Summoned Again?

055 Cat And Mouse Games


The last cat woman became a valuable source of information, even though she was a little miffed that I hadn't finished inside of her. She had spent a bit of time with the hero after her rescue and when he believed that he had failed in his mission by losing a member of his party, he killed himself to allow another hero to be summoned.

Her story reminded me of what the Goddess Jasindia had told me. Eight heroes had been summoned and four had perished. Two had been killed normally and two had killed themselves to allow replacements. That meant there were four heroes left, not counting myself and the other three new ones.

Of course, I hadn't asked about the circumstances or even knew if those four were still around, considering I was pressed for time, so finding someone else who had known one of them was either a stroke of luck or divine intervention.

That got me to thinking about my Divine Sight. Would it work if a divine being was manipulating events? Could it show me what was supposed to happen, if there was no way it could happen any other way? Was that why I wasn't getting any flashes lately?

“You are thinking too hard.” My favorite said and poked my forehead.

“Hmm?” I turned and looked at her. We were sitting on the bed, after I cleaned it of course, and I had my arm draped over her shoulders and was playing with her tail with that hand. The decoys sat on the floor around the other cat woman that knew the hero.

“You were very quiet and your eyes were blank.” She said.

“I was just thinking about something that was bothering me about coming here.” I said and looked at the cat woman prisoner on the floor. “Getting your tails back won't make any difference here, will it?”

“No. Just as with the First Princess... or just Princess... or will you lose that as well?” She asked and my favorite shrugged. “Anyway, we had still been captured and our tails removed. Getting our tails back does not give us our freedom, nor does it remove the fact that we were taken... both physically from our homes and by men that were not our mates.”

I let out a sigh. “At least your lives will improve some with your full capabilities back.”

The five cat women let out purring laughs.

“It's not getting our tails that will do that.” An older cat's woman's voice said from the doorway and her scent assaulted my nostrils.

“Elder!” The cat woman prisoner said and ducked her head. “I'm sorry that I haven't gone to bed yet.”

“It's all right. You are entertaining the Savior.” She said and entered the small room. “I only came with a small request.”

“It doesn't smell like it.” I said before I could stop myself.

She let out a loud purr and her tail swished playfully behind her. “A few of us have need of you again.”

“I haven't been with my favorite and her friends yet.” I said. I had been too busy getting information from the new source to distract myself like that.

“It's all right.” My favorite said and stood up. The three decoys stood as well and they stepped out of the little room.

The cat woman prisoner also stood and looked at me. “I can tell you more of his adventures; but, they are his tellings and not what actually happened.”

“I understand.” I said and stood. I gave her a brief hug and whispered an apology in her ear for not giving her kittens and thanked her for everything she did for me.

“That I did for you?” She asked, surprised.

My favorite laughed. “He thinks we are doing him a favor by allowing him access to us.” She said and waved the cat woman out of the room.

“You are a very strange hero.” The cat woman prisoner said and left.

“I love strange.” The older cat woman said and climbed onto the bed.

I barely touched her and she gushed out onto the bed. “Are you sure you need me for this?” I asked and put on the condom as I stored my clothes.

Her purr started up again and she dug at the bed. Her tail raised up and showed me she was dripping and throbbing for me. “Yes, we... tried to lick each other... but, we can't... stop it.”

My favorite leaned close to whisper in my ear. “She is in a false mating season.”

“Oh, damn.” I whispered back. “How long does it last?”

“A day, perhaps two.” My favorite responded.

“Plllleeaaaasssseeeeee!” The older cat woman begged.

I reached for her tail and scratched just in front of it. Her tail stood straight up and puffed out, then she meowed loudly and came again. Just the hint of touching her near there made her go.

“All right. This is technically my fault, so I'll do my best to help you.” I said to her and tried to mount her. She was very tight, which was surprising, until I thought about her body trying to get as much stimulation as possible. I dug my fingers into the fur of her hips and she purred for a moment, then I shoved myself into her hard without prepping her first.

“MROWWW!” She yelled and then I did my best to make her come as much as possible. I used every trick I knew. I played with her breasts and nipples, I scratched her back, pulled her tail, rubbed her head and tugged on her ears, and I even held onto the scruff of her neck.

She loved every single second of it.

I wasn't surprised when I felt my favorite press her bare breasts into my back and licked my neck. I was sure that she could tell I was nearing the brink and was waiting for me to give it to her.

“Are you... still too old... for kittens?” I asked the older cat woman below me between thrusts.

“I DON'T KNOW!” She yelled and that was enough to get me to go.

I pulled out and turned to my favorite and stored the condom, paid to clean it, then equipped it again. I shoved myself into her to make her meow loudly, then stored the condom and filled her up again. Her vibrating purr shook me all over, it was that strong.

“If we keep doing this, even though I'm not one of your people, you're going to get pregnant.” I whispered to her as I pulled out and she turned around to hug me.

“I sincerely hope so.” My favorite whispered back as she looked deep into my eyes. “You don't know how rare it is for a mate to do other females and yet saves themselves for their favorite.”

“I call you that in my head because I can't say your name.” I said and kissed her. “My favorite.”

