Summoned Again?

022 Clearing The Air


“...and this is the penthouse suite.” Sandy said as she opened the door. She avoided my gaze as much as I avoided hers and Lisa could tell we were uncomfortable with each other. She couldn't ask either of us about it while the three of us were together, so she kept quiet as we entered the living room.

“What a view.” I said, which was prophetic, because just then Sandy's high heeled shoe snagged the rug, made her stumble and wave her arms, and I kid you not... she flopped over a cushioned soft armchair that hiked her skirt up and exposed her very nice ass in a thong as she bent over and caught herself. I also saw her womanhood. It was wet and practically dripping, as if begging me to taste it.

I had a flash of Divine Sight and I saw myself knelt there licking her, saw myself pounding her from behind like I had imagined doing to Lisa, saw myself just using my fingers, saw myself slapping her ass, saw myself rubbing it gently, and also saw myself carefully pulling her up to stand and kissing her as I pulled her skirt down for her.

It all happened at the same time, as if I was watching ten different movies at the same time and overlaid on each other. I reached out to the wall to steady myself and looked away from the sight, hoping the visions would stop if I wasn't looking at something so tempting.

“Sandy, are you okay?” Lisa asked and she was the one to help her stand and pulled her skirt down to cover her.

“I'm... fine.” Sandy looked over at me and she trembled a little.

I took a deep breath and let it out, because that one look gave me another flash of Divine Sight and I saw her getting pregnant from what could have happened. I also saw her hate my guts and saw her love me with all her heart. It was goddamn confusing and I wasn't sure how I was supposed to act around her.

“Maybe we should do this another day.” Lisa suggested.

“No, it's either now or never.” Sandy and I said together, then we both laughed nervously.

“I'd like to look at all the options before I make a decision.” I said.

“Yes, let's keep looking.” Sandy said. “I'll show you the bathroom next.”

She definitely needs to check on herself. I thought and wondered if she had a spare pair of underwear in her purse. If she's not careful, she's going to leave little drops everywhere.

I followed her and Lisa and it was an okay bathroom. It wasn't something I would have picked for the penthouse suite. “Lisa, you look a little flushed.” I said and took her hand. “Why don't you and Sandy get freshened up while I go check on the balcony and the bedrooms?”

“Okay.” Lisa said and I left the two women in the bathroom and shut the door.

I went to the bedroom and gave it a cursory glance, then went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. I took several deep breaths and I was glad I didn't get another flash of Divine Sight. Nothing was going to happen in this building, so I relaxed and waited for a few minutes. I went back inside the suite and walked over to the bathroom. I reached for the door handle and had another flash of Divine Sight.

Lisa convinced me to sleep with her one last time and blindfolded me, then Sandy came in and we had sex. It was different and I felt it, freaked out and then suddenly Lisa didn't convince me and nothing happened. No, she did and then her husband found out and it wrecked their marriage, Sandy consoling her and apologizing for making her do it one more time. Then it was Sandy with Lisa's fiance and us walking in on them after a friendly lunch date.

Jesus Christ. I cursed in my head and stumbled back from the door and walked towards the penthouse door. I had a sudden flash of not buying any building and came to a stop. Fuck. I thought and stood still as the visions faded. All right. Get a grip. I thought to myself. Damage control. I turned towards the bathroom. “Girls? Is everything all right in there?”

“Yes!” Lisa said nervously and that made me nervous. I opened the door and Sandy was on her knees with her ear pressed against Lisa's bare belly and was lovingly caressing the little bump.

“What are you doing?” I asked in an accusing tone, since I felt like that was what the scene needed.

“I'm listening to their heartbeats.” Sandy said. “It's like a pair of hummingbirds.”

“Yeaaaah.” I said and looked at Lisa. “I'd like to see the next building sometime today.”

“Yes, okay.” Lisa said. “Sandy, we should go.”

“In a minute.” Sandy said and started to hum.

I had a flash of Divine Sight and that song was always bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. I cupped my hands and slapped them together as hard as I could. The very loud clap echoed in the bathroom and startled the both of them.

“Up. Now.” I spat at Sandy, who looked at me with an angry expression. “I'm fully prepared to walk away from this deal if you don't stop disrespecting someone who is supposed to be your friend.”

“I wasn't disrespecting her.” Sandy said.

“You have her half naked in a strange bathroom and you're humming a voodoo hymn song to her unborn children!” I said, my voice getting louder with each word.

“V-v-v-voodoo?!?” Lisa asked, quite scared.

“It's not voodoo. My grandmother...”

“...was a voodoo priestess, wasn't she?” I asked and Sandy didn't say anything. “Just because she sung songs to you as a child, it doesn't mean they aren't voodoo.”

“You don't know anything about my family.” Sandy said and stood up.

Lisa quickly buttoned up her skirt and pulled her top down to cover her belly.

