Summoned Again?

056 Meowing Goodbye


All of the kids had a great day. Not only did they enjoy their fun new game, they all got their tails back. When their mothers came back from work, they were all shocked and surprised. They had no idea that their kids would have their tails restored as well. My status as their Savior was raised even higher, even though there was nothing I could do about their living arrangements. It made them laugh when I said as much to them.

“We've accepted our position in life, Savior.” The older cat woman said.

“I haven't accepted it.” I said and everyone laughed again.

“You really are a strange hero.” She said and everyone nodded, which was still an odd sight to see them all move their heads at the same time.

“I can't help wanting you free of this place.” I said.

“This place is safe for us.” She said. “We can work, and eat, and raise our children. All things we might not have had if we hadn't been brought here.” She glanced at the cat woman that had met the other hero. “You have heard her story.”

I let out a sigh and nodded. “All right. I can't let you all go through what she did, so I won't crush this place to the ground and let you go free.”

“That's where your thinking is at fault, Saviour.” The older cat woman said. “We are as free here as we always have been. The only difference is that we don't have to deal with mates.”

“So the guards won't bother you?” I asked.

“No. They are still constrained by the rules. If they give us trouble, they will be removed and replaced.”

“That's both a relief and a little sad. How are you going to find another mate?” I asked.

She hissed a laugh and waved at everyone. “What do we say to that?”

“YOU ARE OUR MATE.” All of the cat women I had slept with said.

I stared at them and didn't know what to say.

“It doesn't matter that you can't stay and need to leave. You claimed us, even knowing what happened to us.” The older cat woman said with a low purr. “You even made me want your kittens, and I haven't wanted anyone's kittens in over twenty turns.”

I knew what to say to that statement. I stood up and took her hand. “I'm not leaving until morning.”

Her purr got loud and a ripple of both surprise, chittering, and purrs flowed over everyone else. I led her from the gathering and took her to the small room. My favorite didn't complain when I didn't need her to take the shot. I didn't get any flashes of Divine Sight as I filled the older cat lady up. Either she wasn't going to get pregnant or I wasn't allowed to see the result, if any.

I spent the next few hours with every single one of the cat women and shocked them by filling them up, too. I surprised myself with my ability to produce so much, then remembered my massive recovery and regeneration abilities. My body had no problems producing so much sperm. They all left the little room with a thank you and promised they would pray to their goddess for it to work, because they all wanted my kittens.

Once again, the very last one was the cat woman who knew the other hero. I told her that she didn't need to do what she did before and I took her like her people normally took their mates. She meowed loudly as I did, because she hadn't done it like that in years. I finished inside her and her purr rumbled as much as the others. She thanked me for the gift and left the room both satisfied and happy.

“It's finally our time.” My favorite said. She and the other three cat women piled on top of me and pretty much did what they wanted. I didn't object in the least.

When they were done and sated, I easily extracted myself from the bed and took out a blanket for myself and the Freemartin to use. We bedded down on the floor and I made love to her. She kept whispering something and I had to smile when she kept thanking me for saving her for last. She also didn't mind that I finished inside of her, since we didn't have my favorite available to take it for her. Just like the cat women, she thanked me for the gift, too.

The next morning, we left the prison. Not surprisingly, there were no tearful goodbyes. That was not how things normally happened. I was hugged, petted, licked, kissed, and tickled as I walked by the procession into the main building. When I reached the three cooks, I whispered that I had left a few things for them in the kitchen. Their tails swished happily and they let out purrs, knowing that I meant I had left some of the tasty meat.

The cat women covered their faces and I equipped my full armor set before we entered the building. We went to the guard that handed out the badges and handed ours in. I could have easily duplicated them; but, the cat women were right. Rescuing them from being rescued was less than pointless. They were happy, they were together, and they liked their lives. They were as free as they were ever going to be and they were satisfied with that.

Even the cat woman that knew the hero had said that she travelled all this way to be here and she wasn't going to leave to try and be on her own again. She had made her choice and chose this life. There was no other life for her. We walked through the doors and saw the guard waiting for us.

The huge guard stood as he gave us stern glares and we stopped in front of him. “Do not speak of what you saw here to anyone. Our clan's shame cannot be known.”

