Summoned Again?

019 Work Related

I sent a quick message to the foreman and asked how many guys were working today, besides me and himself. He responded with six, so I bought eight breakfasts and large coffees to go. When I showed up at work with the large bags of food, nearly everyone laughed.

“No one likes a suck-up, newbie.” One of the guys jokingly said as he accepted the free breakfast and a coffee.

“If I was going to suck-up, I would have cut the sausage patty up for your tender little mouth.” I responded. It was deathly quiet for a second, then everyone burst out laughing, even the foreman.

“Welcome to the club.” The guy said and raised the coffee in a toast.

“Thanks.” I said and did the same, then we all quickly ate and got to work.

Grunt work was exactly what I had to do. I was the designated gopher for the day, so whatever anyone wanted, it was my job to go and get it. They got me once by telling me they needed blinker fluid for the forklift and sent me to the hardware store. The blonde girl at the customer service counter laughed her ass off when I asked her about it.

“I guess you're the new guy on the construction crew down by the reservoir?” She asked.

“Apparently, I'm the gullible one.” I said with a laugh. It was a good joke.

“Say, do you want to get back at them a bit?” She asked with an evil grin.

“I'm in.” I agreed immediately and she laughed again.

“Come with me.” She said and we went into the back room.

To my surprise, she picked up a small empty lighter fluid can and filled it with water from the tap and pulled the top closed. She went to the computer and did up a completely fake and legitimate looking store label, printed it off and carefully stuck it onto the can over the old logo, then used a plastic suction and sealing machine to cover it in plastic. It looked like a real product called 'Blinker Fluid' and she did up a price label for it.

“Sixty bucks?!?” I asked and started laughing at the $59.99 price.

“Uh huh.” She smiled and then printed off a test price receipt for me, circled how much I 'paid', plus tax, and handed it to me.

“This is fantastic!” I said, very happy with the deception. “I could kiss you!”

“There's nothing stopping you.” She said with the same evil grin she had before.

I had a quick flash of Divine Sight and it showed us only having sex once, right there in the back room, and no consequences like disease or pregnancy. I reached over to the door handle and clicked the lock, her evil smile became a genuine one, and then we were rolling around on the floor and making out like lovesick teenagers that had never had sex before. Then we did.

It was fan-fucking-tastic.

“We... can never... do this again.” The blonde girl said as she tried to catch her breath.

“Can I at least come back to the store?” I asked and sat up. “It's the closest one to the site.”

She laughed. “I'm not banning you from the store! Just from my sweet, sweet coochie.”

I gave her wide eyes and looked down at it. “All right, I won't argue the sweet part.”

“You better fucking not.” She laughed again and sat up, too. “This was fun... really fun.” She reached up and touched my cheek. “But, I think things like this won't last.”

“Burning hot and fast, right?” I asked and she nodded.

“I'd rather leave us here at the high point, rather than either of us getting tired or bored later.” She said. “I hope you understand.”

I copied her and touched her cheek, then I kissed her. “Yes, I understand.”

“I'm glad.” She said. “Now get out and show those joking bastards you're not to be messed with.”

“You mean mess with you.” I said and stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up, then helped her stand. “You're brilliant.”

“Don't be spreading the truth about me, now.” She said and handed me the things. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.” I said pointedly, meaning more than the item she made for me, and she gave me that evil smile. I chuckled and left the back room and the store, hopped into my car, and drove back to the construction site.

Their reaction was absolutely priceless.

They argued over it actually being real, even the foreman. They had been hazing new guys for years with the old trick about buying something that didn't exist and it was the first time that someone had come back with a real product. Some argued that maybe after all the times they sent people to look for it, someone actually invented it.

I had a really hard time holding my laughter in as they argued back and forth. They took turns shaking it to hear and feel if there was anything actually inside. When the foreman came over to me with the money to pay for it, I lost it and laughed my ass off, just like the blonde girl at the store did. It took me several minutes to explain that it wasn't real and then I showed them that it was just water and an old lighter fluid can. We all laughed after that.

“All right, we'll quit the hazing.” One of the guys said. “That was just too good of a comeback to keep going. Right guys?”

A cheer came from everyone and then a few of them pat me on the back.

“Now get to work.” The foreman said and we all did until lunchtime. The others took out packed lunches and sat down, even the foreman. Several of the guys offered to share and I thanked them and politely refused.

