Summoned Again?

078 Cleaning Things Up

I walked over to Nat and knelt beside her. I wasn't surprised to see that her body was still trying to fight off the beast conversion. I touched her and used the Beast Conversion skill and cancelled the effect. She let out a sigh of relief, even though she was asleep. I used several diagnostic spells on her and her body was still adjusting itself back to normal. I pet her hair a little and walked over to Angel. I touched her and cancelled the effect. She let out a grunt of pain and then smiled.

“You're imagining what you would become, aren't you?” I whispered to her and used the diagnostic spells on her as well. She recovered much quicker than Nat, and that was understandable, since Nat was more of a magic user than anything else. I pat her head and walked over to Lionel. I looked at his prone form and thought about asking the Goddess Jasindia to lift her protection from him, just to see if he would become a weasel.

I felt the feeling of connection form and closed my eyes to allow it. Goddess Jasindia, I was... kind of joking. I thought to her and she laughed.

“You are a horrible friend sometimes.” Goddess Jasindia said.

Well, he's been a bit annoying for a while... and you know... a good prank is a good prank.

She laughed again. “Yes, you are horrible, because I am actually considering it.”

My Charisma is not that high, is it? I asked, jokingly.

“No.” She chuckled. “It would be a good prank, just to see his face while you three are normal and he became a beast.”

It was just an errant thought. I smiled. So, is it too much for me to ask what the god was talking about?

“You mean that ass saying that we're even when he was the one that started it all?” Goddess Jasindia asked, anger in her voice.

I knew it was a bit fishy when he said that he couldn't remember how it all started. I thought. Usually only guilty people do that.

“Yes, I heard her judgment as well.” Goddess Jasindia said. “Ugh! That jerk, he... well...”

I don't need to know the details, Goddess Jasindia. I kind of knew that you were the wronged party, especially with him involved.

“That was something I didn't know.” Goddess Jasindia said and I felt the connection become stronger.

You didn't ask. I thought and didn't try to block the memories on the other summoning.

“You didn't offer.” She responded and then fell silent as she got everything, even the ending.

I was too eager to get going when you summoned me, remember? I knew perfectly well that the quicker I finished, the faster I would get back home.

“Then cancel the law and then use your skill to undo all of the damage that judge did to my people.”

No. I can't do that.

“Excuse me?” Goddess Jasindia asked and the invisible light on me intensified.

I can't do that. I repeated. Do you know how much chaos would be unleashed if all of the beast people were suddenly changed back to human?

“They will survive.”

That's the thing. I don't believe they would. I thought and felt her doubt. Most of them, except for the most recently infected, were born this way. There's almost no one that has been around since it happened. At least, I haven't found anyone. The closest was the mother bear and she only knew stories.

“New people are being infected.” Goddess Jasindia said, her voice adamant.

That part I can handle easily. I thought. I hereby declare an alteration to the existing law of Beast Conversion. It will no longer be communicable by fluid transfer or any other transfer, except for children being born, as they need to have it to survive the birthing process. Also, if the recipient chooses to become a beast, they can accept it, as long as they are willing.

Goddess Jasindia's intense connection to me reduced back to the normal level. “You won't undo it all.”

I can't, not in good conscience. I said. I've met a lot of people since I've been here and almost none of them would ever choose to become something they aren't.

Goddess Jasindia sighed. “You're reversing the psychology.”

It's appropriate, isn't it? I asked. They've grown up in a society that raised them as beasts, of whatever flavor, and that's how they live. If they suddenly became human, all of those decades of hard work and perseverance would be wasted.

She sighed again. “What will you do?”

I need to visit every settlement and find the most recently infected, of course. I'll give them the choice to change back, then send them back to their normal homes... assuming they would be allowed back. I guess I'll have to go along and deliver them back to their families and then prove that the beast strains are no longer transferable.

“Do you know how long that will take?” Goddess Jasindia asked.

I'm planning on my entire stay here to be six months in total, so... about three more months. My first stop will be the research station by the wall. They can send messengers out to everywhere to prep the recently infected for my arrival. My group can cover a lot of ground when we want to.

“You will destroy all of their research.” Goddess Jasindia said.

Only their continued research into the cause. I know what it was, how it started, and how it became what it became. That was going to happen, anyway. Their work in helping beast people and investigating the changes and reversing the damage the change does, will still be needed, especially their diagnostic and healing section. That place is great.

“I wanted everything to go back to normal.” Goddess Jasindia said, her voice slightly defeated.

Goddess Jasindia, this is normal. It's been the normal way of things for... about eighty years, I think. I chuckled. Then again, once word gets out that the disease is no longer transferable and the beast races aren't walking plagues, I think things are going to significantly change in this country.

“Yes, in a few years, tensions between the still human population and the beasts will ease.”

