Summoned Again?

046 The Next Village Part Two


Walking around a town that no one covered their faces was both odd and welcoming. It was me that was getting odd looks from everyone, because I hadn't removed my helm.

“Can I ask you a question?” I said to Hella, the black furred wolf woman that was guiding me.

“No, I don't want to mate with you.” Hella spat. “I don't believe in moon-sickness and you shouldn't either.”

“Moon-sickness?” I asked, curious.

“You know. You meet a sexy wolf and you can't help but howl for them to take you.” Hella said. “I've seen one of my friends do that, even though she had known the wolf for years.”

“Wow, really?” I asked and she nodded.

“It was pathetic.” Hella said. “She just... after she rubbed her face all over him, she presented herself on all fours and he took her right there.” She shook her head. “We were in the middle of eating, for moon's sake!”

I thought about what that would have looked like. Then I thought about what that would have felt like.

“Don't you dare expect me to do that!” Hella said and glared at me, as if she knew what I was thinking.

“You can't read minds, can you?” I asked and did my best to ignore the erection I had.

My promise to Diane hadn't lasted very long, because I already had sex once. That didn't bother me as much as feeling like I needed to keep having sex. A lot of sex. I had been fighting the underlying feeling for a while, especially back on Earth, and now it seemed like it was a lot stronger and I got an erection pretty much instantly whenever I thought about it.

“No, but you're a male. All you think about is mating.” Hella said.

That made me think about her experiences. “You have to fight men off all the time, don't you?”

“Yes.” Hella spat. “Stupid horny men that believe I'll want them, just because they're good fighters.”

“What reason would they need to give for you to want them, then?” I asked, genuinely curious, since the wolves were pretty much the main fighting force in these lands.

“I want them to love me for who I am and not for the womb they can fill when they feel like it.” Hella said, then she let out a yip of surprise and pulled me to a stop by my arm. “Don't you DARE tell anyone I just told you that!”

“I promise.” I said and gave her a slight bow. “Is this where we need to go?” I asked to distract her.

“Yes.” Hella said and knocked. The door opened and an eight foot tall wolf in a uniform answered. “We're here to see the Pack Leader.”

The wolf nodded and stepped back to let us enter. Inside was a nice lobby with paintings on the walls, which was odd to see, because every other place I had been in had been pretty much shacks with minimal decorations inside.

Hella led me over to a door and knocked. A muffled voice said to come in and she opened the door. We stepped into the office and there were three people inside. The Patrol Leader stood to the side of the large wooden desk and was leaning on it and whispering. A nine foot tall wolf stood next to the wall behind the chair and was clearly a guard. In the chair...

...was the cutest silver and grey wolf woman I had ever seen. She was ridiculously short in comparison to the giant wolves around her, which meant she was just about my height. Her bright silver eyes were the same as a Husky and when she turned her head to look at me, my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

I quickly took off my helm and stored it so that she could see my eyes as well. She let out a startled yip at my completely human face, as did the other wolves, then I saw her shiver. She pushed the Patrol Leader out of the way as she stood and walked around the desk to me. Her large and fluffy tail was puffed out and she swayed her hips so much that I thought she was going to fall over.

I reached out to catch her and realized that my armor was in the way of me touching her. I switched outfits to the set of commoner's clothes I had in inventory and put my arms around her. She let out a rumbling growl and I felt my own throat ache to return it. Her hands reached up and touched my face, then she reached back and gripped my hair tightly with both hands. She kissed my cheek and rubbed her face on it, then did the other cheek.

“Mmmm.” I growled out and she shivered again. She looked deep into my eyes and I looked into hers, then she kissed me. It was hot and passionate and I wanted to touch her everywhere. Something in the back of my brain said to bite her tongue, so I did. She growled, almost like a purr, then I lost all reason and stored my clothes and hers. I let her tongue go and quickly turned her around. She bent over the desk and stood up on her toes as she flicked her tail up out of the way.

The most delicious smell assaulted my nostrils and I dove down to taste it. I completely missed the barks of surprise around me as I feasted on her. She was completely soaked in only a minute and when I stopped, she contracted and opened up, begging me to do more. I stood up and positioned myself at her opening, felt the blistering heat, then I shoved myself into her.

She let out a howl and her tail stuck straight up as all of her muscles tensed up. Her pawed hands dug deep furrows into the desk and her clawed feet dug similar furrows into the wood floor. She howled and yipped and dug at the desk and the floor the entire time I had my way with her.

“I'm... going to...” I started to say, then her tense muscles relaxed and she laid her head down on the desk. To my surprise, her vagina completely relaxed for a second and I kid you not, sucked my balls right in. She clamped down on me and squeezed me hard as she massaged my penis at the same time. “AHHHHH!” I yelled as I came so hard that I thought it might have hurt her.

By the look on her face, she trembled in pleasure and not pain. It took me a good fifteen seconds before I stopped spasming inside of her. I've never had a full ball massage while having sex before and good lord, it felt absolutely wonderful. I wasn't sure what to do now, though. Did I just pull out or was I supposed to hold onto her and wait?

“It's true?” Hella asked, completely shocked. “Moon-sickness is real?”

“Pack Leader? Are you all right?” The Patrol Leader asked, his voice soft and full of concern.

“I'mmm fiiiiine.” She said with a languid smile, because her entire body was relaxed, even her tongue.

“Get off of her.” The Patrol Leader barked at me.

“No.” Both I and the Pack Leader said at the same time, except hers was more drawn out.

“I don't want to hurt her.” I said and gently caressed her lower back.

