Summoned Again?

060 The Research Department

We came to a stop at the guard station and I wasn't surprised that they were checking everyone for weapons. They wrote everything down and a mage stood nearby. When called, he stepped forward and held a hand out. He then told the guard the person's name, class, and job.

I almost laughed at the detection spell and easily concealed my true Devourer class behind 'Hero'. I had learned to hide it on the last world I had been on, just so people wouldn't freak out about it after I had finally unlocked it.

We arrived at the gates and we were asked to step down from the cart. They checked Sugarlick first, not that it was necessary. She barely wore anything and was clearly not concealing anything. The Freemartin was next and when she took off her face covering, the human guards were surprised by her appearance.

“You're very far from your settlement.” One of them said and waved the mage forward.

“My settlement is right there.” The Freemartin said and pointed to me.

The guard didn't comment and wrote it down, as well as her physical description.

“No name. Class is Freemartin. Job is Enforcer.” The mage said and stepped back.

They did the cat women next and it was the same information as what my identify spell got from them. They couldn't pronounce the cat women's normal names either.

I pointed to my favorite and spoke. “My Favorite.” I pointed to one of the decoys. “Purry.” I pointed to the next. “Fluffy.” I pointed to the last one. “Paws.”

All four of them started to purr.

“Name me, too!” The young wolf woman said, excitedly.

I had to think about that. She was a wolf, so it had to be a name that was moon related. Lune and Luna were just too obvious, so what about moon in a different language? French would be Lalune. No, a little too corny. I stood there and thought about it. “Ha. I got it.” I said and looked at her as I reached out to scratch behind her ear. “Selene, the mythical Greek Goddess of the Moon.”

“I'm NAMED after a GODDESS!” Selene yelled and jumped on me. “Store your metal head, Day Man! STORE IT!”

I laughed and stored all of my armor as I equipped a normal set of medieval clothing, then she proceeded to kiss and lick my mouth for several minutes. The cat women and the Freemartin laughed as the guards and the mage stared at us. The blatant and quite messy fluid transfer that was happening right in front of them had shocked them.

“All right. Easy, now. Calm down.” I said and Selene gave me one long final sloppy kiss.

“I'm trying that sucking mouth thing on you tonight that the cats and the sheep do to your baby machine.” Selene said and her tail wagged happily.

Surprised sounds came from the other people in the line waiting to get in through the gates. The two guards on the other hand had kind of disgusted looks on their faces.

“You could have told me that in private.” I said.

“Why?” Selene asked and tilted her head to the side in confusion and flicked her ears.

“Never mind.” I said and scratched her ear again to distract her.

“N-next.” The guard said and I stepped forward. He wrote down my facial features, including my long black hair and human (right now) appearance. He also wrote down the wolf licking my face... and everything else Selene said.

The mage stepped forward and held a hand out towards me. He jerked when I felt the magic flow over me. It took him a couple of seconds to speak. “Name is... Day Man. Class is Hero.”

A ripple of surprise and low mutters spread out from us.

“Job is Pawn.” The mage said and looked surprised. “Wait, is that right?”

“Yeah.” I said.


Your Identify spell has been upgraded to Detailed Identify spell. Stats can now be seen as well as generic info. Auto-identifier spell has been updated.


The full stat info for the two guards, the mage, and the gate popped up in front of me and blocked my vision completely. I mentally swiped them out of my way.

Dammit, that means the mage knows my stats. I thought and looked at the man. He looked very nervous and sweat beaded up on the sides of his forehead. He's probably never seen anyone with stats so high.

“You're cleared to go through.” One of the guards said when the other checked the cart and waved us through.

The mage jumped back and gave me some kind of salute. I knew it wasn't military, so it must have been a mage thing. I was tempted to ask him about it, then changed my mind and repeated it back to him. He let out a sigh of relief and nodded as we walked by.

