Summoned Again?

049 Mixed Blessings


After many bleats of pleasure and coming... a lot... the Freemartin fell asleep while on top of me. I was still rock hard and I had apparently worn her out. I was also still inside of her. Luckily, her biology didn't have the same quirk of sucking my balls in when I came, so I could pull out whenever I wanted. Funnily enough, I really didn't want to.

All right, now I know there's something wrong with me. I thought and kissed the unconscious sheep woman. I closed my eyes and let myself accept the feeling of connection that the goddess had initiated earlier. Time seemed to slow to a stop and now with my much higher stats, I knew it was my own perception and not time stopping at all. The conversation just happens very quickly.

Dear Goddess, thank you for waiting until now to talk. I thought with appreciation.

“You gave my blessing to a whole pack of wolves!” Goddess Jasindia exclaimed.

I hope that's okay. I thought.

“It's even better than taking another woman's maidenhood.” Goddess Jasindia said.

Oh, damn. I forgot to pray to you for that when I slept with the Freemartin. The first time.

Goddess Jasindia chuckled. “It's all right. Any maidenhood you claim will be in my name, thanks to your original agreement.”

Whew, that's a relief. I don't want to piss you off by making a mistake like that.

“You are one of my chosen heroes, so I will forgive a lot that you do.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I just hope... that can be reciprocated.” She said in almost a whisper.

What is it? I asked, concerned.

“It seems I may have... miscalculated... my beast strain cure.” Goddess Jasindia said.

WHAT?!? I yelled in my head, then I cast Calmness and let it fill me. I haven't gotten sick, so I know that's not true.

“That's right. You haven't caught the disease, nor are you a carrier. You won't be stuck here on this world when you're done of your tasks.” Goddess Jasindia explained. “The problem is that I didn't account for the... ahem... virility of the species you use your Devour ability on.”

I don't understand. I thought in confusion. Absorbing things doesn't give me their diseases.

“Not in that sense. You are protected from catching normal diseases, thanks to your previous skills, and I protected you from the diseases of this world.” Goddess Jasindia said. “You see, one of the main things the disease does is modify the sex drive of the host to insure its propagation. It wants to spread as quickly as possible and to infect as many as possible.”

That made me frown. If that's true, then why aren't I trying to bed every woman I see?

“My protection wasn't perfect. You are protected from catching the disease from both normal and extra-normal means. What I didn't expect was you absorbing the modified essence of a legendary creature.”

I laid there and thought about it. So, what you're saying is, I didn't catch the disease. What I did get was all of the modifications from the dragon that updated my skills and stats.

“Yes, that's it exactly. When you took on everything that the dragon could do... well...”

I absorbed some of its libido. I thought. That still doesn't explain why I'm not bending every woman over and spreading my seed like crops in a field.

“You still have to be attracted to them for the hidden skill to activate.” Goddess Jasindia said. “You're not a mindless sex machine like the dragon was.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. I'm going to be horny all the time now?

“Not really. Once you... ah... plant your seed, the interest should wane.”

You did witness me and the Pack Leader going at it all day, didn't you?

“That is a bit of a worry.” Goddess Jasindia said with concern in her voice. “Perhaps it's because she reacted to you and it set you off.”

I thought back to my interactions with Raksha and then to seeing the Freemartin. I think it was the smell of them getting wet for me that set me off. I thought. Maybe the ones I passed were just wet and horny from what they saw and not me specifically.

“I saw that as well. The female wolf named Hella was wet and didn't trigger you, either.”

How could you tell? I asked.

Goddess Jasindia laughed. “All of the wolf women that saw what you did were wet.” She said. “That was quite the display you made.”

Hey, it got me out of taking over the pack. I thought with a smile. Not that any of them would have objected if I did.

“Raksha would. You saw the sadness on her face when she realized what you did together.”

I nodded. At least now no one will try to mate with her unless she chooses it.

“Do you always look at the bright side of things?” Goddess Jasindia asked.

Well, I'm not going to lay here and mope over my ability to have sex as much as I want and come over and over. I thought. I do feel bad about my promise to Diane, though.

“You don't have to.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Not only are you on another world, you're physically affected by the beast races. Technically, they aren't even human anymore.”

That's a lot of justification you've piled up there. I thought with a chuckle.

“I'm just trying to tell you that even when you took the cat princess, it was under my orders.” Goddess Jasindia said. “You can justify a lot with all of the material you have at your disposal.”

All right, I get your point. I thought.

“I hope so, because the next village is full of cat people and they are not happy about having their people kidnapped.”

I didn't do that. In fact, I rescued her.

