Summoned Again?

006 One Last Hurrah

During the third week, I pretty much just relaxed and didn't do anything except tour the capital and visited the places that I never had to time to while fighting for my life and trying to defeat the main bad guy. I went to the largest church on the continent first, the largest library next, and the largest brothel last. Despite the temptation, I did not show them any of the tricks I knew. I laid there and let them have their fun. Boy, oh boy, did they.

Magical protection from diseases was a godsend, because it let people be completely free with their bodies. Not that they really knew what to do with them. I got to see, and use, so many different kinds of breasts and vaginas, that I was starting to be a bit of a snob about it. I didn't intend to be, though. If she had a bit too much extra skin on her labia or if it was discolored, I would finish quickly and move on. If her breasts were a little saggy or the nipples were an odd shape or color, I wouldn't play with them as much.

You see? Snobbish. Luckily, they didn't notice. Like I said before, most people didn't do much more than straight sex and that was it. My behaviour was not out of the norm for them, so my internal debates on their bodies and my preferences was all on me.

Of course, I was super rich and world famous. When I dropped a hundred gold coins into the main madam's hands and told her I was staying for a couple of days and that she and her girls should 'take care of me', by god she did. She shut the place down and I had the entire place, and the girls inside, all to myself.

When I finally found the one I thought was the perfect one, I couldn't help myself and did everything I could with her. She was twenty five, which was only three years younger than me. She had shoulder length black wavy hair, beautiful perky breasts with nipples I could suck on for days, and her vagina... it was damn near perfect. I say near, because I wasn't allowed to keep it.

To her surprise, and the madam's, I offered to buy her outright. I offered a house and servants to take care of her, and more money than she would ever see in her lifetime. I even told her that I wasn't trying to save her from the life she chose or steal her from her work. I only wanted her to do it to have fun and not because she had to.

“You are leaving next week.” She responded. “What would I do with a big empty house that didn't have you in it?”

I sighed and reluctantly nodded. “You refuse.”

“Of course I do. You would only be wasting your money.” She said and gave me a kiss. “You are very sweet for thinking that you could buy me forever.”

I had a crazy thought to ask her to marry me, then she would have to accept my ridiculous offer, and she covered my mouth with a hand and laughed softly.

“Don't you dare spout that nonsense.” She said with a huge smile. “We wouldn't even have time to have the betrothal ceremony, let alone our wedding night, before you had to go.”

“Why couldn't I have found you years ago?” I asked. “I know we only just met...”

“I would love you for all your life, too.” She whispered to me, then we slept together again. In fact, I left for several hours, then returned and spent another two hundred gold and stayed there for another four days with just her. I only had two days left of my 'vacation', and I left her with a heavy heart and a promise to not use the things I showed her on anyone. If they discovered her new skills, they might do something bad to the brothel or the madam, just to keep her or steal her.

I had dropped an eavesdropping spell on her, just to see what would happen when I left. It wouldn't last long, not without me staying nearby to keep it charged.

“He really does care about you.” The madam said as I walked down the street and away from the brothel. “He left this for you.” She said and held up a wooden box.

“Is it even more gold?” Shanna, the woman I fell in love with asked with a disappointed voice. “He thinks that just because he has money, I would do anything he wanted.”

“Don't you dare disparage him.” The madam admonished her. “He's the Hero. He saved this world.”

“That doesn't give him the right to dictate what someone can and can't do with their own lives.” Shanna said. “Did you know that he taught me new things to do that will make all of our clientele have pleasures beyond all reasoning, and then made me promise to never use them?”

The madam sighed and I stopped walking. “Yes, he did. You aren't going to keep that promise, are you?”

“Of course not. I'll have half the city wanting to bed me and marry me, just like him.” Shanna said with satisfaction.

The madam sighed again. “I tried to tell him to not invest in you, subtly of course. He didn't listen.” She said and handed Shanna the wooden box. “I hope with this, you'll realize your mistake of leading him on like you did.”

