Summoned Again?

048 Giving Out Riches

When I finally finished inside of Raksha, careful of her body's reaction to sucking me in and keeping hold of me, nearly all of the wolf women around let out a collective sigh. I pulled out, to their surprise, and stood before them with myself covered in her juices dripping off of me.

“I give my blessing to this pack and to the Pack Leader Raksha Wolfrik, on behalf of the Goddess Jasindia!” I said loudly, then felt something touch my mind. Please, wait until we are alone to talk, dear Goddess. I thought and the feeling faded. Thank you.

I picked up Raksha in my arms and jumped down from the dragon's head as I stored it. I left my erection out, mainly because it wasn't going away, and I walked back over to the Pack Leader's office. There were low growls from the females I walked past and I kept my gaze forward and went inside the building. Her guard, the Patrol Leader, and Hella came in right behind us.

“Day Man, you can put me down.” Raksha said. “I must clean myself.”

I put her down on the top of her desk and she leaned down to start licking herself, then I slid myself into her. Her tongue licked my penis at the same time and we both shivered at the sensation.

“I think there's something wrong with them.” The guard said as I had sex with Raksha again.

“It's... not natural.” Hella said and did her best to not react. She had never seen anyone have sex in the middle of grooming themselves before. Of course, just like everyone else, she hadn't seen a Pack Leader having sex on top of a severed dragon's head, either.

“She... is just... good lord, keep licking!” I exclaimed when Raksha started to slow down. She licked more and I increased my speed and my accuracy. She started feeling good again and since she couldn't howl with her mouth occupied, she growled and licked faster. “Oh, Jesus... oh, Jesus... oh, FUCK!” I yelled and blew another huge load inside of her. I honestly didn't know where I was getting it all from.

Raksha's body didn't even have time to react, because she came as well and kept licking.

I slowly pulled out and she licked me off as I did, then she kept licking herself. “I want to keep going.” I said to everyone's surprise. Her being able to bend practically in half to lick herself seemed to be a fetish of mine that I didn't know I had.

Raksha stopped licking herself and sat up straight. “I have...” She licked her lips. “...things I need to take care of.”

“Me, too.” I said and stepped back. My erection wasn't going away, though. I wiped it off with a towel and then pulled up my underwear and closed up the pants. “Should I stay dressed like this as I deliver the ores I'm gifting you?”

“Ores?” The Patrol Leader asked.

“I'm going to give your pack a tenth of the ores I received as loot when the dragon died.” I said and the four of them stared at me. “Please tell me you have blacksmiths and that my gift won't be a waste.”

“We have blacksmiths.” The guard said. “They will be grateful for anything you offer.”

“Stay dressed as a Pack member, just so they all recognize you.” Raksha said. “I would guide you myself; but, it seems that I must retrieve new underwear from my residence.”

I smiled and cupped the side of her face. “I had to get everyone's attention.”

“It definitely did that.” Hella said with a huff. “Half of the women in the crowd were dry humping the males they were with by the time you finished.”

“Only dry humping?” I asked with a grin. “I though there would have been a few that would have tried to join in.”

Hella rolled her eyes. “They didn't want to get stuck for the next hour or so.”

The Patrol Leader nodded. “Hella will guide you to the blacksmiths. We have two of them, so divide your gifts of ores between them.”

“Sounds good.” I said and looked at Raksha. “Where do you want the gold treasure?”

“The treasure?” Raksha asked.

“I'm giving you ten percent of the treasure, too.” I said. “Do you want it here in your office?”

“Are you serious?” Hella asked. “Are you really going to give us part of the riches you earned for slaying the dragon?”

I nodded. “It's a lot, though.” I looked around the office. “Maybe I can't put it in here. It might not fit.”

They stared at me for a moment, then Raksha hopped off the desk.

“This way.” Raksha said and we all followed her. She took us to something that looked like a stone cellar. “I will place a guard on this room to ensure that nothing gets stolen.”

I nodded and dropped approximately a tenth of the gold items and money that the dragon had hoarded. It half filled the cellar and all three wolves let out yips of surprise.

“By the light of the Silvery Moon.” Raksha whispered as her sex smell filled the room.

“I hope... this helps.” I said and did my best to resist the wonderful odor.

