Summoned Again?

021 Improvements

Over the next three months, Lisa the real estate agent and I had a great secret time together. Sneaking around so that my sister didn't find out made it that much more fun. We broke up amicably when my job at work picked up. The best part was the break up sex was pretty freaking hot. I think we both put in a lot of extra effort, because we knew it was going to be the last time. I even had to equip a few stat items, just to keep my stamina up.

I was doing tasks on the job site all on my own now. To say the foreman and the other guys were impressed with my performance was a severe understatement. I did so well in fact, than the foreman started including me in his business meetings with the current client... that took place wherever he was standing at the time they showed up.

The clients were happy to have the meeting so quickly to discuss the project and not happy with the circumstances of where the meeting was. I resolved to change that in two months when I bought the business. A basic trailer with an extravagant interior would be best for things like quick meetings.

Jenny and I started attending an evening class on money management and learned a lot. Both business and professional money management was covered and we both enjoyed learning about them. The information was definitely going to come in handy, especially when I continued my plans.

I discretely used the business that bought and sold minted coins several times a month, just for some extra spending cash. I didn't want the government freaking out that I was dumping hundreds of coins every time I visited the business, so I only sold ten at a time. Once the paperwork and government approval were registered and confirmed after my first visit, I became a valued customer and received nearly the full value of the gold content, minus commissions.

By the time two more months had passed, I had cashed in enough to put in a bid on the business where I worked. To my surprise, the owner was eager to sell and unloaded everything onto me. I realized then that it was a complete mess from mismanagement and started looking for a business manager. Thanks to Divine Sight and a week of frustration, I stumbled across a man that had been let go from his previous job.

It was due to budget cuts and not because he was doing it wrong, like his lack of recommendations implied. He sat across from me inside the brand new meeting trailer and he was a bit awed at the decor. I hired him immediately and without an interview, which shocked him.

“Neither of us has the time to waste with nonsense, Craig. I need your help and I need it now.” I said.

“But... what about...”

“I'll pay you your previous salary plus ten percent, a company car, and if I can swing it, an apartment in the building I'm planning on buying downtown in a month.”

“Jesus.” Craig said and looked at me with wide eyes. “Um, yeah. Okay.” He said and held a hand out to shake. “Thank you for the opportunity.”

“You say that now.” I smiled an evil smile as I shook his hand, then I handed him everything the old business owner had given me. “Fix this.”

Craig laughed. “You know I need your input and you can't just dump it all on me.”

“I know.” I said. “I'll take a day off and we can go over everything tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.” Craig said. “I'll look over this tonight and I'll try to have a plan for you tomorrow.”

“Wonderful.” I said. “Now get out. I've got to get back to work.”

“What?” Craig looked at my work outfit as if he just noticed.

“This is a working man's company.” I said and stood. “I'm just kidding about getting out. You can stay here and work until I can get an actual office set up for the business.”

“Oh. All right. Thanks.”

I pat him on the shoulder and left.

“Hey, new boss!” One of the guys waved. “We've got a problem with the cement truck!”

“Wonderful.” I said sarcastically and jogged over to him.

And so it went.

A month later, I met with Lisa the real estate agent in the meeting trailer, and good lord... did she look hot... and a little pregnant.

“Oho!” I exclaimed as she walked over to hug me. “Who's the lucky guy?”

Lisa blushed and held up her hand with a nice diamond ring on her finger. “My high school crush.”

“Well, damn. There goes my conniving plan to woo you back into my bed with another massive commission.” I joked.

“That was not how that happened, you ass.” Lisa said in a stern voice, then she laughed. “How have you been the last three months?”

“Too damn busy to get laid.” I said and waved for her to sit. “How far along are you?”

“Almost eight weeks.” Lisa said.

“What are you carrying, twins?” I asked, because the bulge was too big for a single baby this soon.

“I am.” Lisa smiled. “A boy and a girl, so we're both ecstatic.”

“He wanted the boy?” I asked with a matching smile.

“Ex-football player.” Lisa said with a chuckle and I nodded in understanding. “So, what is it you're looking for this time?”

I told her the specs of what I needed, offices for the business, common areas, apartments, and several other things and amenities like parking and a gym either nearby or on the premises.

Lisa wrote it all down and then took out her cell phone. “I have a few contacts in the business district as well as one in the downtown core.” She said and found someone's number. “I hope she's not busy.”

She won't be. I thought and waited.

