Summoned Again?

050 Healing Troubles


We went to the main building and I didn't have to knock because the guard was waiting for us. He opened the door and we went to the Pack Leader's office. Only the guard and Raksha were inside.

“Good morning, Pack Leader.” I said and gave her a bow.

“Oh? Are we being all formal now, dragon slaying godling?” Raksha asked with a smile.

“I'm trying very hard to keep my composure.” I said and stood up straight. “I'm also trying to not breathe in your scent.”

“Have I lost your favour already?” Raksha asked, her smile gone.

“Far from it.” I said and took shallow breaths through my mouth. “I have business to take care of before indulging in your succulent womanhood.”

Raksha raised her eyebrows at the description. “Then why are you here?”

“Two reasons. One, I came to ask where the other injured wolves are. Two, Hella said you wanted to see me before I departed.”

“Why would you want to see the...” She stopped talking when she saw the four cat women's tails swishing behind them. “You can cast healing magic?”

“Yes.” I said.

“Why didn't you say anything yesterday?!?” Raksha asked angrily and shot to her feet. “One of my wolves died from his wounds last night!”

“I didn't know you had anyone injured until this morning, and that was only because the young woman serving our food asked me to heal her grandfather.” I said. “You and your people didn't mention it.”

Raksha took in a breath and let it out. “Then we are both at fault.”

“No, I bear no responsibility at all.” I said and she let out a low continuous growl. “I could have moved on and not mentioned I could do anything. When I learned there were more, I came right here instead.”

The guard put a pawed hand on her shoulder and she stopped growling. “He's right. We have them hidden and didn't tell him that was some of the business you needed to take care of.”

Raksha's growl slowly disappeared and she stood up straight. “I suppose I have to accept that explanation.”

“While you are debating if you want to attack me for something I didn't know about, can we go visit the injured? They aren't getting any better while your healers rest and recover, are they?”

Raksha huffed and walked around the desk, her guard right behind her, and she left the office. I followed them while the Freemartin and the four cat woman followed me. She led us on a twisted path to get to a square building. There were no markings on it to indicate that it was a place of healing. She went in and two of the female wolves that were tending to the wounded came right over to her.

“You were here last night for a morale and energy boost.” One of them said. “I doubt they can take another, not without injuring themselves.”

“That's not why I am here.” Raksha said. “The godling says he can cast healing magic.”

“Now who's getting all formal?” I asked and stepped forward. “Show me to the worst of the injured.”

“Are you sure you need to see her?” The female wolf asked.

“If she's not just about to die, I should be able to help.” I said and they exchanged glances. “Jesus, just fucking point to her.” I said and the two of them let out yips of surprise at the English curse words.

Raksha nodded and they led me behind one of the curtains. What I saw was a terrible sight. A half charred mass of flesh was on the bed. I made out the stubs of her shoulder and thigh in the blackness.

“How the hell did you keep her alive?” I asked and went to the side of the bed.

“Three healers poured all of their mana into her.” Raksha said. “When they recover, they will try to...”

“She's much too damaged for normal healing.” I said and knelt. “Hey. Hey, there.” I said to the female wolf. “Can you hear me?”

She opened her eyes and looked at me with pain and sorrow in her eyes. “Who... what...”

“Long story short, I'm a godling and I'm going to heal you.” I said.

Tears came to her eyes. “You... can't.” She said. “Too... too much...”

“Not for me.” I said and touched her head and cast Calmness and Clarity on her.

“Oh! The pain! By the Silvery Moon, kill me! Please!” She said in her normal voice.

“Nonsense.” I said and stood with my hand still on her head. “It's only an arm and a leg.”

“My back, too.” She said and the tears didn't stop.

“I can't relieve the pain until I cut off the dead parts of your limbs.” I said. “I need to make sure you still have enough feeling to let the spells do their work.”

“You can saw them off for all I care.” She said and closed her eyes. “It's not like it can hurt any more.”

“Keep your eyes open, please.” I said and used Stillness on her.

“AH! I'm paralyzed! I can't move!”

“That was me.” I said and took out my sword and activated the enchantments. Everyone let out a surprise yip, even the cats, then I did two quick slices in the blink of an eye.

“Ahh... hey, that didn't hurt!” The injured female wolf said as the two stumps fell to the floor and blood started flowing out of the new wounds.

“I'm sorry that it will.” I said and cast Minor Healing on her and it did wonders. The blood flow increased and showed me the new wounds were healthy, so I cast Major Healing on her. I dropped 200 mana into her to start, which pretty much overloaded her regenerative system. That was why it hurt so much. I was forcing the missing parts to grow back and they weren't supposed to.

“AHHHHH!” She screamed for a full minute, taking rasping breaths, then she devolved into just yelps and whimpered as I kept funnelling mana into her. It took nearly ten minutes for her limbs to regrow and she didn't take her teary eyes off of me once. The burned skin that covered half of her body expanded slightly and then flaked right off to leave fresh new skin underneath. After another minute and another hundred mana, her fur grew back.

“How do you feel?” I asked and moved my hand from her forehead and slowly pet her hair.

