Summoned Again?

064 Over The Wall


It took a week for the three heroes to reach the East Wall. It was their first time seeing it and it was amazing.

“Can you imagine how much magic it took to raise that thing?” Lionel asked with wonder in his voice.

“Or how long.” Nat said. “They even built a hundred foot tall wall around the city underneath it.”

“There's no stairs, ladders, or anything.” Angel said as she stared at the huge thing. “Will we be okay going up that thing?”

Lionel chuckled. “You could use your transport magic and carry us.”

“And damage my pretty wings? I don't think so.” Angel said. “Those are for battle only.”

“Also for when you want to play with them in the mirror.” Nat teased.

“Hey, they're beautiful.” Angel said in her defense. “I can also feel them when they manifest.”

“What do they feel like?” Lionel asked.

“Like an arm I don't have.” Angel admitted. “When they exist, I know how to use and work them. When they don't exist, I miss them.”

“That's a little sad, actually.” Nat whispered.

The three of them fell silent and continued on to the walled city at the base of the wall. They were amazed that there was a mile of flat ground all the way up to the wall. When they looked from side to side, they were stunned when it was the same for as far as they could see. It was completely barren, though.

“I think we know where the got the earth from.” Lionel said. “They even cleared out the mountains in the distance!”

“That's amazing... and scary.” Nat said. “Why didn't they just... you know...”

“...kill them all?” Lionel asked and Nat nodded. “They tried, according to the research Damon sent us.”

“WHAT?” Angel turned on her horse to stare at him angrily. “They didn't!”

“Of course they didn't succeed.” Lionel said, intentionally misinterpreting her shout. “Everyone they sent became like the ones they were trying to exterminate.”

Angel remained angry and turned back to face front. “Is that everyone's response around here? Kill it and don't worry about it anymore?”

“Pretty much.” Nat said. “Look at how hard they pushed us to train to gain as many levels as possible.”

Angel let out an unhappy sigh. “At least it worked. I'm at level 67 already and I have all of my main skills unlocked and maxed.”

“I'd call you a cheater, except I'm at level 71 from battling against you.” Nat said with a smile.

“That is not fair.” Angel pouted, which looked super-cute on her supermodel face. “You don't even use real weapons!”

Nat laughed. “I have them in my inventory.”

“That's still not fair.” Angel said. “Lionel, tell her it's not fair.”

“I'm at level 65, thanks to the both of you needing my healing skills and magic assistance. I didn't really need to fight at all.” Lionel said.

“Okay, now that's really not fair.” Angel pouted and her two friends laughed.

They arrived at the city gate and dismounted from their horses, submitted to inspection, and had their names, classes, and jobs recorded. They went through and were told that they wouldn't be able to ride their horses on some of the more popular streets, which just happened to be the ones going to where they needed to go.

It took them an hour to get to the wall to meet the representatives from the capital. They took charge of the horses, informed them that horses could be acquired on the other side, and loaded onto a platform.

“So, do you think this is going to lift us up to the top, or...” Nat started to ask and then the people in the room changed. “...what the hell?”

“I didn't even feel that.” Lionel said, surprised. “Either my magic detection isn't good enough or they're masking it with something too powerful to register.”

“Please follow me.” A man said and waved them forward. “I assume you know that we don't have any restrictions on what you can take into the forbidden zone?” He asked and they nodded. “Then we can bypass the second security check when things are sent up.”

The three heroes looked into the room where they did that and shivered a little at the treatment of the people inside. They were bombarded with fire spells and healing spells to get rid of the skin that might have been in contact with a contaminated item. The thing was, they did it willingly. They were also paid extremely well for their suffering and important job.

The three heroes entered another room with a similar platform and stepped onto it.

“It was very nice meeting divine sent beings again.” The man said. “Good luck, and I hope to never see you again.”

“Wh-what?” Nat gasped and then the man was gone and a woman stood near the platform in his place, only she wasn't quite a woman. Her face and main body shape was definitely human-like and was quite sexy; but, her deep black fur with one distinct white strip from her nose, over her head and down her back to her very large fluffy tail, marked her distinctly as a beast infected. At least she was wearing pants and a shirt.

