Summoned Again?

004 Plans In Play

When I reached the town, the people were already celebrating. Having all of the evil in the world be sucked out and every bad influence die in three days, wasn't something that could be hidden or swept under the rug. Everyone would know about it. I used one of my concealing skills to hide my class, just in case, and it let me remain 'classless' like I had always been.

“HERO!” The mage that ran the teleportation circle yelled when he saw me. “You did a wonderful job! You've removed all the evil from the world by killing the Maester! Thank you so much!”

Of course, his words made dozens of people gather and they all came over to thank me personally, especially the ones that had been hurt, tortured, and held captive by the bad guy's minions. Actually, I'd have to send word from the capital to have the local knights and troops travel to all the lairs and things that the bad guys used to use to make sure the people held there were released. I wouldn't have the time to do it myself.

The thing was, the people who were maids and servants, either willingly or unwillingly, were in a sort of grey area. I would have to specify what to do with them, especially if they put up any kind of resistance. Stockholm Syndrome was a nasty thing for some people. Even with the source gone, they would never believe they were truly safe or rescued.

I greeted all the people and accepted their measly gifts, just so they would leave me alone. When the last person left, I handed the things to the mage. “Make sure they get these things back.” I said and put a hand on his shoulder as I activated my compulsion ability. “Don't keep anything for yourself as a fee for doing the task. Give the items back.”

The mage nodded and activated the teleportation circle for me. I tossed him a handful of gold coins and stepped into it. I felt like the world turned upside down and then turned right side up again. I was in the capital at the main fortress and stepped out of the circle.

“HERO!” The mage there greeted me as if I was an old friend. “You did a wonderful job! You've removed all the evil from the world by killing the Maester! Thank you so much!”

I was pretty sure that he didn't coordinate that with the other mage and it was just coincidence that the words were identical. I greeted him back and left the large room. The troops were half-drunk and were celebrating, even though it had been three days. Then again, I only just finished absorbing all the evil, so maybe they had only just started.

I went down into the bottom floor of the fortress and looked for their blacksmith to start my plan. Once there, he was more than happy to help me. I told him about what I wanted and he said he might have it done in a month. I offered him a thousand gold coins to put a rush on it and he said he would have everything done in a week.

I left there and went to the Merchants Guild. They didn't pay the most for items, even the rare ones; but, they would let me offload everything that I wanted to get rid of. They didn't complain when I asked for gold in exchange, since that was how they usually operated, then I started to empty my inventory.

“Stop! STOP!” The man I had been assigned said. “It appears you have a significant amount of collateral to offload. We need to go down to one of the secured rooms.”

“Make sure it's a big one.” I said and he gave me an odd look, then he nodded and took me underground and into what he thought was a ridiculously sized room. It was the size of a basketball court and I started at one end. He recorded everything as we made our way across the room and to his surprise, I pretty much filled it.

“We... can't cover this.” The man admitted as he looked at the sheets and sheets of paper and a total appeared at the bottom.

“I'll take trade for services at the Enchanter's Guild, if they can do what I want.” I said.

“DONE!” The man yelled and clasped my hand. With my Divine Sight, I saw in my mind's eye that he was going to overcharge the Merchant's Guild for those services and make a huge profit for them from my items.

I shrugged mentally. I wasn't staying around to complain about it. He could have his fun. I left there and went to the Enchanter's Guild. They had already received word that their services were to be provided to me and the bill would be sent to the Merchant's Guild. I asked for a general meeting with the head of the guild, just so I could find out if what I wanted was possible.

I met with the wizened old man and he assured me that he would attempt to do what I wanted, for an exorbitant fee. I reminded him that the Merchant's Guild was taking care of it and he made a sour face.

“Before you complain, they'll be paying you with actual gold from the sale of the items I left there. They just couldn't pay me for them directly, which meant I couldn't pay you directly with it.”

“Ah. I see.” The wizened old man said and nodded. He knew all about money bottlenecks, especially because he had been enchanting 'on credit' for decades. He wasn't happy about it, though.

I took out an old book from inventory and the man jumped to his feet.


“This old thing?” I asked and shrugged. “It was in an old temple on the other side of the world.”

He would be downright shocked at what someone could find after ten years of adventuring. I didn't enlighten him.

“By the heavens and the gods and goddesses above.” The wizened old man said. “May I... may I hold it?”