“Then you took her.” Goddess Jasindia said. “They can argue that it doesn't matter that she has a cropped tail.”

What does that mean, anyway? I asked, curious.

“They were captured and lost their freedom. It's a sign of being less than a person in their eyes, because their main means of balance and strength was removed.”

Well, damn. All four of them are tailless.

“Yes, and you showed up just in time. None of them were bedded without their permission, like they all feared they would be.”

Oh, that reminds me. I thought and recalled them all dressed in their leather armor and how sexy they looked. I have overdue appointments with them.

Goddess Jasindia laughed again. “You're still inside the Freemartin!”

Were you along for some of that? I asked. That sure was something.

“N-no, I... was only watching.” Goddess Jasindia lied badly.

Of course you were. I thought with amusement. Thanks for letting me know about the sex thing.

Goddess Jasindia let out a sigh. “Go take a bath and have fun with your cat women.”

As you command, my Goddess. I thought and mentally gave her a regal bow. I will do my best to make them meow in your name.

“Don't get cocky.” Goddess Jasindia said, a bit sternly.

It's much too late for that particular warning, Goddess Jasindia. I thought with a chuckle.

The feeling of connection faded from my mind and my perception of time returned to normal. I eased myself out of the Freemartin, tucked her under another blanket and kissed her, then went to the bath. It was just a giant half barrel and the water was cold, so I used Fire to heat it instantly and Water to clean the dirt in it. I climbed in and washed myself up, glad that such simple pleasures could be had, then dried off with a towel and went to the bed with the four cat women on it.

I equipped the clean nibbed condom and moved my favorite cat woman slightly away from the others, then teased her a little. She woke up and her eyes locked onto mine. It was dark and her irises widened to fill her eyes.

“Day Man.” She whispered with a bit of a purr.

I rolled her over to keep her dangerous claws away and slid into her. She purred very loudly and the vibrations went right through me and I made her feel great. She meowed and mewled and hissed as I worked her over. I was levelled out, so I had access to all of my abilities and I used the ones I could. She enjoyed it a lot.

“Give me... your milk.” She whispered and pushed her ass up higher to give me better access.

“I have to lose the barbs.” I whispered back.

“I don't care.” She whispered and her whole body shivered. “I need you to fill me up like you did to the Pack Leader.”

“You need me to?” I asked.

“I want your kittens!” She said and buried her face into the bed. “I can't believe I said that to you.”

“It might not work.” I said and worked myself up to the brink.

“Please try!” She said.

I stored the condom and let it all out and spilled myself inside of her.

“Mrrrrrooooowwwww!” She exclaimed and then purred loudly.

It was then that I touched her severed tail and used Major Healing on her.

“No, don't... touch my... shame?” She said and finished it like a question, then she wagged her tail. Her completely restored tail. She let out a startled shriek and rolled over to bend herself in half and looked at it. She had tears in her eyes as she slowly pet it. “It's back. It's back.” She whispered, over and over.

“I couldn't let you keep suffering without it.” I whispered.

She looked at me with joy on her face. “You did this!”

I nodded. “After I defeated the dragon, I became strong enough to cast my own magic.”

Three other sets of hands reached for her tail and stroked it.

“It's real.” One of the other cat women said. “I want mine back, too.” She said and rolled over and presented herself to me.

I caught a whiff of her and grew hard again. She wanted me and not just what I could do. I paid to clean the condom in my inventory and equipped it again, then I took her, too. She was a lot more vocal than my favorite and she tore at the bedding as I made her feel good. She requested my milk as well, as if that was a requirement for healing, then she told me that she wanted my kittens, too.

I obliged and stored the condom and unloaded myself into her, then used Major Healing on her severed tail. The two remaining cat women had watched and saw what I did, then presented themselves as well. I didn't want to leave one out while I worked on the other, so while I did the next one, I used my hand and fingers on the last one. I quickly approached my limit again and did the same to her. I filled her up and healed her, then switched to the last cat woman.

“Last but not least.” I said to her and then had my way with her.

She was as vocal as the others and when it was time, made the same request. I did so and healed her severed tail at the same time. When all four of them were sated and had their tails restored, I stood up to look at them. The four of them stroked and played with their tails for several minutes, then they played with each other's tails for a minute. They suddenly stopped and the four of them looked at me with bright eyes and happy faces.

“Thank you.” They said as one, then they tackled me to the bed and started licking me.

With my strength and resilience so high, as well as my recovery, their barbed tongues didn't damage me at all. In fact, it felt amazing. After only a few minutes of having four women competing to lick and kiss my manhood, I warned them that I was going to finish.

