Summoned Again?

047 Pack Leader


It took an hour for the Pack Leader's body to finally relax and release me. It wasn't silent in the least as the slurping sound of her trying to let me go and keep hold of me at the same time filled the office.

“Mmmm.” She moaned and twitched her tail, then her eyes shot open. “NO!” She exclaimed and stood up to turn and look at me. “No, we didn't just...” Her eyes latched onto mine and she growled. “You are NOT a wolf! I couldn't... I wouldn't...”

I smiled and reached out to dig my fingers into the fur on the sides of her face. “No, I'm a godling.”

Her growl dropped to almost a purr and her eyes closed as she revelled in being scratched like that.

“He was sent by a goddess for you.” Her uncle the guard added.

“A... no, you...” She opened her eyes and looked at me again. “How? How can I have moon-sickness for you?”

“Apparently, no other mortal was good enough or you.” I said, going along with the ruse.

“I didn't mate again, because I wanted to protect my pack.” She said and closed her eyes. “Why does this feel good?”

“It's just some knowledge I picked up on another world.” I said and stopped.

“No, keep...” She stopped herself from begging me to keep going.

I chuckled and gently stroked her breasts for a moment, then I dug my fingers into her belly fur and quickly scratched her. Her tail swished back and forth happily and her foot started tapping. She started laughing, despite wanting to keep her composure, so I slowed down and pet the spot.

“Wh-what was that?” She asked, surprised. Her tail still wagged and she didn't try to stop it.

“An autonomic response to stimulation.” I said and she let out a yip of surprise. Autonomic wasn't a word in their language. “Here's your dress and underwear back.” I took them out and handed her the underwear.

“Oh!” She looked down at herself. “Dammit, how did you undress me so quickly?”

“I can store anything within 30 feet of me.”

She gave me a wide eyed look for a moment, then she sat on the desk and spread her legs. “I need to clean up before putting these back on.” She said and bend over and started licking herself.

I stood there, quite stunned that she could do that, then my erection sprung right up. She let out a growl at the sight, then she grabbed me by the shoulders and laid back on the desk. I was surprised that I slid right inside of her, as if it was molded to me, and she let out a howl of pleasure.

“We don't have time for this, Pack Leader.” The guard said.

“I won't fall asleep this time.” She spat at him and held onto me as her legs wrapped around me. “I'll warn you when we might stick together.” She said in a softer voice.

“I'm pretty sure when I tell you I'm going to finish, that's when it'll happen.” I said and started to move.

“What of the meeting?” The guard asked.

“How... many howls...” She said between panting and moaning.

“It's probably already over.” I said. “You've been asleep for twenty three howls.”

She nodded and kissed me as I picked up speed. We had sex for the second time on her desk, with her uncle right there. She came several times before it was my turn and I warned her. She became passive again and relaxed.

“Pull... out.” She whispered.

I pulled myself back enough to not get my ball sack sucked in. I put my hand in the way and pushed back in to make sure she wasn't going to grab on, then came inside of her again.

“AWWWOOOO!” She howled and there were several answering howls.

When I was done, once again after nearly fifteen seconds, I slid myself out of her. “Thanks for not tearing me up with those claws.” I said and she let me out of the embrace.

“That's why I hugged you so tightly.” She said with a sexy voice, then she seemed to snap out of it. “Dammit, now I have to clean myself again!”

“I'll be facing this way for the next few minutes.” I said as I turned away, because I didn't want to be aroused as she licked herself again. That was just a bit too much stimulation for my feeble mind to not react to. I took out a towel to wipe at the mess on my lower body. She definitely enjoyed it. I thought and wiped off my thighs to clean up her juices. I did my crotch next and then put on underwear and then equipped my full armor set, protective underlay included. I took off the helm and stored it.

“I'm dressed, godling.” She said and I turned around to look at her. Her nipples poked out through her dress as if they were begging for attention.

“Oh, Jesus.” I said as my erection came back.

She took in a quick breath through her nose and growled. “Again?”

I nodded. “You are very beautiful and that was twice in a row that I've had great sex... really great sex.”

Her face flushed a little red and then it faded just as quickly.

She has great control of her emotions. I thought.

“I've never heard of anyone, even the moon-sick, needing to mate so many times.” The guard said.