I placed the tome on the desk between us and his hands ran over the surface. It glowed at his touch and he snatched his hands back. “Did I forget to mention that it was about enchanting?”

The wizened old man gave me a pointed stare for a full sixty seconds. “I assume this tells me how to succeed at what you want me to do, without having to experiment?”

“Among other things.” I said with a smile. “Will you do it?”

“I will do anything for this book.” The wizened old man said, his eyes full of longing. His hands were almost cramped with the need to start reading the ancient passages of knowledge.

“Then I will leave this book in your care, until such time I remember that I left it here.” I said.

The wizened old man's eyes widened for a moment, then he laughed. A full-throated and loud laugh that didn't suit his body at all. “Leave the things you want altered and I will see to them personally.”

“The blacksmith in the fortress will be delivering things as well.” I said and took off my super-heavy mithril armor and the weapons and items I needed him to work on. “He will have instructions on what to do with them.”

The wizened old man nodded and I left the Enchanter's Guild feeling downright naked. I still had other armor and weapons on me, of course. I just didn't feel right equipping my old armor sets. They were so far below my skills and stats that it felt like taking a step backwards to wear them. Plus, they weren't mithril. I chuckled as I walked towards the King's castle. I was definitely spoiled.

The upside of my armorless state was that I wasn't immediately recognized as a Hero. At least, it was until I approached the castle gates. I had to present the royal seal ring that I wore around my neck. The guard saw it and rubbed some pitch on it, then stamped the sign in sheet. As I walked away, he looked at the stamps that had previously visited and left the castle. I heard him catch his breath.

Smart man to realize the difference. I thought and didn't turn around to tell him what had happened. When I had absorbed my companions, the four rings, each with a quarter of the castle seal, had merged and was now a single solid ring. I entered the castle and walked at a normal pace towards the main reception room.

People were celebrating here, too. The maids were trying their best to keep things civil; but, even they were too happy about the evil being gone to curb the happy people in their care. I easily walked by everyone, since none of them recognized me out of my armor, and went to the main hall. The guards didn't stop me as I entered, unannounced, and walked through the lords and ladies having a large party.

When I approached the main gathering of people, that consisted of the royal family, their wives and husbands, daughters and sons, nieces and nephews, and cousins galore, someone finally noticed me.

“Damon!” The second princess exclaimed and the sounds around me died out.

Years ago, after my group had saved her family from a rival country's bid to take over their country, we had counter-attacked and killed off the other royal family. The countries had merged after that, with them at the head, and we were declared close family friends and she had been deeply in love with me. I saw with my Divine Sight that she would surrender herself to me, with her father's blessing no less, and I gave her as big of a happy smile as I could.

“I came here as soon as I could, just to see you.” I said and took her into my arms.

“Damon, you... did you really?” She asked, her face flushed red with happiness.

“Only the head of the Merchant's Guild and Enchanter's Guild kept me from visiting the castle an hour ago.” I informed her and that flattered her immensely. That I had rushed meeting those two people for her made her very happy indeed.

“I would kiss you right now if it wouldn't cause a scandal.” The princess whispered.

“What scandal?” I asked and kissed her deeply.

A few oo's and ah's came from the people around us, as did some applause. I broke the kiss and gave them formal bows and thanked them, which made them laugh. I took the princess by the hand and walked over to the king.

“Your highness, I assume you know that all evil beings, creatures, minions, and monsters, not just the Maester, have been removed from the world.” I said.

“Yes, great hero. My mages have told me.” The King said and his eyes went to his second daughter. “I just hope you can find something else that is worthy of such a pursuit.”

“I have, your highness. I really have.” I said and the princess blushed deeply.

The party carried on for the rest of the day and then into the night. The princess was not subtle at all as she led me to her own room and not my temporary room in the guest quarters. She wasn't a wallflower by any means, since royalty was meant to have dalliances occasionally to see who would be suitable as a match. Their version of sex was severely lacking, however. It was in and out, thank you for visiting, and see you later.

None of the women on the planet had ever been with a man from Earth.

The princess didn't know what to do with herself as I worked her over. She had never experienced anyone doing foreplay or teasing, or even kissing and licking anywhere except on her mouth and breasts. It was a bit sad if you thought about it. Well, it wasn't sad for her. Not anymore.

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