Summoned Again?

007 Unsummoned

I woke the next morning as if I hadn't slept all night. I equipped my fake armor, items, and weapons, then went to the door of my room. I opened it to see one of the maids waiting for me.

“The King has requested that you attend to him in the throne room.” The maid said, then she took off running in the other direction.

I watched her until she disappeared into another room. She must have thought I was going to attack her or something for delivering the message. I thought and walked in the direction the throne room was. I wonder why?

I entered the throne room and saw the kingdom's best mages were just finishing up a ritual circle. “What's this?” I asked and walked over to it.

“Is that any way to address the King of the Kingdom?” The head of the king's guard said loudly to me and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“If I was talking to the king, no.” I said. “Draw that sword against me and you'll be eating it.”

“You dare...” The man popped the sword out an inch with his thumb to stop it from sticking and to make it an easier draw. I flashed over to stand in front of him, drew the sword and pulled his head back, then shoved it down through his mouth, his throat, and into his stomach.

The man choked and gurgled on the sword that was now lodged in his throat. Everyone in the room froze at the sight of him dropping to his knees. He grunted and fell over onto the floor, his blood and other fluids gushed out onto the marble floor as he slowly died.

“I came here at the king's request.” I said to the man and walked back over to the ritual circle. “The guard offered me offence first and I did warn him.”

“Tell that to his wife and children.” One of the other guards said.

“By the looks of this, I won't be doing anything except leaving this world.” I said to him. “You can tell his wife and his children that the Hero, who saved everyone in the world, took offence from him drawing his sword on me.”

The guard closed his mouth and wasn't happy.

“Your highness, I assume you have truth spells in place?” I asked and the King didn't say anything and just looked at the head of the mages.

“Please step into the circle.” The head mage said.

“No.” I said. “The king asked me here. Let him tell me what's going on.” I said and turned to the king. “So, your highness. Why did you ask me to come here?”

“A divine being has asked us to send you home.” The head of the mages said.

“Speak again and I'll remove your lying tongue from your head.” I said without looking at him. “Well, your highness. I'm waiting. The Hero of this world is waiting for you to explain.”

“It has come to our attention that you killed your companions.” The king finally said.

“That's not what he told you, is it?” I asked with a chuckle. “He killed one, and old enemy killed another. During the last battle, the third surrendered to the enemy and betrayed me and this world.”

Everyone looked at me with disbelief.

“If the lie detection spells were still in effect, you would know that was the truth.” I said and looked at the head mage. “I suppose you removed them, because you all wanted to lie to me without being discovered.”

“We didn't want you to discover the real reason we were sending you back.” The head mage said. “Please step into the circle and remove your armor, items, and weapons.”

“Excuse me? Did you just say you wanted me to strip off in a room full of mages and the king's guard?” I asked. “You want me to leave myself completely defenseless after what just happened?”

The head mage's eyes went to the head guard and let out a sigh, then he looked back at me. “The enchantments you have will interfere with the magic of the ritual.”

“I can just store them and...” I started to say.

“No, they must be removed from your person. Their magic is too strong.”

“Just to be clear, not only are you asking me to strip off and leave myself vulnerable, you're also asking me to give you several fortunes worth of armor, weapons, and items?”

“Yes.” The head mage said and couldn't stop the glint of greed in his eyes.

“No.” I said.

“You must! The divine being...”

“...didn't have any problems sending me here with all my stuff before.”

“You didn't have all of that before.” The head mage said. “Now remove the items or they will be taken from you.”

Every guard in the room grabbed the hilts of their weapons. They weren't stupid enough to pop them for an easy draw, however.

“Your highness, are you so petty that you've reduced your mages and guards into common thieves?” I asked.

“I know what you did.” The King said. “If I had known before... I... you wouldn't have had my daughter.”

I chuckled. “I still would have had her, just not with your blessing.”

The king's eyes flashed anger.

“You know what? All right. I'll hand my things over.” I said and took off my helm, then crushed it in my gauntlet covered hands and tossed the crumpled metal at the feet of the king. “How much is that piece of scrap worth to you, your highness?”

“Stop!” The head mage said and started to mumble a spell.

I took my sword out of inventory and swung it across the man's face in an instant. It sliced through one of his cheeks, cut half of his teeth, severed his tongue, then exited through his other cheek.

“BLAGHH!” The head mage spit out the pieces of teeth, most of his tongue, and a lot of blood. It wasn't a fatal wound, though.

“Would anyone else like to try and stop me from destroying my own property?” I asked everyone else. No one said anything, so I stored the sword and stripped off every piece of armor and crushed it, then tossed it at the king's feet. I ended the armor with the two gauntlets and crushed them with my bare hands, and that surprised everyone.

I slipped off the rings I wore and crushed each one with just my fingers, to show them how strong I was without my enchanted armor. I did the same with my bracelets, a necklace, and even two amulets. I crushed them all and added them to the pile. I took out my large shield and bent it in half, stomped on it to dent it with my heel, then I took out my sword again.

“I've fought for this world for ten years.” I said and gripped both ends of the sword and started to bend it. “My sword has dispatched countless beasts, evil beings, and has protected everyone.” I tossed the now bent sword on the top of the pile. “I hope you can find another use for it, since I've already taken care of everything else.”

The king looked at the pile of ruined and destroyed items and sighed. “You have made your point.”

“I don't think I have.” I said and stepped into the circle. “You see, I've removed all of the evil beings that were somehow connected to the Maester.”

The remaining mages started to chant and I felt myself be frozen into place.

“What I didn't do, was remove the men that are just bad people.” I said with a smile. “But look, I'm being sent away and your bright and powerful hero that saved the world, is being sent away.”

Mana strings shot out of the circle and stabbed into me. I grunted at the pain and I felt my Mana be drained away. I also felt my strength and my other powers be pulled out as well.

“What... do you think... is going to happen to you... now that your protector is gone?” I asked the king, and his face showed me fear. “I only have one bit of advice.” I said as all my stats reduced back to what they had been when I was sent there. “Hide your daughters.”

The ritual circle opened up under my feet and it sucked me down into it.

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