Her purr intensified and her clawed hands dug into my long black hair. “You need a bath.”

“I don't have any place to put the water.” I said.

“Allow me.” She purred and knelt beside the bed to lick me off and cleaned me up.

“Th-thank you, Savior.” The older cat woman said as the three decoys helped her out of the room. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

The next cat woman came in and she was in a similar state. I let her smell fill my nostrils and got back to work. It ended up that nineteen of the females had entered a false heat cycle, which I learned later was apparently low, considering how well I did them all when I healed them. They had been the ones that had gone the longest between mates, too.

With my job done, I settled into that small room, just so I wouldn't be assaulted. After all the cat women and the sex therapy and everything, my favorite and her three decoys stayed in the next room instead of with me. Without a word, I held my hand out to the Freemartin that had stood in the corner of the room the entire time. She took my hand and stepped close, so I slowly stripped her down and felt her cottony softness all over.

“Thank you for standing guard.” I whispered to her.

“You are my Tup.” She whispered back.

“I am going to make love to you all night.” I whispered and kissed her black lips.

“You need rest.” She whispered and kissed me back.

“What I need is to feel all of you all over me.” I pulled her down onto the bed. “All day and half the night, it's just been rough sex, rough sex, and more rough sex.”

“You enjoyed it.” She said, then bleated a little as I slid between her legs and slowly entered her without the condom on.

“I did.” I kissed her again. “I'm also going to enjoy this.”

I did. So did she. She claimed that she wasn't sure why I was doing it with her when I had more cat women than any mate had the right to, and I told her that sometimes, softness and gentleness were its own reward. I pretty much drove her crazy for the rest of the night. She didn't even complain when my favorite would enter the room quietly and took the load when it was necessary.

We stayed for another day and I made sure to keep the ones in false heat satisfied, which stopped them from going insane from their desire to mate. Thankfully, none of the other women entered a false heat and I had a lot of free time. Time that I had used to try and heal the children while the women worked at their jobs.

I had asked the two cat women running the school if I could play games with the kids. They weren't going to agree until I said I was going to heal them and give them their tails back. They both purred and agreed immediately.

I stood at the front of the room with the youngest children, that ranged in ages from five to ten, and explained the first game I wanted to play. “The game I want you all to play is called Cat and Mouse.”

Nearly all the kids giggled at the name and I explained the rules. One of them, usually the fastest, was picked to be the mouse and everyone had to try and catch them. Not surprisingly, they all perked up at a hunting game and I had all of their attention.

“Now, who's the fastest runner?” I asked and nearly half of the class raised their hands. An argument started and then stopped again when I laughed. “Great! We'll have lots of you to take turns!” I said and no one argued over how fast they were. “All right, we'll start with this little cutie right here.” I walked over to her and knelt. “Hi, there. Can you be the first little mouse that has to escape the cats?”

She smiled and nodded.

“Thank you.” I said and scratched her ear, then I picked her up. “We have our first mouse!” I said and raised her hand to show her off a little. “Each round is only five meows or until someone can capture this little darling.”

“We'll do it in two!” One of the others said loudly.

“If you can.” I said as a challenge. “Then we can pick another mouse and keep going.” I looked at the little girl in my arms. “Then after a short rest, you can be the cat and do your best to catch the next mouse, okay?”

She nodded again.

“I've already set up the boundaries outside, so let's go out there and have some fun!”

“YAY!” The kids yelled and we all went outside. The kids aged eleven to fifteen from the other room came out to watch as well. I was fine with that, because they would be next to play when I had given all the young kids their tails back.

I had obstacles set up for them to jump over, run through, climb on, shimmy under, and dodge around. I also had an outer boundary that if you crossed it, you were out of bounds and out of the game. I had the 'cats' start on one side of the arena and walked twenty feet away and knelt.

“Do your best and show them what a fast little mouse can do.” I said to the little girl.

She giggled and nodded.

“On your marks...” I said and heard several low growls. “...get set...” I said and felt the coiled tension in the girl I held. “GO!” I yelled and let her go.

She took off as her pawed feet dug into the dirt. A second later, twenty cats ran by me after her. I quickly ran off to the side to watch with the two cat women and I had to admit that the game I had come up with was absolutely perfect for them.

The little girl laughed and laughed as she deftly avoided being grabbed several times and dodged both obstacles and the other children like a professional athlete. Her time was soon going to run out, though. I saw her slow slightly as she got tired, then one of the other kids lunged at the perfect time.

“AH!” The girl yelled as she was tackled to the ground. I was there instantly, which shocked the hell out of everyone on the sidelines, and I caught both children before they seriously hurt themselves. They only had a few bumps and several scrapes, which was a relief.

“Good job.” I said to the both of them. “Let me just heal you up and we can keep playing.” I cast Major Healing on the both of them. “It's all right if it stings a little. That just tells you it's working.”

After a few seconds, both children were fine.

“There, all better!” I said and helped them stand up. There was a collective gasp when the others saw the two kids had their tails back. “Who wants to be the mouse next?”

Not only did all of the young kids put up their hands, the older kids on the sidelines put their hands up, too.

“Don't worry. You'll all get your chance to be the mouse.” I said and they all purred.

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