Summoned Again?

020 Improvised

“This came in the mail for you.” Jenny said and handed me a thick envelope that didn't look like it had been tampered with.

“Thank you for exercising restraint.” I said to her with a tooth bearing smile.

“Hardy-har-har.” Jenny said and crossed her arms.

“We stopped her.” Kathy said with a laugh. “Like, holding her back and keeping her hands off of it.”

I had to laugh at that and put the letter aside.

“You better open that right this minute!” Jenny said and pointed at it. “I've been waiting all goddamn day to see what it is!”

Kathy, Susan, and I laughed.

“All right, calm down.” I said and waved my hands around and clapped them together, then pulled a small dagger from inventory.

“THAT'S SO COOL!!!” Susan yelled.

Kathy and Jenny just stared at the deadly weapon.

I picked up the letter and the dagger sliced through the envelope's top as if it wasn't there. I flipped the dagger over in my hand and slapped the table as I stored it. Kathy and Jenny jumped a little and Susan laughed.

“Do it again!” Susan said, excitedly. “No, wait!” She rummaged through her pockets. “Here! Use my phone!”

I chuckled and did some hand waving over it, then slapped the table as I stored it.

“That's... wait. Where did it go?” Susan lifted my hands, looked up my sleeves, then she patted my chest and slid her hands down. She grabbed my crotch pretty firmly and smiled, then she checked my pockets. She tapped my legs and I lifted them to show that it wasn't under them.

“You're looking in the wrong place.” I said.

“Where is it, then?” Susan asked.

“Jenny, don't get mad at me.” I said and reached for Susan's backside.

“Don't you dare grab her ass!” Jenny exclaimed and I smiled and slapped it.

“AH!” Susan gasped. “Hey, that... hold on.” She reached back and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. “How the hell did you do that?!?”

“Magic!” I said and easily lied. I just chose that location when depositing it from my inventory. I picked up the open envelope and slid out several sheets of paper. “This is great.” I said and read them. “The coin's official content results of 99.98% gold, their legitimacy proven by the government, and the address for the company that buys, sells, and maintains the US Mints coinage and procurement of new gold and assets from businesses.”

Jenny just stared at me and wasn't sure what I needed with those things... then her eyes widened.

I folded the letters up and pretended to tuck them into my pocket as I stored them into inventory. “Now I just have to work my ass off, buy the company I'm working for, then I can really get things rolling.”

“You're not ambitious or anything.” Kathy said, slightly impressed at my plans.

“You ain't seen nothing yet.” I said with a smile. “I've made you girls suffer enough with my dirty work clothes. I'm getting a shower and I'll change into something better.”

“Me, too!” Susan said and put her hand up.

Jenny put a hand over the other girl's face to hold her back. “Run.”

I jogged to my room with a laugh and locked the door. I didn't strip off my clothes this time. I stored them into inventory, as well as my equipment into their own slots, and set them to different hotkey activations. I chose the option there to clean everything for a silver coin and walked over to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and dried off, then went to the closet.

I held my hand out and stored the dress pants and shirt, then equipped them. I walked over to the door and unlocked it, stepped out, and was met by three surprised faces.

“That was fast.” Kathy said, once again I could hear the impressed tone in her voice.

“I didn't want to keep such fine women waiting.” I said.

Susan giggled, Kathy gave me a bright smile, and Jenny rolled her eyes.

“I hope this is okay to go out to the bar.” I said as I walked over to them.

“Bar?” The three of them asked as one.

“I thought this was a party.” I said with a chuckle. “Aren't we going dancing?”

“DANCING!” Susan yelled and hugged me. “Yes! Let's go do that, guys!”

“I wanted us to stay in tonight.” Jenny said.

“We still can.” I said and Susan let me go. “All of us, I mean.”

“Really?” Jenny and Susan asked at the same time and Kathy looked at my face to see if I was joking.

“We've only got one spare bedroom, though. I hope two of you don't mind sharing.”

