Summoned Again?

061 A Few Truths

After half an hour of vigorous and entertaining love making, the head of the research department and I were cuddled up on the floor behind her desk. Without warning, tears came to her eyes and she started crying.

“I'm so sorry.” The gazelle said as she sobbed. “So very, very sorry.”

“For what? That was great.” I said and tried to wipe at her tears.

“I just... I couldn't control myself. You smelled so good and I... I've never done anything like this before.” The gazelle said and started to ease her crying. “I've doomed you to the same fate as all the others that have suffered from this disease.”

“Oh, is that what's upset you?” I asked and she nodded. “Then you don't have to worry. I've been blessed by the Goddess Jasindia and I'm immune.”

The gazelle froze still and stared into my eyes. “You're IMMUNE?!?”

“Thanks to a blessing from a goddess, yes.” I said. “I can't catch, carry, or spread it around.”

The gazelle didn't move and her eyes searched me for any signs that I was either lying or that the infection was taking hold. “We need to do tests on you to confirm that.”

“Magic spells?” I asked and she nodded. “Is it like extracting blood and other things?”

“Some take small amounts. We have healers to repair any damage done, including taking body samples.”

“How big of a sample?” I asked, a little concerned.

“Half the size of a harkon.” She said and took out their version of a gold coin from a desk drawer to show me. “We usually take it from near the most affected areas after the beast conversion.”

I looked down at her naked only in spots body. “So, back, thigh, and abdomen?”

She nodded. “We don't know why certain areas remain normal and without fur, even though the skin color changes to match everywhere else.”

“It's easier to keep clean and more fun to play with?” I asked, teasingly.

She looked down at where my hand rested on her small breast and chuckled. “It's as good of a reason as any, I suppose.”

“If I was going to submit an actual idea and not a joke, I would have to say that it stays bare to show it off and be easily seen.” I said and she looked at me with wide eyes. “When you stripped off and I turned to look at you, the first thing I saw was the bare spot between your legs and then your breasts.”

She took in a sharp breath. “It's visual stimulus to encourage attraction and mating!”

“It sure worked that way.” I said. “Instead of saying that I needed to leave, I stood still and caught you when you jumped.”

The gazelle let out a laugh. “Imagine if you had dodged! I would have folded over my desk and flopped to the floor!”

I laughed, too. “That would have been a sight to see.”

She was quiet for a few moments and then looked at me. “I'm glad that you didn't dodge.” She said and her hand touched my chest.

“You know I'm not staying.” I said and she nodded. “You want to go again, don't you?”

“Can you handle it?” She asked, a little concerned.

“Look down.” I said and she looked down at my erection. “You tell me.”

“I think you and I are going to work well together.” She said and climbed on top of me.


“So, do you think they're still mating?” Fluffy asked Paws as they stared out the large windows.

“No doubt.” Paws said. “Favorite? What do you think?”

“Like with the others in the prison, he will do his duty.” My Favorite said. “We won't be staying long and she won't be coming with us.”

“That's a relief.” Purry said. “We don't get enough play time with him as it is.”

My Favorite hissed a laugh. “Only because we have been travelling non-stop for a month.”

The other three cats tore their gazes from all of the interesting moving things and looked at her.

“Will we get more time now?” Paws asked.

“He will be busy, we all know that.” My Favorite said. “He won't be able to learn it all at once. He needs time and we will be here with him.”

The other three cat women purred. “We can't wait.” They said as one.


The gazelle's name was Bonika, pronounced Bo-Ni-Ka. After we had another satisfying romp on the floor, we spent the next two hours getting myself a general overview of the research she and the others were doing. It was amazing stuff, especially considering the science level of the world.

There were hundreds of different strains and certain people were more affected by them than others. Males, for instance, gained a much more pronounced transformation in order to continue the spread. They were larger, stronger, and ensured the virus and the modified genetics were passed down to any children that were produced.

The most interesting aspect was that it did not cross species. The viruses didn't fight each other. They didn't compete to see who would take a host or try to convert an already converted host. They had proven this when a lot of married couples had become two different beasts, even when sharing the same infection source.

