of the Hidden Cloud Village and disappeared embarrassingly..

Added mua: sabmado

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