History has changed now, and the experiences of Sasuke that Sarada told us cannot be used as a reference.

Although Uchiha Itachi was very concerned about why Sasuke joined Akatsuki and what role Obito played in it.

But Uchiha Itachi did not ask, Hoshigaki Kisame said;"It's getting dark, let's find a place to camp."

In the past, the life of their Akatsuki organization was basically to use the sky as a blanket and the ground as a mat, and find a thicker branch to take a nap and rest after a battle.

But now it can't be like this, the little princess of the Uchiha family is here, how can she sleep in the wilderness.

Uchiha Itachi said lightly;"Kisame, you go find a place to stay, you can't use force, just give money."

Kisame complained;"Why me?"

Uchiha Itachi covered his eyes;"My eyesight is not very good at night." Kisame muttered and complained and left, and from then on Kisame was destined to become a tool to take care of children.

The night main god space descended, and the position of Minato's class was very embarrassing. They happened to appear in front of Obito.

But Rin looked depressed and not as cheerful as usual.

Minato and Kakashi were both furious."Obito, what did you do to Rin?"

Obito hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his head without saying a word.

Minato gritted his teeth."Rin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let Obito take you away. I thought that with you by my side, Obito would become sunny again, but I didn't expect that.……"

Kakashi said the following words;"I didn't expect Obito to be worse than a beast!"

Obito was speechless, it seemed that he was misunderstood.

Lin shook his head and explained;"It's not what you think, Obito didn't bully me."

Minato, Kakashi turned and looked at Obito and waited for his explanation.

Obito sighed, if he didn't say something, he might get in trouble.

"Lin just felt that all the sadness was caused by her suicide, and she felt guilty."

Lin said lightly;"Isn't it, because my death implicated so many people."

Hearing this, Kakashi and Minato instantly understood Obito's current embarrassing situation.

This... there is no way to comfort him, because this seems to be the fact.

Although this blames Lin, the cause of everything is indeed Lin's death.

Kushina sighed and hugged Lin silently. Everyone in Minato's class was in a low mood.

But (acff) why, Lin has been resurrected, not only did she not usher in joy, but she was tortured in her heart.

When Sasuke saw Naruto in the main god space, he sneered in a bad tone;"Huh, I didn't expect that your father was actually the Hokage. You must be very proud now." The little Naruto, who was immersed in joy, was instantly furious when he heard this;"Asshole Sasuke, what, you seem very unhappy."

The Seventh Hokage also looked at Sasuke in confusion. His mother had obviously returned to his side, but why did the darkness in his heart still not disappear?

Perhaps the pain that Uchiha Itachi brought him on the night of the genocide was too deep.

At this time the voice of the Lord God sounded;"Who is the real murderer behind Rin's death? If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with resurrecting any one person."

Hearing this, the first thing Kakashi and Obito thought of was the Hidden Mist Village.

But who in the Hidden Mist Village was it?

An old man in the main god space had a blank expression on his face as if it had nothing to do with him. He was Uchiha Madara. To be precise, he was just a remnant soul. Although he appeared in the main god space, he was a dead person in reality.

Therefore, he did not have the right to answer questions, but it did not mean that he could not answer.

Black Zetsu was right next to him, and he could let Black Zetsu answer the questions. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But he didn't want to. Just to resurrect one person, did I, Uchiha Madara, need to use the main god space to resurrect myself?

Or, he didn't want to give up the flag of Obito, and he would not give up his plan for the sake of the petty gains in front of him.

If he answered this question, wouldn't he be just like a pathetic old thing?

He deserved it, of course, Danzo. Danzo answered the question and got two resurrection opportunities, but the two people who were resurrected became his enemies.

So, what a ridiculous guy, and he, Uchiha Madara, would not expose himself as the mastermind behind the scenes.[]

Black Zetsu is the incarnation of his dark will, loyal to him, how could he answer questions without his permission?

However, Black Zetsu's pupils widened at this time, and he was hesitating.

At this time, the people of the Hidden Mist Village answered;"It's me, I am the leader of that time, and everything is planned by me."

The Lord said indifferently;"If you answer wrong, you will be erased."

Then this person disappeared instantly, and was directly and decisively erased. There was no pain, no screams, and a person disappeared quietly.

At this time, everyone in the ninja world realized how terrible the Lord God was. This was also the first person to answer the wrong question.

Maybe he was very sure that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, but maybe he was caught in someone else's illusion.

However, the people of the Hidden Mist Village were shocked;"Why did you answer wrong? It was indeed arranged and planned by our Hidden Mist Village, and it was also the order of the leader of the team." Obito looked incredulous. What was going on? Generally speaking, this kind of question where the person who answered the wrong question dies is basically answered by the person involved.

Others will not answer this question based on their own guesses. If they answer it wrong, they will die. The price is too high.

At this time, a strange voice sounded. It was the voice of Black Zetsu."Let me answer this question."

Nagato looked at the crowd in the distance in confusion. He was very familiar with that figure. Obito was also very familiar with it. It was the voice of Black Zetsu.

Ban, who always planned everything, widened his eyes in disbelief. He also knew the answer, but he didn't want to answer it.

If he answered this question now, all his plans would be ruined.

And he had a backup plan for resurrection, so he didn't need this reward at all.

"Black Zetsu, you……"

Uchiha Madara gnashed his teeth and said angrily,"It's not too late to shut up now. Aren't you the incarnation of my dark will? Why did you betray me?"

Black Zetsu said indifferently,"I'm sorry, Ben, I lied to you."

Black Zetsu didn't want to hide anymore, because the real opportunity had arrived. All his calculations were just to resurrect Kaguya Otsutsuki.

It was indeed possible to follow the plan, but wouldn't it be faster and safer to resurrect through the main god? The next moment, Black Zetsu shouted,"The real culprit behind the scenes is Uchiha Madara. He planned Lin's death!"

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