Summoned Again?

065 The Stable Rules

“I've always...” *Kiss* “...had a thing...” *Kiss* “...for horses.” Nat said and kissed Paula for all she was worth.

“Nat! Control yourself!” Lionel exclaimed.

“NO!” Nat said. “For me to find...” *Kiss* “...the most beautiful...” *Kiss* “ and woman I've ever imagined...” *Kiss* *Kiss* *Kiss*

Angel stood there, frozen in shock, as her friend did exactly what they had been warned not to do by the researchers, immunity or not. Even on their own world, bare fluid transfer was almost as bad as not wearing protection when you had sex. You were inviting disaster if you weren't careful. Her eyes went to Lionel, someone she had unprotected sex with quite a lot over the last two months, and he looked as disgusted at the sight as she felt.

“Paula? Are you all right?” Maria asked.

“I'm...” *Kiss* “...fine.” Paula said. “I need...” *Kiss* “...some privacy.”

“Yes, Manager.” Maria said and stepped in front of Lionel and Angel. “We need to wait in the outer office.”

Lionel opened his mouth to yell at Nat to stop when Nat decided right that moment to store her clothing. The horse woman named Paula let out a happy neigh and a quite long tongue came out and licked Nat's breasts. Her pink nipples popped out instantly and Nat growled at her to keep going.

Lionel closed his mouth, took Angel's hand, and left through the door. As Maria closed it, the last thing they saw was Nat on the floor and that long tongue slipping between her legs.

“OHHHHHH!” Nat yelled through the closed door.

Maria touched the door and the sound was immediately cut off. “We should have left a few seconds earlier.” She said, a little embarrassed. “I haven't seen Paula react like that to anyone before.”

“It's the same with Nat.” Lionel said. “She's always been the level headed one.”

“I think we teased her too much about sex.” Angel said, finally getting over the shock. “I knew it bothered her when she walked in on us the first time, so I tried to make it like it was the most natural thing to happen when we kept doing it.”

Lionel nodded. “When she was upset, I thought she was just pretending.” He said and then sighed. “We have to apologize to her.” He walked over to the door and Maria stepped in front of him.

“The Stable Manager needs privacy.” Maria said.

“She's my friend and...” Lionel started to say and Maria touched him and cast the same spell. His mouth kept moving and nothing came out. He stepped back and touched his throat.

“No, I didn't steal the sound. I put up a barrier to block sound from passing through it.” Maria said.

Lionel reached a hand out towards her and Maria's hand swatted his aside and one of her powerful legs lifted up instantly and a hoof slammed into his chest.

Lionel didn't make a sound as all the air left his lungs and he flew across the room and hit the wall. It was made from reinforced wooden beams a foot thick, so he hit, bounced off, and crumbled to the floor, unconscious.

“YOU!” Angel yelled and armor started to form around her as she equipped a sword.

Maria's hoof shot out and kicked Angel's hand to knock the sword away, then she stepped forward and covered Angel's face with her much larger hand. Another step later, Angel was flat on her back, inside a slight depression in the floor, with a snarling horse woman above her.

“I am the Corraller for this Stable.” Maria said and placed a hoof on Angel's chest to hold her down. “I have trained all my life to be the strongest Corraller to ever exist, even stronger than my father.” She said and pressed down a little to make Angel wheeze her breath. “Have you identified me yet?”

Angel didn't have the air to speak, so she shook her head.

“Do it.” Maria said and after a second, Angel's eyes went wide. “I am level 90.” She stepped off of Angel, who took in a huge breath of air and then coughed. “The only one here that's stronger than I am, is Paula.”

Angel's eyes widened and then looked at the closed door.

“We are waiting for as long as Paula wants privacy and no one enters that office without her say so.”

Angel looked back at Maria and nodded. Maria retreated to her desk and sat on the front of it, fully prepared to keep them away from the door. Angel sat up and rubbed her chest, sure that there was a hoof print on her breastbone. She shakily got up, the impact on the floor had taken a significant amount of her health away, and she walked over to Lionel.

“No!” Angel said when she saw the pool of blood and knelt to check on him.

“He's not dead.” Maria said and pointed to her ears. “He's going to be sore when he wakes up.”

Angel used Identify on him and he only had a quarter of his health left. “You almost killed him!”

“He tried to cast an offensive spell against me.” Maria said. “I reacted.”

Angel opened his shirt up to inspect the damage and saw a huge horse shoe imprint. No wonder it hurt so much! She thought and placed her hand on it. She chanted and cast Battle Medic on him. She breathed a sigh of relief when Lionel's health went up to half, the internal bleeding stopped, and his condition stabilized.

“I was well within my rights to kill him.” Maria warned her. “Anyone attacking any member of The Stable are to be dealt with appropriately.”

Angel didn't respond as she sat down on the floor beside the wall and pulled Lionel into her lap to wait for him to wake up. Thanks to this little incident, she realized that if anything happened to their main healer, they were pretty much screwed. She also knew that even though they had been training like mad for two months straight with the best the Kingdom of Man could offer... it was not enough.


An hour later, Nat lay on the floor of Paula's office, thoroughly satisfied and out of breath. She absently stroked the hair and mane of the gorgeous horse woman that had made her feel more wonderful than anyone else in the history of time itself, or so her pleasure overloaded brain told her.