“Like I've just been trampled.” She said, her voice once again normal. She still had tears in her eyes, so I took out a towel and dabbed them for her.

“It's going to take a day or two for that feeling to fade.” I said. “I'm sorry it had to hurt so much.”

“It's almost numb now, so thank you.” She said and sighed. “I really miss my arm and leg. I don't know how I'm going to adjust to not... having...” She lifted her arm that had been missing ten minutes ago and caught her breath. “No, that... is that...”

“Try wiggling your fingers.” I said and she moved them a little. “Now do your toes.”

She let out a yip of surprise when both feet wiggled their toes. “I have BOTH LEGS!”

“Shhh. It's okay.” I said and pat her head. “Rest for now and the healers will be by to check on you later.” I cancelled both Clarity and Calmness, then her eyes fluttered closed and she fell right to sleep.

“I can't believe this.” The two attendants said and lightly touched the reformed leg and arm.

“How much mana did this take?” Raksha asked.

“About 650.” I said and everyone fell completely silent. “Who's next?”

The attendants didn't say anything and brought me over to the next curtained off area. I saw another charred mess with a missing arm, a male wolf this time, and he was unconscious. I didn't bother waking him, since the flames had burned off a lot of his face and I didn't want to see him try to talk. I used Stillness on him and used the same procedure as the last time. There wasn't as much to heal, so after eight minutes, he was whole again.

“How can you do this?” One of the attendants asked. “It took two healers and all of the mana they had to keep him alive.”

“I gained a lot after defeating the dragon.” I said and looked at my mana. “Okay, I'm back to full. Next patient.”

No one talked much after that little revelation and I could see the shock on the faces of the wolves. I went to each of the surviving members of the patrol that had been attacked and healed them all. When I was done, Raksha waved for me to follow her. We did and she took us to another place that actually did look like a proper healing place. Not surprisingly, it was full of wolves with small injuries and the very tired healers were doing their best with almost no mana.

“All right, people! Listen up!” I said loudly and got everyone's attention. “My name is...”

“DAY MAN!” Several of the kids yelled.

“I guess I don't need an introduction.” I said and a few of the adults laughed, then groaned in pain. “I can cast healing magic, so I'm going to visit each and every one of you to fix you right up.”

The healers looked relieved and came over to me as I started my rounds. There were lots of male and female pups, some with broken bones and tails, and a few with black eyes and bumps on the head. I started with the children first, because I had a soft spot for kids, thanks to Diane's daughter Crystal. I even did a couple of magic tricks for them to make them laugh.

Some of the adults had deep cuts from weapons, both from attacks and from training, and their own broken limbs with minor cuts and abrasions mixed all around. The thing was, I couldn't spend my mana fast enough. I couldn't make it drop lower than my regeneration rate, which meant I went through every single patient in the building in about the same time that I had healed all of the patrol wounded. The healers just stared at me as I did it.

As an afterthought, I used Minor Healing on the healers, too. It boosted their own mana regeneration for a short time and they thanked me, albeit a little reluctantly. I had just done the job they were struggling with, as if it was nothing. To me, it was. All it actually cost me was time.

Raksha led us from there and back to her office. I hadn't noticed the two guards on the cellar the last time I had passed by. We went inside and she sat down behind her desk, which wasn't really a good sign.

“The ease at which you have healed the majority of my pack's injured has both pleased and angered me.” Raksha said and she did her best to not glare at me. “I can not get over that you didn't tell me you could do that.”

“I didn't tell you that I can have sex standing up or that I can run faster than a horse, either.” I said as the cat women let out low hisses at her. “Do you want to get angry about that, too?”

Raksha closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You are not helping me understand.”

“We. Just. Met.” I said and let my anger rise. “Is that clear enough? When have we talked about anything except what to do about letting you keep the pack that you willingly gave to me?”

“That's what's bothering me!” Raksha said and stood up. “It became your pack and you didn't do everything you could to help it!”

I stepped close to the desk. “If you're going to use that stupid argument against me, then I'll use it right back.” I spat at her. “When I took over, it was YOUR job to tell me everything the pack needed my help with! You should have said right away what needed to be done!”

Raksha took in a sharp breath and also took a step back. “N-no, I... I've always...”

“Not yesterday you didn't.” I said. “All you said was that you had business to attend to.” I gave her an angry glare for several moments, then I stepped back and let my face go calm. “You didn't invite me to dinner or to meet the other Pack Leaders and their people.”

Raksha's eyes widened and her face flushed red from embarrassment. “I... was protecting...”

“It doesn't matter.” I said and equipped my full armor set and dropped the battle harness, leather pants, and the sword and sheath onto the desk. “It's been fun and now I have to go.”

“Wait.” The guard said and leaned down to whisper. He asked her to reconsider her actions and to make up with me if she could.

“I'm not a wolf; but, I can still clearly hear you.” I said to them and they both jumped slightly. “Do you whisper like that in front of other wolves? No? Then why do it to me?”

The guard sighed this time and stood up straight. “My niece is strong, as I have told you before. Please don't hold it against her that she needed to keep Pack business to herself.”