My favorite nodded to the others and took over. She opened her mouth and I pushed myself into it and let myself go. Her eyes widened as I quickly filled her mouth, then she rolled over to rest the back of her head on my thigh. To my surprise, she hadn't drunk it down and held it all in her mouth. She opened her mouth to show how much there was, then the other three cat women took turns lapping it up.

Of course, it devolved into kissing and licking as the 'supply' ran low, then they remembered the source was right there and started in on me again. We didn't get to sleep until almost an hour later and slept the rest of the night.

It wasn't until the morning that I remembered we were supposed to get supper delivered and I went to the door and opened it. On the floor was a tray filled with dishes of food and a young woman with brown fur. She was curled up into a ball, her clothing dishevelled, and both of her hands were soaked with her juices. She was also sound asleep.

“Poor thing.” I said and carried her inside while the cat women and the Freemartin brought the food inside. “We exhausted her and we didn't have to do anything to her.”

The cat women let out quick barks of laughter.

“She was out in the hall all night.” The Freemartin said.

I nodded and touched the young woman's face to use the Revive spell.

She stirred and opened her eyes, then she let out a yip of surprise.

“It's all right.” I said. “Are you sore? You fell asleep on the floor outside.”

“I'm... fine.” She said and tried not to wince in pain from stiffness.

I used Minor Healing on her and she took in a sharp breath.

“What was THAT?!?” She asked, shocked.

“Healing magic.” I said.

Her eyes went wide and then I smelled her as she became wet for me. “You can have my first.” She said and lifted her skirt. She wasn't wearing any underwear and her soft mound glistened as it dripped. “I want you to heal my grandfather.”

“I... really shouldn't... accept.” I whispered, despite my instant erection.

“I'm of age.” She said as she reached down and pulled herself apart to show me the tight little hole she had. It even winked at me. “Please.”

“Is it worth...” I started to say.

“Yes, dragon slaying godling.” She interrupted. “I am ready.”

Goddess Jasindia, please accept this woman's maidenhood. I prayed and eased myself inside.

She howled in pleasure and pain, so I used Minor Healing on her again. The howl changed to pure pleasure and I made sure that she had the time of her life.

We sat down and ate breakfast, which was the supper we should have had the night before, and I had the young wolf woman join us. After we ate, we all dressed and she led us out of the inn. It didn't take her long to bring us to her family residence.

“What is this so early in the morning?” An older wolf woman asked when she opened the door, then she saw me. “ALPHA!” She yelled and bowed deeply.

“That's not necessary.” I said. “This young woman made a plea for me to heal her grandfather.”

“A very successful plea.” The Freemartin said with a smile that was hidden behind her face covering.

“He couldn't resist such a tempting morsel.” My favorite said and her tail swished behind her playfully. The other three cat women's tails did the same and they all had their faces covered.

“M-morsel?” The woman asked, surprised.

“He was my first, momma!” The young woman said, happily.

“Oh, my heart.” She said and braced herself against the door frame. “By the Silvery Moon.” She whispered. “My daughter was bedded by the dragon slayer.”

“I hope that brings your family status.” I said.

“It will.” The young woman said with a big grin. “Even with all of the women here, only the Pack Leader and I have had you.”

I couldn't really come up with a good response to that, so I just nodded.

“My grandfather is in the back.” She said. “He's not well.”

“Show me.” I said and she led us through the modest home to the back room. I smelled the pus immediately as we entered. Half of his right leg was missing and the bandages were soaked with infection. “How long has he been like this?”

“About a week.” The mother said from behind us. “We've done all that we can for him.”

“You don't have any healers?” I asked and touched the old wolf's chest to check if his heart was still beating.

“They are recovering from healing the others that were injured in the same attack.”

“If this was someone that they could leave, I can't imagine what the others look like.” I said and used Minor Healing to cure the infection and as a general pick-me-up. I used Major Healing next and the wolf woke up and let out an ear splitting howl of pain as his lower leg started to regrow. It only took a minute for his foot and toes to form and it was back.

“GRANDPA!” The young woman yelled and jumped on him. “The dragon slayer healed you!”

The old wolf let out a bark and looked at me. “Who are you?”

“I'll let your family explain that.” I said. “Make sure you stay off that foot for a day and get used to having it back.”

“My... foot?” He looked down and saw that his leg was back. “WHAT is THAT?”

“It's your foot, Grandpa.” The young woman said.

“No... the dragon... ate it.” He said as he started to disbelieve his own story.

I turned and walked out of the room to give them some privacy. The cat women and the Freemartin followed me.

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