After all the rewards were distributed, the Lord disappeared, leaving the Lord's space to the people in the ninja world.

This time, the rewards for outstanding performance were obviously a bit worse.

Sure enough, the rewards for the quiz game were the most abundant. Even if it was a resurrection, you could specify who to resurrect. The most generous reward was naturally a wish, and then it was also good to choose one of the blood limit.

After the resurrection, Karuro hugged his youngest child, Gaara, and Temari Kanjiro also hugged him. Temari was moved and said,"Mom, I miss you so much."

Kanjiro also cried like a child. Karuro gently hugged his three children,"That's great, I can be with you in the future."

The most unbelievable and helpless person among them was naturally Gaara.

His green eyes flickered, but he did not resist Karuro's embrace, but felt very enjoyable.

Is this a mother's embrace? Then Gaara asked in confusion,"Mother, you... don't you hate me very much?"

Hearing this, Gaara hugged her tighter."Silly child, how could your mother hate you?"

"But Yashamaru said……"

Karu said guiltily,"I'm sorry for making you misunderstand. It was your father who ordered Yashamaru to lie. Yashamaru loves you very much too.""

"Also, I hope you don't hate your father. He has realized his mistakes. He just transferred the hatred of my death to you because he loves me."

Gaara was at a loss when he heard this. He suddenly changed from a hated child to a loved child. This change was something Gaara couldn't accept for a while.

But he really liked this feeling.


Sasuke's side is more funny. The Lord God actually brought Sarada here.

That's right, what Sasuke longs for most is his family, and Sasuke has become very gentle since he gave birth to Sarada.

However, Sasuke is still the cool and arrogant now;"Hey, are you really my daughter?"

Sarada opened the two magatama Sharingan dissatisfiedly;"Look, these are the eyes of the Uchiha clan, and you passed them on to me."

In fact, Sarada is very unfamiliar with Sasuke, and she doesn't know her father when she was a child.

He is more familiar with the Seventh Hokage, and he ran over happily after seeing the Seventh Hokage.

Compared with his father Uchiha Sasuke, Sarada is closer to the Seventh Hokage.

And Naruto's child Boruto adores Sasuke more, which is also quite interesting.

The Seventh Hokage caressed Sarada's head lovingly."Haha, you're here too. Boruto would feel lonely without you."

Sarada said indifferently."What does it matter? Anyway, Mitsuki is with him."

Then Sarada whispered."By the way, when dad was young, he looked so fierce." Hearing this, the

Seventh Hokage scratched his head awkwardly."Haha... Well, he will change in the future."

Then Sarada looked at little Naruto again."Besides, when the Seventh Hokage was young, he was stupid." The Seventh Hokage suddenly stopped laughing...

Then Sarada told the Seventh Hokage a hot news."By the way, dad said that after the Chunin Exam and the battle in the Valley of the End, he would bring Boruto and Himawari here." The Seventh Hokage smiled and said,"Is that so? I knew he couldn't help but come."

In fact, Sasuke had brought Boruto to the Five Hokage period before, but he didn't want to change history, so he went back without changing anything.

But this time, since the Lord God is involved, it doesn't matter whether the past will be changed, because the past has already changed.

Then Sasuke must have a lot of regrets that he wants to make up for, for example, Uchiha Itachi, will he bring Itachi back personally?

In fact, Uchiha Itachi is also on the rescue list of the Seventh Hokage, but if Sasuke goes to rescue him personally, the effect will obviously be better. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After the main god space ended, the Uchiha clan’s territory can be said to be very lively.

Originally, there was no one except Sasuke, but now there are Sarada, Uchiha Mikoto, and Uchiha Shisui.

When Uchiha Shisui saw Sarada, he was extremely embarrassed.

Mikoto smiled;"I don't recommend Shisui-chan to be my daughter-in-law."

Shisui, who has always been calm and composed, was embarrassed and blushed and couldn't speak.[]

Uchiha Mikoto thanked her,"Thank you for sacrificing so much for Itachi. I believe Itachi will make you happy."

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Shisui's brain stopped working instantly and she waved her hands in panic,"No, we don't know whether it will develop like this or not. Please... please don't say such things."

Then they looked at Sarada,"And you, you are Sasuke's future daughter. I'm really happy to see you."

Sarada said embarrassedly,"Grandma, I'm also very happy to see you alive, not in a photo." Uchiha Mikoto looked into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking,"If Itachi could see you, he would be very happy, right? Itachi must want to see his little niece, too."

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke said dissatisfiedly,"Mom, and sister Shisui, why, why are you all thinking about that guy, he is no longer the Itachi you know."

Upon hearing this, Mikoto, 413 and Shisui didn't know how to explain to Sasuke,"Itachi has his own reasons."

Sasuke roared hysterically at the stubbornness of his relatives,"Even in No matter how hard you try, you shouldn't kill all the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Mikoto pulled Sasuke's hand helplessly and explained,"Back then, the Uchiha clan members were very dissatisfied with the village and wanted to rebel, so they found your father and wanted him to join them. With so many people, Fugaku had no choice but to agree to it on the surface, but the Konoha high-ranking officials found out.

If it were you, what would you do? On one side is the village, and on the other side are your family members, and the third generation, he would not allow the Uchiha clan to rebel.

There is even Danzo. In the eyes of the Uchiha clan, he coveted his conspiracy, which directly intensified the rebellion of the Uchiha clan. Things are irreversible.

Your brother can only continue to be loyal to Konoha. Mom and Dad were both conscious and took the initiative to let him kill them.

The pain your brother is carrying is incomprehensible to you.

Mom and Dad only suffered a momentary pain, so, Sasuke, please promise me that you will not hate your brother anymore, okay?"

Shisui said calmly;"If you still want revenge, then go find Danzo, and I will settle the score with him too."

I'm a sabmado

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