“Nor have I.” The Pack Leader said.

“Maybe I can distract myself with protocol.” I said and gave her a regal bow. “I would like to introduce myself. My name is Damon and I am on a quest to find the source of the beast people's creation.”

“Good luck.” The guard said with a bark of laughter.

“It's been a long time since someone has quested for the impossible.” The Pack Leader said. “I greet you Damon. You and yours are under the Pack's protection as long as you are within our lands.”

“Thank you, Pack Leader.” I said and stood up straight. “May I ask the exquisite beauty her name?”

“I am Raksha Wolfrik.” She said and even though she was barely six feet tall, she seemed larger than her guard. “I ascended to power at the side of my mate, who tragically lost his life to the dragon that nests in the nearby mountains.”

“Your uncle the guard has informed me of this.” I said. “I am both pleased and honored to have avenged his life for you.”

“What... what did you say?” Raksha asked.

“I have slain the dragon of the mountain.” I said. “We'll need to go outside for me to take it out and show you.”

“You carry it?” Raksha asked, surprised.

“It's much too big to do anything else with it.” I said. “It's a magnificent piece, so I don't want to cut it up or damage it.”

“You... really...”

“Yes, Pack Leader.” I said and bowed again.

“No more of that.” Raksha said. “You claimed me and the pack is yours.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “Will it be in name only, or do I have to assume your duties?”

Raksha opened her mouth and felt a hand on her shoulder.

“I believe he has a point.” The guard said. “If you declare it is in name only, then you can remain Pack Leader while he goes on his quest.”

“That is not...” Raksha started to say and I touched her shoulder. She looked at me and she caught her breath as we locked eyes.

“Something else is going on between us and I can't keep having sex with you continuously.” I said. “Well, that's not actually true. I can keep having sex with you, it's just that I don't have the time to.”

Raksha trembled, then the fur on her neck rippled and it flowed all the way down to her tail and it puffed out again. “You tempt me so much.”

I chuckled. “I was going to say the same thing.” I said and looked at the guard. “My Search and Map spells show me about two hundred friendly and not so friendly people have gathered outside. How should we handle this?”

“You are asking me?” The guard asked, surprised.

“It's your job to keep Raksha safe, so I'll take your advice.” I said as nearly half of the green dots flickered red every few seconds. “I'm not stupid enough to go out there and make a fool of myself, and by extension, the pack.”

The two wolf people gave me disbelieving looks for a moment, then they talked in low whispers to each other and leaned in close. I could clearly hear them, so that meant it was a personal affectation and not necessarily practical. I waited until they made their decision and they turned to me.

“You need to change into something more appropriate.” Raksha said and her eyes glowed for a second. “Hella! Come here!”

About ten seconds later, the office door opened.

“You summoned me, Pack Leader?” Hella asked and gave her a slight bow.

“Go to my quarters and retrieve my mate's second battle harness.” Raksha said and Hella's eyes grew wide. “The sword, too.”

“What does the sword look like?” I asked and looked into my inventory where the dragon's possessions had been stored. Raksha described it and it took me a minute to find three similar large blades. I took them out and the two wolf women let out yips of surprise.

“You have it!” Raksha exclaimed and picked up the center blade. I assumed it belonged to her mate.

“That one is his brother's.” Hella pointed to the one on the right and then to the one on the left. “That one belongs to his best friend.”

“They all have dried dragon's blood on them.” The guard said and smiled with a bit of a growl. He was apparently happy that they had hurt the beast before they died.

“May we borrow these for a short while?” Raksha asked.

“You can have them.” I said and the three of them looked at me, surprise clear on their faces. “I have tons of swords and things that I was going to sell, when I found an appropriate venue, because I won't be using them.”

“Thank you, Day Man.” Raksha said.

“I will prepare a proper treatment and burial for them after this.” The guard said with a nod to me.

“Hella.” Raksha said and Hella ran from the office. “She will be back in a few minutes.”

“That's not nearly long enough for me to have you again.” I said.

She took in a breath through her nose. “Still?”

I nodded. “You, too.” I said and motioned to her pronounced nipples. “They haven't gone down at all since you put that dress on.”

Raksha took a deep breath and let it out. “What are we going to do about this?”

“It depends on the kind of impressive show you want to put on for the masses.” I said with an evil smile.