“You have no idea what this will do for my Pack.” Raksha said in a low growl and the smell increased. She walked forward and laid down on the pile, then hiked up her dress and started licking herself.

“Fuuuck.” I whispered as my erection threatened to burst from my pants. “You're doing that on purpose.”

Raksha smiled and very slowly licked herself from top to bottom.

“You're such a temptress.” I said and opened up my pants to ease the pressure and walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around me and I did her again on top of a pile of gold.


The blacksmith was working with the piece of iron he had and thought about their dry spell of not getting a lot of materials. With the dragon dead, both shops were preparing a huge expedition to head to the mountains to search for more ore. Their stock was running low, especially for repairs, and they would ask the Pack Leader for permission and for guards.

He heard two sets of footsteps approaching and immediately heard the different one. Only one person he had seen so far had boots on, so he looked up from his play work to see Hella and the godling called Day Man.

“If you've come to buy some of my wares, I'm afraid that my selection has been picked over with the other Pack representatives here.” The blacksmith said.

“I hope to do something about that.” Day Man said. “Where do you usually store your ores?”

“The ore room is back here.” He said and for some reason, led them over to show that it was nearly empty. “We're preparing a caravan to go and get more.”

“Don't go to the first or second mountains coming from the other direction.” Day Man warned. “The first is barren and a bit dangerous to dig in. The second, the Tup of the rams in the village on the other side of the mountains has a claim on it.”

“It's barren land that's unsuitable for farming. I don't think anyone owns it.” Hella said.

Day Man chuckled. “I think the local creature hunting is going to pick up fairly quickly with the dragon gone. I bet it was eating a lot of them before the populations grew to any significant amount.”

Hella was quiet for a moment. “I will inform the Patrol Leader and the Hunters when we are done.”

Day Man nodded and looked at the blacksmith. “Is there a separate area for different ores?”

“No, we usually just pile different ones closer to the... YIPPPP!” He was quite startled when thirty tons of iron ore appeared in the ore room from nowhere, then a smaller pile of ten tons of gold ore appeared at his feet. “What in the...”

“That's about half of what I've offered the Pack.” Day Man said. “I'm dropping off the other half at the other blacksmith.”

The blacksmith could only nod and didn't say anything, because now their plans for a mining expedition could be put on hold for a while. A long while. He picked up the gold ore and he wasn't surprised to see that it barely had any extra rock or dirt in it. Ore from a godling was a much higher quality than any he had seen before. He smiled and walked over to his forge, tossed the iron he was using aside, then added the chunk of ore into the smelter.


“He seemed very happy.” I said as Hella and I walked over to the second blacksmith that was several streets away.

“You just gave him, what? Several week's worth of ore mining for free?” Hella asked with a shake of her head. “I doubt they'll set off with the caravan for at least a month.”

I chuckled. “No storage for more, huh?”

“You filled what he had, so no.” Hella said.

“Let's see if this blacksmith will be as happy.” I said and after a quick visit, it was almost the same interaction, with the surprised yip and everything. I kept my laugh contained until we left and the wolf was piling the practically pure iron ore into his smelter. “I'd say he was even happier.”

Hella had to nod in agreement.

“You don't seem happy at all.” I said and she let out a sigh.

“I knew your exploit with the dragon would excite everyone; but, I never thought you would give us so much besides that.”

“I think I hear regret from you.” I said and she sighed again.

“I keep asking myself that if I hadn't rejected you just before going to see the Pack Leader, would you still have suffered being moon-sick for her?”

I reached out and scratched the fur on the side of her chin. “I think so, mainly because it really was like you said. I couldn't help wanting her and she seemed the same way.”

Hella growled softly at my touch and didn't push my hand away. “She was just as surprised as I was.”

“As was I. So was her brother. Oh, and her uncle.” I said and laughed. “I can honestly say that I've never had sex with witnesses before, let alone her immediate family.”

“I didn't count?” Hella asked.

“Are you related?”


“Then you might have been a participant.” I said and she gave me a deadly glare.

“What did you just say?” Hella asked and reached for the sword on her back.

“Whoa, there. Relax.” I said and moved my hand from her face as I stored her sword. “Sometimes, when people agree beforehand, it's possible to have more than one sex partner at a time.”

