Summoned Again?

076 The End Of The Trail Part One


“I suspected that it was you.” I said.

“I know.” The god said and tapped his temple beside his eyes. “You've been having trouble 'seeing' things lately, haven't you?”

“That's why I suspected you.” I responded. “You didn't want me finding this guy right away.”

“Yes, that's exactly why.” The god said sarcastically. “I was only messing with you to see how you would handle everything. I was surprised you not only lived, you've had quite a great time.”

“Yes, almost being killed several times was a great time.” I said and he laughed.

“You know what I meant.” The god said. “You've racked up quite a number of conquests.”

I looked at him for a few moments without speaking. “You really have been watching me since I arrived here.”

“As soon as you came out of the portal.” The god said and smiled. “What did you do to Jasindia to make her try to kill you right away?”

“I didn't want to listen to her long speech.” I said and the god laughed again.

“Ha. Yes. I remember you joking with my brother about that.” The god said. “What was it he said? That you wouldn't believe it if he gave you an inspirational speech?”

I nodded. “It just wastes time that could be better spent actually completing the task.”

“She had valuable information for you this time, though.”

“Yeah, I was a bit too hasty.” I said with a shrug and waved at the judge that stood there with a blank expression on his face. “You've been going for the long haul on this one.”

“A hundred years.” The god said.

“Should I even bother asking why?” I asked.

The god shrugged. “A slight. Perceived or otherwise. I honestly can't really remember.”

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I didn't. “Now what?”

“Obviously, I want to see how you can handle someone that's been doing this for a hundred years.” The god said. “You've been at it for only a little over a tenth of that.”

“You want to test experience versus... what? Less experience?” I asked and he laughed again.

“Antiquated versus modern, as you would equate it.”

“If that's the case, I'm going to kick his ass.” I said and the judge frowned.

“You won't have Divine Sight to help you.” The god said. “No divine interference is allowed.”

“I didn't need the sight for the ten years that I didn't have it.” I said and he reluctantly gave me a nod. The immediate problem I had just figured out was that not getting the disease was a protection that was granted by the Goddess Jasindia.

“You may begin.” The god said and faded away.

“One question before we start.” I said to the judge. “What's with the modern city?”

“I judged that this area lacked the proper civilized structures.” The Law responded.

“That... doesn't make sense.” I said. “You wouldn't have seen any of this before coming here.”

“It didn't start this way.” The Law said. “It was a mere normal place at first. Over the years, it has changed and become more like this. It is quite fascinating and I allowed it to be so.”

“Oh. At least you got to keep the fancy courthouse.”

“Yes, it seems that some things will never change.” The Law said and made a fist. “Prepare yourself.”

“I'm ready when you are.” I said and waved for him to attack. He was only ten feet away, so he only had to take a couple of steps to swing his fist at my face. I could see that he had a lot of fighting experience, because he put his whole body into the punch and not just his arm. I equipped my full armor set instantly and easily caught his hand.

The clang of the impact was loud in the deserted city and his eyes widened at the armor's sudden appearance.

“Surprise.” I said and activated the armor's enchantments for strength and speed. I held onto his fist and drove my armored fist into his face. His head snapped back as his face caved in. In the next instant, his nose popped out and the spray of blood cut off. He started to straighten his head to glare at me and I pretended that my arm was a jackhammer and his face was a piece of rock.

“Ughughughughugh...” The Law grumbled as I pounded his face into raw hamburger. His other hand raised to catch my fist and I moved my attacks to his chest. His face healed and he glared at me as I pounded his chest. “Enough!”

I dodged as he swatted at my helm, I assumed to try and knock it off.

“I judge you unworthy to touch me!” The Law said and I felt a wave of magic slam into me.

I grunted and was pushed back from him as I felt my hand be forced to open and let him go. “How long does your judgment last?” I asked and swung at his face. My hand hit an invisible barrier an inch from his face.

“As long as I am alive, my judgment is absolute.” The Law said and backhanded my fist away and grinned at me as he pushed me away. “You can no longer touch me.”

“I don't have to touch you to hurt you.” I said and held both hands out towards him. “FIRE STORM!”

“AAAARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!” The Law said as he was engulfed in a huge magical fire and wind combination. The orange and red flames almost went white as I funnelled some overcharged mana into the spell.

“Having massive regeneration still hurts, doesn't it?” I asked as I crisped him up really good.

“I... judge... spell... backfires.” The Law whispered. The fire storm turned back on me and he dropped to the ground on his knees as he waited for his skin to regrow. “How... do you like.. your own spell?”

