Summoned Again?

066 Heroes Reunited


“It's about time you arrived.” I said to the horse man that skidded to a stop in the middle of the town square with the cart behind him. “I was worried I would have to let this farce keep going.”

The cat women in the large cage with me let out purring laughs, Selene the wolf woman barked a happy yip, and the Freemartin let out an amused bleat. Sugarlick trotted over to the cage to speak and just drooled at the horse man instead.

“I ran as hard as I could.” The horse man said. “Hello, Sugarlick.”

“Hello... George.” Sugarlick said with a rumbling neigh. She strutted over to him and her hand touched the large bulge in his pants. “I haven't had a proper man in weeks.”

“I do not have time to...” George started to say, then his pants were down to his hooves.

Sugarlick jerked on him as she knelt. “Let me show you something Day Man lets his women do.” She said and opened her mouth wide.

“HUUUUNNNNHHHH heenhhh heenhhh!” George neighed loudly as Sugarlick took him into her mouth. He had never felt anything like it before and he was hard instantly.

“Mmmm!” Sugarlick moaned and took as much of him into her mouth and throat as she could.

Everyone watched as she worked on the poor horse man that was completely at her mercy. George let out a quick neigh and pulled off the straps holding him to the cart, yanked Sugarlick up to stand and whipped her around, then he tore off her little shorts and shoved his literal boner into her.

“OHHHHH!” Sugarlick moaned loudly as George rode her, just how she liked it, rough and powerful, so that she could feel everything. No one said anything, as if they all knew it was going to happen, and they all waited for it to be over.

“Did you know that was going to happen?” The Freemartin asked me.

“I didn't need a flash of Divine Sight to know Sugarlick was going to jump on anything even resembling a 'proper man'.” I responded and she let out a soft bleat of amusement.

“I can't believe this is happening.” Lionel said and couldn't look away from the scene that was right in front of him. He never imagined that any woman could take nearly all of that huge erection, no matter how tall she was.

“How is she not screaming in pain?” Angel asked. “He's not being gentle at all!”

Nat laughed and hopped down out of the cart. “Some people like that kind of stuff.” She said and walked around the cart, passed by the moaning horse coupling, and walked over to the cage. “Hi, there. I'm Nat.”

I chuckled and held a hand out through the bars of the cage. “It's nice to finally meet you officially. I'm Damon.”

“I'm glad you're not like some giant ape or something.” Nat said with a big smile.

“I was luckily enough to have my armor on for most of my time here.” I said and stored it to replace it with normal clothes.

Nat nodded understanding. “I really need to thank you for what you said to Paula.”

“It's the least I could do for leaving you guys and going ahead.” I said and her big smile returned.

“I can't believe you kissed her!” Nat said, referring to the goddess.

“She dropped me from a few hundred feet up.” I said and she laughed.

“That was a bit of overkill.”

“How come you aren't freaking out about this?” Lionel asked and waved at the horse man and woman going at it like gangbusters. They weren't being quiet about it, either.

“The same reason you aren't. I've seen people having sex before.” I said. “Hi, Angel.”

“You're still human?” Angel asked and I nodded. “That's a relief.”

“I really should ask why you're in a cage in the middle of town.” Nat said.

“Oh, the locals took offense when I kissed the Freemartin openly.” I said.

“Why?” Nat asked. “She's pretty.”

“If you haven't noticed, none of us have our faces covered.” I said and the three heroes stared at me in confusion. “You're supposed to keep your face covered in some parts, because they believe it's taboo to reveal the strain of the virus that you've been exposed to.”

“What? Why?” Lionel asked. “Back at the main city by the wall, everyone there was completely uncovered.”

There were several loud chitters and a few squeaks from the buildings nearby.

“Jesus, Lionel. Think before you speak.” Nat said.

“At least you didn't elbow me this time.”

“I'm too far away and you would see it coming.” Nat smiled.

“It wasn't just the kiss. It was that he's normal and I'm me.” The Freemartin said. “Intentionally trying to infect someone is very bad in these lands.”

Angel and Lionel exchanged knowing looks and then looked right at Nat.

“Yes, I did the same thing. Geez.” Nat rolled her eyes. “Get over it.”

I chuckled. “We've been segregated from the normal population for my blatant disregard of social protocol.” I quoted the words of the elder of the village.

“This was one of the main hubs of infection you've been tracking.” Nat said and took out the route I had left.

I nodded. “I was part way through the interviews with the oldest residents when the incident happened.”

“We were in our room at the inn and one of the workers saw us.” The Freemartin said. “I tried to tell Day Man that they were overreacting and that he didn't have to play along.”

I shrugged. “It gave them something to do.”

The cat women let out hissing laughs. “We've been occasionally licking his face, just to give them a little thrill.”

“They won't believe us that we've been together for months.” Selene the wolf woman said. “Day Man won't ease my itch while we're in the cage, either.”

“Ease your itch?” Nat asked.

“Like this.” Selene said and pulled her skirt up, sat down and spread her legs, then she bent in half and started licking herself.

“Fuck.” Lionel said and turned away. “Give a guy some warning, please.”