“Don't worry.” I said from inside my armor. “I understand the importance now.”

“Good.” He said and lost the stern glare. “Now get out.”

I chuckled. “I have a question, if it's not too much trouble.”

The huge guard sighed, so I took that as permission.

“Can you hire people to go hunting for meat for the prisoners?” I asked and the cat women with me let out low hisses. “I'm sure they'll share...”

“We can't spare people to hunt meat for two hundred prisoners.” The guard said. “We would depopulate the area and no one would have meat.”

I opened my mouth to say that with the dragon dead, there would be more game available, then wasn't sure if that was true, not this far away. “Thanks for telling me and for answering the question.” I said. “By the way, the women and children inside are going to want to buy a few things, now that they have money.”

The guard didn't say anything, so I stepped by him.

“I'm just warning you to be careful and to not try taking it from them.” I said with a smile, even though he couldn't see it. “They are my mates.”

The guard let out a surprised hiss at my words and I left the prison in a much better mood than I thought was possible. I thought that saving people was what I was supposed to do, because I was a summoned hero. I was starting to learn that wasn't the whole truth. I could only save the people that wanted to be saved. I also couldn't put my own morality up as steadfast rule, since what I thought was proper was not necessarily the same thing as what was actually proper.

The different societies had their own way of dealing with things. Even if I didn't agree with them, that was how it was done, and I had to accept that. What was actually funny was that it was the prisoners that asked me to leave them alone and not the guards or the rulers of the clan. That was definitely a new experience for me.

We went back to the house we had been assigned and I had barely opened the door when there was a clang of metal and a young wolf woman was plastered to my chest.

“YOU'RE ALIVE!” She yelled and licked my lips and my face as she wagged her tail.

I didn't even try to stop her and let her get it out of her system. She calmed down after a few minutes and then I explained what had happened at the prison. The Freemartin confirmed it and the cat women agreed as well, so the wolf woman relaxed and let me go. She took my armored hand and led me inside the house to the bed she had claimed and climbed on.

I didn't need any more prompting, since I was supposed to have come back two days ago to do this for her. I helped her scratch her itchy crotch with my penis several times, fairly quickly, then I bundled the now sleeping wolf up and gathered the badgers. We piled into the cart and the Freemartin drove us through the town. When we approached the center near the main building, the Clan Leader, his wife, his other daughter who was now the First Princess, and their son were there.

“You are really leaving.” The Clan Leader said, clearly disappointed.

“I checked it out and liked the area a lot.” My favorite said. “It's progressed well and it's only going to get better.”

“You... wouldn't have to...” His voice trailed off before he could say that she wouldn't have to stay there with the others. It was too blatant of a lie to speak out loud, even for him.

“I will be back.” My favorite said. “I won't be the same person.”

“She's not the same person right now.” I said and they all looked at me. “Would the old First Princess have willingly spent three days inside the prison?”

“No.” She and her family said as one, then they all chuckled.

“I'll do my best to finish my mission as soon as possible and then she will come back.” I promised.

“Keep her safe.” The Clan Leader ordered.

“She can keep herself safe.” I responded. “I'll step in when it's necessary.”

Both my favorite and her mother purred.

“Good journey, daughter.” Her mother said.

“Mother.” She said and gave me a look.

“You don't need my permission to go hug them.” I said and she leapt from the cart and ran over to them. She hugged her mother first, then her sister, then her little brother. She saved her father for last and gave him a hug. He put his arms around her and held her for only a moment, then he let her go.

“Goodbye.” She said to them and ran over to the cart and jumped into the back.

The Freemartin flicked the reins and the horse trotted by them. We continued on out of the town and travelled for some distance and a long time before one of the badgers spoke.

“Make right here.” He said and pointed. There wasn't a road there and he insisted that there was. The Freemartin shrugged and turned the cart that way and the horse walked right towards the rough ground... only to have it part and show a smooth road.

We were still going westward, so I didn't object that it was too big of a detour. We drove on for another few hours, then we stopped to rest and eat. The badgers wouldn't tell us anything of what to expect, except that we would arrive there after dark. My Search spell only gave me topographical information, so I would have to wait until we were near wherever we were going to find out what it was going to be like.

Just like everywhere else I've gone so far on this world. I thought with a smile.

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