“Don't be startled by my appearance. I had my genital scent glands removed years ago.” The skunk woman said with a huge smile. “Please, come with me.”

The three heroes stared at her as she turned around and her large fluffy tail was half stuck up and was folded over, almost like a squirrel's. She swayed her hips exaggeratedly as she left the room. She stopped at the door and turned back to look at them.

“Is everything all right?” She asked, concern on her face.

“Yes.” Nat said, the first one to recover from meeting an anthropomorphic animal, then quickly made up a believable excuse to cover their shock. “I was just staring at your ass and forgot to follow you.”

The skunk woman laughed and it was a pleasant sound. “Thank you for the compliment.” She said. “I'm already mated and he will be pleased that I have attracted a hero's attention.”

“Is he... ah... like you, too?” Nat asked. She was going to say 'a skunk like you'; but, she was unsure if the name 'skunk' was even a thing on this world.

“Yes, he is a fine male specimen.” She responded with a tender voice. “I've already had two kits by him and if he can get a bit of time off from work, we are planning for another.”

Nat only nodded and grabbed her friends by their hands and dragged them from the room. They went to a security station, where they were once again checked of everything, their names, classes, jobs, and descriptions were recorded, then they were led out of the area and into another.

“This is the research station.” Nat said as she looked around.

“Yes, we would never allow such a strictly guarded place like the Ascendance to be anywhere except where it could be monitored constantly by professionals.”

“The Ascendance?” Nat asked. She was apparently the spokesperson, because the other two were still staring at the skunk woman, as if waiting for her to spray them... or heaven forbid, become rabid and attack them.

“The platform to transfer to the top of the wall.” The skunk woman said. “What else would it be called if it ascends such heights?”

Nat didn't say anything in response and the skunk woman led them to another part of the facility. They were brought into a nice waiting room and the skunk woman knocked on the door to a small office.

“The heroes have arrived.” The skunk woman said to the closed door. The door opened a few seconds later and a very tall gazelle woman came out.

“It is very nice to meet the other divine beings sent with Day Man.” She said. “My name is Bonika and I am the head of this research station.”

Nat reached out to shake hands and then realized what she was doing. “Oh! I'm sorry.” She said and took her hand back.

“You are almost as brave as Day Man.” Bonika said. “He didn't stop or hesitate when he touched me.”

“We aren't as experienced as him.” Nat said. “He started here in this land. We've been in the Kingdom of Man this whole time.”

Bonika laughed and it kind of startled the other two out of their stunned silence.

“We've seen... paintings.” Angel said and looked at the gazelle that was taller than her, which was a bit intimidating for the supermodel who was used to being the tallest person in the room. “It didn't capture your... um... height.”

Bonika smiled at her, knowing she was uncomfortable with her appearance and not just her height. “Some people cannot adjust easily, that's true.” She said and made sure to not approach too closely. Unlike with Day Man, she had no urges or compulsions towards these uninfected people. It gave credence to Day Man's theory that certain strains look for certain hosts after he read all of the reports she had given him.

It had been two weeks since he had left and she missed him terribly. It wasn't just the sex. His company itself was pleasant and he was completely comfortable with her. He never flinched like every other normal human she met, and that alone had endeared her to him.

“He asked me to explain anything that you might have questions about.” Bonika said, instead of what she was thinking, which was that she wished he was there instead of the people in front of her.

“No, we don't have any questions about the research. It looked like he did a lot of work before he left.” Nat said.

“He did, even more than I thought he would.” Bonika said, cryptically. “Is there anything of a more general manner you wish to ask?”

“What's it like being an animal?” Lionel asked before he could stop himself.

Bonika lowered her head towards him and let out a growl. “Why don't you tell me?”

Lionel's face flushed a little red from embarrassment. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean...”