Also, it didn't cross into the animal population. That meant that there weren't normal animals out there giving birth to modified humanoids and the modified humanoids were not giving birth to normal animals. That was a bit of a surprise for me, since I would have expected something like the canines to have a litter of pups and actually have one or two actual pups and several humanoids, not solely humanoids.

That would be weird to see in either direction. I thought, then imagined someone's dog giving birth to a litter of pups and have some be humanoid and with human faces. I shivered mentally. Yep, it would definitely be weird to see that.

“It's time to eat.” Bonika said at the end of the two hours and stood up. She was still naked, despite me trying to urge her to get dressed, then her juices started to flow and my nose flared as I grew hard. Without another word, she walked around the desk, knelt in front of my chair, and started sucking on my penis.

I didn't ask where she learned it from and just assumed someone had told her, somehow, about the encounter at the gate when we entered the city. It didn't take me long to get to the brink, thanks mostly to her tongue, and I warned her that I was going to finish. She stood up and climbed on top of me and I shot my load into her.

Bonika let out a moan as I did and then she kissed me for several minutes. “Thank you for the donation.”

“Donation?” I asked and she climbed off.

“I'm going to do my best to have a fawn from this encounter.” Bonika said.

I looked at her opening and nothing was dripping out. Neither her fluids nor mine.

“What if I don't want kids?” I asked.

“It's not your choice, since you won't be raising them, anyway.” Bonika said with a laugh and bent over to kiss me again. “Once it's in me, it's mine.”

I frowned, smiled, raised my eyebrows, smirked, frowned again, then went back to smiling. “All right.”

“Thank you for your reluctant approval.” Bonika said and pet my hair. “I wonder what color we will produce?”

“It depends on the dominant genes. Dark hair versus light. Fur versus skin. Male versus female.” I said and she nodded as she walked away. “Damn, that's a sexy walk.”

Bonika laughed and turned to look at me. She saw that I was still hard, shrugged, and walked back over to me. “I will just have to wait and see what I give birth to.”

“How long do you have to wait?” I asked as she sat down on top of me again.

“If I'm pregnant? Six months.” Bonika said and kissed me, then started moving and rolling her hips.

“Wow, really?” I asked and she nodded. “Well, that's an improvement from eight to ten months.”

“It really is... a good benefit... to have a shorter pregnancy.” Bonika said between pants and moans. “Less down time... more production... more population to continue... the species.”

I nodded and started suckling on her breasts. “So... cute and... tasty.”

Bonika moaned and came, then she tilted my head back and looked into my eyes. “You shouldn't... feel this good!” She said and moaned as I hit a good spot for her. “You're just... a human.”

“With a dragon enhanced sex drive.” I said and her eyes widened. I rolled her over and she couldn't talk anymore as I did my best to make her come as much as possible.

An hour later, we were cleaned up and dressed and left the office. She put us into the guest rooms just outside of her office and told us to relax. Food would be brought up for us in a few minutes and that we could take a tour of the facility in the morning. She left us there and we didn't see her again until the next morning for breakfast. The food was good and it had everything for all of us, even cooked how we liked it.

We took a tour of the facility and we met with some of the test subjects while they were being examined by the other researchers. When they learned I was a hero and that I was here to help look for the source of the infection and possibly the cure, they had mixed reactions. Some where ecstatic, some were apathetic, and others were adamant that I didn't need to look for something that wasn't necessary.

I definitely didn't expect that reaction, considering they were here to be tested on. I took all of their opinions as the truth and assumed that a lot of the infected might not want to stay that way, especially the recently infected ones. A lot of the ones that were born to it, probably didn't want things to change. That was understandable, since change was scary sometimes.

I just had to figure out that if I had the cure, would I just automatically give it to everyone or let them make the choice? What if they changed their minds? Would the cure still work or could they get infected again? Would they become a different beast if they did? What would the ramifications be if that was true? What if they were born as a beast and became human and didn't know how to live any other way?

I chuckled at the errant thoughts that I wouldn't need to think about until I did somehow find the source. I could worry about the existential rights of beast people and their existence later. For now, I had cats to please. Apparently, I had been lax in my playtime with them, or so they told me. I had to fix that and make sure to not ignore them in the future.

Sugarlick went to her room, I had the Freemartin and Selene the wolf woman stay in the next room, and I entered the last room with the cats. I made them purr and meow all night, to their delight.

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