Summoned Again?

003 Confrontation


I swallowed the first effervescent pearl eye and then my body froze as I finally unlocked my class.


Name: Damon

Race: Human (Enhanced)

Class: Devourer

Job: Pawn


Oh, my god. I thought as part of the Divine Sight power filled me. I saw my entire time on this world, all ten years of it, and I knew that if I had tried to use my class before now, I would have consumed myself in the process. Now? I had the power, the skills, and the abilities to handle anything that I ate. So, I swallowed the other eye and let the full power fill me.

I saw what had to be done and used a shrink spell to make her head small enough and ate it. I did the same with her arms and legs, then I took out the man's body. With no time left, I used my pulverize skill and crushed it into a ball, shrunk it, then ate it. The skills, powers, and abilities of both of my companions filled me. It was quite a rush, let me tell you.

“What... what did you just do?!?” The woman with me asked, horror on her face.

“We needed all four of us for this battle.” I said and with Divine Sight, I saw her betray me and side with the bad guy, just so she could continue living. “I'm so sorry.”

“NO!” She yelled as the dimension shift undid itself and the enemy faded back into phase with us. “NOOOO!” She yelled again and held her hands up in surrender because we were surrounded.

I was instantly in front of her and used my sword to cut her head off. I caught it and shrunk it, then ate it. The enemy were stunned at the sight and didn't move to attack. I didn't thank them for it until I had crushed and consumed the last member of my party. Her skills, powers, and abilities filled me and merged with mine, making me the culmination of the requirements. All four of us were present.

The room shook and a pentagram appeared behind the throne. A portal opened up and a generic man stepped out. He wore a commoner's outfit and a smile.

“Thank you for setting me free.” The man said. “I never thought my minions would have been able to bring all four... of you...” He stopped talking when he saw only me. “What... how...”

“It doesn't matter.” I said and lunged at him. His sword intercepted mine and I almost laughed at him. He had no idea what I was going to do to him. I tossed my sword to the side and he looked at me in disbelief, as did all of the bad guys around us. I reached out a hand to shake and he looked down at it.

“What are you doing?”

“Offering you a truce.” I said. “Take my hand and all of this conflict can be over.”

“It's not a trick is it?” He asked.

I stored my massively enchanted mithril armor and kept my hand out. “Strike me down if you want. All I'm offering is my hand.”

He stared at me, then at my hand, then at me again. “If you trick me...”

“You can refuse and we can fight, or we can join together.”

The thought must have pleased him, because he smiled. I saw with my Divine Sight that he believed he could convert me to be evil.

I almost laughed again as he took my hand and shook it, then he tried to let it go. I held on and grinned. “Thank you for accepting my offer.” I said and used my compression ability. He screamed as he tried to fight it and his body regenerated almost as fast as my ability could work. Almost. I had all four powerful beings and their abilities inside of me, and he was just one person. I overpowered him and he screamed and screamed as his body was compressed and squished down into a more manageable ball. I shrunk it and tossed it into my mouth.

When his power became a part of me, I felt that all of the evil that was in the world was his. Minions, demons, and evil creatures, they were all parts of him that had been spawned at one time or another. Some were directly from him and others were generations away; but, they were all still connected to him in some form or another.

Now they were connected to me.

“I'll be taking that power back, thank you.” I said and activated the Rescind Blessing ability absorbing him had given me. Hundreds of beings around me screamed as their powers consumed them. Their oaths forced them to die for breaking their vows to protect their main power source and all of that power came back to me. I gained their skills as well, since that was my power when I consumed something.

It took me three days to finally absorb all of the evil beings and creatures in the world and I didn't even have to move from where I stood. The only thing I regretted was that I was already max level on my class and all of the experience I gained from everything I had just killed was wasted. The skills I had gained on the other hand, more than made up for that.

My Devourer class absorbed and combined similar skills, so I didn't have ten versions of Leap or fifty versions of Dash or Sprint. Thanks to that, my skill tree was fairly streamlined. The problem was, now that I was at max level, I didn't have any skill points to spend, nor did I have any way to gain more. All of the new skills I gained were at the basic level and I wouldn't be able to make them better.

The best part about my class was that I could absorb the loot that my targets dropped. I didn't have to travel all around the world to gather up the treasure. I glanced at my gold coins and the total was in the billions. The number staggered me a little, since there was no way a single person should be able to gather that kind of wealth in a fantasy world.

Of course, I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to be living too much longer anyways, not after that man told us what was going to happen if we weren't all here for the final battle. At that thought, everything seemed to freeze. I turned around to look back at the throne and wasn't surprised to see that he was there.

The man raised his hands and gave me a slow clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. “I can't believe you did it.” He said and sat up straight. “That took guts to do what you did.” He said, then he smiled. “Literally.”

I didn't move or speak.

He stood up and walked over to me. “I am... happy... that you succeeded.”

I held in my sigh, then decided to make myself a friend. Or at least, not an enemy. “I was disgusted that I had to eat the woman that hurt you.” I said and his eyes flickered to look into mine. “You can see that I did, even though I didn't hesitate.”

The man slowly nodded.

“I was appalled that she did what she did to you.” I said. “That was why I didn't use my skills to hide her when she ransacked your temple after I specifically warned her not to.”

The man tilted his head to the side. “Is that why you let the other man retire?”

I nodded. “I also didn't tell them that I had her body parts in my inventory.”

“They would have killed you if they knew.” The man said.

“It's more likely that they would have made me bury her and waste the opportunity she represented.”

The man smiled. “Me.”

I nodded. “I wasn't sure why I felt that I needed to keep her parts, until I thought about eventually meeting you again. I wanted to give you her remains.”

“Then you ate them.”

“Only after your words telling me what had to be done.” I said with a shrug. “It was stupid to do what I did; but, it worked and then I saw what you meant.”

The man nodded. “It was fortunate that you gained your class at the most opportune moment.”

“You didn't want me to?” I asked, a little surprised.

“You are too dangerous.” He said and walked a bit away, suspiciously out of my reach.

I chuckled and held my hands up. “I just sucked up close to a hundred thousand minions, creatures, and followers of the bad guy. I estimate about a week for my skills to finish coalescing into their proper derivatives. There's no way I could even attempt to try anything against you. Not that I would. You're my ticket home.”

The man slowly nodded, as if reluctant to admit that I was telling the truth.

It was then that I realized he wanted me to attack, so he could kill me and justify it. “I'd like to stay here for a couple of weeks to finish up my business here, then I'd like to be sent home.” I said and bowed. “Please.”

The man gave me a pointed look, as if telling me I was being unreasonable, then he sighed. “There's no reason for me to send you back immediately. You can have a month.” He said. “You can enjoy your status as a hero that saved the world until then.”

“Thank you.” I said and stayed bowed. I didn't stand up straight until I saw his feet fade away. Once I was alone, I ran as fast as I could. I equipped my armor and activated the enchantments and bonuses for speed, then started to jump. My strides covered hundreds of feet each and my Featherfall skill let me touch the ground after each stride, as if I was a feather. I barely left a footprint in the dirt as I ran.

The first thing I had to do was sell off a lot of the junk I had in inventory. After that, I had equipment upgrades and alterations I needed done. It was going to cost a lot to do them, assuming they could be done, and I only knew one place that had the best enchanters and magic manipulators in the country.

The king's castle in the capital.

I ran as fast as I could towards the nearest town that still had a teleportation circle active, the one I had used to get here in fact. I only had a month to get done what I hoped would work. It was a faint hope; but, it was one that I wouldn't give up on unless it didn't pan out. Until then, I let my hope give me strength and ran faster.

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