It takes time for trust to be regained. I thought, then thought of another law. I hereby declare that it is no longer taboo to show your face and reveal the beast strain you have. You may still cover your face if you choose; but, it will be a choice and not a law.

“Is there anything else you want to declare to change society on its ear?” Goddess Jasindia asked.

I'm sure I'll think of something. I thought with a laugh.

“Wake up the others and get going. You don't have much time to waste if you're going to travel the entire country.” She said, a little reluctantly.

I know you are a little upset about this, and I'm sorry. I thought to her and let her feel how sorry I was. Despite there being magic, there's no such thing as a magic solution to all this mess.

“I know.” Goddess Jasindia said. “I would have fixed it a long time ago if that was true.”

I'll do my best to fix it now. I thought. I really will.

“I know you will.” Goddess Jasindia said and I felt the feeling of connection fade away.

“He's gone!” My Favorite said loudly as she ran over to me.

I stood up and accepted her quick hug and kiss. “I assume as soon as he did, his 'get out of my sight' order was lifted.”

She nodded and purred. “We all turned around and came right back.”

I chuckled. “How far away did you get?”

“Don't ask.” George the horse man said. “It was embarrassing to flee like that.”

“I'm sure if Damon wasn't a hero, he would have run, too.” Sugarlick said.

“It's a hero's job to confront things like this.” The Freemartin said and looked down at the three asleep heroes. “Well, some heroes.”

I chuckled again and took her into my arms as I kissed her. “They were still in danger.”

“Will you wake them?” The Freemartin asked me as her arms went around my neck. She gave me a soft kiss, then another. It was very sensual and gave me an erection right away.

“Um... I think... we can rest here for a little while.” I said and the cat women let out purrs, Selene the wolf woman barked happily, and the Freemartin kissed me again.

We ended up staying for the rest of the day and that night, after setting up the tent and moving everyone inside. Nat, Angel, and Lionel didn't object, since they were still in an enchanted sleep.

The next morning, I made another large and ornate breakfast for everyone, then went to wake them up. Nat was the most amicable and accepted that I would tell her all about what happened. Angel was a bit more irate at being taken out of the fight so quickly and then not revived as soon as possible. Lionel yelled and hollered for almost ten minutes as he dodged and avoided me before I could grab him and put him back to sleep.

“You know he's going to be even more pissed at you when he wakes up.” Nat warned me as the rest of us ate a delicious breakfast.

“Who said I was waking him up?” I asked her and she gave me a surprised look for a second, then she burst out laughing.

“That's not funny.” Angel said and we all could see that she was trying hard to not laugh, too.

“I'll give him a few days to cool down. Once we're on the road to go back to the research station, we'll leave the two of you alone and you can explain everything that happened.” I said.

“Thank you.” Angel said.

We finished eating the great meal and I told them the story, while leaving out the part with the god showing up. That wasn't information they needed to know, not now. I had changed my mind and decided that I wasn't going to tell Nat about my first time being summoned. I also cautioned them to make sure to tell everyone that they had been kidnapped... since they technically were... and they fought to get free, which they did.

I also told them my plan.

“You can't be serious.” Nat said. “You're going to stay all that time, just to make sure people have a choice and know that the beast strains are no longer contagious?”

“I need to let them all know and give them the choice.” I said and held a hand out to her.

Nat took it without hesitation and sighed. “Well, I guess I could hang around...”

“I don't need you to stay around for the cleaning up.” I said to her surprise.

“But... I thought...” Nat started to say.

“You can have the Goddess send you back whenever you want to go.” I said and the two women stared at me. “Our reason for being summoned is over.”

Nat's hand squeezed mine. “I... I do want to go home... but...”

“Until you decide, I'm sure that Paula would like to have you visit for a little while.” I said with a smirk. “Or a long while. Horses can be a little finicky about who they choose to mate with.”

“Hey!” Sugarlick exclaimed.

I let Nat's hand go and held a hand out to the horse woman, which she reluctantly took. “You were still finicky, even if you weren't restrictive in who you chose.” I said and looked at George. “It took you a while to find the right one, didn't it?”

“H-how did you know?” Sugarlick asked, her face flushing red as she blushed.

“I know all about looking for someone to be sexually and emotionally compatible with.” I said. “Then I came here and realized that chemistry has a huge impact on who you can care about.”

Sugarlick nodded and let my hand go. “George is the stallion for me.” She turned to the horse man. “The one and only stallion.” She whispered. “I... I want... I want to have your colt.”

George let out a happy neigh and jumped up, quickly turned Sugarlick around right there and then we all got to watch as he did his best to impregnate her on the table.

“I'm really glad that we finished eating already.” Nat said and stared at the very happy couple. She didn't like penises as a general rule; but, she liked how enthusiastic they were to make each other happy.

I saw it all play out on her face and smiled. I was pretty sure that she would stick around until it was time for me to leave this world for good, just so she could get as much happiness as she could.

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