Under the persuasion of the Seventh Hokage, Kaguya fell into deep thought.

The Seventh Hokage whispered,"Would you like to live with me in Konoha?"

"I believe that you will like this place. There are some kind people here. I will protect you and will not let anyone hurt you."

Kaguya said lightly;"Why, don't you want to destroy me?"

The seventh generation fell into memories;"Because in the future, I have sealed you once, and I don't want to seal you a second time.

Or in other words, you are different from Tao and others. Those guys are evil, but you are kind deep in your heart."

In other words, the seventh generation feels that Kaguya Otsutsuki can still be saved and is worth saving.

Believe in the old man Liudao, and be more willing to see a mother who trusts humans again.

Kaguya said lightly;"Seven Eight Three""I used to believe in humans, but he hurt me, hurt me deeply, and my maid died to save me."

At first he cared about me and wanted to protect me. Since my belly got bigger, there was only humiliation and resentment in his eyes.

Hearing this, the seventh generation was dumbfounded;"What do you mean?"

The Seventh Hokage suddenly blushed and pointed his fingers. Wasn't Kaguya a child born in this way?

He and Hinata, but in this way and that, had Boruto and Himawari.

So the Seventh Hokage hurriedly confirmed;"Do you have, ah, this, how to say this, Hinata...you come……"

The Seventh Hokage blushed as he called Hinata over. It was hard for a grown man to confirm this.

Hinata was called over, her face was also red, and she stood in front of Kaguya and hesitated.

Kaguya frowned immediately;"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, please say it."

In the end, the two of them talked in private. Under Hinata's hints, they finally figured out that Kaguya reproduced asexually.

No wonder, why would a human man betray Kaguya? Maybe in this man's eyes, Kaguya betrayed him first.

(In the Naruto comics, Kaguya came and ended the war with her powerful strength. With the worship and blessings of the people, Hamura and Hagoromo came into being.

The anime was added by the production team themselves, so it seems abrupt, and therefore the comic setting is adopted.)

Then the seventh generation explained awkwardly;"Kaguya, please don't hate humans, because in that man's heart, you betrayed him first, and few men can accept such a shame." Kaguya didn't understand at all;"Right or wrong, I don't care anymore, okay, I'm willing to believe in humans again." The seventh generation breathed a sigh of relief;"That's great, in fact, Isshiki has been resurrected in the future world, and I hope you can participate in the battle then."

Hearing this, Kaguya shrank back in fear;"I... I don't know how to fight."

The seventh generation smiled"You lied. If you follow the main plot, you will fight me, and you will be ruthless when you attack me."

Kaguya's eyes became timid."No, I dare not attack the Otsutsuki clan. I... I have a low status in the Otsutsuki clan, but I am just a maid." The seventh generation said helplessly,"Well, I will fight. If I am really scared, it doesn't matter if I hide."

But then the seventh generation looked at the black Zetsu hiding in Kaguya's sleeve and said lightly,"Kaguya, please eliminate this guy. I must give an explanation to those who have been hurt by him in the ninja world."

Hearing this, Kaguya protected Black Zetsu."No, Black Zetsu is a good boy, unlike Hamura Yui."

At this time, the seventh generation could not help frowning. In a thousand years, Black Zetsu really did too many bad things. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even Uchiha Madara was blackened because of Black Zetsu's conspiracy, and then Uchiha Madara killed more and more people.

The Seventh Hokage can tolerate Kaguya Otsutsuki, but cannot tolerate Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu stared at the Seventh Hokage;"You said you came from the future, which means that the resurrected mother was sealed by you?"

In order to show his strength, the Seventh Hokage entered the fairy fox mode, and the magatama appeared behind him. Not only that, but he also took out the truth-seeking jade cane.

Black Zetsu said lightly;"Mother, it's okay. The meaning of my existence is to resurrect mother. Since mother is alive, I can also dissipate." As soon as the voice fell, in order to allow Kaguya to live better and be protected by the Seventh Hokage, Black Zetsu chose to dissipate on his own...

The Lord God announced,"Today's quiz game is over, and we look forward to seeing you next time."

At this time, Minato's class was in a complicated mood,"I see, so that's how it is, then Lin, none of this is your fault, you don't have to feel guilty."

Obito gritted his teeth,"Damn it, that guy Uchiha Madara."

Obito wanted to run over and kill Uchiha Madara immediately, but Uchiha Madara was already a dead man.[]

Minato understood Obito's mood at the moment and said with a serious expression,"Let's go to Minato's class for special training. After Uchiha Madara is resurrected, we will stop him together."

Kakashi, Rin and Obito regrouped as if they were back in the old days."Okay!"

Minato said with a smile,"Obito, you can come back to Konoha now."

But Obito smiled bitterly,"I actually... don't want to go back to Konoha, because I... don't want to go back to atone for my sins."

Minato said with a smile,"How can it be atonement? You killed Kushina and me, and we didn't blame you. Moreover, you resurrected Kushina and Rin. What else have you done to Konoha?"

Obito said lightly,"Uchiha, the genocide of the Uchiha was done by Uchiha Itachi and I together."

Minato sighed,"Then we can only look forward to the next time the Lord God gives a reward for any wish."

If you wish for the resurrection of the entire Uchiha clan, then you and Uchiha Itachi can return to Konoha without having to feel like atonement.

Kakashi said speechlessly,"If we make such a wish, will Uchiha Madara also be resurrected?"

Minato was embarrassed,"Then add some restrictions, avoiding Uchiha Madara should be okay." Obito, who started the Fourth Shinobi World War, knew that he was deeply sinful, and was unwilling to return to Konoha to atone for his sins. Instead, he chose death and went to another world with Rin, leaving Kakashi, the troublesome guy, alone.

To be honest, that scene was really touching, and Obito is different now. He hasn't started the Fourth Shinobi World War yet, and his sins can still be atonement. Obito was a little embarrassed, but finally nodded,"Okay, then when the main god space is over, I will take Rin back to Konoha."

I'm a sabmado

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