Summoned Again?

077 The End Of The Trail Part Two

Boy, oh boy, it sure was fun watching The Law try to explain to Lady Justice why he did what he did after coming here and changing the population into beasts, condemning them to a life they never should have lived. His minor gripe that I had trespassed seemed so minor now with all of that being revealed.

I used the cleaning spell to get the potato chip grease off of my hands. That is such a handy spell.

It took nearly an hour for the show to end and then Lady Justice turned to look at me.

“Damon, you may approach.” Lady Justice said, her voice carrying up to me as if she was beside me.

I jumped off of the building and landed with Featherfall, then walked over to her. “Thank you, Lady Justice.”

“That is not my name.” Lady Justice said.

“I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend you.” I said and bowed my head. “From where I come from, you are the physical embodiment of Justice. Since you are a lady as well, my mind assigned you an appropriate name.” I looked into her blindfolded eyes. “I mean, I didn't want to possibly insult you by not speaking properly.”

Lady Justice raised her eyebrows for a moment and they disappeared behind the blindfold again. “I suppose the name will do for that purpose.”

I nodded and stood still as I waited.

“Hurry up and deal with this fool.” The Law said. “His insolence is difficult to take.”

I kept my mouth shut and didn't argue that you shouldn't try to rush the embodiment of justice. It takes time for evidence to be weighed and for a decision to be made. As if to prove my point, her scales appeared and a tiny version of me appeared on the right side and a tiny version of the judge appeared on the left side.

I watched with a little bit of trepidation as the scales moved up and down for several minutes. I didn't try to influence it, however. Oh, no. If there was one thing you should never do, it was mess with the balance of someone deciding your future.

“Hurry up!” The Law said and waved at the three still unconscious heroes. “I still have those three to deal with!”

The scales started to tilt down on his side and he smiled... for a second. The scales straightened out and stayed that way.

“I find that you are both at fault.” Lady Justice said.

“WHAT?!?” The Law yelled. “There is no way that I am guilty as well!”

“That's a relief.” I said and if Lady Justice didn't have the blindfold covering her eyes, I thought I might have seen a curious look on her face.

“Damon and the heroes were trespassing on The Law's domain, as they did not have permission to be there.” Lady Justice said to me and then looked at the judge. “You are trespassing on a world you should not be on, as this is not within the domain of your god.”

The Law's face changed from disbelief to anger. “I summoned you to deal out MY justice!”

“Ha!” I barked and he glared at me. “There's no such thing as 'your' justice.” I said and looked at Lady Justice. “Even relegated to only a summoned being, asking Lady Justice to decide someone's guilt or innocence, makes it her decision.”

“Then I will dismiss her and summon one that I will command to not listen to insolence!”

“Then how would you talk to her?” I asked with a smile on my face. I saw a slight smile on Lady Justice's face, too.

“That is enough out of...”

“I have ruled that both of you are guilty.” Lady Justice said, flipped her sword over and jammed it into the pavement. “Since you are both too powerful to have appropriate judgments given by me, I will remove the source of the guilt instead.”

“NOOOOOO!” The Law yelled and swung his fist at her. I was there instantly and deflected it.

“What did I say about interfering with justice?” I asked, then I suddenly wasn't standing on smooth pavement anymore. Almost like watching a video being played backwards, the modern city shrank and 'ungrew' from the dense forest it had replaced.

The Law had a very worried look on his face as the city disappeared and then it came down to just the courthouse. “No... please...”

“It is a blight on this world that shouldn't exist.” Lady Justice said and the building that looked so solid, started to crumble.

I felt, more than saw, The Law's strength leave him and there was no more power in him. By the time the courthouse had crumbled into dust, The Law was barely even conscious and had slumped to the ground.

Lady Justice turned her head to look at me. “You are no longer guilty of trespassing.”

“I thank you, dear lady.” I said and nodded to her. “Please, allow me to remove the other guilty party for you.”

With a slight nod from her, I grinned and activated my special Devour it Whole ability. With the judge no longer fighting against me, he was quickly dissolved and absorbed in a single step.


Congratulations! You have defeated a god's chosen, the legendary person The Law. He had decades of experience over you and you persevered and came out on top. Good Job!

Experience earned: 132,450 (x1)

Battle Crazy Bonus (x2): 264,900

Legendary Kill Bonus: 500,000

Grand Total: 897,350 Experience Points

Experience Overload Bonus: Extra experience gained can be converted to Stat Points or Skill Points at the cost of 1,000 Experience for 1 point.

Unspent Experience: 897,350 (+923 previously unspent)

Current Point Potential: +898


I immediately converted them into stat points, since I didn't want to waste any potential losses. I did not spend them right away, however. I had a theory that I wanted to test later.

Lady Justice stared at me with her mouth open in surprise. “You have that ability?”

I nodded. “Give... me a minute.” I said and felt all of the judge's skills and abilities be absorbed. He had a hundred years of using what he had, so his related skills that were similar to mine folded in and would take some time to assimilate, especially since most of them would push a lot of my half filled skills to full power. The other skills, the ones I didn't have, I gained access to right away.