“I call dibs on sharing Damon's bed!” Susan said immediately and Kathy laughed.

“Definitely no.” Kathy said. “He meant either share the spare bed or with Jenny.”

“Aww!” Susan said with a pout. “I wanted to see if he's a good cuddler.”

“Over my...” Jenny started to say and I had a flash of Divine Sight. I saw Susan taking her keys when they were out drinking, then she totalled the car and killed Jenny, Kathy, and surprisingly, the blonde clerk from the hardware store. Susan had lived and I consoled her as I consoled myself, which broke my word to never sleep with her.

“...dea-HMM!” Jenny stopped when I lunged forward and covered her mouth with my hand.

“Don't ever say something like that!” I warned her.

“Hmm?” Jenny looked at me in confusion.

“You're just asking for trouble.” I said and moved my hand from her mouth, then I hugged her and whispered in her ear. “Never, ever let Susan drive.”

Jenny gave me an odd look for a moment, then she nodded.

“Thank you.” I whispered and let her out of the hug. “Whose car are we taking?”

“Kathy's!” Susan said. “We always get priority parking and free drinks!”

Kathy chuckled and grabbed her purse and her keys. “All right, come on you lush.”

“Yes!” Susan said and hopped and skipped towards the front door. “We are going to have... So. Much. FUN!”

Jenny and I followed them out the door, locked up, and climbed into Kathy's car. We drove for only ten minutes and we stopped at a bar. It looked pretty crowded, even this early, and Kathy parked in a reserved spot. She hung up a placard on her rear view mirror that was from the bar and I chuckled.

“She's a member of the preferred client club.” Jenny said as an explanation as we got out of the car.

“It was a gift from my dad.” Kathy said. “He said that I needed to get out and meet some nice men.”

“...and men he approved of.” Jenny clarified. “They are not necessarily the same thing.”

I nodded understanding and followed the women into the entryway where the girls were stopped and checked for ID. Kathy showed her club ID as well. The man nodded, gave her a welcoming smile, and ushered us through.

I had never danced so much in my entire life.

Susan was a demon on the dance floor and could dance to anything, anything at all. Slow, fast, heavy metal, slam rock, and disco. I almost thought I was having a stroke from all of the different song styles coming out of the DJ booth. Jenny, Kathy, Susan, and half a dozen other girls that they 'knew from the club', kept me going for half the night.

I spent quite a bit on drinks and not surprisingly, not for myself. I had work in the morning and I wasn't sure the amulet I could wear for a clear head would work, even though it wasn't greyed out and I could wear it. I didn't want to take the chance I would still be physically drunk and be clumsy while having a perfectly clear mind. That would really suck.

At one in the morning, I finally convinced Jenny, Susan, and Kathy to come home with me. The three of them had red faces when I had asked and they clung to me pretty tightly as I led each of them out to Kathy's car.

I knew they thought I meant something totally different than what I meant... actually going home... and I didn't correct them. It made them cooperate and that was what I needed right then. I drove the car back to the condo and parked, then did the same thing. I started with Jenny first and led her inside. Her face was bright red from embarrassment as I took her into her room.

“D-Damon, we... we shouldn't...” Jenny said, barely above a whisper.

“Shh.” I said and took her into a hug.

Jenny held onto me for a minute and then she let go. “I... I'll get changed... and then... we can... talk about...”

“I'll be back after I get Kathy and Susan into the house.”

Jenny nodded and started to undress. I pretty much ran out of the room, shut the door, and sighed in relief. I went out to the car and took Susan next. She held on and her face was bright red, too. I tried to lead her to the spare room and she stumbled and gripped my arm. I reluctantly took her to my room and she didn't say anything as I gave her one of my shirts to wear and told her to get changed and to wait for me in bed.

Susan kicked off her shoes and stood on her toes to give me a quick kiss. “Hurry back.”

“I'll try.” I said and left my room, then went out to get Kathy.