“Unlike you, I conduct myself in a civilized manner when meeting new people.” Bonika said and raised her head. “If there is nothing else, I will have Leona show you out.”

Lionel opened his mouth to apologize again and Nat elbowed him in the gut. “Ooof!”

“It was nice meeting you.” Nat said and she took the arms of her friends and dragged them out of the office behind the skunk woman. “How could you be that stupid?” She asked him angrily when the door shut behind them.

“I was curious...” Lionel started to say.

“You could have worded it much better than that!” Nat said as the skunk woman took then down the stairs towards the entrance. “We're supposed to be Goddess Jasindia's representatives on this world!”

“I said I was sorry.” Lionel said in his defense. “I would have apologized again if you hadn't elbowed me.”

“You would have put your foot in your mouth again, too!” Nat accused and shook her head. “From now on, keep your mouth shut like Angel. She's smart enough to do it, so she doesn't embarrass herself.”

Lionel didn't say anything and Leona led them to the front door.

“I hope you are successful in your endeavor.” Leona the skunk woman said, her voice flat.

Nat pushed the other two out the door and turned to the skunk woman. “Please, don't think less of them. People like you don't exist where we come from and it's quite a shock to see you in person.”

Leona let out a sigh. “I guess expecting you to be as nice and accepting as Day Man was too much to hope for.”

“Give us time.” Nat said and reached out to take her hand. She didn't flinch as she cupped it with both of hers and held it. “I really did look at your ass.”

Leona let out a squeak of a laugh. “The pants are new.”

“You can stare at my ass as I leave, if you want.” Nat said with a smile.

“Are you kidding? You look naked without a tail!” Leona joked and they both laughed briefly.

Nat let her hand go and went to the door as she shook her ass as much as she could. “Oh! I almost forgot. Where can we get horses?” She asked with the door open.

“The Stable is just outside the city walls.” Leona said. “Be careful and respectful. Horses are not just horses.”

Nat widened her eyes slightly and nodded in understanding. “Thank you.”

“Good luck.” Leona said with enthusiasm and Nat waved and left the building.

“Are you two done staring?” Nat asked the two practically stiff people in front of her.

“Nat! Look!” Angel said and grabbed her friend's shoulders and turned her to look.

“Oh, my god.” Nat said as she looked at the entire plaza in front of them with roads going all over the place and animal people were everywhere. They had arrived at one of the busiest times of the day and the roads were packed with them. “We... need to leave the city.” She said. “There's a stable just outside the city.”

“With them?” Lionel asked and pointed to a ten foot tall horse man as he walked by.

“Oh, sweet Jesus.” Nat whispered and couldn't help but stare at the very tall man and his extremely muscular form. That wasn't what shocked her, though. He walked over to a horse woman that had strong muscular legs and a firm body that had her mouth watering a little. She looked at the horse woman's almost human face and saw her staring right back at her.

“We need to go.” Angel said and broke her own rule as she activated her battle skill Armed Flight. Her armor formed around her and she grabbed her friends under their arms as her very large angel wings formed behind her. She beat them once, twice, and lots of people nearby yelled and hollered about the gusts of wind, then the three heroes launched into the air a couple hundred feet.

Every single being stopped what they were doing and looked up at the flying woman with giant white wings.

“Fly faster!” Lionel said and did his best to hold on. “I'm slipping!”

“I can... only hold it... for thirty seconds... anyway!” Angel said and beat her wings to pick up speed. “Nat! You have to... catch us!”

“I'm on it!” Nat said and found what she was looking for in her inventory. “Ready!”

“Six... five... four...” Angel said, her voice strained, as she angled them towards what she hoped was a completely clear field. Just as they dipped passed the hundred foot wall around the city, Nat instantly cast the spell that her class used and a fifty foot tall couch cushion appeared in front of them on the ground. Angel's wings gave out, her armor faded as they flipped over, and they plummeted down fifty feet and slammed into the cushion.

“UNNNHHHH!” Angel cried out as she took the brunt of the impact and her two friends landed mostly on top her. Even on a soft surface, dropping fast and hard onto it, really hurt if you weren't careful.