It normally sucked that new skills were always acquired at Level 1. Normally. I had a few thousand points to spend on skills, so I cranked up the Summon skill to the full 99 points, as well as the Create Domain skill. I didn't try them, though. This was not the time to distort the laws of physics, especially with Lady Justice right there in front of me.

“Thank you for waiting.” I said. “I couldn't use my special skill before. You were right that he was too powerful. Our stats were comparable in most respects and this could have been a long and drawn out fight as I wore him down enough to convince him that he was beaten.”

“I don't understand.” Lady Justice said.

“I thought I could fight him down and make him believe that he would eventually lose. His willpower was completely full and he had a hundred years to acquire skills and abilities... or so I thought.” I chuckled and took her hands in mine. “You removed the thing that he had devoted all of his time and power into.”

“His domain.” Lady Justice said and I nodded.

“He had established it as his power base, because you were right. He was trespassing. He needed something to keep him anchored to this place. The problem was, it was a double edged sword.”

“He couldn't leave it once it was established.” Lady Justice said.

“He invested too much of himself in what this place was and it anchored him here. He claimed that he was bringing the law to this world and judging them as beasts, compared to the normal society that he had come from.” I chuckled. “He was trapped by his belief in his own power and it held him too firmly to let him leave.”

“You will not make that mistake.” Lady Justice said.

“No, dear lady. I am not stupid enough to assume that I know what's good for everyone else.”

Lady Justice stared at me for several minutes. “Do you now why am I not fading?” She asked, curiosity in her voice, and her hands gripped mine harder.

“It's the same reason that the beast strains haven't automatically ended and reverted everyone back to normal.” I said. “Even though he's dead, all of his skills and abilities are still active inside me.”

I added the proper points into the Declare Law ability, since I didn't have that skill before. It showed me the restrictions and things it was under, and I wasn't surprised that there was a specific restriction about using it to kill, because the skill was for a Lawbringer, not an Executioner. None of the things he could declare could be lethal and only dealt with punishment.

I thought it was neat that the Beast Conversion law he had declared and used the Animal Reversion spell to enforce, had actually become a skill for him after using it so much. I filled that skill with points and unlocked all the options for it, too. There was a specific reason for that, namely that it gave me the option to reverse its effects.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

A slow clapping started and the god that had summoned me the first time, slowly appeared.

“Well, you've done it again.” The god said and pointed at the three still unconscious heroes. “You even figured out how to have the three useless lumps along at the final fight.”

“They might have contributed if...” I started to say and he laughed.

“They were some of the worst heroes I've ever encountered.” He said. “Who would even chance coming here to fight and they aren't even above Level 90?”

“I didn't have time to train them.” I said.

“You mean quick level them.” He said and I nodded. “If you hadn't taken the direct route...”

“Thanks for the advice.” I said with a smile. “I'll have them maxed out by the end of the month.”

“She won't leave you here that long.” He said with a smile. “She's not as forgiving as I was.”

I actually managed to not laugh in his face. He noticed, though.

“You are very lucky that we are not allowed to involve ourselves directly.” The god said and he glowed for a second. “It seems my borrowed time is up. Tell Jasindia I said we're even.” He said and turned to walk away, then he faded away into nothing.

“He is guilty.” Lady Justice said. “I do not know of what.”

I chuckled. “I think just knowing he is, is good enough for me.”

She looked at me, even with the blindfold on. “You are still holding my hands.”

“I'm a little afraid that if I let go, I'll lose this version of you.”

“He lied when he said he would summon another version of me. There is only me. When justice is called, I am there.”

I blinked my eyes at her for a second, then chuckled. “That was a brilliant trick to pull on him.”

“It was justified.” Lady Justice said with a smile and I laughed.

“I think I really like you, even with seeing how nonchalant you are with nudity.”

“Naked justice is still justice.” Lady Justice responded, matter of factly.

“I... well, damn. I didn't think of it like that.” I said. “Would you like to stay around?”

“I would... but, I cannot.” Lady Justice said and she turned her head to the left. “Another is calling.”

“Can I call you and...”

“I will only come to serve justice.” Lady Justice said and looked back at me, her face stern.

I honestly could not resist making a joke. I really couldn't. “What if I named my penis 'justice'?”

Lady Justice opened her mouth and froze, I assumed because she couldn't say that she wouldn't serve justice in that case.

“I'll take that as a maybe.” I said with a grin, then lifted her hands to my mouth. “Thank you for your help, dear lady.” I said and kissed the backs of both before letting them go.

Lady Justice tilted her head slightly, as if listening to something, then she leaned in close to whisper. “My name is Iustitia.”

My Summon spell was immediately updated with her name.

“You honor me, Iustitia.” I whispered back. “Thank you.”

Lady Justice nodded as the summoning circle appeared below her, then she and the circle disappeared.

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