“It's a bit relaxing, actually.” I said and stopped adding mana to it. The fire faded and he saw that I was unharmed. In fact, my armor wasn't even glowing from the heat. “Did you know you're naked?”

“Wh-what...” The Law looked down at himself. “I have been disrobed!”

“It was burned away, actually.” I said and he equipped a set of identical robes.

“I judge you to be sent into the sky at my punch!” The Law said and jumped up from a crouch and tried to slam his fist into my repaired chest plate. I blocked with both hands to stop him from caving it in and then I was suddenly several hundred feet into the air and above the city.

“That's a really annoying ability.” I whispered. “What the hell am I supposed to do against a 'you get whatever you want' skill?”

I reached the top of the curved arc I had been sent on and then started falling back towards the ground. I used Featherfall just before hitting the top of a building and ducked down to see what he would do after sending me so far away.

“I have judged that you cannot hide from me!” The Law said and my armor glowed with a white light.

“Now that's just plain cheating.” I said and stood up.

The Law was looking right at me with a smile on his face. “There you are, ruffian.” He said and held his hands out towards me. “Prepare to be judged! Lady Justice! Come to my aid!”

To my surprise, something like a summoning circle appeared in front of him and a woman dressed in a thin white flowing gown appeared. She had a set of scales in one hand and a long sword in the other. Her brown hair was tied up into a bun and she was blindfolded.

“He dared to attack my personage.” The Law said and pointed to me. “Dispatch him for his insolence!”

The woman bent down at the knees and crouched. I saw her dress had huge slits, almost up to her hips, and then she launched into the air towards me. I jumped back from the edge of the roof just in time as she smashed through where I had just stood. She arched through the air and because of the slits in her dress for ease of movement, I had the perfect view right up under it. She wasn't wearing underwear.

No, don't think it Damon. Don't. Just don't. I thought to myself as she fell towards the roof and her dress fluttered out and I did my best to ignore that I just clearly saw... everything.

She landed and swung her sword at me, as if in slow motion, and I easily dodged. I was going to ask her what was wrong when I noticed her dress had fallen off of one of her shoulders and constrained her sword arm. It also revealed her breast. Her very nice and firm breast. The nipple was a wonderful pink and it was also erect... and so was I.

Dammit, dammit, dammit. I thought and dodged the next attack and the next, then I couldn't take it anymore. “Stop for a second! Stop! I want to plead my case for justice!”

The woman stopped in mid swing and stood up straight as she resumed a passive stance.

I walked right over to her and touched her arm where the cloth rested. “You've become undone, dear lady.” I said and lifted the shoulder and covered her breast back up. “It was very distracting to have such beauty flaunted so recklessly.”

The her blindfolded head looked down at where her breast had been exposed and then she looked at me. “Plead your case.”

“I assume your scales can tell if I lie?” I asked and she nodded. “Then listen to my tale.”

She did. I laid it all out for her, in as brief and concise a version as possible. Her scales shifted from side to side as I left out details, then went back and added those details with an apology for forgetting them, and she listened to it all.

“I must hear his side.” She said and turned around.

“Wait!” I exclaimed and she paused. “Um... I want to help you.”

“I am the embodiment of justice. I do not need your help.” She responded.

“No, I didn't mean about making a decision. That's all yours.” I said. “I just... can I help with your dress? It seems to have a tendency to slip off and stop you from being as effective.”

“I can remove...”

“No! That's not what I meant.” I said and chuckled. “I would be even more distracted if you did that.”

“What do you propose?” She asked.

I took out a pair of underwear. “Can you put these on?”

Her blindfolded head ducked to look at them and then at me.

“Please.” I said and her scales and sword disappeared as she took them.

She bent over at the waist and her breasts fell out of her dress as she put the underwear on. She stood up straight again and both breasts were now fully exposed. I sighed a little and then slipped the shoulders of the dress back into place to cover her, then went around her back and used a thin piece of cloth to tie the straps together.

“There. Now you don't have to worry about having your breasts or your womanhood being exposed when you move.” I said and smiled at her.

“You are a strange man.” She said and then jumped off of the building. She dropped down and landed on the pavement, without leaving an imprint in it like I thought she should have, and she walked over to the judge. Her sword and scales reappeared in her hands and as far as I could tell, she asked him to tell his tale, too.

I went to the edge of the roof and sat down to wait. If he was going to tell her everything that happened to him after coming here, just like I had, this was probably going to take a while. I took out a bag of chips and a bottle of pop and enjoyed a nice snack while I watched the show down below.

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