“You saved the best for last.” Kathy said as she got out of the car and clung to my arm as if it was a lifeline.

“I did.” I admitted. To my surprise, I didn't have a flash of Divine Sight, which meant nothing was going to happen between us.

“I love Jenny too much to fuck her brother, no matter how handsome and charming you are.” Kathy said.

“I know.” I said and she looked at me in surprise. “Why else do you think I said you were the best?”

Kathy beamed a smile at me and it lit up her whole face.

“I really like seeing that smile.” I said and led her into the condo.

“You would really like to see my ass, too.” Kathy said, then her face burned a deep red.

I chuckled a little and stopped in front of Jenny's door, then I turned her to face me. “Thank you for being my sister's friend.” I took her into a hug and gave her a long and lingering kiss.

When I broke it, her eyes were wide with surprise. I opened Jenny's door and led her inside, only to see that Jenny was half undressed and sound asleep on the bed.

“Goodnight.” I whispered to Kathy as I sat her down beside Jenny.

“Goodnight, my fantasy man.” Kathy gave me a hint of a smile, then she reached up and touched my face. “Once... once more.”

“Of course.” I said and gave her another lingering kiss. I left her there and went to the spare room. I was glad that I had stored a few clothing sets, just in case, and changed for bed instantly and went to sleep.

I was up and gone the next morning, long before Jenny and her friends woke up, and bought breakfasts and coffees for everyone at work.

“You're really trying too hard, you know.” One of the guys said and laughed. “Thanks.”

“Just look at it as getting some of your money back from my pay.” I said and a few people laughed.

“You're going to do this every morning, aren't you?” The foreman asked as he accepted a breakfast and a coffee.

“Yep.” I said with a big grin. He laughed and waved for us all to sit and eat.

I worked every day, even Saturdays and Sundays, despite the foreman saying that it wasn't necessary. I didn't tell him that with all the stat boosts my equipment gave me, I was actually trying to keep myself at a reasonable pace. I had to fight the urge to do things myself and had to let the experts do it and only helped them when I could. I also didn't want to let my completely unfair inventory be overly used in case I got caught.

Jenny, Kathy, and Susan never mentioned what happened after the bar that night. I wasn't sure if they were embarrassed, pissed off, or glad that nothing actually happened. As far as I could tell, there was an even mix of all three emotions. I never mentioned it either and I didn't get any more Divine Sight flashes concerning Susan, so I had to call that a win, even if Jenny gave me a mean look every now and then.

I made many trips to the hardware store and I actually got to know the blonde clerk really well. Her name was Diane and she was a single mom with a six year old little girl, who was just as cute as Diane was beautiful. We actually became really good friends and never had sex again. In fact, there wasn't even any sexual tension. What we had done, we had done, and that was that.

Diane admitted that she didn't do one night stands and she also didn't date, because she was a dedicated mother and wanted to raise her daughter right. The father had been a complete ass by the time their relationship had crumbled away to bitterness and it had turned her off the whole dating scene. She deeply regretted not cutting it off much sooner and now she doesn't waste her time.

I was completely fine with that and I never asked her out or tried to do anything even remotely sexually suggestive. We still joked and carried on like good friends do and she even came over to the condo a few times. Diane and Jenny hit it off right away and Kathy and Susan were right there along with her.

Diane's daughter was the cutest little copy of her mother and she had an infectious laugh that I couldn't help but try to get her to do, whenever she showed up at the store after getting dropped off from school or when she was over at the condo with her mom. I actually privately thanked the manager for letting her keep her daughter there in the back office for the hour until she got off of work.

“She's the best damn worker I have.” The manager said with a smile. “I'd bend over backwards to keep her happy and on the payroll.”

“Raises?” I asked in a whisper.

“Two in two months.” The manager smiled. “Don't worry, I know how to take care of my people.”

“I'm very glad to hear that.” I said, because I didn't get a flash of Divine Sight and knew that Diane was going to be just fine for a long time.

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