“That was something.” Paula said and let out a satisfied neigh. “I've never mated with a woman before, either.”

Nat moved her hand down to stroke Paula's face. “I don't think I've ever finished so many times in my life.” She said and propped herself up on an elbow to look down at Paula and gave her a kiss. “For never doing it before, you did a fantastic job.”

“I could tell.” Paula said with a smile. “You did well yourself.”

Nat looked at the huge puddle that the rug they were on hadn't been able to soak up. “I hope you enjoyed it.” She said, slightly worried. “I know that... well...”

“...that horse men have enormous penises.” Paula finished for her and Nat nodded. “If all I wanted was someone to ram me, I have several large riding crops and whips that can do the job just as well as a skin covered bone.”

Nat looked a bit excited and opened her mouth to speak.

Paula let out an amused neigh and interrupted her. “We don't have time, my cute little hero.” She said and sat up. “You need to travel fast to catch up to Sugarlick.”

“Sugarlick?” Nat asked.

“She is Day Man's horse guide and possible annoyance, especially if they meet any male horses along the way, either normal or men.”

Nat took in a sharp breath. “Maybe she'll delay him for us.”

Paula laughed and stood up, then helped her to stand. “Yes, keep looking at the bright side.” She said and picked up her outfit. She started to get dressed and Nat equipped her clothing. “I am envious of your storage.” She said and fastened her skirt and then put on her blouse.

Nat helped her button it up and then reached up for her neck. Paula bent down and they kissed for several seconds, then Paula broke the kiss and let out a happy neigh. Nat smiled at her and took her hand, then the two of them walked over to the door of the office. When it opened, they both took in sharp breaths at the scene before them.

“Maria!” Paula said loudly as Nat ran over to her two friends. “Explain this!”

Maria did. It didn't take long and Paula let out a long and drawn out sigh.

“You two are idiots!” Nat spat at them as she knelt by them. “Didn't you identify them?” She asked, then shook her own head when they shook theirs. “What were you thinking?!?”

“We... just...” Lionel said, barely above a breath.

“How long until you can heal yourself?” Nat asked, angrily.

“Another... twenty minutes.” Lionel said. “Regeneration should get me... to a good spot by then.”

Nat stood up and walked over to Paula. “My love, please forgive their mistake.”

Paula smiled at her, because she couldn't be angry at someone so cute. “Don't worry, love. I promised to help you and you will be helped.”

Nat took her hand and held it to her chest as she hugged it. “Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it.” Paula said. “I have a volunteer that would like to meet Day Man and he even has his own cart to carry you.”

Nat gave her a very happy smile. “That's very kind of you... and him.”

“I think he wants the bragging rights.” Maria said with a laugh. “He gets to haul three heroes across the ravaged lands to reunite them with the fourth hero.”

“That would be a good story to tell.” Nat agreed. “When can we leave?”

“As soon as your friends can travel without hurting themselves.” Paula said and looked over at them. “I hope you learned this lesson well.”

Angel nodded and whispered into Lionel's ear. He nodded as well.

Half an hour later, the three of them were fully healed, refreshed, and piled into the back of a cart. Nat had created a sofa cushion in the back for them to rest on and they left The Stable with a wave and a slightly teary goodbye between Nat and Paula.

“I swear I'll be back!” Nat promised and waved from the cart as the horse man pulled away down the road. “I love you!”

“I love you, too!” Paula said and waved enthusiastically. “I eagerly await your return, Natalie!”

“BYE!” Nat yelled as the cart picked up speed. The horse man bent down and really got to digging his hooves into the dirt and then she couldn't see the stable anymore.

“You really fell hard for her.” Angel commented.

“Like from a mountain onto jagged spikes.” Nat joked and sat down in the cart. “I never thought I'd meet anyone like her.”

“What? Part horse?” Lionel asked and received an elbow in the gut. “Oof! Stop that!”

“Then stop spouting nonsense, you idiot.” Nat said. “She's smart, resourceful, and...”

“You only had sex with her.” Angel interrupted. “Where is all this other stuff coming from?”

“We talked, of course.” Nat said with a huff. “We weren't going at it for the whole time we were together.”

“Why not?” Lionel asked and blocked the elbow before it hit. “I'm not being insensitive.”

“Because, just like Paula said, if all I wanted was someone to have sex with, I would have gone down on Angel the very first day.” Nat said.

“HA! I knew you liked my vagina!” Angel said, her voice full of satisfaction. “It's pretty, isn't it?”

“When it doesn't have a penis in it, yeah.” Nat admitted.

“What about my breasts? You like them too, right?” Angel asked and cupped them.

“Well, actually...” Nat started to say that her nipples were too dark.

“You better tell me that you like them.” Angel said as she let her chest go and shook her fist at Nat. “Say it!”

Nat clamped her mouth shut and smiled instead.

“I said say it!” Angel tackled her and they rolled around on the soft cushion as Angel did her best to tickle her. Nat laughed and laughed as the assault continued and she didn't say it.

Lionel looked on as his friends made up after his and Angel's potentially disastrous mistake of insulting the Stable Manager.

To their surprise, even with stops for food, water, and rests for the horse man, it only took them a week to catch up to Damon. The horse man was apparently a very fast runner and he ran all out for the entire time that they travelled. He was just as eager to meet the fourth hero as they were.

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