I need to ask someone about that. I thought and once we were through the checkpoint, we climbed back into the cart. To my surprise, no one batted at eye as Sugarlick pulled us through the city. In fact, no one looked at us twice, even with the happy horse woman telling us all the sights of the city as we passed them and an apparently a rare black faced sheep sitting beside me.

The very large building we approached almost looked like a modern day hospital. It surprised me, even when the name, date of construction, workers, and capacity percentage appeared in my vision.


Building Name: Last Refuge Medical Facility

Built: Local time - 263 AFD (Anno Filius Dei - Year of the Son of God), 5 AD (After Disease)

Researchers: 15

Labourers: 35

Livestock: 20

Leisure: 5

Cooks: 5

Cleaners: 10

Building Capacity: 85% of 100%


Last Refuge Medical Facility? I asked myself and shook my head. That's a bit dramatic.

“I'll stay out here with the cart and guard it.” Sugarlick said with a bit of an excited tilt to her voice when we came to a stop near the front door. I turned my head to look where she was looking and there was a small stable there. She let out a little neigh, as if testing them, and three of the five horses there lifted their heads. One was a horse man and he neighed back.

“I'm pretty sure I shouldn't leave you out here.” I said as we all climbed off of the cart.

“Don't worry about me.” Sugarlick said and licked her lips. “You're going to be busy for a while.”

I left her hooked up to the cart and walked over to the horse man. “Do you have a mate?”

The horse man neighed a sigh. “Yes.”

“She wouldn't be happy with you.” I said and looked at the horses. “Nod your head if you have a mate.”

Both neighed sadly and nodded.

I walked back over to Sugarlick. “It looks like you're out of luck for now.”

She frowned at me. “You have no right...”

I held up my hand to show my half of the emblem. “You are mine and I won't have you commit crimes against your people.”

Sugarlick huffed and crossed her arms. “I thought I was getting a great deal by coming with you.”

“Not inside the same city you've already caused a bunch of problems in.” I said and she neighed sadly. I unhooked the cart from her and stored it. “Depending on how long this takes, we'll be leaving the city.”

“I know.” Sugarlick said.

“You don't realize that once we are outside the city, you will no longer be bound by The Stable's rules.”

Sugarlick jerked as if I had slapped her butt. “You... you mean...”

“You never know what random horse you might meet out on the open road.” I said with a smile and waved to the facility's unguarded front doors. “I mean, Steve met his life mate that way.”

“Steve? That stuck up, arrogant...” Sugarlick stopped talking when she realized what I said. “He found a life mate?”

“All approved by Paula and everything.” I said and Sugarlick fell silent. “A new stall to live, a better grazing area, the whole deal.” I kind of made that last bit up, since I only knew about the stall.

We went through the doors, also oversized, and it looked modern inside, too. I was going to have to compliment the builder when I met them, if that was possible. Actually, now that I had a date of reference, thanks to the building's information, I could now ask what the actual date was.

“What year is it?” I asked as we approached the main counter that had a tall and fairly beautiful gazelle woman behind it. Her athletic form was lithe and sensuous, even under the blouse and skirt she wore. Her long blonde hair was the same color as her fur and both flowed around her to hint at bare areas where they would be the most tantalizing. Yes, there is definitely something switched around in my brain if I'm thinking that.

“It's 318 AFD.” Sugarlick said, completely ignorant of my current thoughts.

The gazelle woman took in a deep sniff through her nose, as if she sensed me getting an erection for her. She lifted her head from the papers she was working on to look at me with wide eyes.

“I'm sorry for the intrusion.” I said and her eyes dropped to my erection. “Not that kind of intrusion.”

Her eyes lifted and went back to looking into mine. Of course, I smelled her grow wet for me and did my best to ignore it. I did. I really did.

“My name is Damon. I'm a hero that's been sent here to help. I'm looking for the researchers so I can get up to speed about the work they are doing.”

The gazelle stared at me for nearly ten seconds before she reached out to touch the side of my face. “I want you so much right now.”

“I know. I can smell it.” I said. “We don't have time for that right now.”