“Yet, she expected me to know that business and is angry... still is angry... that I let one of her people die because I didn't heal them when I could have.” I said. “I didn't let anyone die, though. She just doesn't want to admit that her decision to keep it a secret led to a death that could have been prevented.” I looked at her. “I found someone that was hurt, pretty much by accident. Who else did the healers send home because they were concentrating on the more seriously injured?”

Raksha didn't say anything in response.

“That old wolf was dying of infection. Would you have held the healers responsible for his death if he had died?” I asked and she didn't say anything, so I nodded. “That's what I thought. You'll forgive them because they are your pack and they did what they could.”

The guard put a hand on her shoulder to show his support for her decisions. “I request that you forgive her.” He said and stepped forward to kneel. “I submit myself to you for punishment. Do with me as you see fit.” He bowed his head. “Please, do not remove your blessing from the Pack over this.”

I let him kneel there for a full minute before I spoke. “I won't remove the blessing.”

Both he and Raksha let out sighs and relaxed.

“Take my sword, godling. Strike me down, flay me, or dismember me.” The guard said.

“Who would guard the Pack Leader in your stead?” I asked.

He didn't respond and kept his head bowed.

“The Pack can't be seen as weak, so I will leave you with your life.” I said and the guard looked up at me. “I order you to find someone worthy to follow in your footsteps. If anything happens to you, she will be left unguarded. Train them and teach them properly.”

“Yes, Alpha.” The guard said. He stood up and went back behind the desk and behind Raksha. She looked at me with both regret and longing in her eyes.

“Goodbye, Pack Leader.” I said and turned to leave.

“Wait.” Raksha said. “I want to send some of my people with you.”

“No.” I said. “You couldn't take one of your people dying without my involvement. I won't be responsible for people you want to send along to follow me.”

“What if they insist on following you anyway?” The guard asked.

“I will give them one warning to stay away, then I will kill them.” I said and both wolves had their fur bristle. “I am not joking. I do not need, nor do I require, spies from the Pack following me.”

“They aren't spies.” Raksha said. “They only want to go with you.”

“Will they report back to you?” I asked and she nodded. “That's a spy. If anyone leaves the Pack to follow me, they will die.” Or so Divine Sight tells me.

“I will inform them that they are not to follow.” The guard said, his expression grim.

“That's not necessary. I can do that right now.” I said, then used both the Amplify spell and my armor so that everyone in the town could her me. I quickly explained that I was leaving and than no one was to follow, upon pain of death. I added in the qualifiers I told Raksha and then reminded them that only death would greet them if they tried to come along. I also had Raksha repeat the order, so it was coming from a Pack Leader, and everyone listened.

I ended both effects and looked at Raksha. “Goodbye.”

We left her office and exited the building, then went back to the inn to pick up the twelve badgers and the cart and horse. We loaded up and drove to the other end of the town, then quickly left it behind.

“I am very surprised that you didn't bed the Pack Leader again.” The Freemartin said from beside me in the driver's seat.

“Neither of us were in the mood.” I said.

“Are you really going to kill any wolf that follows us?” One of the cat women asked.

“After the first warning, yes.” I said.

“What if they are just running on the road in the same direction?” The Freemartin asked.

“It still counts.” I said and I was sure she was making a curious face at me. “It's all right. They won't follow now, not with the Pack Leader's order.”

“What if they are already here?” One of the cat women asked. “Does that count?”

“What do you mean?” I asked and turned around to look.

The dried supplies in the back of the cart had been moved aside by the badgers to reveal the 18 year old brown furred young wolf woman that I had sex with that morning. She sat there with a backpack, a short sword, and a huge grin.

“Hi!” She said and waved at me. “Mom said I was yours now.”

I didn't get a flash of Divine Sight, so it meant that she didn't count in the other vision where anyone that came after me would die.

“Godling? When can we have sex again?” She asked and her faint odour reached my nostrils. “I'm itchy down there and no matter how many times I lick it, it won't go away.”

I sighed as I gained an erection, then I whispered a curse as I turned back around to face front. “When we stop to rest.”

“When are we stopping?” She asked, excitedly. “I hope it's soon. Is it soon? I'm leaking a lot.”

She was quiet for a few seconds and then the smell suddenly increased and my hard-on became difficult to manage. I took a deep breath when I started to hear wet sloppy sounds.

*Sluuurrp* *Lick* *Sluuurrp* *Lick* *Lick*

“Why isn't it stopping?” She asked, then the sounds got louder.

“Jesus Christ, stop the cart.” I said when I couldn't take it anymore.

The Freemartin pulled us over to the side of the road and stopped. I was up and over the side of the cart, had everything stored to leave me naked, and saw that the young wolf had her pants and underwear off as she licked herself.

“Let me help with that.” I said.

She moved her head aside a little and I slipped right inside of her, because she had worked herself up enough to make it very easy for me to enter her.

The badgers were scandalized by the sight, the cat women were purring and drooling, and the Freemartin waited patiently for me to finish.

It took me a while.

The second time took even longer.

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