“I donnnn't wannnnt to hurrrrrt himmm.” She said and took a very long deep breath and let it out just as slowly. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. “That wassss sssoooo gooood.” She said and her breathing evened out.

I was pretty sure she fell asleep and I didn't stop caressing her soft silver and grey fur.

“What do we do now?” The Patrol Leader asked the guard.

“We wait.” The guard responded.

“The meeting is in three howls.” The Patrol Leader said and looked at the Pack Leader. “What am I going to tell the other packs and their Patrol Leaders?”

“The truth.” The guard said.

“I can NOT tell them that our Pack Leader suffers from moon-sickness.” The Patrol Leader said.

“They will see and smell it when she appears later.” The guard said, his expression grim.

I wasn't sure why I could tell that, considering he had the face of a wolf. “Is it because of me or because she did it at all?”

“Both.” The Patrol Leader said. “She has fought off many suitors trying to take over this pack and now a stranger shows up and she gave us all to you.”

“Whoa, there.” I said and held my hands up, even though I wanted to keep rubbing her back. “She didn't give me anything except some of the best sex I've ever had.”

The Patrol Leader sighed. “Regardless of your ignorance, Pack Law is Pack Law. She offered herself and everything she was, and you accepted.”

I looked down at her happy sleeping face and let out my own sigh. “Well, damn.”

“We could keep this secret.” Hella offered. “Tell everyone she's sick and take over the meeting yourself. When everyone leaves, we can deal with this... mess.”

“That's not a bad plan.” The Patrol Leader said and looked at the guard. “Do you think we can pull it off?”

“It depends on how long she needs to recover.” The guard said.

“I can revive her right now; but, we're still stuck like this.” I said. “I have to assume that at some point, her wonderful body will let me go.”

The three wolves looked at each other and then at me.

“It could be any howl now or up to thirty howls.” The guard said. “The meeting will be over in twenty howls.”

I didn't want to ask how long a howl was, because apparently, it didn't translate properly, which meant it was a name for a unit of time that only they used. They wouldn't know the conversion to normal time to tell me, anyway.

“How many howls left until the meeting starts?” I asked instead.

“Two.” Hella said.

Okay, so one has already passed and that was about five minutes. If a howl is five minutes, then I could be released at any minute or I could be here for two and a half hours. I thought and my hands kept petting her fur. That's so soft.

“If you aren't released by then, I will have to take over the meeting.” The Patrol Leader said and looked at the guard. “Stay here and keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't leave. It could destroy our reputation if they find out.”

“You make it sound really bad.” I said.

“You are a stranger and they will see her as weak for submitting to you. They will think she is not deserving of such a large pack and will attack.” The Patrol Leader said. “Is that what you want?”

I had to think about that. “Kind of.” I said and the three wolves looked at me with surprise on their faces. “I wanted to attack everyone here to test a new ability. Defending everyone from other attacks would serve the same purpose.”

“You can't be serious.” Hella said.

“No, you're right. Too many bystanders could get hurt in a conflict, unless we herded everyone together.” I said. “I suppose telling them that I can speak the language of the gods won't help, will it?”

“You can WHAT?!?” Hella asked, shocked.

“I'm a Pawn sent here by a goddess to save the world.” I said and the three of them stared at me. “Inter-dimensional quantum generators.”

The three of them let out yips of surprise, because they didn't have those words in their vocabulary, so they heard them in English.

“He's a godling.” Hella whispered.

“A what?” I asked.

“A godling. A chosen of the gods that have been granted powers beyond those of mere mortals.” The Patrol Leader said and looked at the guard. “Maybe...”

“If he can be shown before the meeting ends, we can claim Divine Intervention.” The guard said. “Our Pack Leader couldn't be satisfied by a mortal and a godling was sent to her.”

“Um... you're reading a little too much into this.” I said. “I was just passing through to head to the western wall and...”

“It doesn't matter why you think you are here.” Hella said and looked at the Patrol Leader. “I'll go first and start spreading the word that our Pack leader suffered moon-sickness.”

“I thought you wanted that hidden?” I asked.

“Not if you're a godling.” The Patrol Leader said. “Everyone knowing that it took the gods sending someone down to claim her will only elevate our pack.”

“That's not really...” I started to say, then sighed. Even if I hadn't had the encounters I did, I still would have come through here, not knowing what was up. “...yeah, okay. If I get released in time, I'll make a big show of it.”

“Don't worry.” Hella said. “Once they hear about you, everyone's going to stay around to meet you.”

“That's just great.” I said sarcastically.

The three of them nodded and then Hella left. After a few minutes, the Patrol Leader left, too. It was quiet in the Pack Leader's office and after my eyes roamed around her office, I looked at her guard.

“Can I ask you some questions?” I asked. “I mean, we're both kind of stuck here.”

“You may ask.”

“Can you tell me about her?” I asked as my hands caressed her back. I just couldn't stop doing it.

“She is strong. Hard working. She cares about her pack and her family.” The guard said.

“Her family?”

“The Patrol Leader is her brother. I am her uncle. Her mate, the old Pack Leader, died from battle wounds with a dragon.”

I was surprised about the uncle and brother parts, especially after what I just did to her in front of them, then the dragon part registered. “I killed the dragon.”

“That was what they were talking about when you came in.” The guard said. “She didn't believe it.”

“I have the head.” I said and the guard's eyes widened.

“Your cart only had bedrolls and dried food in it.” The guard said.

“I'm carrying it.” I said.

“You really are a godling.” The guard said and I nodded. “I will tell you all you need to know about the pack and its workings.”

I nodded and stood there, glad that I had a ton of stamina, and listened as the guard gave me the pack history lesson.

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