“I'll remember to bring something tomorrow.” I said and sat there and waited. “I take it you don't leave, because it saves time?”

“Bingo.” One of the guys said. “We get paid for the job and not by the hour. If we work hard, we can finish up long before the scheduled date and get an early completion bonus.”

“You're kidding!” I asked and he shook his head.

“I break up the allotted money for workers and divide it up into pays every two weeks.” The foreman said.

I had to think about that. “How can you hire new people?” I asked, confused.

The foreman chuckled. “More people, more hands, more work gets done sooner.”

“Yeah! We might get less from the initial amount with more people; but, the bonuses are awesome!” One of the guys offered. “It all works out in the end.”

“The only downside is no overtime.” The foreman said. “We can stay and work as long as we want, we just don't get paid extra for the extra time.”

“Because it's paid by job and not hours.” I said, starting to understand. “You all go home at a reasonable hour for your families.”

“You got it.” Another guy said and finished eating. “Come on. I'll show you how to mix cement the right way.”

“You buy it that way! Ha ha!” Several of the guys said and everyone laughed.

“That's right.” He stood and pointed to the cement truck that had a spinning back. “I'll show you how to handle the beast, what to do to off load it, and how to clean it.”

“More grunt work?” I asked and he laughed.

“Nope! You're an official part of the crew now. It's just work.” He said and slapped my back with a smile.

“I'll still run errands if you guys need me to.” I offered. “I like driving my car.”

That made everyone laugh.

“You're going to do great here, kid.” The foreman said. “Okay, boys. Back to work.”

We all did our jobs. I learned a lot the very first day. We worked until six o'clock, just past normal suppertime, then we all left to go home. They were a great bunch of guys and as far as I could determine, there were no fights, animosity, or even hard feelings. Divine Sight didn't flash once, so I knew everything was going to be good for a while.

I sent a text to Jenny to see if she wanted me to get supper on the way home. She responded that she had it ready for me and that I needed to get home as soon as possible. I sighed and drove home, parked and saw that Kathy's car was there with Jenny's. I blocked Jenny's in and went inside.

“SURPRISE!” Three shrill women's voices yelled when I stepped into the condo. To my surprise, it was now fully furnished. It was in a style that I actually liked, so I couldn't get angry over it.

“It's a housewarming party! Woo hoooo!” Susan exclaimed and jumped up and down. Her rockets were already deployed from their launchpads under her thin top, which meant she wasn't wearing a bra. I grew hard right away, because I 'remembered' how good they tasted from the flash of Divine Sight I had over a month ago.

“You'll stop drooling eventually.” Kathy said with a laugh and came over to me to give me a hug. “You'll get used to seeing her massive pokies soon.”

“I hope so.” I said in relief. “No, wait... I meant... I don't want...”

Kathy and Susan laughed and Jenny shook her head as she came over to me.

“Happy new house.” Jenny said and gave me a hug. “Thanks for not complaining too much about me staying here.”

“It's your place, too.” I said and she looked at my face. “Yes, really.”

“My turn!” Susan pulled Jenny away and jumped on me to hug me. “Bear hug!”

Kathy laughed at us and Jenny tried to pry her off. It didn't work, because she wasn't letting go until she wanted to let go. I felt Susan's nipples digging through my work shirt and I had to admit that it actually felt pretty nice. I pushed that thought aside and gave her a brief hug back.

“Thank you for the hug.” I said graciously and she let me go.

“We've got supper ready.” Jenny said and gave me a look.

I took her into another hug and whispered. “I promise to never have sex with Susan, even with her amazing space nipples.”

Jenny chuckled for a moment, then she thought about what I said. “Hey, wait a minute!”

I let her go and took Kathy's hand. “Tell me all about your day.”

Kathy smiled a beautiful smile that just lit up her face.

“I said HEEEEY!” Jenny yelled.

I grinned at Kathy, who laughed and led me over to the table, with Susan right behind us.

“You are not going to believe the great food they had at...” Kathy started to say as she served me some of the food they had made for the party.

“You guys!” Jenny exclaimed and came over to us. I winked at her and she huffed, then we all sat down and enjoyed eating the very first meal in the new house. It turned out that I didn't really mind having her friends over after all.

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