Shanna chuckled. “I sincerely doubt there's anything in that box that...” She opened it and gasped. “N-n-no, how... how did he... I never said...”

“There are depths to him that someone as shallow as you will never delve, Shanna.” The madam said. “I am ordering you to never reveal the skills and techniques he showed you.”

Shanna gasped as she was covered in a white glow for a moment. “NO!”

“Oh, yes.” The madam said. “You've forgotten that I am your patron. You've oathed to me, both by blood and by magic. Unlike him, that you think has money and can tell you to do anything he wanted, I actually can tell you to do anything I want.”

“No... please...” Shanna whispered.

The madam closed the box and took it from her. “He tracked down the people that did those things to you and killed them for you. By the rotting of those five male parts, he did it when he left four days ago.”

“N-no, he... he didn't say...” Shanna looked to where I had walked.

“Why would he? You believed him to be a fool.” The madam said with a chuckle. “He knew you did. Why else would he make such a ridiculous offer to buy you?”

Shanna didn't say anything in response.

“He spent a hundred gold for the entire brothel for three days, until he found you.” The madam said. “Then he spent two hundred gold for four days with just you. That's fifty gold a day. How much do you think he would have paid to buy you?” She asked. “Tell me!”

“A fortune. A literal fortune.” Shanna said against her will, because she didn't want to admit it.

“Yes. It's not that he has money and thinks he can do whatever he wants with it. It's that the money means nothing to him. He's been adventuring around the world for ten years. How much money do you think he has? Did you even ask?”


“I have contacts at the fortress, the Merchant's Guild, and the Enchanter's Guild. He sold off so many rare and unique items at the Merchant's Guild that they couldn't pay him for them!”

“N-n-no.” Shanna mumbled and shook her head.

“You know that they don't pay top coin for it, either.” The madam said. “He took trade in skills from the Enchanter's Guild and the Merchant's Guild owes them thousands of gold coins.” She almost laughed. “Can you imagine talking to the heads of both guilds and working out a deal like that?”

Shanna shook her head.

“No, you can't see past your own selfish needs.” The madam said and sighed. “Just to make sure, I am ordering you to not teach the things he showed you to anyone else, or tell them about them, or suggest that you know things he specifically told you to never reveal.”

The white glow swirled around Shanna and she didn't say anything in protest. She knew how much she had underestimated the man that tried to profess his love for her and she looked at the wooden box.

“I'll have these preserved for you, so you will always have the reminder that out of all the people that have seen you, heard about you, and learned your story, only one man stepped up and gave you the secret justice you so desperately wanted.” The madam said. “You have my permission to go and try to find him, if you so wish. Just be back by this evening. I am opening for normal clientele tonight.”

Shanna looked in my direction once more, shook her head, and went back inside.

The madam turned to look at me, as if she could see me hiding behind the building, gave me a wave, and went inside herself. The eavesdropping spell was dispelled as soon as the door shut and I had to chuckle.

She's a smart woman. I thought, then I smiled. I had two days left and I didn't see why I couldn't thank her for everything she did for me all week. I walked back over to the brothel and before I could knock, the door opened and the madam gave me a knowing smile.

“I believe you and I have some business to discuss.” The madam said.

“I am honored that you would grant me your time.” I said and gave her the same bow I would for a member of the royal family.

“Oh, my.” The madam whispered as she blushed. “Please, come inside.”

“I plan to.” I said and her blush deepened, knowing what I meant, and she led me inside to her private bed chamber. She was more than delighted to discuss her kind of business.

When I left that night, I gave her a thousand gold coins as a thank you. She tried to refuse, quite adamantly, and I reminded her that I was leaving and the currency couldn't be used where I was going. She accepted the money and walked me out, then bid me a fond farewell. It was genuine and I had the feeling that I would miss her a lot more than I would Shanna, even though I didn't know her name.

I went back to the castle and stayed in the guest room I was assigned. Tomorrow was it. The last day. It was my last day on a world that I had spent ten years fighting for.

I wanted to go home.

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