“I don't ever want to know anything about your family.” I said and had a flash of Divine Sight. She went to her family and they cast a bad luck curse on me and my family for disparaging them. Then it was a death curse and mom died. Then it was dad instead. Then it was Jenny. Then it was mom and Jenny. The funny thing was, it was never me in any of the death visions and that meant it was focused on hurting me specifically.

“If you think I've called you or your family down for dealing in black magic, I apologize. I said no such thing. I only said that I don't want to know your family. They could be very nice people and it doesn't matter to me in the least. I don't know you and I don't want to get to know you and I'm not being mean or vindictive as I say that.” I paused for a brief moment to let that sink in. “I have a business deal to complete and that's all. This isn't a social occasion and we're not friends. In fact, we can never be friends, and I believe you know that.”

The Divine Sight visions faded away and didn't repeat or come back, which meant that I had dodged the proverbial bullet. Hopefully. I would need to keep vigilant and possibly take steps to avert what I saw.

“Then I will show you the other two buildings.” Sandy said, her angry face becoming passive. “Lisa can contact me and let me know when you decide on which one you would like, or none at all.”

“That would be great.” I said and held a hand out to Lisa, who took my hand and gave it a squeeze. Even if you don't believe in voodoo yourself, that doesn't mean it doesn't have power.

We followed Sandy out of the building and she said she would meet us at the next address. We agreed and as soon as we were in the car, Lisa almost broke down into tears.

“Damon? What was all of that? Voodoo? Priestess? Magic songs?”

I reached out to her and took her hand, kissed it, and then leaned in and gave her a kiss. I held it for several seconds and then broke it. “I meant to give you this as an engagement present.” I said and took out the small amulet that gave you a clear mind. “It's been blessed to give you a clear mind and nothing will impede it.” I slipped it over her neck and Lisa took in a sharp breath as it came into effect.

“D-Damon, this...”

“Is worth a lot of money.” I said and she stared at me. “Yeah, I could sell it and make a fortune; but, I would rather you have it and let it protect you and your children.”

Lisa gave me a knowing look and then she took a breath and let it out. “I'm going to cancel my lunch plans with Sandy.”

“That, my good friend, would be a wise thing to do.”

“Friend, huh?” Lisa gave me another knowing look.

“Hey, just because I want to make sweet and passionate love to you, doesn't mean I'm not your friend.”

“Sweet?” Lisa raised her eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I want to jam my meat stick so far into the buns in your oven that you'll have no choice but to have triplets.”

Lisa gave me a surprised look for a second, then she laughed and tried to speak at the same time. “That... that's not... funny.”

“I'm pretty sure my snickity snake can squirt its venom all over you.” I said, a bit proudly. “It's poison, though.”

Lisa kept laughing and shook her head.

“You're saying no?” I asked and she nodded. “Aww, dammit.”

Lisa reached out and touched the side of my face. “I love my fiance.”

“I can honestly say that he is a very lucky man.” I said and turned my head to kiss the palm of her hand. “I know the two of you are going to build a very good life together.”

Lisa nodded and took her hand back and started the car.

“I just want you to know that even when you're as big as a beach ball, I still want to bend you over that chair in my office.”

Lisa turned her head and stared at me with wide eyes.


“You really would do that?” Lisa asked, surprised.

“I'd hurt the little ones if you faced me.” I said, completely honestly. “I'll miss sucking on your nipples, though. I won't deprive the kids of nourishment.”

Lisa reached over and instead of grabbing my hand like I thought she would, her hand slid down and touched me to feel my erection. “Jesus, you really would.”

“What part of 'you look goddamn hot' didn't you understand?” I asked with a grin.

Lisa chuckled and let me go, then shifted the car into drive. “Why did we break up again?”

“I couldn't give you the time and love you deserved.” I said, once again honestly. “I told you I've been too busy to get laid... and that's with Jenny's friends staying over pretty much every night.”

“You're not stupid enough to do them that young.” Lisa said and then glared at me for a second. “Tell me you're not that stupid.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed.

“You're an ass.” Lisa said and insulted me.

“You've got a sweet ass.” I said and complimented her.

“It's like ten pounds heavier.” Lisa responded as she drove down the street.

“I stand by my observations.” I said, a little smugly. “I'd need four hands to grab you appropriately, you know. Two on the ass and two on the breasts, just so I could get the whole experience.” I joked and gave her chest a searching look. “You're a D cup now, right?”

“How did you know I went up a full cup size?” Lisa glanced at me and saw where I was looking. “Yeah, you're definitely an ass.”

I laughed. “Good god, I miss having you around.”

“Me, too.” Lisa said and was quiet for a moment. “Damon, I... if this deal goes through...”

“Yeah, I know.” I said and reached over to take her hand. “You do what's best for your family and so will I.”

“Thank you.” Lisa lifted my hand and kissed it. “I'm so glad you understand.” She said and let my hand go.

I was quiet for a minute and then looked at her. “Friends can still fuck, can't they?” I asked and made her laugh.

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