“That's heresy!” Hella exclaimed and her hand met empty air. “Where's my sword?”

“I stored it.” I said. “I'm not saying I would have done it with her and you at the same time. I was only trying to explain that having an unrelated woman there while I had sex was better than if you were related.”

Hella growled at me and lost the glare, so I put her sword back in the sheath on her back. “I don't like that you can disarm me like that.”

I thought about not responding, then I reached out and scratched behind her ears. She closed one eye and tilted her head towards me. “I only took your sword. You have both hands and feet that are close combat weapons.”

“Hnnnn.” Hella almost moaned as I gave her a good scratching. “Not... fair.”

I chuckled and stopped scratching her when we reached the inn. “Thanks for escorting me to keep the other women from ripping my clothes off and bedding me.”

“You're welcome.” Hella said, albeit a little reluctantly. “Get some sleep tonight. The Pack Leader will want to see you in the morning before you depart.”

I nodded and entered the inn. Every wolf inside stood and gave me a bow, even the females. “There's no need of that.” I said and they all stood up straight. I walked over to the counter and the innkeeper gave me a big wolfish smile. “Is the meal being served soon?”

“In twelve howls.” The innkeeper said.

So, about an hour. I thought. “Can you deliver the meals to the rooms?”

“Of course.” The innkeeper said. “I'll have my best omega sent up to serve you, Day Man Alpha.”

I widen my eyes at the title for a powerful member of a pack. “I'll be in the room with the females.” I said and gave him another gold coin. He scooped it up and I went up the stairs to the right room. I equipped a fancy face covering before I opened the door and then I saw all four cat women were naked on the bed and were licking each other's privates in a continuous circle.

“They've been like that ever since they saw you dominating the Pack Leader.” The Freemartin whispered as I shut the door.

“They've been at it for that long?” I asked in a hushed whisper.

She nodded. “I tried to stop them when they started and they hissed and spat at me. They said they wanted to flow with the energy you were giving off or some such nonsense.”

“Not you?” I asked, teasingly.

She shook her head. “I am not a slave to my baser instincts.”

“What about my baser instincts?” I asked as a certain feeling flowed over me and assaulted my nostrils.

The Freemartin turned her head to look at me. “Excuse me?”

“May I see your face?” I asked.

The Freemartin took in a sharp breath and then stopped her bleat before it escaped. “You can't want...”

“I want you very much.” I said and reached up to touch her face through the cloth. “In fact, I think I'm even harder now that I can smell you.”

“M-m-me?” The Freemartin asked.

I stepped close and pushed the hood of her cloak down. “I want to feel that cottony softness wrapped around me.” I whispered and slowly pulled off her face covering.

She didn't stop me or say no, then I caught my breath when I saw that her face was completely black and her fleece was pure white. It was such a contrast that I had to pet it. She closed her eyes as I gently caressed her face and her head all over. Without a word, she took off her uniform and revealed a set of six small breasts. They were bare of fur and just as white as the rest of her skin. Her nipples were dark and stood out with just as much contrast as her face did from the rest of her.

“Beautiful.” I whispered.

She let out a soft bleat of surprise and opened her eyes to look at me. “No, you... can't mean...”

I stored my clothes and she looked down at me.

“That's not going to fit.” She whispered in protest.

“It will in a few minutes.” I said and set out a blanket, laid her down on it, then went down on her. She let out a bleat of surprise, which didn't disturb the cat women at all, since they were too wrapped up in their own pleasure.

She loosened up after she came and let out another bleat of surprise. “What did you just do to me?”

“I'll explain later.” I said and eased my raging hard-on into her. Good lord, it really is cottony soft!

She bleated out her pleasure and shock, then to my surprise, she didn't freeze up or faint. She stared into my eyes instead and I had to smile. I kissed her passionately and started to move, then we both rolled around on the floor and enjoyed taking turns being on top. Oh boy, did we enjoy it.

I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, because I shouldn't be able to have this much sex and not run dry or need rests in between. At the moment, I didn't care about it and pushed that worry aside. I had a beautiful six breasted sheep woman to make love to and that required all of my undivided attention.

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