“I don't know you and I am sure that is a very bad smile.” Raksha said.

“Maybe.” I said and held my armored hand out to her. “Do you trust me?”

“We just met.” Raksha said and took my hand without hesitation. “I am yours, so yes.”

I chuckled and took her into a quick hug and rubbed my face on hers.

Hella came in with the battle harness and a pair of leather pants. “I have it.” She said and held them out. I stored my armor and underlay to leave me in just my underwear, then they helped me dress up as the old Pack Leader. The pants were quite a bit larger than mine were, since he was two feet taller than me, so I rolled them up inside and Hella tacked them with pins.

The battle harness was exactly like it sounds. It left most of the middle of the chest bare, protected the soft sides with thick leather, and had the large half-sheath on the back to hold the huge sword they carried on their backs. Raksha slipped her old mate's sword into it for me and then she stared at me from head to foot. She started to drool a little and we all smelled her.

“Perfect.” I said and took her hand. “Hella, lead the way.”

She didn't even argue that I couldn't order her and went first as she led us out of the office and then out of the building. The guard was right behind us and as we stepped outside, a ripple of surprise went through everyone. Not only that, every single male wolf had their noses in the air and let out low growls.

“It's true!” A female voice said loudly.

“I can't believe...”

“That smells so sweet!” A male interjected.

Now that I had my skills active, I didn't need my armor to boost my words as I spoke. “QUIET!” I yelled and everyone fell silent. Hella led us to the middle of the street that was essentially a town square, and then several of the local pack wolves moved everyone back without having to be told to do so.

The Patrol Leader stepped out of the crowd and knelt on one knee to us. “Pack Leader.”

“Who is he talking to?” Someone asked.

“It can't be... not the non-wolf!” Someone else exclaimed and chatter picked up again.

“Is he really a godling?” Someone else asked.

I let the talking go on for a full minute, then I lifted my foot. “I said...” I activated Stomp It and directed it to just beside me as I brought my foot down. “...QUIET!”

The shock of having a giant dragon's foot slam into the ground made a lot of the people in the front stumble and fall as the ground shook. It left a perfect six inch depression in the road and Raksha and Hella were shocked by it.

“I am a Pawn of the gods!” I said. “I was sent here to save this world!”

No one said anything and stayed quiet.

“On my way here to this town, I encountered a dragon!” I said and let that sink in for a moment. “I slayed that dragon!”

There were yips of surprise, growls of approval, and a lot of amorous eyes from the females.

“I just learned that the old Pack Leader lost his life to the dragon, so I offer two things to this Pack.” I paused for another moment. “First! I offer my name to it! Damon!”

“Day Man!” Raksha exclaimed.

Everyone in her pack responded loudly. “Day Man Wolfrik!”

“I also offer a look at the head of the beast and give some of its treasure!” I exclaimed and everyone let out yips of surprise. “This pack has suffered enough from the dragon, so I offer these meager things as compensation in the hopes that from now on, it will prosper.” I said and moved our little group off to the side a little and then took the severed head out of inventory.

Everyone freaked out. Males and females alike barked and howled and growled at the face of the beast. The very dead beast that had been a bane to their lives for so long.

“Grab on.” I said as I turned and offered my back to Raksha.

Raksha held on around my neck and kissed my cheek. I easily climbed up the side of the head and stopped on top of it. She let go and I took her into my arms and looked into her eyes.

“I didn't know that moon-sickness existed until just before I met Raksha Wolfrik, the Pack Leader. Now I know it's true.” I said and gave her a kiss. “Let me prove it.”

“Y-y-yes.” Raksha said and got down onto all fours, even though she hadn't known I was going to ask.

I opened my pants and all of the females let out low growls at my prominent erection. I yanked Raksha's tail up out of the way and tore off her underwear. Several yips and a lot of approving growls met my actions, then they were all drowned out as I entered Raksha from behind and her howls of pleasure filled the town square.

If I had been an outside observer, I might have laughed at the scene of a man doing it doggy style with the wolf woman on top of a giant dragon's head with over two hundred wolves as witnesses. As it was, my seriousness and my sole aim to make her feel as good as possible, had pretty much all of them along for the ride.

All of the red flickering dots on my Map turned green.

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