It took Sasuke a really long time to finally accept Itachi's difficulties.

But he still didn't want to accept the fact that Itachi still loved him.

How could the guy who wanted to kill him with his eyes and scared him to death love him?

But even if Sasuke knew all this, it still couldn't change the fact that he was an avenger.

He would still go looking for revenge, but the target of revenge was Danzo.

The annihilation of the Uchiha clan could never be treated as if it had never happened.

The resentment in his heart must be vented to someone, and the real mastermind Danzo became the only choice.

Shisui said calmly,"During the time when you were taking the Chunin Exam, I had been lurking in the Root and obtained a lot of information about Danzo.

He has done far more bad things than these. He hurt Uchiha and Konoha. I have already handed these to the Sandaime and the Nidaime-sama to have a look.

They not only support us in revenge, but are also willing to send Jonin to go with us."

Shisui said calmly,"But I can't wait. During the Chunin Exam, the Jonin have important tasks. After it's over, they have to deal with a lot of commissions from the village.

It may take a long time for them to be free, so my plan has not changed. After the Chunin Exam, we will set off to the Hidden Rain Village to find Danzo."


The sight came to Bai's medicine shop, the second floor was for living and the first floor for business.

After the main god space ended early in the morning, Bai found that something was wrong with her body.

Even the voice became more delicate and more pleasant...

Bai hid in the quilt and didn't want to get up at all. Really... so shy.

But he couldn't hide like this forever. The most urgent thing was to buy some underwear to wear.

So Bai hurriedly found a loose kimono to put on and tiptoed downstairs.

Bai was afraid of being noticed like a thief, and carefully opened the shutter door with one hand.

However, outside the house, a group of Konoha people had been waiting for a long time. Bai exclaimed and closed the shutter door in an instant.

What a joke, how could she open the door like this with her face flushed now.

Moreover, Bai didn't plan to open the door today.

There was no other way, Bai went back to the second floor, opened the window on the second floor, and looked down. There were so many people waiting for her to open the door for business.

Bai didn't even understand why so many people came to see her today.

Bai activated the Wheel of Graves, summoned a shadow of himself, and went to the women's clothing store with the money.

By writing a note, he asked the clerk to get him a set of underwear, wrapped it in a kimono and brought it to Bai.

Bai breathed a sigh of relief, put on the newly bought underwear, and his previous kimonos that looked more neutral, and finally he could go out.

Bai looked particularly beautiful today. When he walked on the street, passers-by gave him a kind smile.

As if to congratulate her for becoming a girl, Bai lowered his head and gritted his teeth. It was obviously not a good thing.

She was obviously having a headache, but why did everyone look happy for her and congratulate her!

This day, Bai met Kakashi, Rin, Minato, and the Seventh Hokage.

At the Seventh Hokage's house, the Seventh Hokage went out with Minato to look for Kakashi early in the morning.

Because they knew that the masked man could enter Konoha Village and take Rin away at any time.

Although he understood that little Naruto wanted to spend more time with his father, Minato Namikaze was also very worried about Obito.

So Kushina had to stay to comfort Naruto and tell him the stories of their older generation and the former Minato team.

Bai came forward and said hello;"Mr. Kakashi, and Mr. Seventh Hokage, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Bai, Kakashi said happily;"Bai, you came at the right time, stay and help."

Bai said without hesitation;"Of course no problem, Mr. Kakashi has helped me a lot, I just don't know how to repay you."

After understanding the situation, Bai also surrounded Lin and protected her. Obito said that he would go to Konoha after the main god space ended. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With Obito's time and space ability, he can travel very fast, and he may appear in Konoha at any time.

Therefore, Kakashi and others are like this, as if they are facing a great enemy.

Kakashi didn't know what Obito had experienced over the years, and he grew up so fast that he could fight with Minato Namikaze more than ten years ago.

Minato first slapped his palm on Lin's back and engraved the Flying Thunder God Mark.

Then he said,"This time, even I am not completely sure that I can protect Lin from him."[]

"More than a decade ago, I fought with him."

Kakashi didn't know this news, he was shocked,"How is it possible, more than a decade ago, Obito was just a child."

Minato nodded,"Yes, although I defeated him, it was a narrow victory. I couldn't even protect Kushina, I only protected little Naruto."

" could it be, so what Master Kushina said was that Obito killed her, and that was worth the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

But no matter how Kakashi thought about it, he couldn't understand why Obito would do such a thing.

You know, during Kushina's pregnancy, Minato gave him a task, which was to protect Kushina.

The purpose was to allow Kakashi, who had lost two important companions in succession, to find new meaning and regroup.

Let him get out of the haze of losing his companions and welcome the birth of little Naruto together.

But later, not only did Kakashi not get out of the concealment, but even his master and master's wife all sacrificed and left him.

He was really close to the edge of collapse during that time, and he was in a daze all day long. He didn't know how he got through it.

But now he knows that the instigator turned out to be Obito.

At this moment, all the guilt, guilt and self-blame disappeared.

Instead, he didn't understand Obito, which could be said to be heartbroken.

He made up his mind to catch Obito and ask him clearly.

In other words, they must work together to defeat Obito Lu


In the Hidden Rain Village, the masked man approached Uchiha Itachi."Itachi, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Uchiha Itachi refused without hesitation."Help you rob a woman?"

Before Obito nodded, Uchiha Itachi said indifferently,"I won't go."

Obito said indifferently,"I will exchange the life of Uchiha Sasuke with yours."

Uchiha Itachi's expression was indifferent,"Now, I can also refuse you with Lin's safety."

But he had actually lost. This was his weakness, and he didn't dare to gamble. Obito sneered,"You don't dare to gamble with me, because you know that my cold blood is better than yours!".

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