Hearing Black Zetsu's answer, Obito was filled with shock.

Uchiha Madara also looked at Black Zetsu in disbelief. He had never thought that Black Zetsu would betray him.

The next moment, the Lord God revealed the answer, and the video played the scene.

A person's legs were off the ground, and he was lifted up in the air by another person.

"The curse seal I set on your heart disappeared. How did you remove it?"

The view slowly moved upwards, and the two parties appeared. The one who was lifted into the air was Obito, whose heart was pierced by Uchiha Madara's hand and was lifted into the air.

Obito answered with difficulty;"I deliberately let Kakashi pierce my body to remove the curse seal."

The scene of Kakashi's kunai piercing Obito's heart flashed across the screen, and his inner monologue also appeared,"Now I can only do this kind of thing."

Kakashi's kunai pierced Obito's heart, and Obito's black stick also pierced Kakashi's body, but - he did not aim at the vital points.

Obito explained;"Because if I want to become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, I must remove that thing."

"I have made a bet with my life, I will not let you have your wish."

Uchiha Madara sneered in the Six Paths Sage Mode;"No, your actions are completely in line with my plan, and even exceeded my expectations." Obito, who was lifted in mid-air, trembled;"What's so funny."

Uchiha Madara said lightly;"The curse seal set in your body, if you try to erase it from your body, the curse seal will inhibit such action"

"You seem to have known it, Obito, I have placed cursed talismans in your bodies, so you naturally cannot commit suicide, because you are all important chess pieces of mine."

At this time, Obito finally discovered something unusual and asked in confusion;"You...you?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes became strange, and he sneered;"Well, I don't know what kind of cause and effect it is, but you two used the same method and used the same person to eliminate it, which is really interesting."

Obito thought of Lin and roared;"Is it Lin?"

"That's right, the plan to make that little girl the Three-Tails Jinchuriki and make her run wild in Konoha was made by me, not the Hidden Mist Village."

"She used Kakashi's attack on the enemy and sacrificed herself to save the village. That was also in my plan."

"The purpose is to make you fall into darkness and become my pawn."

Obito gnashed his teeth;"Asshole, you deliberately let me……"

"I deliberately picked the time when Minato was on other missions, leaving Kakashi alone, having someone capture Rin, and controlling the Hidden Mist Village ninjas to hunt them down. This was all my plan."

At this time, a close-up of Obito's face was given. Obito, who was possessed by Black Zetsu, had wide eyes and clenched his teeth. The pain in his eyes was beyond words.

Uchiha Madara continued;"This is also to observe how much power you can release."

"The White Zetsu instigated you and happened to leave the underground at that time. Do you think it was all accidental?"

At this moment, Obito's expression seemed to have lost his vitality, and his face was dejected.

The picture also stopped abruptly at this moment. This scene is probably only understood by a few people.

For example, those involved in Minato's class, and the first and second Hokage who knew Uchiha Madara.

And the old man in the main god space had a wavering look in his eyes. His future self was so proud of himself that he told Obito about this.

It's over. His plan was ruined. After reading this, Obito would definitely turn against him, and Black Zetsu would also betray him.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara seemed to have suddenly aged a few years. Only Nagato was left, but Nagato was the most unstable factor after all.

The probability of mistakes in his link was the highest, and Black Zetsu, who was left behind to correct the mistakes, betrayed him.

As wise as Uchiha Madara is, he no longer knows how to resurrect himself.

Maybe he can only wait for the main god to count the strongest ninjas, and he will definitely be on the list. Maybe he can only rely on this to resurrect. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The voice of the main god said slowly;"Then, who do you want to resurrect?"

Black Zetsu laughed crazily and said the name he had been thinking of for a thousand years;"My mother Kaguya." The

Seventh Hokage sighed helplessly when he heard that. He didn't expect that even Kaguya was resurrected.

But the current Kaguya would not be the opponent of the Seventh Hokage. He was sure that he could defeat Kaguya alone.

0 Asking for flowers[]

In fact, Kaguya is not even as difficult to deal with as Six Paths Uchiha Madara. His combat experience is too rich.

In comparison, Kaguya is like a child holding a gun in her hand, and she needs others to teach her where to shoot.

When the main line ninja area appeared in Kaguya's area, the Seventh Hokage appeared in front of her in an instant.

The Seventh Hokage smiled gently;"Let's not fight, okay?"

The expressionless and silly Kaguya looked at the Seventh Hokage, and feeling the familiar chakra on him reminded her of her two children.

When Kaguya remembered that she was sealed by her two children, she still felt heartbroken, and veins bulged on both sides of her cheeks. That was the state when the Byakugan was opened, and also her combat state. The

Seventh Hokage continued,"I know that everything you did back then was to prepare for the war and welcome Otsutsuki Touji. You were worried that your two children were too weak and didn't want to involve them. You wanted to fight alone, but you pushed them to the opposite side of you. They became your enemies and sealed you."

The next moment the Seventh Hokage's eyes became incomparably confident;"But what I want to tell you is that Otsutsuki Touji, I have defeated him and sealed him with my other companion."

"The factors that make you feel scared no longer exist, and I was able to do all this because I believed in the power of my companions."

"If you can tell your children what happened back then, and believe in their strength, if the three of you join forces, then the Tao family will never be your opponent."The

Nanami's mouth-to-mouth was really powerful, and it made Kaguya dumbfounded. She was stunned on the spot, and her eyes were no longer on.

The Nanami smiled gently;"You have also seen everything that has happened so far in the main god space, for example, didn't Haku's child and his relationship with Zabuza move you?"

"There are so many feelings and bonds like this in the entire ninja world. Although we mortals are weak, we have bonds. If we try to trust our companions, we can also show incredible perseverance and defeat powerful enemies."

I'm a sabmado

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