“I'm not mated.” She said and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her top to show a lot of cleavage, which was impressive, considering she only had small breasts. “I'm too busy with work to even look for a good male, let alone one that I want to stay with.”

“I'm... not staying... for long.” I said, haltingly.

“It will be long enough.” She said and made some kind of noise with her throat that I didn't understand and it still made me hornier. “As will you be.”


Sugarlick's hand slammed into the top of the desk and it startled everyone. “If I can't mate with someone I just met, you aren't either.”

“Right.” I said. “Right you are. Thank you, Sugarlick.” I said as I managed to barely push my mind back onto the task at hand. “The researchers, please.”

The gazelle woman shook herself and nodded. She bent down and shuffled a few papers, picked up something that looked like a room list. “I'm assigning you to the north wing.” She wrote several things down and nodded again. “Executive privileges will be granted after a short private meeting with the head of the department.”

“That sounds fine.” I said.

“There is a large waiting room there and a private office. I'll lead you up there myself, to make sure you can find the way... and to make sure none of you wander off.” She said and came out from behind the desk. Another woman that kind of looked like a koala bear walked over and sat down in the chair behind the desk.

The gazelle woman led us over to a door that had a desk and two guards, that was surprisingly similar to what the cat people had in the prison. One of them handed out badges that we hung over our necks, the same as at the prison, then we were ushered through the doors. We were led through the facility and saw all different things going on inside. It almost looked like a professional gym in spots, an obstacle course in another, and then labs. Lots and lots of labs.

It really is like a modern hospital. I thought as we went up the stairs to the north wing.

“There are guest rooms all along here.” The gazelle said and tapped the room doors as we passed them. “It's so the head of department can be sure that no one is going through the facility without permission or an escort. We are dealing with a highly virulent plague here and strict guidelines must be followed at all times.”

We all agreed that would be a smart thing.

“Here we are.” She said and opened the door to a large waiting area. “The viewing windows are there, the outside windows are there.” She pointed to them unnecessarily. “Please wait here for a few minutes.”

We all knew what that meant, so we dispersed and looked at everything out the windows. She was going to be a while and I tried to see as much as I could from the high vantage point. The city sprawled out and was a sight to see. The wonder of having a practically modern city on a medieval world was a surprise all on its own.

“Day Man? The head of the department will see you now.” The gazelle said and we all turned to look at her. “Just the hero, please. It's a small office.”

Sugarlick neighed a laugh and sat down. “I didn't want to listen to a bunch of research or whatever anyway.”

The cat women meowed agreement and went back to the window to stare out at all of the interesting moving things.

Selene plopped down onto one of the large rugs and rolled around on it, then slid the side of her face on it. “Mine.” She said and rolled over and marked a different spot.

“Selene...” I started to say.

“It's all right.” The gazelle said with a laugh. “There's always at least one territory claimer that comes through here once a month or so.”

I nodded and entered the office as she waved me through. She shut the door behind her and I looked at the oversized desk... and no one was there.

“I thought you said the head of the department was ready to see me?” I asked and turned around to look at the gazelle. She was completely naked and she was dripping all over the floor. My earlier assumption about tantalizing nude areas was spot on the money as my eyes saw all of her.

“I am the head of the department.” She said in a sexy voice and locked the door, then she strutted over to me with one hoof in front of the other in a straight line. It was damn sexy the way her hips moved.

“But... you were...” I stared at her like a deer caught in headlights.

“I was checking on the paperwork of some recently infected that had been admitted.” She said and smiled at me. “You saw the normal desk attendant return to her duties.”

I opened my mouth to tell her that I needed to leave... that we both needed for me to leave... and instead, she jumped on top of me. I stored my clothing automatically and caught her. She moaned loudly as I very easily entered her and her arms and legs wrapped around me.

“Too... l-loud.” I whispered and started pumping my hips into her and she moved to help.

“S-sound... proof.” She whispered back and kissed me.

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