There was no time to be careful.

A group of armored guards ran over to them and stared at the giant cushion. “You up there! Come down this instant!”

“Just a minute!” Nat said and rolled off of her friend. “Angel, why didn't you let us go?”

“B-b-bounce.” Angel said. “You would have... bounced off.”

Nat gasped and looked at the cushion. “Thank you.” She said. “I need to find something else.”

“No... just... less height and speed.” Angel said. “Lionel?”

“I'm diagnosing the damage.” Lionel said. “All right, I got it.” He said and cast Major Healing on her.

“Ahhh, thanks.” Angel said and sat up. “It's too bad that doesn't work on my wings.”

“Can you deploy them again?” Lionel asked.

“No, the option is greyed out.” Angel said.

“We better get down from here.” Nat said and stood up. “Two more smaller cushions, coming up.”

A thirty foot high cushion and a ten foot one appeared nearby. The trio took Angel's warning to heart and were careful jumping down to the next one as the big one faded. They jumped to the next and the previous one faded, then they jumped to the ground and the last one faded.

“We're sorry about that.” Nat said and waved at the wall. “It was too dangerous to try and land on the inside.”

The guards stared at them and didn't say anything.

“We'll go right over to pass through the checkpoint properly.” Nat said, took her friends by the arm and led them over to it.

The guards followed them and they went through the checkpoint twice. Once to go in and once to come back out.

“Once again, we're sorry for the mistake.” Nat said with a huge smile. “Thanks for not being too angry over it.” She gave them a wave and dragged her friends away from the city entrance and towards where the guard said the stable was. She saw the mansion that had been turned into a stable and Nat whispered under her breath. “Stop staring at the pretty female horses, Nat. Stop it.”

Several of the horses turned to look at her and her face flushed red. She hadn't expected them to hear her whispers. As they approached the mansion's main doors, a brown furred and black haired horse woman came over to them.

“Hello, travellers.” She said in a pleasant voice. “What can The Stable do for you today?”

“We need... oooff!” Lionel said when Nat elbowed him again. “Stop doing that!”

“Be. Quiet.” Nat said sternly to him and looked at the female horse with a smile. “We need to hire, borrow, or catch a ride with anyone going along this route.” She said and showed the horse woman. “Our friend went this way and we need to catch up to him quickly.”

The horse woman looked at the route and smiled. “Paula has been expecting you.”

“Paula?” Nat asked, a little surprised.

“She's the Stable Manager.” The horse woman said. “Please, follow me and I'll take you to her.”

The trio of heroes followed the horse woman and their eyes took in everything. Horse men walking normal horses, horse women and men doing chores, and stable stalls were everywhere. They arrived at the main office and the horse woman knocked.

“Yes?” Another horse woman said when the door opened.

“Hi, Maria. The Divine beings that Paula has been waiting for are here.”

“Oh! Wonderful.” Maria said and opened the door. “Come right in.”

Nat led the other two inside the small office and the door shut behind them. They were led through another door and it was a large plush inner office. That wasn't what had her attention, though. Oh, no. It was the completely white and very beautiful horse woman that sat behind the desk. She was gorgeous and Nat couldn't stop the drool from leaving her mouth. She became wet right away and Paula's nose took a huge sniff.

“Ooooh!” Paula slowly stood. She walked over to the three heroes with a normal walk. “This is what Day Man warned me about.” She said and knelt on the floor to put her face at Nat's height. “He said you were cute; but, I never expected that you would be delicious, too.”

“D-d-delicious?” Nat asked, barely able to speak.

“You are wet for me and I am very flattered by that.” Paula said and licked her lips. “For some reason, after Day Man came back and diagnosed my old injury and then healed it, he told me to tell the tiny hero that I just couldn't find a proper male to mate with.” She said. “I've never mated with a male, horse or otherwise.”

Nat took in a sharp breath. “I... I... love you!” She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around Paula's neck and kissed her passionately.

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