Nat's mouth opened in surprise as Selene's long tongue licked her own vagina all over, even inside, and she fought hard to not be jealous over that. Very, very hard.

“No matter how much I lick, it keeps itching.” Selene said and kept going for several minutes. She eventually stopped and sighed. “I need his baby machine to stop it.”

“How long are you being held for?” Lionel asked.

“NNNEEEIIIIIGGGGHHHHHHHH HEHHH HEHHH!” Sugarlick neighed and moaned as George finally finished inside of her. He neighed happily and nipped at her shoulder playfully. She reached up and stroked his nose lovingly, so he moved from her shoulder to her mouth and kissed and licked it.

“I'd say until right about now.” I joked and everyone in the cage with me laughed.

Lionel had to turn away from them when George pulled himself out of the horse woman and Angel's mouth dropped open when his semi-hard penis flopped out and a lot of extra fluids came out as well. Angel's face burned red and she turned away, too.

“Are you happy now?” I asked Sugarlick and she let out a happy neigh and nodded. “That's good enough for me.” I said and turned towards the main town hall. “Elder! I have reflected on my misdeeds and I am prepared to make reparations, now that I've seen the error of my ways.”

Almost immediately, the entire town was out and had gathered around. One of the figures stepped forward and her head turned to look at the new arrivals.

“Will you command them to cover their faces?” An old woman's raspy voice asked.

“As soon as I am free and make it up to you and your people, we will all cover our faces and will leave your humble presence with both humility and gratefulness.” I said and gave her a regal bow.

There were a lot of approval sounds from the others.

“Your words move me, Day Man.” She said and waved at the one beside her. The figure darted over to the cage, quick as a flash. There was a clink of metal and the figure was back beside her. The cage door opened and I stepped out.

“You three, stay quiet.” I said to Nat, Angel and Lionel. “Especially you.” I said to Lionel. He looked affronted until Nat elbowed him in the gut to make him grunt. “Thanks.” I said to her and then walked over to the Elder and knelt on one knee. “Please accept an offering that comes from another world.”

She nodded her head and I clapped my hands lightly, so it wouldn't startle anyone, and opened my hands to reveal a bottle of soda pop.

“What is it?” She asked, genuinely curious.

“It's a beverage that my people consume.” I said and opened the bottle. The telltale whish of air made some of them jump. “It's chilled to perfection as well, so please enjoy.” I said and held it out to her.

She put her face near it and jerked. “It attacks!”

All of the figures around us had swords, bows and arrows, maces, and a few had glowing hands pointed at me. It had happened instantly, too.

I laughed and held a hand up. “Dear lady, the bubbles are the telltale sign that it is still fresh.” I said. “If I may, I will drink first to show you.”

She nodded her head and I took a drink to show her how to do it.

“Ahh.” I said and held it out again. “You can keep it like this or pour it into a cup. The fizz dies down quickly if you do.”

She gently took it and put it to her face again. “It... kind of... tickles.” She said and took a sniff. “The drink of a godling.” She whispered and used her free hand to pull off her face covering, which surprised the others.

The old and still pretty fox lady put the bottle to her lips and took a drink. “AH!” She yelped and almost dropped it as she covered her mouth with her free hand.

I quickly grabbed her hand with the bottle in it and held her steady. “Try again, Elder.” I said in a soothing voice. “No one on this world has tasted this before, so it might take some getting used to.”

A collective hush fell over everyone and she nodded. She tried again and only took a little sip. She only jerked a little, then she smiled. She took another and didn't react, except to let out a happy chittering sound.

“I did it!” She said as she held the bottle up and a cheer came from everyone.

We spent the next few minutes discussing the drink, then I made the full offering. I gave her a whole case of pop, all 24 bottles of it, and she offered me her granddaughter in return. I very politely declined, stating that our coupling would be short lived, especially if I found the source as quickly as I hoped we would.

“You are right. It would waste her potential if she was tied to you for the rest of her life and you wouldn't be here for her.” The old fox lady said. “Daughter? Would you try to have his pups in your daughter's stead?”

“I would be honored to be seeded by a godling of his prominence, mother.” The figure beside her said and her smell hit my nose like a slap in the face. Everyone looking could see my erection, since I was only wearing normal clothes and not my armor.

“I see you approve.” The old fox lady said with a smile. “Do not worry, Day Man. She has a mate no longer and no others have stepped forward to claim her.”

I tried to stop my drool and had to wipe my mouth off with my hand. “I... need... a room.”

The crowd parted and the last person there opened the door to the town hall.

“Good enough.” I said and used my full speed to pick up the fox woman and then ran by them all instantly.


A startled shout came from everyone, and they all looked at the old fox lady.

“We need to observe that they properly mate.” The old fox lady said, covered her face, then the entire gathering ran inside the town hall to watch.

“Did that just happen?” Angel asked and looked around to see that her group and Damon's group were the only ones left in the town square. “He's not really...”

A long high pitched howl, that almost sounded like a scream, cut through the deserted square. It was soon followed by a long series of happy little barks.

“I'd say that's a definite yes.” Nat said and did her best to not laugh at Lionel's disgusted face.

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