“Sandy! Hi!” Lisa said, a bit enthusiastically. “Yes, it has been a while.” She paused. “Of course I've been busy.” She said and chuckled. “I even got knocked up.”

I heard the screech from her phone and I was five feet away.

“Jesus, calm down.” Lisa laughed. “Yes, yes. We can have lunch.” “Uh huh.” “Yes.” “I called for another reason.” “Mm hmm.” “Okay.” She hung up the phone. “She'll call me back on her private line.”

I nodded. “She seemed a little bit happy that you're pregnant.”

“Only a little!” Lisa laughed. Her phone rang and she answered it. “Hi! Yes. Here's what my client is looking for.” She said and then gave Sandy the list I gave her. “All right, I'll wait.” She put the phone down on the small table between us. “She's looking through the listings she has and she'll be a few minutes.”

“Not a problem. I get to sit here and watch you glow.” I said.

Lisa chuckled and blushed a little. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better about getting big so soon.” She rubbed her belly. “You can stop with all the unnecessary flirting.”

I stood up and walked around the little table and sat beside her. I took the hand she was rubbing her belly with. “I don't think it's unnecessary.” I said and kissed her hand. “The very first thing I thought when you came in through the door was that you looked goddamn hot.”

“N-no, I...” Lisa's face flushed to a deep red. “Damon...”

“I'm not making a pass at you or anything.” I said and then smiled. “Can I rub your belly?”

Lisa chuckled and nodded, so I let her hand go and reached down for her belly. I placed my hand on it, gentle as can be, then I made slow circular movements and touched every bit of bulge through her top.

“If I was making a pass at you, I would ask to touch your soft and supple skin directly.” I whispered and leaned down. “Your mommy loves you both very much.”

Lisa took in a deep breath and let it out, which made her belly rise and fall as well.

I sat up straight and removed my hand. “Don't for one second think that you're not desirable, just because you're becoming a mother.” I said and let her see the determination in my eyes. “If you weren't engaged to be married, I'd bend you over this chair right now.”

Lisa took in a sharp breath and there was a squeak and a matching breath sound from her cell phone.

“Lisa? I found three listings.” Sandy said and you could almost hear the guilt in her voice.

I picked up the phone and handed it to Lisa, then walked around the little table to sit across from her. Lisa gave me a longing look as she spoke. “That's great. What are the addresses?” She copied them down and Sandy agreed to meet us.

We left the construction site and Lisa drove. She didn't mention my very successful pass at her and I neglected to mention that I didn't have a flash of Divine Sight that told me I couldn't do it. That meant I could have bent her over the chair and had my way with her, and no one would have ever found out about it or caused any real ramifications to what I had seen before. I didn't want to push my luck, however.

We stopped at a very nice building near the downtown and got out, then Lisa waved. I turned to look where she was waving and the blackest black woman I had ever seen waved back. I couldn't make out her facial features until she was fifteen feet away and I saw that she was absolutely striking. A sharp nose, slightly plump cheekbones, and brilliant hazel eyes that easily caught me staring at her.

Sandy hugged Lisa, rubbed her belly a little to make her laugh, then she turned to face me. “You must be Damon.” She said and held a hand out to me.

I had a flash of Divine Sight and it was a tangled mess. There were possible fights, money arguments, several different versions of our 'first time' together, happy and blissful vacations at the same time and in different places, and then kids, no kids, one kid, adoptions, and abortions, some of which were mine. The happy times of quiet mornings was a common theme, at least.

I closed my eyes for a moment, took a breath and let it out, then I opened my eyes and took her hand. We both gasped as an electric shock went through us and I saw what the problem with my Divine Sight was.

Sandy was a seer.

She didn't know she was and she had impeccable instincts that she always followed. If she had a feeling that she needed to do something, she did it and didn't question it. Ever. I think the normal term for that was 'flighty'.

I also knew that I could never, ever have a relationship with her. She had been touched by a goddess for some unknown reason and because of my Divine Sight, technically I had been touched by a god, too. We were not compatible in the least. I let her hand go and smiled awkwardly, as did she. I was pretty sure that she had the same feeling that we couldn't even be friends, let alone lovers.

“Shall we go inside and look at the place?” Sandy asked Lisa, because she couldn't quite look at me.

Lisa was confused by the exchange, nodded, and the three of us went inside. I knew this wasn't 'my' building and went with it anyway. I couldn't just say which one I wanted, because that would jack up the price to a point that I wouldn't buy it, just on principle, so I had to go through all the motions and rigmarole of looking at everything first and then deciding on which one I wanted to bid on.

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